Coexistance of Hadoop MR1 and MR2 - hadoop

Is is possible to run both Hadoop MR1 and MR2 together in same cluster (at least, in theory)?
If yes, how can I do that?

In theory, you can do as:
run DataNode TaskTracker and NodeManager on one machine
run NameNode SecondaryNameNode and ResourceManager on other machines
all processes with different ports
but, not suggest to do this, see cloudera blog:
"Make sure you are not trying to run MRv1 and YARN on the same set of nodes at the same time. This is not supported; it will degrade performance and may result in an unstable cluster deployment."

In theory, yes.
Unpack the tarball into 2 different locations, owned by different users.
In both of them, change all mapred/yarn related ports to mutually exclusive sets.
Run the datanodes from only one of the locations.
Start mapred/yarn related daemons in both locations
Do post here if it works.

Also dfs name dir and data dir should be different for MR1 and MR2.

It seems for Mapr, this is not only a theory but practice, check this link.

You dont need to run both, just run the Hadoop 2.0, it provides full backward compatibility to MapReduce applications written for Hadoop 1.0.
There are few minor changes in API, please look at the link to check if any changes effect your applications.


Druid + Hadoop (for both uses, deep-store & indexing)

If I have Hadoop server (pseudo-distributed mode) running on a separate machine, do I still need to have these files under my Druid's conf dir ? :
The way I see it:
Looks like those -site.xml files are for Hadoop server..., and Druid only acts as Hadoop client. So I don't think Druid needs the hdfs-site.xml.
Core-site.xml..., ok, I can get it. I mean, Druid nees to know the IP of the name node (hadoop).
Mapred-site.xml, partially. Druid needs to know the status of mapreduce jobs (I suppose it will delegate the indexing to Hadoop as MR job). So it needs to communicate with those job trackers to see if the indexing is finished / failed / in progress. For that, it needs the URL of Hadoop JT.
However Druid does not need this prperty "mapreduce.cluster.local.dir", because it does not participate actively in MR job.
Yarn-site.xml? Maybe it should stay, partially. At least for submitting a job (?).
What about HDFS-site.xml? I think this can be scrapped completely.
Capacity-scheduler.xml? It can go.
Please correct me If I'm wrong.
These questions / doubts arises because I'm quite new to hadoop. I have my hadoop setup running. Pseudo distributed mode. I also tested it with javascript webhdfs library to write and read file. Also have tried the sample MR jobs provided by the hadoop dist. So I guess my hadoop setup is fine. I'm just a bit unsure on the Druid site, partly because the doc is not ver clear about it.
Btw.... I have hadoop 2.7.2... While the hadoop-client libs used by Druid is still on 2.3.0.
Should I downgrade my hadoop server to 2.3.0?
Please add the mapred-site.xml core-site.xml hdfs-site.xml yarn-site.xml to the classpath.
Also you don't need to downgrade druid works well with 2.7.X.
As you can see in the doc you can use multiple version of hadoop.

Hadoop client and cluster separation

I am a newbie in hadoop, linux as well. My professor asked us to seperate Hadoop client and cluster using port mapping or VPN. I don't understand the meaning of such separation. Can anybody give me a hint?
Now I get the idea of cluster client separation. I think it is required that hadoop is also installed in the client machine. When the client submit a hadoop job, it is submit to the masters of the clusters.
And I have some naiive ideas:
1.Create a client machine and install hadoop .
2.set to be hdfs://master:9000
3.set to be file://master/home/hduser/hadoop_tmp/hdfs/namenode
Is it correct?
4.Then I don't know how to set the and other configurations.
5.I think the main idea is to set the configuration files to make the job run in hadoop clusters, but I don't know how to do it exactly.
First of all.. this link has detailed information on how client communcates with namenode
To my understanding, your professor wants to have a separate node as client from which you can run hadoop jobs but that node should not be part of the hadoop cluster.
Consider a scenario where you have to submit Hadoop job from client machine and client machine is not part of existing Hadoop cluster. It is expected that job to be get executed on Hadoop cluster.
Namenode and Datanode forms Hadoop Cluster, Client submits job to Namenode.
To achieve this, Client should have same copy of Hadoop Distribution and configuration which is present at Namenode.
Then Only Client will come to know on which node Job tracker is running, and IP of Namenode to access HDFS data.
Go through configuration on Namenode,
core-site.xml will have this property-
mapred-site.xml will have this property-
These are two important properties must be copied to client machine’s Hadoop configuration.
And you need to set one addtinal property in mapred-site.xml file, to overcome from Privileged Action Exception.
Also you need to update /ets/hosts of client machine with IP addresses and hostnames of namenode and datanode.
Now you can submit job from client machine with hadoop jar command, and job will be executed on Hadoop Cluster. Note that, you shouldn’t start any hadoop service on client machine.
Users shouldn't be able to disrupt the functionality of the cluster. That's the meaning. Imagine there is a whole bunch of data scientists that launch their jobs from one of the cluster's masters. In case someone launches a memory-intensive operation, the master processes that are running on the same machine could end up with no memory and crash. That would leave the whole cluster in a failed state.
If you separate client node from master/slave nodes, users could still crash the client, but the cluster would stay up.

How to submit a job to specifc nodes in Hadoop?

I have a Hadoop cluster with 1 Master and 5 slaves. Is there any way of submitting jobs to specific set of slaves? Basically what i am trying to do is benchmark my application with many possibilities. So after testing with 5 slaves, I would like to run my application with 4 slaves and then 3 slaves and so on.
Currently the only way I know of is decommissioning a slave and removing from the hadoop cluster. But that seems to be a tedious task. I was wondering if there is an easier approach so as to avoid removing a node from the cluster.
In hadoop/conf there is a file called 'slaves' here you can simply add or remove nodes, and then restart your dfs and mapred.
There is a setting that points to a file with a list of excluded hosts you can set in the mapred-site-xml. Though also a bit cumbersome, changing a single configuration value might be preferable physically decommissioning and recommissioning multiple nodes. You could prepare multiple host exclusion files in advance, change the setting and restart the mapreduce service. Restarting the mapreduce service is pretty quick.
In 0.23 this setting is named mapreduce.jobtracker.hosts.exclude.filename. This is a feature introduced in 0.21, though I believe the setting was named mapred.hosts.exclude then. Check what this setting is called for the version of Hadoop you are using.
For those who encounter this problem, comments from Alex and stackoverflow question will help in successfully decommissioning a node from hadoop cluster.
EDIT : Just editing files hdfs-site.xml and mapred-site.xml and executing hadoop dfsadmin -refreshNodes might put your datanode into decommissioning node status for a long time. So it is also necessary to change dfs.replication to an appropriate value.

How to separate Hadoop MapReduce from HDFS?

I'm curious if you could essentially separate the HDFS filesystem from the MapReduce framework. I know that the main point of Hadoop is to run the maps and reduces on the machines with the data in question, but I was wondering if you could just change the *.xml files to change the configuration of what machine the jobtracker, namenode and datanodes are running on.
Currently, my configuration is a 2 VMs setup: one (the master) with Namenode, Datanode, JobTracker, Tasktracker (and the SecondaryNameNode), the other (the slave) with DataNode, Tasktraker. Essentially, what I want to change is have the master with NameNode DataNode(s), JobTracker, and have the slave with only the TaskTracker to perform the computations (and later on, have more slaves with only TaskTrackers on them; one on each). The bottleneck will be the data transfer between the two VMs for the computations of maps and reduces, but since the data at this stage is so small I'm not primarily concerned with it. I would just like to know if this configuration is possible, and how to do it. Any tips?
You don't specify this kind of options in the configuration files.
What you have to do is to take care of what kind of deamons you start on each machine(you call them VMs but I think you mean machines).
I suppose you usually start everything using the script which you can find in the bin directory under the hadoop installation dir.
If you take a look at this script you will see that what it does is to call a number of sub-scripts corresponding to starting the datanodes, tasktrackers and namenode, jobtracker.
In order to achive what you've said, I would do like this:
Modify the masters and slaves files as this:
Master file should contain the name of machine1
Slaves should contain the name of machine2
Modify the masters and slaves files as this:
Master file should contain the machine1
Slaves file should contain machine1
I have to tell you that I've never tried such a configuration so I'm not sure this is going to work but you can give it a try. Anyway the solution is in this direction!
Essentially, what I want to change is have the master with NameNode DataNode(s), JobTracker, and have the slave with only the TaskTracker to perform the computations (and later on, have more slaves with only TaskTrackers on them; one on each).
First, I am not sure why to separate the computation from the storage. The whole purpose of MR locality is lost, thought you might be able to run the job successfully.
Use the dfs.hosts, dfs.hosts.exclude parameters to control which datanodes can connect to the namenode and the mapreduce.jobtracker.hosts.filename, mapreduce.jobtracker.hosts.exclude.filename parameters to control which tasktrackers can connect to the jobtracker. One disadvantage of this approach is that the datanodes and tasktrackers are started on the nodes which are excluded and aren't part of the Hadoop cluster.
Another approach is to modify the code to have a separate slave file for the tasktracker and the datanode. Currently, this is not supported in Hadoop and would require a code change.

Is it possible to run Hadoop in Pseudo-Distributed operation without HDFS?

I'm exploring the options for running a hadoop application on a local system.
As with many applications the first few releases should be able to run on a single node, as long as we can use all the available CPU cores (Yes, this is related to this question). The current limitation is that on our production systems we have Java 1.5 and as such we are bound to Hadoop 0.18.3 as the latest release (See this question). So unfortunately we can't use this new feature yet.
The first option is to simply run hadoop in pseudo distributed mode. Essentially: create a complete hadoop cluster with everything on it running on exactly 1 node.
The "downside" of this form is that it also uses a full fledged HDFS. This means that in order to process the input data this must first be "uploaded" onto the DFS ... which is locally stored. So this takes additional transfer time of both the input and output data and uses additional disk space. I would like to avoid both of these while we stay on a single node configuration.
So I was thinking: Is it possible to override the "fs.hdfs.impl" setting and change it from "org.apache.hadoop.dfs.DistributedFileSystem" into (for example) "org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem"?
If this works the "local" hadoop cluster (which can ONLY consist of ONE node) can use existing files without any additional storage requirements and it can start quicker because there is no need to upload the files. I would expect to still have a job and task tracker and perhaps also a namenode to control the whole thing.
Has anyone tried this before?
Can it work or is this idea much too far off the intended use?
Or is there a better way of getting the same effect: Pseudo-Distributed operation without HDFS?
Thanks for your insights.
This is the config I created for hadoop 0.18.3
conf/hadoop-site.xml using the answer provided by bajafresh4life.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
<!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->
The job tracker http server address and port the server will listen on.
If the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port.
The task tracker http server address and port.
If the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port.
Yes, this is possible, although I'm using 0.19.2. I'm not too familiar with 0.18.3, but I'm pretty sure it shouldn't make a difference.
Just make sure that is set to the default (which is file:///), and mapred.job.tracker is set to point to where your jobtracker is hosted. Then start up your daemons using bin/ . You don't need to start up the namenode or datanodes. At this point you should be able to run your map/reduce jobs using bin/hadoop jar ...
We've used this configuration to run Hadoop over a small cluster of machines using a Netapp appliance mounted over NFS.
