KendoGrid with in a new custom kendo ui widget - kendo-ui

Please guide me how to make a custom kendo ui widget, like if you could refer to some tutorial or anything. Secondly the main question is that I want to use kendo grid to consume webapi and i want to use it in a widget in which and pass the datasource to this widget.
Bascially I want to make a widget which will consume the webapi using a particular url, and which will return a data source that I can add to this kendogrid widget.

Googling a little I just found:
Creating Custom Kendo UI Plugins
Creating a DataSource Aware Kendo UI Widget
Inheriting From Custom Widgets
Creating A Kendo UI MVVM Widget
I think that any and all this blogs should help you (I've written several widget and I found here all I needed).

In addition to #Emiliano's links, the Kendo Music Store demo app also contains a custom Widget bound to a DataSource that you can look at as an example:
Live demo site:
Source code:
Custom Widget source: MvcMusicStore/Scripts/App/kendo-cart-menu-widget.js
Documentation for this custom widget:
If you are going to use WebAPI, you will probably want to read this (The Facts On Using Kendo UI With ASP.NET WebAPI) first.
"Use WebApi" is a very broad statement, and narrowing down your approach would be the first step.


Kendo UI: Render List of Widgets

I am completely new to using Kendo UI, and would like some help on how to render a array of objects to the screen with each object having it's own data source.
Application Background: A SPA dashboard that will show a list of charts that a user can interact with, moving (drag and drop), deleting, creating new charts.
I have done some digging into the Kendo framework and haven't landed on a solution that seems to work. My original thought was to use a custom defined widget that would use a template to render the charts to the screen and each widget would have it's own data source. However, I couldn't figure out a way to render the widgets.
I tried the MVVM data-bind: source and using a Kendo template to load the widget with the data-role attribute, but that didn't work.
HTML content area
<div data-bind="source: widgetsDataSource" data-template="widget-template-test"></div>
Kendo Template
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="widget-template-test">
<div data-role="custom-widget"></div>
widgetsDataSource: the dataSouce used to retrieve the list of charts to render to the screen
widget-template-test: the template used to initialize and show the custom widget using the data-role attribute
custom-widget: The link to the custom widget I defined in separate JS file.
Question: Does anyone have a resource I may look at or some suggestions on how to tackle this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I do a lot of work with kendo widgets, my go to resources are the API docs and then if I want to see some demos, I use them with Angular, the demo's are nice because they have Angular specific (as well as MVVM) code, the API docs are handy when you are looking for specific configuration settings.

Kendo UI Mobile ListView filter

I've been using kendo for quite some time but there is a issue that I'm facing using kendo filter in kendo list view. I am developing a SPA using kendo UI. In one of the views I've implemented kendo filter using link. The filter works fine on writing any input but when I re navigate to that view again it displays two filters. What can be the issue. Thanks
To solve this, make sure you render the kendo mobile listView only once. If not, kendoMobileListView() will add another input each time you'll use
$("#list").kendoMobileListView() .
If you have to render the listView on pageShow event, make sure you remove additionnal filter inputs with:
$("#your-view form:not(:first)").remove();
Hope it helps

Creating Forms Dynamically in Kendo UI Mobile

I need to create forms dynamically in which the required field parameters will come from the backend. I will use input, dropdown and switch as form elements.
Is there a kendo specific easy way to generate these forms like kendo is doing in listview using template and datasource?
You probably want to check our MVVM framework for this. And some demos.

Orchard CMS Custom Layout using KendoUI

Have anyone tried creating custom layout for Orchard's query/projection functionality? The default layout available when you install Orchard are Grid and List, I'm planning to add custom layout grid using KendoUI (Grid, Listview) while also taking advantage of the Orchards framework, the kendoui grid should be able to display content and non content types. Any idea on where to start? If you can direct me to a sample project implementing this that would be cool...
You can create a new Layout Provider in your theme, which allows you to output the projection data however you wish.
Steve Taylor has a tutorial on writing a custom Layout Provider for creating a carousel using Projections, you could look at his examples to develop your own suiting your needs.

MVVM and masked input

There is no masked input control in KendoUI framework. But I need to have a mask input capabilities for textboxes as well as for datepicker.
The application mostly based on MVVM with Kendo Templates. So I need a solution compatible with it.
What is the best way to go with our problem? Currently i'm looking at several solutions:
Have a custom widget (as kendo plugin) that is connected with jquery.inputmask plugin.
Have a custom binding that connects a widget and jquery.inputmask plugin
Invoke a jQuery code $(..).input. The problem with this approach that it hard to get it invoked after template is rendered
Basically I the cleanest solution I can suggest you is to create custom Widget or extend one of the existing.
Take a look at the the following example we created - it demonstrates how to extend the datepicker widget custom logic:
A part from this please notice there is some malfunctioning when a value is selected from the date picker.
