How to pass MonoDevelop build configuration to Makefile? - makefile

MonoDevelop supports Makefile integration.
But how do I know current build configuration (Debug/Release) from inside of Makefile?

Yes you can you need to go to your project, right click OPTIONS under BUILD choose CUSTOM COMMANDS and then add a Build command "make"
You can do the same for a "make clean"

Apparently, you can't do that. Um, okay.


How to recompile and run after modifying golang web code,Project build based on makefile

I am debugging an open source golang web project
Use the build command in the documentation "make build" and "make start",and then the project running.
The problem is when I modify some code,How to recompile the project。
I try “make reload”,but it not work. how to do ?
Simply run make build again. You can read the Makefile located in the base directory of the project to learn what it does.

How to avoid qmake Build Step if using QT Creator

I have a Qt project file (.pro) and a Makefile (self-written).
The project file is simply used for editing the source files in the IDE:
I would like to build the project via IDE QT Creator 3.5.1
Therefore I would like to invoke make on the Makefile.
During the build process I always get the error that no Makefile can be found hence no build was triggered.
The solution is to always invoke qmake first, then make (even if a Makefile is still present and custom setting make -C ../build in /home/project/)
Could someone please explain, why it is not possible ignore qmake and directly invoke make on the already existing Makefile?
(No Qt library is used for the project)
This is quite easy, I use makefile only project alot because I like qt-creator as an IDE. In the IDE goto the projects tab on the left.
Select the "build" tab near the top of that page, looks like: (build | run).
In the build steps:
remove the qmake build step by press hovering the mouse over that step and clicking the X that appears.
Edit the build directory so that it is the same directory as your makefile.
Note: you will have to click the shadow build check box next to it to enable it.
remove any other steps you don't want (infact just remove them all for now).
Add a new step make step. It will try to use the default make, but you can override that if you want. Also add any arguments like debug or -j4 etc...
Then you are done :)
Next time you hit build it will simply invoke that make command.
Note: You will need to do the same for any other configurations you have (like release, debug, etc...). You can also just add loads more configurations for doing other make options (if you have them) for instance make doxygen or such...
Just remembered you can also either:
I am not sure why, but when I tested it (as OP did) you can't seem to just setup a make step with parameters -C ../, it seems to want to look in the "build directory" first.
I tend to use the build location since its a nice feature of the IDE.
Note an issue with newer versions of Qtcreator as a makefile IDE is that you cant share your build settings with other people (i.e. can't configure control them) because they are locked to your PC profile... long story... but its very sad and I no longer use qt creator for that one reason.

How to use the configure command within Xcode?

I'm trying to customize the compilation of curl-7.60.0 with Xcode.
I added it as an External Build System target. There is no problem if I build it as is, but I would like to change the --prefix option from the ./configure command.
Need some help here please
For my case, I just ran the ./configure on the command prompt to generate the Makefile then go back to Xcode to build

How to set a number of parallel jobs for make in Cmake QtCreator project?

My project is managed by CMake and I use QtCreator as a main IDE.
I want to make QtCreator run make -j number_here command when it launches a build task to speed it up, but I am unable to find a corresponding configuration in QtCreator's project settings UI. I became somewhat lost in all it's settings.
Should I modify CMakeLists.txt file somehow or is it configurable from the QtCreator's UI?
You can configure this in Qt Creator:
Go to: left panel/Projects/Build Settings.
Note: On the left Build & Run, select the build of your targeted "Kit" if you have several.
Build Steps (below CMake options), click Details.
In Tools arguments: add -jnumber_here.

Eclipse CDT build C++ project, how to use my own makefile for MacOS

I have a C++ project that I want to build using Eclipse CDT. I imported the project and make sure that "Auto generate make file" option is unchecked in the setting. In my project, I have multiple make files, the one I use for MACOS is called Makefile.darwin under project/src folder.
In terminal, I build the project by make -f Makefile.darwin package and then deploy it. I do have the target all and package in Makefile.darwin.
Under the builder setting, should I make the build directory to ${workspace_loc:/project-name}/ or ${workspace_loc:/project-name}/src?
Could someone help me to build the file? I tried to make target to all, to package, but did not work. Where is the makefile located when I add a "make target"? I am so confused now.
Any ideas are really appreciated. Thank you,
You should import your project with : new -> makefile project with existing code. Then you can tune make command (if necessary) from project setting.
