Reusing MyBatis ResultMap in multiple mapper.xml - refactoring

I would like to re-use a specific from different *Mapper.xml files which all somehow read same objects.
I have a Database table called Project, which I created the following resultMap for:
<resultMap id="ProjectMap" type="com.model.Project">
<id column="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="id" />
<result column="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="name" />
<result column="client_prj_no" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="clientPrjNo" />
<result column="notes" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="notes" />
<result column="start_date" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="startDate" />
It works great in the ProjectMapper.xml, however, now I want to create a ClientWithProjectsMapper.xml where I want to SELECT * FROM CLIENT, PROJECT where PROJECT.CLIENT_ID = CLIENT.ID and have a Client object return with a List objects. In other words, I want to get a ClientWithProjects with a single SQL.
In my mapping, I want to reuse the ProjectMap (without copy/paste) which I defined in the ProjectMapper.xml, but I am not sure how to accomplish this.
I could factor out the ProjectMap into a separate file, but I have not found any facilities in MyBatis to #include other files.
Any ideas on how this can be done? (I am using Maven, are there any plugins that would filter the files looking for #include or such, and include the contents of the file right into file being processed?).

Once you import all the mapper xmls in mybatis-config.xml file you can refer ResultMaps configured in any of the mapper xmls using resultMap id along with namespace.
for Ex:
<mapper namespace="com.mybatisapp.mappers.ProjectMapper">
<resultMap id="ProjectMap" type="com.model.Project">
<id column="id" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="id" />
<result column="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="name" />
In ClientWithProjectsMapper.xml
<select id="selectProjectsByClient" parameterType="int"
select * from blahblah
Here you can reference resultMap in another Mapper xml files using fully qualified name as "com.mybatisapp.mappers.ProjectMapper.ProjectMap"


Is it possible to convert CLOB data to String in Mybatis sql mapper xml?

I want to receive CLOB data of CONTENT column as java.lang.String value with only sql mapper definition.
Select query is something like this.
<select id="selectById">
, TITLE -- // VARCHAR2(2000)
WHERE ID = #{id}
Is it possible? I've googled over an hour and realized <resultMap /> can be the solution.
But, I can't figure out any more. Please help me.
I'll show you two approaches.
The first solution is to use <resultMap />.
You just need to specify javaType for the CONTENT column.
<resultMap type="map" id="faqRM">
<id property="ID" column="ID" />
<result property="TITLE" column="TITLE" />
<result property="CONTENT" column="CONTENT" javaType="string" />
and specify resultMap in the <select />.
<select id="selectById" resultMap="faqRM">
The second approach is to specify the type handler for CLOB vs Object conversion globally in the config.
<typeHandler javaType="java.lang.Object" jdbcType="CLOB"
handler="org.apache.ibatis.type.StringTypeHandler" />
Then you can simply specify resultType="map" instead of defining <resultMap />.
<select id="selectById" resultType="map">
I should also mention that java.lang.String has smaller capacity than CLOB (2GB - 1 vs 4GB - 1 last time I checked).

Multiple input (result name) in Struts2

I am working on an application that is using Struts2 framework. In action class I got two validatemethods, one for each action. In struts.xml I have input to validate a method and returns a corresponding a view but for the other action that needs validation too, how this approach would work? The only thing I need to know is whether I can change the default input to something else so that method2 gets validated if not then how can I go to different view after actions are validated.
Action Class:
public void validateSearch() {
// validation
public void validateSubmit() {
// validation
// Action Methods
public String search() {
// business logic
public String submit() {
// business logic
<result name="input">search.jsp</result>
<result name="????">submit.jsp</result>
In case of two input I don't get my views the way I want them. For submit I get a view of search. is there any way to configure this.
You are probably using DMI (which is deprecated and highly discouraged), and have something like this:
<action name="foo" class="">
<result name="success">foo.jsp</result>
<result name="input">search.jsp</result>
You simply need to turn your two action methods into two real actions, like follows:
<action name="fooSearch" class="" method="search">
<result name="success">foo.jsp</result>
<result name="input">search.jsp</result>
<action name="fooSubmit" class="" method="submit">
<result name="success">foo.jsp</result>
<result name="input">submit.jsp</result>
then instead of:
<s:submit action="foo" method="search" />
<s:submit action="foo" method="submit" />
something like:
<s:submit action="fooSearch" />
<s:submit action="fooSubmit" />
ok, since you are still looking fro answers I will tell you that input name for result is conventional. You can change it any time if your action class implements ValidationWorkflowAware.
ValidationWorkflowAware classes can programmatically change result name when errors occurred This interface can be only applied to action which already implements ValidationAware interface!
public void validateSubmit() {
// validation
if (hasErrors())
The result config
<result name="inputSubmit">submit.jsp</result>

How can I get a pathname from a groupId? [duplicate]

Is there a simple way of taking the value of a property and then copy it to another property with certain characters replaced?
Say propA=This is a value. I want to replace all the spaces in it into underscores, resulting in propB=This_is_a_value.
Here is the solution without scripting and no external jars like ant-conrib:
The trick is to use ANT's resources:
There is one resource type called "propertyresource" which is like a source file, but provides an stream from the string value of this resource. So you can load it and use it in any task like "copy" that accepts files
There is also the task "loadresource" that can load any resource to a property (e.g., a file), but this one could also load our propertyresource. This task allows for filtering the input by applying some token transformations. Finally the following will do what you want:
<loadresource property="propB">
<propertyresource name="propA"/>
<replacestring from=" " to="_"/>
This one will replace all " " in propA by "_" and place the result in propB. "filetokenizer" treats the whole input stream (our property) as one token and appies the string replacement on it.
You can do other fancy transformations using other tokenfilters:
Use the propertyregex task from Ant Contrib.
I think you want:
<propertyregex property="propB"
regexp=" "
global="true" />
Unfortunately the examples given aren't terribly clear, but it's worth trying that. You should also check what happens if there aren't any underscores - you may need to use the defaultValue option as well.
If ant-contrib isn't an option, here's a portable solution for Java 1.6 and later:
<property name="before" value="This is a value"/>
<script language="javascript">
var before = project.getProperty("before");
project.setProperty("after", before.replaceAll(" ", "_"));
In case you want a solution that does use Ant built-ins only, consider this:
<target name="replace-spaces">
<property name="propA" value="This is a value" />
<echo message="${propA}" file="some.tmp.file" />
<loadfile property="propB" srcFile="some.tmp.file">
<replaceregex pattern=" " replace="_" flags="g"/>
<echo message="$${propB} = "${propB}"" />
Output is ${propB} = "This_is_a_value"
Use some external app like sed:
<exec executable="sed" inputstring="${wersja}" outputproperty="wersjaDot">
<arg value="s/_/./g"/>
If you run Windows get it googling for "gnuwin32 sed".
The command s/_/./g replaces every _ with .
This script goes well under windows. Under linux arg may need quoting.
Two possibilities :
via script task and builtin javascript engine (if using jdk >= 1.6)
<property name="propA" value="This is a value"/>
<script language="javascript">
project.setProperty('propB', project.getProperty('propA').
replace(" ", "_"));
<echo>$${propB} => ${propB}</echo>
or using Ant addon Flaka
<project xmlns:fl="antlib:it.haefelinger.flaka">
<property name="propA" value="This is a value"/>
<fl:let> propB := replace('${propA}', '_', ' ')</fl:let>
<echo>$${propB} => ${propB}</echo>
to overwrite exisiting property propA simply replace propB with propA
Here's a more generalized version of Uwe Schindler's answer:
You can use a macrodef to create a custom task.
<macrodef name="replaceproperty" taskname="#{taskname}">
<attribute name="src" />
<attribute name="dest" default="" />
<attribute name="replace" default="" />
<attribute name="with" default="" />
<loadresource property="#{dest}">
<propertyresource name="#{src}" />
<replacestring from="#{replace}" to="#{with}"/>
you can use this as follows:
<replaceproperty src="property1" dest="property2" replace=" " with="_"/>
this will be pretty useful if you are doing this multiple times
Adding an answer more complete example over a previous answer
<property name="propB_" value="${propA}"/>
<loadresource property="propB">
<propertyresource name="propB_" />
<replaceregex pattern="\." replace="/" flags="g"/>
Just an FYI for answer Replacing characters in Ant property - if you are trying to use this inside of a maven execution, you can't reference maven variables directly. You will need something like this:
<property name="propATemp" value="${propA}"/>
<loadresource property="propB">
<propertyresource name="propATemp" />
Properties can't be changed but antContrib vars ( ) can.
Here is a macro to do a find/replace on a var:
<macrodef name="replaceVarText">
<attribute name="varName" />
<attribute name="from" />
<attribute name="to" />
<local name="replacedText"/>
<local name="textToReplace"/>
<local name="fromProp"/>
<local name="toProp"/>
<property name="textToReplace" value = "${#{varName}}"/>
<property name="fromProp" value = "#{from}"/>
<property name="toProp" value = "#{to}"/>
<script language="javascript">
<ac:var name="#{varName}" value = "${replacedText}"/>
Then call the macro like:
<ac:var name="updatedText" value="${oldText}"/>
<current:replaceVarText varName="updatedText" from="." to="_" />
<echo message="Updated Text will be ${updatedText}"/>
Code above uses javascript split then join, which is faster than regex. "local" properties are passed to JavaScript so no property leakage.
Or... You can also to try Your Own Task
class CustomString extends Task{
private String type, string, before, after, returnValue;
public void execute() {
if (getType().equals("replace")) {
replace(getString(), getBefore(), getAfter());
private void replace(String str, String a, String b){
String results = str.replace(a, b);
Project project = getProject();
project.setProperty(getReturnValue(), results);
..all getter and setter..
<project name="ant-test" default="build">
<target name="build" depends="compile, run"/>
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="build" />
<target name="compile" depends="clean">
<mkdir dir="build/classes"/>
<javac srcdir="src" destdir="build/classes" includeantruntime="true"/>
<target name="declare" depends="compile">
<taskdef name="string" classname="CustomString" classpath="build/classes" />
<!-- Replacing characters in Ant property -->
<target name="run" depends="declare">
<property name="propA" value="This is a value"/>
<echo message="propA=${propA}" />
<string type="replace" string="${propA}" before=" " after="_" returnvalue="propB"/>
<echo message="propB=${propB}" />
[echo] propA=This is a value
[echo] propB=This_is_a_value

NHibernate 3.3: <sql-insert> executing an Oracle 11g stored procedure

I'm mapping an Oracle 11g stored procedure as command in a NHibernate's .hbm.xml mapping file, like this:
<class name="Person" table="PERSONS">
<id name="Id" column="COD_PERSON" />
<property name="Name" column="NAME" />
<property name="AuditField1" column="AUDITFIELD1" />
<property name="AuditField2" column="AUDITFIELD2" />
<property name="AuditField3" column="AUDITFIELD3" />
<sql-insert>exec PKG_PERSONS.insert_sp ?,?</sql-insert>
This is the stored procedure:
create or replace package body PKG_PERSONS is
procedure insert_sp(pcod_person persons.cod_person%type,
pname is
insert into persons(cod_person, name) values(pcod_person, pname);
From this mapping, I'm expecting 'Id' and 'Name' properties would be send as parameters, but for sure, this isn't happening; I'm getting this error from Oracle: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number. NHibernate shows some logs in Console window and it seems like NH tries to map all properties, included AuditFields, to invoke the stored procedure.
Maybe is this the source's error?
Is this the expected behaviour?
Is it possible to specific what properties send as parameter with NH3/Oracle?
Thanks in advance.
Confirmed, NH tries to send as parameter every entity's properties mapped to <sql-insert>/<sql-update> stored procedures, but you could make exceptions with insert/update=false.
Another issue was the right sintaxis to execute Oracle11g's stored procedure, this is the mapping that works for me with NH3.3 and Oracle.DataAccess
<class name="Person" table="PERSONS">
<id name="Id" column="COD_PERSON" />
<property name="Name" column="NAME" />
<property name="AuditField1" column="AUDITFIELD1" insert="false" update="false" />
<property name="AuditField2" column="AUDITFIELD2" insert="false" update="false" />
<property name="AuditField3" column="AUDITFIELD3" insert="false" update="false" />
<sql-insert check="none">begin PKG_PERSONS.insert_sp(:p0,:p1); end;</sql-insert>
I had to redefine the parameter's order, because Id property is send at last position:
create or replace package body PKG_PERSONS is
procedure insert_sp(pname,
pcod_person persons.cod_person%type
) is
insert into persons(cod_person, name) values(pcod_person, pname);
Maybe this will help somebody else,

Missing schema in DBML if using LINQ to SP and Sp returning multiple record sets

while making of POC of LINQ to SQL and entities, i faced a problem stuck in a frozen dead end.
Problem is , am using LINQ to SP and every things was working fine and i made cool methods of editing, adding and deleting. Then some thing click in my mine that "what if i just return two record set from SP". i made a SP and returned two record set from it
SP look like this [Demo]
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].GetUserData
#UserId Bigint
-- Getting User
select * from [User] where id=#UserId
-- Getting User's role
select * from [Role] where userId=#UserId
then i droped that SP in my DBML (Linq to SQL classes) then here i noticed that only schema of one record set was created like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Database Name="MyInventory" Class="MyDBMLDataContext" xmlns="">
<Connection Mode="AppSettings" ConnectionString="Data Source=MyDatabaseServer\;Initial Catalog=MyInventory;Integrated Security=True" SettingsObjectName="ConsoleApplication16.Properties.Settings" SettingsPropertyName="MyInventoryConnectionString" Provider="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<Function Name="dbo.GetUserData" Method="GetUserData">
<Parameter Name="UserId" Parameter="userId" Type="System.Int64" DbType="BigInt" />
<ElementType Name="GetUserDataResult">
<Column Name="Id" Type="System.Int64" DbType="BigInt NOT NULL" CanBeNull="false" />
<Column Name="Name" Type="System.String" DbType="VarChar(50) NOT NULL" CanBeNull="false" />
<Column Name="Email" Type="System.String" DbType="NVarChar(50)" CanBeNull="true" />
<Column Name="IsDeleted" Type="System.Boolean" DbType="Bit NOT NULL" CanBeNull="false" />
<Column Name="HomePage" Type="System.String" DbType="VarChar(100)" CanBeNull="true" />
i can clearly see that only one record set is created of Users records and it is missing Role schema :(.
Can any body tell me what and why is that so?
I have had to deal with something similar in getting multiple data sets from a data base for a website. What we did was create an DatabaseExtensions.cs file to add the queries with multiple data sets.
So in the extensions file we would have something like this
public partial class DataBaseDataContext
[Function(Name = "dbo.StoredProc")]
public IMultipleResults StoredProc([global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ParameterAttribute(DbType = "Int")] System.Nullable<System.Int> ID)
IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), ID);
return ((IMultipleResults)(result.ReturnValue));
public class FirstResult;
public class SecondResult;
Note: I changed some of the names of things in this code to make it easier to read, so it may not work as is.
FirstResult and SecondResult are the result type classes. I would usually copy them from the dbml's accompanying .cs file then rename it. I didn't include their code here because it can be rather long.
DataBaseDataContext dataCon = new DataBaseDataContext();
var results = dataCon.StoredProc(id);
var firstSet = results.GetResult<FirstResult>();
var secondSet = results.GetResult<SecondResult>();
//process data
It is important to get your results out in the same order they come out in your stored procedure. After you have gotten your results out, you can use LINQ or whatever to work with them.
My finding is that if you add a result set to your dbml manually you get the results that you want but LinqToSql doesn't offer you a simple way to have access to them
Here is a path to your results
you here have access to your result by index buffer[0] will return the results of your first select statement and buffer[1] returns the result of second select.
probably you can cast this two IEnumerables to typed IEnumerable<GetAllResult> and IEnumerable<GetAllResult1> although I didn't test that.
I build this sample dbml
<Function Name="dbo.GetAll" Method="GetAll">
<ElementType Name="GetAllResult">
<Column Name="ID" Type="System.Int32" DbType="Int" CanBeNull="true" />
<Column Name="Tagname" Type="System.String" DbType="NChar(10)" CanBeNull="true" />
<ElementType Name="GetAllResult1">
<Column Name="Id" Type="System.Int32" DbType="Int" CanBeNull="true" />
<Column Name="TagId" Type="System.Int32" DbType="Int" CanBeNull="true" />
<Column Name="Name1" Type="System.String" DbType="NChar(10)" CanBeNull="true" />
and the generated cs file would be like this
public IMultipleResults GetAll()
IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())));
return ((IMultipleResults)(result.ReturnValue));
Have you looked code generated for your model? Two resultsets will be here. Mapping can lie.
