Select pkg_name.function_name - oracle

Is this query valid? if the package(with proper definition and body) and function exists and works fine.
Select "JK" As Name,
from dual

The function call is fine (assuming the function returns a SQL data type - you cannot use PL/SQL specific data types, e.g. Boolean), but your quoting for JK is wrong. You have to use single quotes instead of double ones:
Select 'JK' As Name,
from dual


Oracle change string to decimal

I need to convert string to decimals.
So the string value is: 89,333,22.2345
So i want to keep all decimal places and convert it to: 8933322.2345.
I tried the following query:
select to_number(replace(nvl(89,333,22.2345),0),',','') from dual;
This rounds it to 893322. But i want result with all decimals:
If i try running this query:
select to_number((replace(nvl(89,333,22.2345),0),',',''),'9999.99') from dual;
it throws error.
Try this:
select to_number('89,333,22.2345','99,999,99.9999') from dual;
I think you're passing the number as a parameter. Otherwise why would you use nvl. Then I see the query you need is going to be similar like that
select to_number(replace(nvl('89,333,22.2345','0'),',','')) from dual;
Things were wrong at your code:
since number is a varchar, it has to be placed between apostrophes
nvl takes parameters divided by a comma. And there was one closing bracket too much
nvl(89,333,22.2345),0) -> nvl('89,333,22.2345',0)

How to modify Oracle SQL query to Snowflake

Using Oracle SQL, there is a function, noted below, that will allow you to create a "list" of names, phone numbers, etc., without using
multiple DUAL queries and UNION/UNION ALL to get more than one record.
The query below produces a list in this case of 10 names.
However, when trying to run this same query in Snowflake, it will not work.
I receive this error: SQL compilation error: Invalid identifier SYS.DBMS_DEBUG_VC2COLL
Is there a "Snowflake version" of this query that can be used?
Here are some options, you can see which works best for you.
This works if you can get your SQL to look similar:
SELECT $1::VARCHAR AS column_value
This also works if you can get your list to be in a single string, delimited by a pipe or similar:
SELECT value::VARCHAR AS column_value
If you have the strings in the format 'a','b' and find it painful to do one of the above, I'd do something like this:
SELECT value::VARCHAR AS column_value
Similar to the above suggestions, you can try this:
SELECT VALUE::VARCHAR as column_name

call function from sql script in oracle

In this code I am calling this FSG.REPLACE_STRING function which has 2 parameters, original string and special characters string. The original string is a select query from a table and special character string is 'A'.
I have written the code:
but this is not working.
You are trying to pass the table column value into the function, so you need to restructure your statement:
WHERE PRAD_ID= '003204091007';
Although the NVL() part seems a bit pointless if you're filtering for a specific (not-null) value in the query. Casting to char looks suspicious too.

birt sql dataset with parameters sql error

I have a birt dataset for a db2 query. My query works fine without parameters with the following query...
with params as (SELECT '2014-02-16' enddate,'1' locationid FROM sysibm.sysdummy1)
from (
FROM params, mytable sos
WHERE sos.locationid=params.locationid
AND sos.repositorytype ='xxx'
AND sos.repositoryaccountability='xxx'
AND sos.terminalid='xxx'
AND DATE(sos.balanceDate) between date(params.enddate)-6 DAY and date(params.enddate)
GROUP BY sos.terminalid,sos.balancedate,params.enddate) t
But when I change the top line to ...
with params as (SELECT ? enddate,? locationid FROM sysibm.sysdummy1)
And make the two input paramters of string datatype I get db2 errors sqlcode -418. But i know that it is not my querty because my query works.
What is the right way for me to set up the parameters so there is no error?
I'm not familiar with DB2 programming, but on Oracle the ? works anywhere in the query.
Have you looked at
Seems that on DB2 it's a bit more complicated and you should use "typed parameter markers".
The doc says:
Typed parameter marker
A parameter marker that is specified with its target data type. A typed parameter marker has the general form:
CAST(? AS data-type)
This invocation of a CAST specification is a "promise" that the data type of the parameter at run time will be of the data type that is specified or some data type that is assignable to the specified data type.
Apart from that, always assure that your date strings are in the format that the DB expects, and use explicit format masks in the date function, like this:
with params as (
SELECT cast (? as varchar(10)) enddate,
cast (? as varchar2(80)) locationid
FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
from params, ...
where ...
AND DATE(sos.balanceDate) between date(XXX(params.enddate))-6 DAY and date(XXX(params.enddate))
Unfortunately I cannot tell you how the XXX function should look on DB2.
On Oracle, an example would be
to_date('2014-02-18', 'YYYY-MM-DD')
On DB2, see Converting a string to a date in DB2
In addition to hvb answer, i see two options:
Option 1 you could use a DB2 stored procedure instead of a plain SQL query. Thus there won't be these limitations you face to, due to JDBC query parameters.
Option 2, we should be able to remove the first line of the query "with params as" and replace it with question marks within the query:
from (
sos.terminalid,sos.balancedate,max(sos.balanceDate) as maxdate
FROM params, mytable sos
WHERE sos.locationid=?
AND sos.repositorytype ='xxx'
AND sos.repositoryaccountability='xxx'
AND sos.terminalid='xxx'
AND DATE(sos.balanceDate) between date(?)-6 DAY and date(?)
GROUP BY sos.terminalid,sos.balancedate) t
A minor drawback is, this time we need to declare 3 dataset parameters in BIRT instead of 2. More nasty, i removed params.endDate from "group by" and replaced it with "max(sos.balanceDate)" in select clause. This is very near but not strictly equivalent. If this is not acceptable in your context, a stored procedure might be the best option.

using sys_context to match data string

I'm trying to use data in sys_context form to perform a match in a WHERE clause.
What I put into the context is ('53','89'), which is what is returned when I select against dual.
My where statement is: where to_char(location_id) in sys_context('my_ctx','valoc')
Since I'm not getting the expected response, I'm guessing that what I think Oracle should see is not actually what it sees, but I don't know how to "look" at what's passed to the processor from TOAD.
The original form was where location_id in sys_context('my_ctx','valoc') with (53,89) in valoc, but that didn't return anything either. I'm sensing there may be no answer to my problem.
The problem is that the resulting WHERE clause is equivalent to this:
where to_char(location_id) in '('53','89')'
(didn't double the inner apostrophes for clarity)
The database sees what's retrieved from context as a single value, not as a list of values.
You can use the CONNECT BY trick to achieve your goal:
FROM dual
WHERE '53' IN ( -- replace '53' with TO_CHAR(location_id)
SELECT regexp_substr('53,89', '[0-9]*', 1, level) -- replace '53,89' with sys_context('my_ctx','valoc')
FROM dual
CONNECT BY regexp_substr('53,89', '[0-9]*', 1, level) IS NOT NULL -- replace '53,89' with sys_context('my_ctx','valoc')
