ruby eventmachine http-request deferrable - ruby

That's my first time with EM so I really need some help here
so here's the code: do
queue =
EM.start_server('', '9000', RequestHandler, queue)
puts 'Server started on localhost:9000' # Any interface, actually
process_queue = proc do |url|
request =, connect_timeout: 1).get # No time to wait, sorry
request.callback do |http| # deferrable
puts http.response_header.status
EM.next_tick { queue.pop(&process_queue) }
I've read a couple of articles about EM, now my understanding of above code is the following:
EM::HttpRequest is deferrable, which means it won't block a reactor.
But when I try running 50 concurrent connections with ab, it only serves ~20 concurrently ( according to ab report ).
But if I place the process_queue execution inside EM.defer( which means it will run in a separate thread? ) it performs just fine.
Why is it so? process_queue just inits a deferrable object and assigns a callback, how does running it inside EM.defer makes a difference?

One thing you may want to do is put the queue.pop(&process_queue) in the process_queue callback inside an EM.next_tick. Currently you're going to process all of the queued connections before you allow anything new to connect. If you put the queue.pop into a next_tick call you'll let the reactor do some work before you process the next item.


IMAP IDLE and parralel mail processing

I'm new both to IMAP and multi-thread programming, and I'd like to write a script to fetch incoming mails and process them in parallel.
Thread, Queue, Mutex and Monitor are new concepts to me, I may miss-use them in the following question and example.
The script's goal is to:
receive IDLE notifications from the IMAP server when a new mail arrives
fetch the corresponding mail
parse its body
generate a PDF from parsed data
send the report through SMTP
Another aproach could be to fetch and identify mails based on their UID, thought learning IMAP & multi-thread programing is another goal.
Here's what I've got so far (IMAP part):
def self.idle(imap)
#imap = '', 143, false # Not using TLS for test purposes
#imap.login 'username', 'password'
#idler_listener = do
loop do
imap.examine 'INBOX'
imap.idle do |res|
if res.kind_of?(Net::IMAP::UntaggedResponse) and == 'EXISTS'
imap.idle_done { process_email(imap) }
rescue => e
puts e.inspect
def self.process_email(imap)
uid = imap.uid_search(['SUBJECT', 'MyFavoriteSubject']).last
mail = imap.uid_fetch(uid, 'BODY[TEXT]')[0].attr['BODY[TEXT]']
puts mail
rescue => e
puts e.inspect
This example successfully prints out the body of an incoming mail. However, if several mail arrives at the same time, only one will be treated.
Is this behavior due to the fact that the loop is executed in a single thread ?
Does it illustrate the need for a queue, a thread pool, or a producer / consumer pattern ?
Chances that this script will attempt to access the same resource at the same time are low, however, would protect me against race conditions & deadlocks ?
(Eventhough I've not fully understand it, I think it's worth sharing this great resource from Masatoshi Seki:

How to stop a udp_server_loop from the outside

I've written little UDP server in Ruby:
def listen
puts "Started UDP server on #{#port}..."
Socket.udp_server_loop(#port) do |message, message_source|
puts "Got \"#{message}\" from #{message_source}"
I start it in a separate thread:
thread = { listen }
Is there a way to gracefully stop the udp_server_loop from outside the thread without just killing it (thread.kill)? I also dont't want to stop it from the inside by receiving any UDP message. Is udp_server_loop maybe not the right tool for me?
I don’t think you can do this with udp_server_loop (although you might be able to use some of the methods it uses). You are going to have to call IO::select in a loop of your own with some way of signalling it to exit, and some way of waking the thread so you don’t have to send a packet to stop it.
A simple way would be to use the timeout option to select with a variable to set to indicate you want the thread to end, something like:
#halt_loop = false
def listen
puts "Started UDP server on #{#port}..."
sockets = Socket.udp_server_sockets(#port)
loop do
readable, _, _ =, nil, nil, 1) # timeout 1 sec
break if #halt_loop
next unless readable # select returns nil on timeout
Socket.udp_server_recv(readable) do |message, message_source|
puts "Got \"#{message}\" from #{message_source}"
You then set #halt_loop to true when you want to stop the thread.
The downside to this is that it is effectively polling. If you decrease the timeout then you potentially do more work on an empty loop, and if you increase it you have to wait longer when stopping the thread.
Another, slightly more complex solution would be to use a pipe and have the select listen on it along with the sockets. You could then signal directly to finish the select and exit the thread.
#read, #write = IO.pipe
#halt_loop = false
def listen
puts "Started UDP server on #{#port}..."
sockets = Socket.udp_server_sockets(#port)
sockets << #read
loop do
readable, _, _ =
break if #halt_loop
readable.delete #read
Socket.udp_server_recv(readable) do |message, message_source|
puts "Got \"#{message}\" from #{message_source}"
def end_loop
#halt_loop = true
#write.puts "STOP!"
To exit the thread you just call end_loop which sets the #halt_loop flag then writes to the pipe, making the other end readable and causing the other thread to return from select.
You could have this code check the readable IOs and exit if one of them is the read end of the pipe instead of using the variable, but at least on Linux there is a potential bug where a call to select might return a file descriptor as readable when it actuallt isn’t. I don’t know if Ruby deals with this, so better safe than sorry.
Also be sure to remove the pipe from the readable array before passing it to udp_server_recv. It’s not a socket so will cause an exception if you don’t.
A downside to this technique is that pipes are “[n]ot available on all platforms".
Although I doubt I understand what would be wrong with Thread::kill and/or Thread#exit, you might use the thread local variable for that.
def listen
Socket.udp_server_loop(#port) do |message, message_source|
break :interrupted if Thread.current[:break]
and do
thread[:break] = true
from the outside.

Thread in Parallel gem Ruby

I am using sidekiq gem for queue. and I want to process my executing parallely inside the queue.
here is my code for queue
def perform(disbursement_id)
some logic...
Parallel.each(disbursement.employee_disbursements, in_threads: 2) do |employee|
amount = amount_format(employee.amount)
res = unload_company_account(cmp_acc_id, amount.to_s)
load_employee_account(employee) unless res.empty?
Now when I use Parallel.each() without threads it works good, but when i use Parallel.each(.., in_threads:3) it goes to busy state of queue.
Not sure why in_threads takes my queue to busy state. I am not able to resolve it.
Try next to make it work
Parallel.each(disbursement.employee_disbursements, in_threads: 2) do |employee|
ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do
amount = amount_format(employee.amount)
res = unload_company_account(cmp_acc_id, amount.to_s)
load_employee_account(employee) unless res.empty?
Also, that issue go away when use map instead of each or pass attribute preserve_results as true or false. That is a bit mystery because:
def each(array, options={}, &block)
map(array, options.merge(:preserve_results => false), &block)

Is there a better way to make multiple HTTP requests asynchronously in Ruby?

I'm trying to make multiple HTTP requests in Ruby. I know it can be done in NodeJS quite easily. I'm trying to do it in Ruby using threads, but I don't know if that's the best way. I haven't had a successful run for high numbers of requests (e.g. over 50).
require 'json'
require 'net/http'
urls = [
{"link" => "url1"},
{"link" => "url2"},
{"link" => "url3"}
urls.each_value do |thing| do
result = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(thing))
json_stuff = JSON::parse(result)
info = json["person"]["bio"]["info"]
thing["name"] = info
# Wait until threads are done.
while !urls.all? { |url| url.has_key? "name" }; end
puts urls
Any thoughts?
Instead of the while clause you used, you can call Thread#join to make the main thread wait for other threads.
threads = []
urls.each_value do |thing|
threads << do
result = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(thing))
json_stuff = JSON::parse(result)
info = json["person"]["bio"]["info"]
thing["name"] = info
# Wait until threads are done.
threads.each { |aThread| aThread.join }
Your way might work, but it's going to end up in a busy loop, eating up CPU cycles when it really doesn't need to. A better way is to only check whether you're done when a request completes. One way to accomplish this would be to use a Mutex and a ConditionVariable.
Using a mutex and condition variable, we can have the main thread waiting, and when one of the worker threads receives its response, it can wake up the main thread. The main thread can then see if any URLs remain to be downloaded; if so, it'll just go to sleep again, waiting; otherwise, it's done.
To wait for a signal:
mutex.synchronize { cv.wait mutex }
To wake up the waiting thread:
mutex.synchronize { cv.signal }
You might want to check for done-ness and set thing['name'] inside the mutex.synchronize block to avoid accessing data in multiple threads simultaneously.

How should I handle this use case using EventMachine?

I have an application that reacts to messages sent by clients. One message is reload_credentials, that the application receives any time a new client registers. This message will then connect to a PostgreSQL database, do a query for all the credentials, and then store them in a regular Ruby hash ( client_id => client_token ).
Some other messages that the application may receive are start,stop,pause which are used to keep track of some session times. My point is that I envision the application functioning in the following way:
client sends a message
message gets queued
queue is being processed
However, for example, I don't want to block the reactor. Furthermore, let's imagine I have a reload_credentials message that's next in queue. I don't want any other message from the queue to be processed until the credentials are reloaded from the DB. Also, while I am processing a certain message ( like waiting for the credentials query to finish) , I want to allow other messages to be enqueued .
Could you please guide me towards solving such a problem? I'm thinking I may have to use em-synchrony, but I am not sure.
Use one of the Postgresql EM drivers, or EM.defer so that you won't block the reactor.
When you receive the 'reload_credentials' message just flip a flag that causes all subsequent messages to be enqueued. Once the 'reload_credentials' has finished, process all messages from the queue. After the queue is empty flip the flag that causes messages to be processed as they are received.
EM drivers for Postgresql are listed here:
module Server
def post_init
#queue = []
#loading_credentials = false
def recieve_message(type, data)
return #queue << [type, data] if #loading_credentials || !#queue.empty?
return process_msg(type, data) unless :reload_credentials == type
#loading_credentials = true
reload_credentials do
#loading_credentials = false
def reload_credentials(&when_done)
EM.defer( proc { query_and_load_credentials }, when_done )
def process_queue
while (type, data = #queue.shift)
process_msg(type, data)
# lots of other methods
EM.start_server(HOST, PORT, Server)
If you want all connections to queue messages whenever any connection receives a 'reload_connections' message you'll have to coordinate via the eigenclass.
The following is I presume, something like your current implementation:
class Worker
def initialize queue
#queue = queue
def dequeue
#queue.pop do |item|
work_on item
def work_on item
case item.type
when :reload_credentials
# magic happens here
# more magic happens here
q =
workers = { q }
The problem above, if I understand you correctly, is that you don't want workers working on new jobs (jobs that have arrived earlier in the producer timeline), than any reload_credentials jobs. The following should service this (additional words of caution at the end).
class Worker
def initialize queue
#queue = queue
def dequeue
#queue.pop do |item|
work_on item
def work_on item
case item.type
when :reload_credentials
# magic happens here
# more magic happens here
class LockingDispatcher
def initialize channel, queue
#channel = channel
#queue = queue
#backlog = []
#channel.subscribe method(:dispatch_with_locking)
#locked = false
def dispatch_with_locking item
if locked?
#backlog << item
# You probably want to move the specialization here out into a method or
# block that's passed into the constructor, to make the lockingdispatcher
# more of a generic processor
case item.type
when :reload_credentials
deferrable =
deferrable.callback { unlock }
deferrable.errback { unlock }
dispatch_without_locking item
def dispatch_without_locking item
#queue << item
def locked?
def lock
#locked = true
def unlock
#locked = false
bl = #backlog.dup
bl.each { |item| dispatch_with_locking item }
channel =
queue =
dispatcher = channel, queue
workers = { queue }
So, input to the first system comes in on q, but in this new system it comes in on channel. The queue is still used for work distribution among workers, but the queue is not populated while a refresh credentials operation is going on. Unfortunately, as I didn't take more time, I have not generalized the LockingDispatcher such that it isn't coupled with the item type and code for dispatching CredentialsReloader. I'll leave that to you.
You should note here that whilst this services what I understand of your original request, it is generally better to relax this kind of requirement. There are several outstanding problems that essentially cannot be eradicated without alterations in that requirement:
The system does not wait for executing jobs to complete before starting credentials jobs
The system will handle bursts of credentials jobs very badly - other items that might be processable, won't be.
In the case of a bug in the credentials code, the backlog could fill up ram and cause failure. A simple timeout might be enough to avoid catastrophic effects, iff the code is abortable, and subsequent messages are sufficiently processable to avoid further deadlocks.
It actually sounds like you have some notion of a userid in the system. If you think through your requirements, it's likely possible that you only need to backlog items that pertain to a userid who's credentials are in a refresh state. This is a different problem, that involves a different kind of dispatching. Try a hash of locked backlogs for those users, with a callback on credential completion to drain those backlogs into the workers, or some similar arrangement.
Good luck!
