This question is related to the thread here:
Today's date, minus X days in shell script
But because I'm now manipulating the variable, I started another thread.
As described above, I need to get today's date minus 200 days, with the Year, Month, and Day in separate variables (in this question I'll use 200, though in the other it's 222). However, I need to represent January as 0, February as 1 (or 01), March as 2 (or 02), etc... I tried this:
MONTHS200=$(date -j -v-200d -v-1m +"%m")
if ${MONTHS200}=01; then
else ${MONTHS200}=${MONTH200}
But I get the error ./ line 20: 12=01: command not found ./ line 23: 12=: command not found The -v-1m works for all months except January, because it goes to 12, instead of 0
Here's how to shift all the month number down by 1 n your script:
MONTHS200=$(date -j -v-320d +"%m")
# Remove leading zero if there is one, so it doesn't cause problems later
Here is how to use if and = (assignment) syntax in shell:
if [[ "${MONTHS200}" == "01" ]]; then
Note that for numerical comparisons, you need to use:
-eq instead of ==
-ne instead of !=
-lt instead of <
-le instead of <=
-gt instead of >
-ge instead of >=
For example:
if [[ "${MONTHS200}" -eq 1 ]]; then
I would take advantage of bash features (I assume OSX bash is recent enough -- I might be wrong). You only need to call date once with
read year month day < <(date -j -v-200d +"%Y %m %d")
month=$(( 10#$month - 1 ))
You avoid the octal issue by forcing bash to use base-10
I have 4 different files with different formats, having a date embedded as part of the name. I want to identify the files older than 3 months based on their name only because the files would be edited/changed later as well. I want to create a shell script and run it as a cron.
Here below are the file under the same directory:
I have checked the existing example but have not found what I am actually looking for!
Working on the premise that you mean 90 days - if you need specifically months, we can check that too, but it's different logic.
here's some code you could work from -
(you said you don't want to work from a list, so I edited to use the current directory.)
$: cat chkDates
# while read f # replaced with -
for f in *[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]*
do # first get the epoch timestamp of the file based on the sate string embedded in the name
date +%s -d $(
echo $f | sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/'
) # this returns the date substring
) # this converts it to an epoch integer of seconds since 1/1/70
# now see if it's > 90 days ( you said 3 months. if you need *months* we have to do some more...)
daysOld=$(( ( $(date +%s) - $filedate ) / 86400 )) # this should give you an integer result, btw
if (( 90 < $daysOld ))
then echo $f is old
else echo $f is not
done # < listOfFileNames # not reading list now
You can pass date a date to report, and a format to present it.
sed pattern explanation
Note the sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/' command. This assumes the date format will be consistently YYYY-MM-DD, and does no validations of reasonableness. It will happily accept any 4 digits, then 2, then 2, delimited by dashes.
-E uses expanded regexes, so parens () can denote values to be remembered, without needing \'s. . means any character, and * means any number (including zero) of the previous pattern, so .* means zero or more characters, eating up all the line before the date. [0-9] means any digit. {x,y} sets a minimum(x) and maximum(y) number of consecutive matches - with only one value {4} means only exactly 4 of the previous pattern will do. So, '.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*' means ignore as many characters as you can until seeing 4 digits, then a dash, 2 digits, then a dash, then 2 digits; remember that pattern (the ()'s), then ignore any characters behind it.
In a substitution, \1 means the first remembered match, so
sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/'
means find and remember the date pattern in the filenames, and replace the whole name with just that part in the output. This assumes the date will be present - on a filename where there is no date, the pattern will not match, and the whole filename will be returned, so be careful with that.
(hope that helped.)
By isolating the date string from the filenames with sed (your examples were format-consistent, so I used that) we pass it in and ask for the UNIX Epoch timestamp of that date string using date +%s -d $(...), to represent the file with a math-handy number.
Subtract that from the current date in the same format, you get the approximate age of the file in seconds. Divide that by the number of seconds in a day and you get days old. The file date will default to midnight, but the math will drop fractions, so it sorts out.
here's the file list I made, working from your examples
$: cat listOfFileNames
I added a file for each that would be within the 90 days as of this posting - including one that is "post-dated", which can easily happen with this sort of thing.
Here's the output.
$: ./chkDates
fileone.log.2018-03-23 is old
fileone.log.2018-09-23 is not
file_two_2018-03-23.log is old
file_two_2018-08-23.log is not
filethree.log.2018-03-23 is old
filethree.log.2018-10-02 is not
file_four_file_four_2018-03-23.log is old
file_four_file_four_2019-03-23.log is not
That what you had in mind?
An alternate pure-bash way to get just the date string
(You still need date to convert to the epoch seconds...)
instead of
date +%s -d $(
echo $f | sed -E 's/.*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/\1/'
) # this returns the date substring
) # this converts it to an epoch integer of seconds since 1/1/70
which doesn't seem to be working for you, try this:
tmp=${f%[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]*} # unwanted prefix
d=${f#$tmp} # prefix removed
tmp=${f#*[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]} # unwanted suffix
filedate=${d%$tmp} # suffix removed
filedate=$( date +%s --date=$filedate ) # epoch time
This is hard to read, but doesn't have to spawn as many subprocesses to get the work done. :)
If that doesn't work, then I'm suspicious of your version of date. Mine:
$: date --version
date (GNU coreutils) 8.26
Simple Version:
Method for using the date inside of the file's name :
typeset stamp=$(date --date="90 day ago" +%s)
for file in /directory/*.log; do
fdate="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/[^0-9-]*//g')"
fstamp=$(date -d "${fdate} 00:00:00" +"%s")
if [ ${fstamp} -le ${stamp} ] ; then
echo "${file} : ${fdate} (${fstamp})"
A More Complete Version:
This version will look at all files, if it fails to make a date value from the file it moves on.
typeset stamp=$(date --date="90 day ago" +%s)
for file in /tmp/* ; do
fdate="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/[^0-9-]*//g')"
fstamp=$(date -d "${fdate} 00:00:00" +"%s" 2> /dev/null)
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && continue
if [ ${fstamp} -le ${stamp} ] ; then
echo "${file} : ${fdate} (${fstamp})"
/tmp/file_2016-05-23.log : 2016-05-23 (1463976000)
/tmp/file_2017-05-23.log : 2017-05-23 (1495512000)
/tmp/file_2018-05-23.log : 2018-05-23 (1527048000)
/tmp/file_2018-06-23.log : 2018-06-23 (1529726400)
/tmp/file_2018-07-23.log : 2018-07-23 (1532318400)
in this example the following were ignored :
/tmp/file_2018-08-23.log : 2018-08-23 (1534996800)
/tmp/file_2018-10-18.log : 2018-10-18 (1539835200)
At the moment, I have a while-loop that takes a starting date, runs a python script with the day as the input, then takes the day + 1 until a certain due date is reached.
while [ "$day_start"!=2018-01-01 ] ;
day_end=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d" -d "$day_start + 1 day")
python --start="$day_start" --end="$day_end";
day_start=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d" -d "$day_start + 1 day")
I would like to do the same thing, but now to pick a random day between 2016-01-01 and 2018-01-01 and repeat until all days have been used once. I think it should be a for-loop instead of this while loop, but I have trouble to specify the for-loop over this date-range in bash. Does anyone have an idea how to formulate this?
It can take quite a long time if you randomly choose the dates because of the Birthday Problem. (You'll hit most of the dates over and over again but the last date can take quite some time).
The best idea I can give you is this:
Create all dates as before in a while loop (only the day_start-line)
Output all dates into a temporary file
Use sort -R on this file ("shuffles" the contents and prints the result)
Loop over the output from sort -R and you'll have dates randomly picked until all were reached.
Here's an example script which incorporates my suggestions:
while [ "$day_start" != "2018-01-01" ] ;
day_start=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d" -d "$day_start + 1 day")
echo "${day_start}"
done > "${TMPFILE}"
sort -R "${TMPFILE}" | while read -r day_start
day_end=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d" -d "$day_start + 1 day")
python --start="$day_start" --end="$day_end";
rm "${TMPFILE}"
By the way, without the spaces in the while [ "$day_start" != "2018-01-01" ];, bash won't stop your script.
Fortunately, from 16 to 18 there was no leap year (or was it, and it just works because of that)?
Magic number: 2*365 = 730
The i % 100, just to have less output.
for i in {0..730}; do nd=$(date -d "2016/01/01"+${i}days +%D); if (( i % 100 == 0 || i == 730 )); then echo $nd ; fi; done
With the format instruction (here +%D), you might transform the output to your needs, date --help helps.
In a better readable format, and with +%F:
for i in {0..730}
nd=$(date -d "2016/01/01"+${i}days +%F)
echo $nd
For a random distribution, use shuf (here, for bevity, with 7 days):
for i in {0..6}; do nd=$(date -d "2016/01/01"+${i}days +%D); echo $nd ;done | shuf
We have a server which we use to run Selenium tests with our extension (for Chrome and Firefox). We run the Selenium tests every 2 hours. I want to run different tests after 14:00 than before 14:00. I have this variable:
start_hour=`TZ='Asia/Tel_Aviv' date +"%H"`
And I know how to compare it to a specific hour, such as 08:00 AM (it's a string):
if [ "$start_hour" = "08" ]; then
But how do I check if this variable shows an hour after 14:00 (including 14:00), or before 14:00? Can I compare strings in bash and how? I just want to check if $start_hour is >= "14", or not?
Is the answer different if I want to check after 08:00 AM or before?
To perform greater or less-than comparisons, the test operations -gt, -le, -ge, and -le exist.
start_hour=$(TZ='Asia/Tel_Aviv' date '+%k')
[ "$start_hour" -ge 8 ]
Note the use of %k vs %H, and 8 vs 08 -- a leading 0 can prevent your numbers from being interpreted as decimal.
Similarly, in native bash syntax, for a numeric comparison:
start_hour=$(TZ='Asia/Tel_Aviv' date '+%k')
(( start_hour >= 8 ))
If your shell is bash, and not /bin/sh, and you truly do want an ASCII-sort string comparison, you can use > and < inside of [[ ]]:
start_hour=$(TZ='Asia/Tel_Aviv' date '+%H')
[[ $start_hour > 08 || $start_hour = 08 ]]
I need to know the first monday of the current month using Cygwin bash.
One Liner:
d=$(date -d "today 1300" '+%Y%m01'); w=$(date -d $d '+%w'); i=$(( (8 - $w) % 7)); answer=$(( $d + $i ));
The result is stored in $answer. It uses working variables $d, $w, and $i.
Proof (assuming you just ran the one liner above):
echo $answer; echo $(date -d $answer '+%w')
Expected Result: Monday of current month in YYYYMMDD. On the next line, a 1 for the day of the week.
Expanded Proof (checks the next 100 month's Mondays):
for x in {1..100}; do d=$(date -d "+$x months 1300" '+%Y%m01'); w=$(date -d $d '+%w'); i=$(( (8 - $w) % 7)); answer=$(( $d + $i )); echo $answer; echo $(date -d $answer '+%w'); done | egrep -B1 '^[^1]$'
Expected Result: NOTHING
(If there are results, something is broken)
Breaking it down
The first statement gets the first day of the current month, and stores that in $d, formatted as YYYYMMDD.
The second statement gets the day of the week number of the date $d, and stores that in $w.
The third statement computes the increment of days to add and stores it in $i. Zero is perfectly valid here, because...
The last statement computes the sum of the date $d (as an integer) and the increment $i (as an integer). This works because the domain of the $i is 0 to 6, and we will always start at the first day of the month. This can quickly be converted back to a date variable (see Proof for example of this).
This has been tested on BASH v4.1 (CentOS 6), v4.4 (Ubuntu), and v5 (Archlinux)
A one-liner--I hope it's correct
d=$(date -d date +%Y%m"01" +%u);date -d date +%Y%m"0"$(((9-$d)%7))
the variable d contains the day of week (1..7) where 1 is Monday
then I print the current year and month changing the day with $((9-$d))
This should do it, but I have no Cygwin here to test:
# get current year and month:
year=$( date +"%Y" )
month=$( date +"%m" )
# for the first 7 days in current month :
for i in {1..7}
# get day of week (dow) for that date:
dow=$( date -d "${year}-${month}-${i}" +"%u" )" "
# if dow is 1 (Monday):
if [ "$dow" -eq 1 ]
# print date of that Monday in default formatting:
date -d "${year}-${month}-${i}"
See manpage date(1) for more information.
Seagate hard drives display a code instead of the manufacturing date. The code is described here and an online decoder is available here.
In short, it's a 4 or 5 digit number of the form YYWWD or YYWD, where:
YY is the year, 00 is year 1999
W or WW is the week number beginning 1
D is day of week beginning 1
Week 1 begins on the first saturday of July in the stated year
06212 means Sunday 20 November 2005
0051 means Saturday 31 July 1999
How can this be decoded in a bash script ?
This is what I did, it should work:
[[ $DATE =~ $REGEX ]]
YEAR=$(( ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} + 1999 ))
WEEK=$(( ${BASH_REMATCH[2]} - 1))
OFFSET=$(( 6 - $(date -d "$YEAR-07-01" +%u) ))
DATEOFFIRSTSATURDAY=$(date -d "$YEAR-7-01 $OFFSET days" +%d)
It worked for the two dates given above...
If you want to customize the date output, add a format string at the end of the FINALDATe assignment.
Here is a short script, it takes two arguments: $1 is the code to convert and $2 is an optional format (see man date), otherwise defaulted (see code).
It uses the last Saturday in June instead of the first one in July because I found it easer to locate and it allowed me to just add the relevant number of weeks and days to it.
date_format=${2:-%A %B %-d %Y}
[[ ${#code} =~ ^[4-5]$ ]] || { echo "bad code"; exit 1; }
let year=1999+${code:0:2}
[[ ${#code} == 4 ]] && week=${code:2:1} || week=${code:2:2}
day=${code: -1}
june_last_saturday=$(cal 06 ${year} | awk '{ $6 && X=$6 } END { print X }')
date -d "${year}-06-${june_last_saturday} + ${week} weeks + $((${day}-1)) days" "+${date_format}"
$ seadate 06212
Sunday November 20 2005
$ seadate 0051
Saturday July 31 1999
I created a Seagate Date Code Calculator that actually works with pretty good accuracy. I've posted it here on this forum for anyone to use:
It's far more accurate than the other ones online which often point to the entirely wrong year. I know it's not a bash script, but will still get the job done for anyone else who's searching how to do this.