Why are some Prelude functions defined in terms of foldl? - built-in

Generally, foldl is avoided in favor of foldl' or foldr. Quoting Real World Haskell:
Due to the thunking behavior of foldl, it is wise to avoid this
function in real programs: even if it doesn't fail outright, it will
be unnecessarily inefficient. Instead, import Data.List and use
Yet some Prelude functions are defined in terms of it (e.g. (\\) and unionBy). Why is this? Is it to not introduce too much strictness to these functions?

The Prelude was designed before foldl' existed, and there's been pressure to maintain backwards compatibility (with regards to strictness, as you mentioned) since then.

In the case of (\\) and unionBy, the folded function has type
foo :: [a] -> b -> [a]
and foo xs y removes at most one element from xs, so using foldl' would not buy anything there in general, the thunks would be built on the right of the topmost (:) instead of above it then.
It would not make a difference in terms of strictness, as far as I can see, both folds would only be evaluated when the result needs to be evaluated to weak head normal form, and whenever foldl' would produce a _|_, so would foldl.

In both cases the accumulator is of type [a]. I can't see that forcing the list to weak-head normal form would make a huge difference, and introducing such partial strictness seems somewhat arbitrary.


Is there a performance cost of `Option.bind` compared to pattern matching?

I saw some OCaml code like this (reduced example):
match x_opt with
| Some x ->
(match do_some_stuff_with_x... with
| Some y -> do_some_stuff_with_y...
| None -> None
| None -> None
Are there high performance costs to the following alternative? (in particular, memory usage from the closures)?
(* using core_kernel's Option module *)
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun x -> do_some_stuff_with_x....)
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun y -> do_some_stuff_with_y....)
Possible answers:
The Option.bind version can be arbitrarily costly, depending on what you close over
flambda is usually smart enough to optimize away the closures (like rustc does)
The bind version might have a small overhead of creating a closure, which is usually, indeed, optimized away by flambda. Even if the closure is not created, e.g., when the bound function doesn't capture anything from the outside context, like in Option.bind ~f:Option.return, there is a minuscule overhead of an extra call.
All these overheads could be considered negligible unless they are run in a very hot loop. So unless you profiled and found out that it is an issue, try using the style that you find the most readable in the given situation.

Why does refactoring data to newtype speed up my haskell program?

I have a program which traverses an expression tree that does algebra on probability distributions, either sampling or computing the resulting distribution.
I have two implementations computing the distribution: one (computeDistribution) nicely reusable with monad transformers and one (simpleDistribution) where I concretize everything by hand. I would like to not concretize everything by hand, since that would be code duplication between the sampling and computing code.
I also have two data representations:
type Measure a = [(a, Rational)]
-- data Distribution a = Distribution (Measure a) deriving Show
newtype Distribution a = Distribution (Measure a) deriving Show
When I use the data version with the reusable code, computing the distribution of 20d2 (ghc -O3 program.hs; time ./program 20 > /dev/null) takes about one second, which seems way too long. Pick higher values of n at your own peril.
When I use the hand-concretized code, or I use the newtype representation with either implementation, computing 20d2 (time ./program 20 s > /dev/null) takes the blink of an eye.
How can I find out why?
My knowledge of how Haskell is executed is almost nil. I gather there's a graph of thunks in basically the same shape as the program, but that's about all I know.
I figure with newtype the representation of Distribution is the same as that of Measure, i.e. it's just a list, whereas with the data version each Distribution is kinda' like a single-field record, except with a pointer to the contained list, and so the data version has to perform more allocations. Is this true? If true, is this enough to explain the performance difference?
I'm new to working with monad transformer stacks. Consider the Let and Uniform cases in simpleDistribution — do they do the same as the walkTree-based implementation? How do I tell?
Here's my program. Note that Uniform n corresponds to rolling an n-sided die (in case the unary-ness was surprising).
Update: based on comments I simplified my program by removing everything not contributing to the performance gap. I made two semantic changes: probabilities are now denormalized and all wonky and wrong, and the simplification step is gone. But the essential shape of my program is still there. (See question edit history for the non-simplified program.)
Update 2: I made further simplifications, reducing Distribution down to the list monad with a small twist, removing everything to do with probabilities, and shortening the names. I still observe large performance differences when using data but not newtype.
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
main = do
args <- getArgs
let dieCount = case map readMaybe args of Just n : _ -> n; _ -> 10
let f = if ["s"] == (take 1 $ drop 1 $ args) then fast else slow
print $ f dieCount
fast, slow :: Int -> P Integer
fast n = walkTree n
slow n = walkTree n `runReaderT` ()
walkTree 0 = uniform
walkTree n = liftM2 (+) (walkTree 0) (walkTree $ n - 1)
data P a = P [a] deriving Show
-- newtype P a = P [a] deriving Show
class Monad m => MonadP m where uniform :: m Integer
instance MonadP P where uniform = P [1, 1]
instance MonadP p => MonadP (ReaderT env p) where uniform = lift uniform
instance Functor P where fmap f (P pxs) = P $ fmap f pxs
instance Applicative P where
pure x = P [x]
(P pfs) <*> (P pxs) = P $ pfs <*> pxs
instance Monad P where
(P pxs) >>= f = P $ do
x <- pxs
case f x of P fxs -> fxs
How can I find out why?
This is, in general, hard.
The extreme way to do it is to look at the core code (which you can produce by running GHC with -ddump-simpl). This can get complicated really quickly, and it's basically a whole new language to learn. Your program is already big enough that I had trouble learning much from the core dump.
The other way to find out why is to just keep using GHC and asking questions and learning about GHC optimizations until you recognize certain patterns.
In short, I believe it's due to list fusion.
NOTE: I don't know for sure that this answer is correct, and it would take more time/work to verify than I'm willing to put in right now. That said, it fits the evidence.
First off, we can check whether this slowdown you're seeing is a result of something truly fundamental vs a GHC optimization triggering or not by running in O0, that is, without optimizations. In this mode, both Distribution representations result in about the same (excruciatingly long) runtime. This leads me to believe that it's not the data representation that is inherently the problem but rather there's an optimization that's triggered with the newtype version that isn't with the data version.
When GHC is run in -O1 or higher, it engages certain rewrite rules to fuse different folds and maps of lists together so that it doesn't need to allocate intermediate values. (See https://markkarpov.com/tutorial/ghc-optimization-and-fusion.html#fusion for a decent tutorial on this concept as well as https://stackoverflow.com/a/38910170/14802384 which additionally has a link to a gist with all of the rewrite rules in base.) Since computeDistribution is basically just a bunch of list manipulations (which are all essentially folds), there is the potential for these to fire.
The key is that with the newtype representation of Distribution, the newtype wrapper is erased during compilation, and the list operations are allowed to fuse. However, with the data representation, the wrappers are not erased, and the rewrite rules do not fire.
Therefore, I will make an unsubstantiated claim: If you want your data representation to be as fast as the newtype one, you will need to set up rewrite rules similar to the ones for list folding but that work over the Distribution type. This may involve writing your own special fold functions and then rewriting your Functor/Applicative/Monad instances to use them.

Haskell: Caches, memoization, and referential transparency [duplicate]

I can't figure out why m1 is apparently memoized while m2 is not in the following:
m1 = ((filter odd [1..]) !!)
m2 n = ((filter odd [1..]) !! n)
m1 10000000 takes about 1.5 seconds on the first call, and a fraction of that on subsequent calls (presumably it caches the list), whereas m2 10000000 always takes the same amount of time (rebuilding the list with each call). Any idea what's going on? Are there any rules of thumb as to if and when GHC will memoize a function? Thanks.
GHC does not memoize functions.
It does, however, compute any given expression in the code at most once per time that its surrounding lambda-expression is entered, or at most once ever if it is at top level. Determining where the lambda-expressions are can be a little tricky when you use syntactic sugar like in your example, so let's convert these to equivalent desugared syntax:
m1' = (!!) (filter odd [1..]) -- NB: See below!
m2' = \n -> (!!) (filter odd [1..]) n
(Note: The Haskell 98 report actually describes a left operator section like (a %) as equivalent to \b -> (%) a b, but GHC desugars it to (%) a. These are technically different because they can be distinguished by seq. I think I might have submitted a GHC Trac ticket about this.)
Given this, you can see that in m1', the expression filter odd [1..] is not contained in any lambda-expression, so it will only be computed once per run of your program, while in m2', filter odd [1..] will be computed each time the lambda-expression is entered, i.e., on each call of m2'. That explains the difference in timing you are seeing.
Actually, some versions of GHC, with certain optimization options, will share more values than the above description indicates. This can be problematic in some situations. For example, consider the function
f = \x -> let y = [1..30000000] in foldl' (+) 0 (y ++ [x])
GHC might notice that y does not depend on x and rewrite the function to
f = let y = [1..30000000] in \x -> foldl' (+) 0 (y ++ [x])
In this case, the new version is much less efficient because it will have to read about 1 GB from memory where y is stored, while the original version would run in constant space and fit in the processor's cache. In fact, under GHC 6.12.1, the function f is almost twice as fast when compiled without optimizations than it is compiled with -O2.
m1 is computed only once because it is a Constant Applicative Form, while m2 is not a CAF, and so is computed for each evaluation.
See the GHC wiki on CAFs: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Constant_applicative_form
There is a crucial difference between the two forms: the monomorphism restriction applies to m1 but not m2, because m2 has explicitly given arguments. So m2's type is general but m1's is specific. The types they are assigned are:
m1 :: Int -> Integer
m2 :: (Integral a) => Int -> a
Most Haskell compilers and interpreters (all of them that I know of actually) do not memoize polymorphic structures, so m2's internal list is recreated every time it's called, where m1's is not.
I'm not sure, because I'm quite new to Haskell myself, but it appears that it's beacuse the second function is parametrized and the first one is not. The nature of the function is that, it's result depends on input value and in functional paradigm especailly it depends ONLY on the input. Obvious implication is that a function with no parameters returns always the same value over and over, no matter what.
Aparently there's an optimizing mechanizm in GHC compiler that exploits this fact to compute the value of such a function only once for whole program runtime. It does it lazily, to be sure, but does it nonetheless. I noticed it myself, when I wrote the following function:
primes = filter isPrime [2..]
where isPrime n = null [factor | factor <- [2..n-1], factor `divides` n]
where f `divides` n = (n `mod` f) == 0
Then to test it, I entered GHCI and wrote: primes !! 1000. It took a few seconds, but finally I got the answer: 7927. Then I called primes !! 1001 and got the answer instantly. Similarly in an instant I got the result for take 1000 primes, because Haskell had to compute the whole thousand-element list to return 1001st element before.
Thus if you can write your function such that it takes no parameters, you probably want it. ;)

When to use various language pragmas and optimisations?

I have a fair bit of understanding of haskell but I am always little unsure about what kind of pragmas and optimizations I should use and where. Like
Like when to use SPECIALIZE pragma and what performance gains it has.
Where to use RULES. I hear people taking about a particular rule not firing? How do we check that?
When to make arguments of a function strict and when does that help? I understand that making argument strict will make the arguments to be evaluated to normal form, then why should I not add strictness to all function arguments? How do I decide?
How do I see and check I have a space leak in my program? What are the general patterns which constitute to a space leak?
How do I see if there is a problem with too much lazyness? I can always check the heap profiling but I want to know what are the general cause, examples and patterns where lazyness hurts?
Is there any source which talks about advanced optimizations (both at higher and very low levels) especially particular to haskell?
Like when to use SPECIALIZE pragma and what performance gains it has.
You let the compiler specialise a function if you have a (type class) polymorphic function, and expect it to be called often at one or a few instances of the class(es).
The specialisation removes the dictionary lookup where it is used, and often enables further optimisation, the class member functions can often be inlined then, and they are subject to strictness analysis, both give potentially huge performance gains. If the only optimisation possible is the elimination of the dicitonary lookup, the gain won't generally be huge.
As of GHC-7, it's probably more useful to give the function an {-# INLINABLE #-} pragma, which makes its (nearly unchanged, some normalising and desugaring is performed) source available in the interface file, so the function can be specialised and possibly even inlined at the call site.
Where to use RULES. I hear people taking about a particular rule not firing? How do we check that?
You can check which rules have fired by using the -ddump-rule-firings command line option. That usually dumps a large number of fired rules, so you have to search a bit for your own rules.
You use rules
when you have a more efficient version of a function for special types, e.g.
"realToFrac/Float->Double" realToFrac = float2Double
when some functions can be replaced with a more efficient version for special arguments, e.g.
"^2/Int" forall x. x ^ (2 :: Int) = let u = x in u*u
"^3/Int" forall x. x ^ (3 :: Int) = let u = x in u*u*u
"^4/Int" forall x. x ^ (4 :: Int) = let u = x in u*u*u*u
"^5/Int" forall x. x ^ (5 :: Int) = let u = x in u*u*u*u*u
"^2/Integer" forall x. x ^ (2 :: Integer) = let u = x in u*u
"^3/Integer" forall x. x ^ (3 :: Integer) = let u = x in u*u*u
"^4/Integer" forall x. x ^ (4 :: Integer) = let u = x in u*u*u*u
"^5/Integer" forall x. x ^ (5 :: Integer) = let u = x in u*u*u*u*u
when rewriting an expression according to general laws might produce code that's better to optimise, e.g.
"map/map" forall f g. (map f) . (map g) = map (f . g)
Extensive use of RULES in the latter style is made in fusion frameworks, for example in the text library, and for the list functions in base, a different kind of fusion (foldr/build fusion) is implemented using rules.
When to make arguments of a function strict and when does that help? I understand that making argument strict will make the arguments to be evaluated to normal form, then why should I not add strictness to all function arguments? How do I decide?
Making an argument strict will ensure that it is evaluated to weak head normal form, not to normal form.
You do not make all arguments strict because some functions must be non-strict in some of their arguments to work at all and some are less efficient if strict in all arguments.
For example partition must be non-strict in its second argument to work at all on infinite lists, more general every function used in foldr must be non-strict in the second argument to work on infinite lists. On finite lists, having the function non-strict in the second argument can make it dramatically more efficient (foldr (&&) True (False:replicate (10^9) True)).
You make an argument strict, if you know that the argument must be evaluated before any worthwhile work can be done anyway. In many cases, the strictness analyser of GHC can do that on its own, but of course not in all.
A very typical case are accumulators in loops or tail recursions, where adding strictness prevents the building of huge thunks on the way.
I know no hard-and-fast rules for where to add strictness, for me it's a matter of experience, after a while you learn in what places adding strictness is likely to help and where to harm.
As a rule of thumb, it makes sense to keep small data (like Int) evaluated, but there are exceptions.
How do I see and check I have a space leak in my program? What are the general patterns which constitute to a space leak?
The first step is to use the +RTS -s option (if the programme was linked with rtsopts enabled). That shows you how much memory was used overall, and you can often judge by that whether you have a leak.
A more informative output can be obtained from running the programme with the +RTS -hT option, that produces a heap profile that can help locating the space leak (also, the programme needs to be linked with enabled rtsopts).
If further analysis is required, the programme needs to be compiled with profiling enabled (-rtsops -prof -fprof-auto, in older GHCs, the -fprof-auto option wasn't available, the -prof-auto-all option is the closest correspondence there).
Then you run it with various profiling options and look at the generated heap profiles.
The two most common causes for space leaks are
too much laziness
too much strictness
the third place is probably taken by unwanted sharing, GHC does little common subexpression elimination, but it occasionally shares long lists even where not wanted.
For finding the cause of a leak, I know again no hard-and-fast rules, and occasionally, a leak can be fixed by adding strictness in one place or by adding laziness in another.
How do I see if there is a problem with too much lazyness? I can always check the heap profiling but I want to know what are the general cause, examples and patterns where lazyness hurts?
Generally, laziness is wanted where results can be built up incrementally, and unwanted where no part of the result can be delivered before processing is complete, like in left folds or generally in tail-recursive functions.
I recommend reading the GHC documentation on Pragmas and Rewrite Rules, as they address many of your questions about SPECIALIZE and RULES.
To briefly address your questions:
SPECIALIZE is used to force the compiler to build a specialized version of a polymorphic function for a particular type. The advantage is that applying the function in that case will no longer require the dictionary. The disadvantage is that it will increase the size of your program. Specialization is particularly valuable for functions called in "inner-loops", and it's essentially useless for infrequently called top-level functions. Refer to the GHC documentation for interactions with INLINE.
RULES allows you to specify rewrite rules that you know to be valid but the compiler couldn't infer on its own. The common example is {-# RULES "mapfusion" forall f g xs. map f (map g xs) = map (f.g) xs #-}, which tells GHC how to fuse map. It can be finicky to get GHC to use the rules because of interference with INLINE. 7.19.3 touches on how to avoid conflicts and also how to force GHC to use a rule even when it would normally avoid it.
Strict arguments are most vital for something like an accumulator in a tail-recursive function. You know that the value will ultimately be fully calculated, and building up a stack of closures to delay the computation completely defeats the purpose. Enforced strictness must naturally be avoided anytime the function may be applied to a value which must be processed lazily, like an infinite list. Generally, the best idea is to initially only force strictness where it's obviously useful (like accumulators), and then add more later only as profiling shows it's needed.
My experience has been that most show-stopping space leaks came from lazy accumulators and unevaluated lazy values in very large data-structures, although I'm sure this is specific to the kinds of programs you're writing. Using unboxed data-structures whenever possible fixes a lot of the problems.
Outside of the instances where laziness causes space-leaks, the major situation where it should be avoided is in IO. Lazily processing resource inherently increases the amount of wall-clock time that the resource is needed. This can be bad for cache performance, and it's obviously bad if something else wants exclusive rights to use the same resource.

Haskell caching results of a function

I have a function that takes a parameter and produces a result. Unfortunately, it takes quite long for the function to produce the result. The function is being called quite often with the same input, that's why it would be convenient if I could cache the results. Something like
let cachedFunction = createCache slowFunction
in (cachedFunction 3.1) + (cachedFunction 4.2) + (cachedFunction 3.1)
I was looking into Data.Array and although the array is lazy, I need to initialize it with a list of pairs (using listArray) - which is impractical . If the 'key' is e.g. the 'Double' type, I cannot initialize it at all, and even if I can theoretically assign an Integer to every possible input, I have several tens of thousands possible inputs and I only actually use a handful. I would need to initialize the array (or, preferably a hash table, as only a handful of resutls will be used) using a function instead of a list.
Update: I am reading the memoization articles and as far as I understand it the MemoTrie could work the way I want. Maybe. Could somebody try to produce the 'cachedFunction'? Prefereably for a slow function that takes 2 Double arguments? Or, alternatively, that takes one Int argument in a domain of ~ [0..1 billion] that wouldn't eat all memory?
Well, there's Data.HashTable. Hash tables don't tend to play nicely with immutable data and referential transparency, though, so I don't think it sees a lot of use.
For a small number of values, stashing them in a search tree (such as Data.Map) would probably be fast enough. If you can put up with doing some mangling of your Doubles, a more robust solution would be to use a trie-like structure, such as Data.IntMap; these have lookup times proportional primarily to key length, and roughly constant in collection size. If Int is too limiting, you can dig around on Hackage to find trie libraries that are more flexible in the type of key used.
As for how to cache the results, I think what you want is usually called "memoization". If you want to compute and memoize results on demand, the gist of the technique is to define an indexed data structure containing all possible results, in such a way that when you ask for a specific result it forces only the computations needed to get the answer you want. Common examples usually involve indexing into a list, but the same principle should apply for any non-strict data structure. As a rule of thumb, non-function values (including infinite recursive data structures) will often be cached by the runtime, but not function results, so the trick is to wrap all of your computations inside a top-level definition that doesn't depend on any arguments.
Edit: MemoTrie example ahoy!
This is a quick and dirty proof of concept; better approaches may exist.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Data.MemoTrie
import Data.Binary
import Data.ByteString.Lazy hiding (map)
mangle :: Double -> [Int]
mangle = map fromIntegral . unpack . encode
unmangle :: [Int] -> Double
unmangle = decode . pack . map fromIntegral
instance HasTrie Double where
data Double :->: a = DoubleTrie ([Int] :->: a)
trie f = DoubleTrie $ trie $ f . unmangle
untrie (DoubleTrie t) = untrie t . mangle
slow x
| x < 1 = 1
| otherwise = slow (x / 2) + slow (x / 3)
memoSlow :: Double -> Integer
memoSlow = memo slow
Do note the GHC extensions used by the MemoTrie package; hopefully that isn't a problem. Load it up in GHCi and try calling slow vs. memoSlow with something like (10^6) or (10^7) to see it in action.
Generalizing this to functions taking multiple arguments or whatnot should be fairly straightforward. For further details on using MemoTrie, you might find this blog post by its author helpful.
See memoization
There are a number of tools in GHC's runtime system explicitly to support memoization.
Unfortunately, memoization isn't really a one-size fits all affair, so there are several different approaches that we need to support in order to cope with different user needs.
You may find the original 1999 writeup useful as it includes several implementations as examples:
Stretching the Storage Manager: Weak Pointers and Stable Names in Haskell by Simon Peyton Jones, Simon Marlow, and Conal Elliott
I will add my own solution, which seems to be quite slow as well. First parameter is a function that returns Int32 - which is unique identifier of the parameter. If you want to uniquely identify it by different means (e.g. by 'id'), you have to change the second parameter in H.new to a different hash function. I will try to find out how to use Data.Map and test if I get faster results.
import qualified Data.HashTable as H
import Data.Int
import System.IO.Unsafe
cache :: (a -> Int32) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
cache ident f = unsafePerformIO $ createfunc
createfunc = do
storage <- H.new (==) id
return (doit storage)
doit storage = unsafePerformIO . comp
comp x = do
look <- H.lookup storage (ident x)
case look of
Just res -> return res
Nothing -> do
result <- return (f x)
H.insert storage (ident x) result
return result
You can write the slow function as a higher order function, returning a function itself. Thus you can do all the preprocessing inside the slow function and the part that is different in each computation in the returned (hopefully fast) function. An example could look like this:
(SML code, but the idea should be clear)
fun computeComplicatedThing (x:float) (y:float) = (* ... some very complicated computation *)
fun computeComplicatedThingFast = computeComplicatedThing 3.14 (* provide x, do computation that needs only x *)
val result1 = computeComplicatedThingFast 2.71 (* provide y, do computation that needs x and y *)
val result2 = computeComplicatedThingFast 2.81
val result3 = computeComplicatedThingFast 2.91
I have several tens of thousands possible inputs and I only actually use a handful. I would need to initialize the array ... using a function instead of a list.
I'd go with listArray (start, end) (map func [start..end])
func doesn't really get called above. Haskell is lazy and creates thunks which will be evaluated when the value is actually required.
When using a normal array you always need to initialize its values. So the work required for creating these thunks is necessary anyhow.
Several tens of thousands is far from a lot. If you'd have trillions then I would suggest to use a hash table yada yada
I don't know haskell specifically, but how about keeping existing answers in some hashed datastructure (might be called a dictionary, or hashmap)? You can wrap your slow function in another function that first check the map and only calls the slow function if it hasn't found an answer.
You could make it fancy by limiting the size of the map to a certain size and when it reaches that, throwing out the least recently used entry. For this you would additionally need to keep a map of key-to-timestamp mappings.
