Building a Pricing Tool with discounts Using C# -

Okay maybe I am just not using the right search terms but I cannot seem to find anything online anywhere.
Essentially I am trying to build a pricing tool for work. This pricing tool needs to have the ability to take into account discount codes and bundle pricings.
I need to build it in a way that I can have an admin section where I could enter in the discount code and the value of that discount code along with what products that discount code is used for.
I don't expect anyone to tell me how to do this I am a big boy and can read and research it but I am having an issue just getting started. If anyone out there knows of any decent articles online how to do some basic design for this sort of thing please direct me there. From there I can figure the rest out.
Oh by the way I plan on using C# ASP.NET MVC 3

I would take a look at some prevalent ecommmerce sites (nopcommerce springs to mind). They all have admin sections and any decent ecommerce site will support coupons and discounts per product. You may even be able to borrow some (open source) code...


Proof integration with magento 2.3

I've tried useproof, but it doesn't show real customers info, only imaginary ones.
I would like have proof or similar extension for magento 2 site, anybody heard about free or paid extensions without any pixel?
Have you tried
They offer a very similar functionality but it was built for Magento 2 with e-commerce in mind. Lots of cool triggers you can use to promote products and increase overall order total.
I hope this helps.

Magento and Prestashop's customization limits

I am new to both Magento and Prestashop. I have no clue upto what point I can customize on each platform. So, before I decide, I want your feedbacks on to which direction to go towards. Listed below are the feature I need in the ecommerce site I am going to develop:
Product Type:
Wedding cards and other greeting cards, some cards might have two sides, so the user might need to fill in the text for both cards prior to adding it to the shopping cart.
Each card will have unlimited options, e.g Changing colors of some
aspects of the card, so the user can see the differences. Each one is
different image, so when the admin adds a product, they need to
upload those variations.
Needs to attach some products to be a
suggestion, e.g when you order a wedding card, we suggest them to get
Place cards and etc.
On a custom card, the user can upload their
photo, and then can add the necessary text they want to appear, then process the order.
The following is almost as to what I am looking for: [Click on the play with pallettes to see the changing color in action]
Those are just some of the features that I think are very unusual for a standard E-Commerce site. Can I do those features with Magento and/or Prestashop or I need to build a custom solution?
You can make those features with Prestashop and Magento. But no matter which one you chose, you'll have to personalize/modify your shop to get those features to work.
Prestashop is easier to use and to learn and it is faster because it is slim compared to Magento. On the other hand Magento is even more customizable but it is much harder to learn and getting used to it.
I would give you the advice to install test-versions of both shop-systems and try them yourself. So you'll see which is the better choice for your skills, your needs and your products.
I had to make this choice some months ago for myself. After some testing I chose Presthop and I do not regret my choice. But everbody has to make this choice for himself ;).
Installation and customization are two important considerations during the purchasing decision, especially if the goal is to get the e-commerce site up and running as quickly as possible. These characteristics of Prestashop are better than Magento. While Magento is more customizable, therefore resulting in longer set up and installation times, Prestashop makes a trade-off by having fewer “out of the box ready” features available.
One of the key features of an e-commerce software package is its ability to maximize Search Engine Optimization (SEO) capabilities. Magento has distanced itself from all of its software competitors in constructing the best SEO features of any e-commerce platform.
The support/community of Magento is a little better in my opinion. A lot of the times you get no response on the Prestashop forums and you are left to find a way for yourself. I have worked with both. I would pick the one you are more comfortable with.
Just my 2 cents.

content management system for non-profit

I need to create a website for a non-profit that will need the following functionality along with the basic page editing and creation (hopefully a free solution)
- Newsletter
- Event Listing + integration with Google Calendar
- Possibly integration with system like guestlistapp to collect payments for Event Tickets
- Membership management system + collect payments
- Paypal Donations
I have looked at Umbraco but doesn't seem to have any of these plugins. Please suggest other systems that you may have used in the past and can be a good fit for this scenario.
Umbraco doesn't come out-of-the box with those plugins, but there are 'packages' available for some of those things, and with some custom code it could do all of those things -
For example, here is a newsletter addin:
A membership addin:
A paypal addin:
An events calendar:
Bottomline however is that with all of these packages, its not just a simple install and give to the client, they may require customization on your part so perhaps your client would be better-off with an off-the-shelf non-profit management package if that is what you are looking for.
Would recommend Joomla 2.5.6 for this.
JomSocial have a package that comes with a paid membership system which costs $268. As well as the membership system, I assume you are aware that JomSocial is a very big extension and wtih the right add-ons, will be able to perform many tasks. Take a look here:
A free solution for paid membership could be Akeeba Subscriptions which is a very flexible component and integrated with lots of other extensions.
For donations, take a look at the category on JED here:
For events and news letters, I would probably recommend using JEvents and
JNews which are both free.
As for a Google Calendar, check out GCalendar, which is also free.
Hope this helps.
I would suggest that you look at the "open source cms market share report", which is published every November and is very useful in determining which CMSs are dominant, which are growing and which are fading. For example Joomla is a dominant player, Umbraco is a growing player.
open source cms market share report 2011
The 2011 Open Source CMS Market Share Report concludes that three
brands - Joomla!, WordPress, and Drupal - dominate today’s market. The
Report concludes that WordPress leads in brand strength and market
share after a strong year.
The Report follows the market share and brand strength indicators for
20 top systems, assessing each on a wide variety of measures. The
study focuses on identifying the market leaders, both in terms of rate
of adoption and mindshare.
While WordPress, Joomla! and Drupal lead the survey set across a wide
range of measures, the report also identifies other trends in this
year's open source CMS market.
** DotNetNuke continues to lead the .NET CMS race, though Umbraco shows strength.
** Liferay & Alfresco are neck and neck in the Java CMS race.
** Concrete5 turns in an exceptional year.
open source cms market share report 2010

Migrate from MagentoGo to Magento Enterprise Edition

We are setting up a new e-commerce site and while trying to figure out which platform to go with, I would like to know, is there way to migrate from MagentoGo to the Enterprise edition?
p.s. In case you want to contribute to our platform quest, feel free to write your thoughts on this post,
Both editions should have support. I would ask Magento what options you have.
Having said that, you can probably migrate most of the product information using the API and/or DataFlow. That will require you to write a script that takes the information out of Go and then put it into Enterprise Edition.
Orders will probably be a more complicated beast. There is an API available for orders so you will probably need to use that. However, migrating payment information may be tricky as you will likely charge the customer again. I would probably change the payment method to Purchase Order and put the PO value as "Migrated Order".
However, the first thing I would do is talk to Magento about what kind of options you have. I have to imagine that they have created a method for people to migrate out of Go and into Enterprise. They should be based some somewhat the same code so maybe the database can be moved over as well.

Miva Merchant Integration

I have a prospective client that currently uses Miva Merchant as their e-commerce solution. They would like me to add functionality that I have done before with Magento. I know that Miva uses its own proprietary scripting language, but how similar is this to other languages? How steep is the learning curve to be able to modify core functionality of the shopping cart?
Are they're any resources out there to try developing for Miva without purchasing it?
you can download Miva Mia here:
you will also ned MySQL and the database connector to develop locally. If you are familiar with PHP you should be able to pick up on miva script fairly easy.
Hope that helped!
You may also want to check out the Miva Merchant forums for help when you get stuck plus tips & tricks. It is very active, you can find the forums here:
