(AUTOIT) Au3Recoder failing to launch in Win7 64bit - windows

I'm trying to automate few software installations. I came to know about AutoIt Au3Recoder, but its failing to launch in Win7 64bit. It through me an error message while launching
"MSVCR100.dll Not Found"
I tried with downloading the same .dll file and adding into system32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder but still I'm facing the same.
(Either I should resolve this or I should go with some other software, If you know any other software please suggest me)

Just install the following package and this error should be gone:


TwinCAT XAR showing file missing error on starting windows PC

The windows-PC having TwinCAT XAR installed on it, after starting shows a file missing error. I tried reinstalling with the fresh download. But, the same error appeared again.
The error is shown in the picture
The system information is also shared in the below image. To check the compatibility of the system with TwinCAT XAR.
I believe the issue is caused by mfc140u.dll not being available in System32.
Try copying mfc140u.dll from System32 on your own developer PC to System32 on the PC. This has resolved the issue for my colleague .

Running OpenFOAM native compile on a non-admin Windows

I have downloaded and installed a Windows native compiled OpenFOAM from here. But when I try to run any of the OF commands (e.g., blockMesh, foamDictionary, ...) in the MSYS2 terminal I get the message:
path/to/folder/v2106/msys64/home/ofuser/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v2106/platforms/win64MingwDPInt32Opt/bin/blockMesh.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-6.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
and in the cmd terminal, I get the error message:
System Error The code execution cannot proceed because msmpi.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
From here, I see that I might have to reinstall OpenFOAM in admin mode, which I don't have on this work machine. so I tried installing MSMPI using pacman -S msmpi as I used to do here. But I get the error message:
error: target not found: msmpi
My goal is to install and use the OpenFOAM software, doesn't matter which release, on this Windows machine without admin privileges. I would appreciate it if you could help me know how can I fix the above problems, or find another way around.
P.S.1. Searching the installation directory, I see that the libstdc++-6.dll file is in the path\to\folder\v2106\msys64\home\ofuser\OpenFOAM\OpenFOAM-v2106\platforms\win64MingwDPInt32Opt\bin. So I wonder I get the first error message. Maybe OF is not compiled properly against the library? Should I try removing the path\to\folder\v2106\msys64\usr\lib\gcc\x86_64-pc-msys\7.4.0\libstdc++.dll.a as suggested here?
P.S.2. I had written this post ages ago about different ways to install OpenFOAM on Windows. Sadly it is still a big effort to get it up and running.
P.S.3. A follow-up on this issue here on the MSYS2 Discord server.
P.S.4. Opened a new issue here on the OpenFOAM repository.
With OpenFOAM-v2112 it is now possible to install without windows admin permissions.
The original problem will still be evident with older OpenFOAM versions since they relied on installing msmpi separately.

Wine error "could not find or load the Qt platform plugin windows"

I´ve been working on porting a program called "Logitech Gaming software" to mac. I've downloaded a wrapper called "steamliner"
I downloaded this steam wrapper because it had the .net program "mono" and already set windows 7 system...
And when i run the installer for the "Logitech Gaming software" i get an error called
I've been on a lot of sites, that says that i should do some cmd commands or install some programs. I haven't made any terminal commands, but i have tried to install two program called "mingw" and "qt-opensource-windows-x86-1.6.0-8"
Mingw: http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net
I didn't have any success installing "qt-opensource-windows-x86-1.6.0-8" because of an error called "Connection Closed".
But i did have success installing "Mingw".
Does anyone have an idea to fix this error.
by the way i'm using wine to port the program, and i'm not very good, so would you please answer in non-geek language :)

Compatibility Mode error when installing Visual Studio SDK (vssdk)

Whenever I try to install the Visual Studio SDK I get the following error:
Windows Program Compatibility mode is on. Turn it off and then try Setup again.
I have checked and Compatibility mode is not turned on. From what I've read, renaming the installer to vssdk_full.exe should help. That hasn't had any impact.
I got the installer from Microsoft's website.
What do I need to do to get this to install?
Are you installing on Windows 10? If so, then I have the same problem and it seems as though the current SDK setup is checking the Windows version and 10 isn't currently supported. See https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/77c61be0-1303-4040-a587-62843d321159/visual-studio-2013-sdk?forum=WinPreview2014General for more info
I have managed to get it to install on windows 10, download the sdk, it will download vssdk_full.exe, run this with /layout path which will extract the actual setup file.
Then set compatibility on the new file to win 8 and it will install just fine.
You might not need to do the/layout thing but that is what I did.
I had the same problem. I downloaded .iso file with install package form the internet. Then I mounted it using PowerISO and tried to start it from virtual CD drive. It ended up in the same message as above.
I looked it up and thought that in Properties of .exe install file, it's enough to uncheck some boxes compability section. But nothing was checked.
Soon afterwards I unzipped the package to a temporary directory with PowerISO and installed Visual from there. Worked without problems.
I had this problem, I renamed the instalation file to "vssdk_full.exe" and it installed without problems.

IBM Websphere ILog JRules Studio 7.1.1 Installation Failed Due to Error: Could not Java Virtual Machine

Has any one encountered the error: Could not create Java Virtual Machine error while installing IBM Websphere ILog JRules Studio 7.1.1? I have Windows 7 64 bit OS but this error could happen on any Windows machine. By default IBM ships the package for 32 bit so our installation team tried with 32 bit JDK 6 (with many minor versions) for many days but could not figure out. I have posted my own solution below. Check this out and save your life.
You usually start installation by running JRules_V711_CZLX7ML.exe file on windows. It will extract all resources on your temp directory and you might encounter error: "Could Not Create Java Virtual Machine". Just follow these steps and it "might" solve your problem:
1. Go to your temp directory by typing "%temp%" in Start-> Run or Windows Explorer.
2. Look for directory something like: I1403739667. Go inside this directory.
3. Open command prompt and go to I1403739667/Windows/resource/jre/bin
4. Run command: java -version
5. If you see following error, go further otherwise you might have some other problems:
JVMJ9VM011W Unable to load j9jpi24: The specified module could not be found.
Error: could not load Mercury Interactive support. Please run the setup again.
If the problem persists please contact Mercury's Customer support.
JVMJ9VM011W Unable to load j9jpi24: The specified module could not be found.
JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library jvmhook(-3): JVM_OnLoad failed
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
This happens if you have installed HP Quick Test Professional which used to be Mercury before HP bought over.
Right click on your computer icon on desktop and look for following environment variable: IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS
Either rename it to IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS_DONOTUSE or delete it.
Try installing again.
NOTE: I had tried to by pass this error by changing the vm property in Rule Studio.lax file to use JDK 6 32 bit installed on my windows machine and was able to install successfully but there were just too many Rules compilation errors which would not make any sense. So NEVER try to use your own JDK. You have to use the IBM JDK shipped as part of Rule Studio.
