how do i import my jar file in drjava? - macos

i have already added the file into extra class path but when i try to call the method "boolean ImageLibary.loadImage(File f)" i get error cannot find symbol..
public class ImageEditing
public static void main(String[]args) throws Exception
File image = getfile();
boolean i= ImageLibary.loadImage(image); // error occurs here
public static File getfile()
JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
String currentDir = System.getProperty("user.dir");
chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(currentDir));
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Warning: Error setting current folder: "+e.getMessage());
File file = null;
int returnValue;
returnValue = chooser.showOpenDialog(null);
file = chooser.getSelectedFile();
return file;


How to sanitize request object in the #restcontroller

I'm doing a static code analysis using checkmarx, which gave me medium vulnerabilities for #RequestBody.
Will place a sample code below, could someone help me fixing this issue.
public class Myclass {
SplitClass split;
#PostMapping(path = "/something", consumes = "application/json", produces = "application/json")
public int splitter(#RequestBody SplitRequestVO **splitReq**) {
int response = 0;
try {
int value = split.methodName(splitReq);
if(value == 1) {
response = 1;
}else {
response = 0;
}catch(Exception e) {
log.error("Excpetion in the MY Class controller" +e.getMessage());
return response;
Every time it is showing error with this util class. please check whats wrong in this class.
public class FileUtil {
private FileUtil() {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("FileUtil.class");
public static void createFileFromBytes(String fileName, byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
File file = new File(fileName);
try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
} catch (IOException exc) {
log.error("Exception in creating file from bytes : "+exc.getMessage());
public static void deleteFile(String fileName) {"Entry into deleteFile method.");
try {
File file = new File(fileName);
if (file.exists()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("file deleted:" + fileName);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception in deleting the file : "+e.getMessage());
}"Exit from deleteFile method ");
public static byte[] getBytesFromFile(File file) throws IOException {"Entry into getBytesFromFile method");
byte[] bytes = null;
try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file)) {
long length = file.length();
if (length > 2147483647L) {
log.error("File Too large:" + file.getName());
bytes = new byte[(int) length];
int offset = 0;
int numRead = 0;
while (offset < bytes.length && (numRead =, offset, bytes.length - offset)) >= 0)
offset += numRead;
if (offset < bytes.length)
throw new IOException("Could not completely read file " + file.getName());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception in getBytesFromFile : "+e.getMessage());
}"Exit from getBytesFromFile method ");
return bytes;
public static byte[] getBytesFromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
File file = new File(fileName);
return getBytesFromFile(file);
Here im facing the vulnerability issue to fix in the block letters. Appreciated foy help.
Thanks in advance.

Spring Boot - Upload files on Remote Machine

I want to upload file on remote server, currently i am only able to upload on local machine. below is my code
public UploadFileResponse uploadFile(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file) {
String fileName = fileStorageService.storeFile(file);
String fileDownloadUri = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentContextPath()
return new UploadFileResponse(fileName, fileDownloadUri,file.getContentType(), file.getSize());
Thanks in Advance!
1. Use case : You want to upload the file locally (i.e. where your application is running):
You create StorageService interface and an implementing class FileSystemStorageService:
public class FileSystemStorageService implements StorageService {
private final Path rootLocation;
public FileSystemStorageService(StorageProperties properties) {
this.rootLocation = Paths.get(properties.getLocation());
public void store(MultipartFile file) {
String filename = StringUtils.cleanPath(file.getOriginalFilename());
try {
if (file.isEmpty()) {
throw new StorageException("Failed to store empty file " + filename);
if (filename.contains("..")) {
// This is a security check
throw new StorageException(
"Cannot store file with relative path outside current directory "
+ filename);
try (InputStream inputStream = file.getInputStream()) {
Files.copy(inputStream, this.rootLocation.resolve(filename),
catch (IOException e) {
throw new StorageException("Failed to store file " + filename, e);
And the controller class:
public class FileUploadController {
private final StorageService storageService;
public FileUploadController(StorageService storageService) {
this.storageService = storageService;
public String handleFileUpload(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file,
RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {;
"You successfully uploaded " + file.getOriginalFilename() + "!");
return "redirect:/";
You can find the whole sample under
2. Use case : You want to upload the file to a remote server:
I recommend in this case to use SFTP.
You create a RemoteFileSystemStorageService implementing the StorageService (Already created in the first use case).
public class RemoteFileSystemStorageService implements StorageService {
private StorageProperties properties
final private ChannelSftp channelSftp;
public void setUpSsh(){
JSch jsch = new JSch();
Session jschSession = jsch.getSession(properties.getUsername(),
this.channelSftp = (ChannelSftp)jschSession.openChannel("sftp");
public void store(MultipartFile file) {
String filename = StringUtils.cleanPath(file.getOriginalFilename());
try {
if (file.isEmpty()) {
throw new StorageException("Failed to store empty file " + filename);
if (filename.contains("..")) {
// This is a security check
throw new StorageException(
"Cannot store file with relative path outside current directory "
+ filename);
try (InputStream inputStream = file.getInputStream()) {
this.channelSftp.put(inputStream, properties.getRemoteServerDirectory());
catch (IOException e) {
throw new StorageException("Failed to store file " + filename, e);

couldn't find method readString(Path) while loading BulkApi

I'm going to load the bulk of data using BulkApi but while compiling the code it shows me the error.
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BulkApiService.class);
public ElasticSearchConfig elasticSearchConfig;
private static String FOLDER_PATH = "src/main/resources/allFiles";
public void loadAllDataUsingBulkApi() {
Client client = elasticSearchConfig.client();
AtomicReference<BulkRequestBuilder> request = new AtomicReference<>(client.prepareBulk());
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
try (Stream<Path> filePathStream = Files.walk(Paths.get(FOLDER_PATH))) {
filePathStream.forEach(filePath -> {
if (Files.isRegularFile(filePath)) {
try {
String content = Files.readString(filePath);
JSONObject contentJson = new JSONObject(content);
HashMap contentMap = new Gson().fromJson(contentJson.toString(), HashMap.class);
request.get().add(client.prepareIndex("indexName", "default").setSource(contentMap));
} catch (IOException ignore) {
BulkResponse bulkResponse = request.get().execute().actionGet();
} catch (Exception e) {
Expected Output : it should load all the data on specified path to ES.
Actual output :
Error on "String content = Files.readString(filePath);" that couldn't find symbol.
symbol: method readString(Path)
location: class Files

Bukkit - How to reload custom yaml-configuration

Okay, so I'm trying to make a toggleable feature, whether they have it enabled/disabled is stored in the 'data.yml'. The issue I have with this is that the file does get updated (Asin, it does change from true to false and vice versa) but it doesn't actually apply the changes in-game.
Method for reloading the file:
public static void reloadConfig(File file, FileConfiguration conf) {
try {;
} catch (Exception e) {
conf = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
Toggle command:
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("toggle")) {
File file = new File("plugins/StatTrack", "data.yml");
if (file.exists()) {
FileConfiguration conf = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
if (conf.getBoolean("Users." + player.getName() + ".OreTracker") == true) {
conf.set("Users." + player.getName() + ".OreTracker", false);
try {
Main.reloadConfig(file, conf);
Main.message(player, "&cDisabled&f the Ore&8-&fTracker");
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Main.message(player, "&cSome fatal error occored");
return true;
} else if (conf.getBoolean("Users." + player.getName() + ".OreTracker") == false) {
conf.set("Users." + player.getName() + ".OreTracker", true);
try {
Main.reloadConfig(file, conf);
Main.message(player, "&aEnabled&f the Ore&8-&fTracker");
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
Main.message(player, "&cSome fatal error occored");
return true;
If you need any more code or have any questions I'll happily supply the code/answer.
Thanks in advance.
The problem is that the plugin is saving the config in the reload method. I also wouldn't recommend using a static method in this case unless the class of the method is a Singleton.
So let's create a new class being a Singleton. The Singleton pattern describes a class which has only one instance accessible through static methods.
public class PluginConfig {
private static PluginConfig instance; // Static (global) reference to the instance
File confFile;
YamlConfiguration conf;
public PluginConfig(File confFile) {
this.confFile = confFile;
public static YamlConfiguration getConfig() {
return instance.conf;
public static void loadConfig() {
instance.conf = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(confFile);
// Extra method for another implementation, if potentially needed in the future
public static void reloadConfig() {
Using that class you can access the config from everywhere with PluginConfig.getConfig()

Upload File data into database using spring mvc and hibernate

I need to upload data into 2 database tables(factory and factoryType) using the below form but it isnt working can somebody take a look :
Factory table:factoryId,factoryname
FactoryType table: factoryType,factoryTypeId
FactoryConf table: factoryID,factoryTypeId
We are using hibernate for the database operations.
#Table(name = "FactoryConf", uniqueConstraints = {
#UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "factoryId" } )
public class FactoryConf {
long factoryId;
#JoinColumn(name = "factoryId", insertable = false, updatable = false)
Factory factory;
#ManyToOne(optional = false)
#JoinColumn(name = "factoryTypeId")
FactoryType factoryType;
public FactoryConf() {
public FactoryConf(long factoryId, FactoryType factoryType) {
this.factoryType = factoryType;
this.factoryId = factoryId;
public Factory getFactory() {
return factory;
public void setFactory(Factory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
public FactoryType getFactoryType() {
return factoryType;
public void setFactoryType(FactoryType factoryType) {
this.factoryType = factoryType;
public long getFactoryId() {
return factoryId;
public void setFactoryId(long factoryId) {
this.factoryId = factoryId;
public FactoryType getFactoryTypeByFactoryID(long factoryId){
return factoryType;
Bean class:
* This bean is defined to parse each record from the CSV file.
* All records are mapped to instances of this bean class.
public class FactoryCSVFileInputBean {
private String upload_id;
private String file_name;
private byte file_data;
private long Id;
private String Name;
private String Type;
//getter setters
CSV parsing:
* This class is defined for following actions
* 1. Validate the input CSV file format, header columns.
* 2. Parse the CSV file into a list of beans.
* 3. Validate input records with missing data and prepare a valid factory list to be processed. *
public class FactoryCSVUtil {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FactoryCSVUtil.class);
private static final List<String> fileHeaderFields = new ArrayList<String>();
private static final String UTF8CHARSET = "UTF-8";
for (Field f : FactoryCSVFileInputBean.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
public static List<FactoryCSVFileInputBean> getCSVInputList(InputStream inputStream){
CSVReader reader = null;
List<FactoryCSVFileInputBean> csvList = null;
FactoryCSVFileInputBean inputRecord = null;
String[] header = null;
String[] row = null;
try {
reader = new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream,UTF8CHARSET));
csvList = new ArrayList<FactoryCSVFileInputBean>();
header = reader.readNext();
boolean isEmptyLine = true;
while ((row = reader.readNext()) != null) {
isEmptyLine = true;
if(!(row.length==1 && StringUtils.isBlank(row[0]))){//not an empty line, not even containing ','
inputRecord = new FactoryCSVFileInputBean();
isEmptyLine = populateFields(inputRecord, header, row);
if(row.length != header.length)
//inputRecord.setUploadStatus("Not Loaded - Missing or invalid Data");
} catch (IOException e) {
log.debug("IOException while accessing FactoryCSVFileInputBean: " + e);
return null;
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
log.debug("IllegalAccessException while accessing FactoryCSVFileInputBean: " + e);
return null;
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
log.debug("InvocationTargetException while copying FactoryCSVFileInputBean properties: " + e);
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug("Exception while parsing CSV file: " + e);
return null;
}catch(IOException ioe){}
return csvList;
protected static boolean populateFields(FactoryCSVFileInputBean inputRecord,String[] header, String[] row) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
boolean isEmptyLine = true;
for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
String val = row[i];
BeanUtilsBean.getInstance().copyProperty(inputRecord, header[i], val);
isEmptyLine = false;
} else {
//inputRecord.setUploadStatus(String.format("Not Loaded - Missing or invalid Data for:%s",header[i]));
return isEmptyLine;
public static void validateInputFile(CommonsMultipartFile csvFile, Model model){
InputStream inputStream = null;
CSVReader reader = null;
String fileName = csvFile.getOriginalFilename();
String fileExtension = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
inputStream = csvFile.getInputStream();
reader = new CSVReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream,UTF8CHARSET));
String[] header = reader.readNext();
for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) {
if(!header[i].equals("") && !fileHeaderFields.contains(header[i])){
log.debug("Invalid Column found in upload file: " + header[i]);
model.addAttribute("failureMsg", "Invalid Column found in upload file: " + header[i]);
for(csvHeaderFieldsEnum field : csvHeaderFieldsEnum.values()){
log.debug("Missing column in upload file: " + field.getValue());
model.addAttribute("failureMsg", "Missing column in upload file: " + field.getValue());
model.addAttribute("failureMsg", "File is Empty - Please select a valid file");
String[] data = reader.readNext();
log.debug("Empty file with header - No data found");
model.addAttribute("failureMsg", "Empty file with header - No data found");
}catch(IOException e){
log.debug("IOException in reading the CSV file: " + e);
model.addAttribute("failureMsg", "Exception in reading the CSV file");
}catch(IOException e){ log.debug("IOException in closing reader of CSV file: " + e);}
model.addAttribute("failureMsg", "Invalid file format - Please select a CSV file");
public class FactoryUploadForm {
private CommonsMultipartFile fileData;
private String uploadComment;
* #return the fileData
public CommonsMultipartFile getFileData() {
return fileData;
* #param fileData the fileData to set
public void setFileData(CommonsMultipartFile fileData) {
this.fileData = fileData;
* #return the uploadComment
public String getUploadComment() {
return uploadComment;
* #param uploadComment the uploadComment to set
public void setUploadComment(String uploadComment) {
this.uploadComment = uploadComment;
public String toString(){
return " CSVFileName: " + getFileData().getOriginalFilename() + "; Upload Comment: " + uploadComment;
public class FactoryUploadDownloadController {
private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(FactoryUploadDownloadController.class);
Service Service;
FactoryUploadRepository repository;
#RequestMapping(value = "/submitUploadFactoryForm")
public String uploadFactory(FactoryUploadForm uploadform,
HttpServletRequest request, Model model, BindingResult result) {
List<FactoryCSVFileInputBean> csvList = null;
List<FactoryType> factoryTypes = Service.getFactoryTypes();
try {
CommonsMultipartFile file = uploadform.getFileData();
// parse csv file to list
csvList = FactoryCSVUtil.getCSVInputList(file.getInputStream());
if (csvList == null) {
model.addAttribute("failureMsg","Error in file parsing - Please verify the file");
return "sucess";
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("sorry this isn't working for you");
try {
CommonsMultipartFile file = uploadform.getFileData();
for (FactoryCSVFileInputBean inputRecord : csvList) {
Factory factoryentity = new Factory();
factoryentity = this.Service.saveFactory(factoryentity);
FactoryConf factoryconf = new FactoryConf();
model.addAttribute("factoryconf", factoryconf);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("sorry this isnt working for you");
return "success";
private FactoryType pickFactoryType(List<FactoryType> types, String typeName) {
for (FactoryType type : types) {
if (type.getFactoryType().equalsIgnoreCase(typeName))
return type;
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Factory Type Invalid :%s", typeName));
From your question, I understand that you are not able to parse data from a CSV file. Here is sample code for similar task. I think it should help.
