Order review page goes blank in magento onepage checkout - magento

I am using Magento 1.7 community edition and whenever I'm logged in as a customer and try to checkout, the order review tab in onepage checkout returns an empty page. Its working fine when i checkout as guest. I've searched a lot but nobody seems to have this issue. I'm not getting anything in exception or system logs.

This is an issue with some fatal PHP error, encountered by Magento. The reason can be any. Most probably, something is wrong with installed 3rd party extension or custom development, you may made in Magento.
In order to see the actual error, enabled developer mode in Magento. The easiest way to do it is to temporarily edit index.php and change
Then you will see error, which will let you uncover the problem to fix.


Proceed to Checkout button directing to homepage instead of next step in magento 1.9.1

So the problem is when i upload the website to live server. Everything works fine in local environment.
When i click the Proceed to checkout button it redirects me to the homepage. this does not happen in local environment.
In the live server I have Flushed magento cache; flushed web hosting account cache; Enable error logging but there are no errors, also no extensions are installed.
What does the link for proceed to checkout say in inspector? What i will usually do to troubleshoot issues as such is enabling the default theme to see if the issue still occurs. If it doesn't then it's theme specific. From there, run red lines with the theme having the problem and verify the block with the proceed to cart button doesn't have an error by comparing it to the base theme block.
Changing these settings from the admin panel solved my problem.

Compilation issue in Magento

When I enable the compilation from Magento admin then the product is deleted from admin, the checkout page is not working and store locater extension page http://demo.azurigroup.com.au/ponicosmetics/index.php/storelocator/index/ is working. But if I disable the compilation then my extension page http://demo.azurigroup.com.au/ponicosmetics/index.php/storelocator/index/ is not working.
Please suggest to me what I should do.

Blank page when I try to edit an order address in Magento admin

I am running Magento 1.6.2.
When I click the Edit link above the shipping or billing address DIVs in the admin system, all I get is a blank page.
How do I figure out where the error is?
I have tried turning on template path hints (for the admin system), but because absolutely nothing is rendered when I click the link, I don't see any template info to even start to debug this issue?
Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
You should enable developer mode in Magento to see the actual error printed. There are different ways to do it, the easiest one is to temporarily edit index.php and change
Then you should see the actual problem printed.

Paypal Express option is missing at checkout - Magento 1.4.2

I've copied new Paypal and Checkout template folders into my site from all sorts of magento versions, and I still can't get the icon to show at my checkout. It works on a few other sites I've created.
Does anyone have any ideas why I can't get any instance of paypal express to show up on my site? I want it mainly in the checkout/cart area-
Magento 1.4.2
Things I have checked:
Base Currency is USD.
Replaced all files in Checkout(template) folder with different version, no changes.
Replaced all files in Paypal(template) folder with different version, no changes.
Replaced XML files for Checkout/Paypal with Newer, and older versions.
Verified my Paypal Express (and paypal pro) settings in the backend, these are identical to another working installation I have.
My head aches from this. Any ideas?
I have found a temporary solution to this issue-
I added the express checkout button myself in the checkout, and linked it to http://www.mydomain.com/paypal/express/start/
If they have items in their cart, this URL will proceed into the paypal express checkout.
Hope this helps someone out there.
I'm not completely aware about Paypal Express but in your configuration, the value of "Enable Paypal Guest Checkout" is set to "No".
During the checkout process, at the cart page, the customer may not be yet logged, then Paypal is not shown. But if you are already logged, I think it will be shown.
If you set the config to yes, guest customer could use it but they won't create an account or log in ! Depends on your needs!

Cant see any page on magento

I am facing the following problem
all product pages are blank, but if you go to the homepage, or a category page or a search results page its working.
ini errors in enabled so I have no idea where to look for the error.
I solved this my self after clearing all magento cache. I also had to put the old theme I was using, the creators of the theme told me that it only allows magento to and my installation was
I think that was the problemm
