I'm trying to add some depth of field to a simple ray caster. I'm using the method where, for each pixel, rays are cast through the focal point for this pixel from several random "eye" positions inside a small aperture area, and the color samples from each of these rays are averaged together.
My question is: how should these samples be weighted for the average? Is it just a straight unweighted average or is it weighted based on where the ray starts from? For instance, I could weight it so that rays from the center of the aperture have maximum weight, and have minimum weight at the extreme limit of the aperture.
I'm trying to understand it in terms of the optics: I understand the basic idea that a lens will only focus points at a specific distance away, and anything closer or further away will be kind of smeared out when it reaches the retina/frame. I assume this smearing means that the intensity of the light will be smeared out as well, i.e., reduced on a per pixel basis. But I can't figure out how to apply this to my implementation. I know how far away the point being rendered is: do I need to use this to weight it based on how close it is to the focal-distance, or does the natural sampling process take this into account? If I do need to weight it based on this, what does the weighting function look like?
I tried it both ways, and it looks like a straight average will all samples weighted equal works best. If anyone can provide additional information to either challenge or reinforce (and hopefully explain) this, I'd appreciate it!
Given a "density" scalar field in the plane, how can I divide the plane into nice (low moment of inertia) regions so that each region contains a similar amount of "mass"?
That's not the best description of what my actual problem is, but it's the most concise phrasing I could think of.
I have a large map of a fictional world for use in a game. I have a pretty good idea of approximately how far one could walk in a day from any given point on this map, and this varies greatly based on the terrain etc. I would like to represent this information by dividing the map into regions, so that one day of walking could take you from any region to any of its neighboring regions. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it should be significantly better than simply dividing the map into a hexagonal grid (which is what many games do).
I had the idea that I could create a gray-scale image with the same dimensions as the map, where each pixel's color value represents how quickly one can travel through the pixel in the same place on the map. Well-maintained roads would be encoded as white pixels, and insurmountable cliffs would be encoded as black, or something like that.
My question is this: does anyone have an idea of how to use such a gray-scale image (the "density" scalar field) to generate my "grid" from the previous paragraph (regions of similar "mass")?
I've thought about using the gray-scale image as a discrete probability distribution, from which I can generate a bunch of coordinates, and then use some sort of clustering algorithm to create the regions, but a) the clustering algorithms would have to create clusters of a similar size, I think, for that idea to work, which I don't think they usually do, and b) I barely have any idea if any of that even makes sense, as I'm way out of my comfort zone here.
Sorry if this doesn't belong here, my idea has always been to solve it programatically somehow, so this seemed the most sensible place to ask.
UPDATE: Just thought I'd share the results I've gotten so far, trying out the second approach suggested by #samgak - recursively subdividing regions into boxes of similar mass, finding the center of mass of each region, and creating a voronoi diagram from those.
I'll keep tweaking, and maybe try to find a way to make it less grid-like (like in the upper right corner), but this worked way better than I expected!
Building upon #samgak's solution, if you don't want the grid-like structure, you can just add a small random perturbation to your centers. You can see below for example the difference I obtain:
without perturbation
adding some random perturbation
A couple of rough ideas:
You might be able to repurpose a color-quantization algorithm, which partitions color-space into regions with roughly the same number of pixels in them. You would have to do some kind of funny mapping where the darker the pixel in your map, the greater the number of pixels of a color corresponding to that pixel's location you create in a temporary image. Then you quantize that image into x number of colors and use their color values as co-ordinates for the centers of the regions in your map, and you could then create a voronoi diagram from these points to define your region boundaries.
Another approach (which is similar to how some color quantization algorithms work under the hood anyway) could be to recursively subdivide regions of your map into axis-aligned boxes by taking each rectangular region and choosing the optimal splitting line (x or y) and position to create 2 smaller rectangles of similar "mass". You would end up with a power of 2 count of rectangular regions, and you could get rid of the blockiness by taking the centre of mass of each rectangle (not simply the center of the bounding box) and creating a voronoi diagram from all the centre-points. This isn't guaranteed to create regions of exactly equal mass, but they should be roughly equal. The algorithm could be improved by allowing recursive splitting along lines of arbitrary orientation (or maybe a finite number of 8, 16, 32 etc possible orientations) but of course that makes it more complicated.
I have a challenging problem to solve. The Figure shows green lines, that are derived from an image and the red lines are the edges derived from another image. Both the images are taken from the same camera, so the intrinsic parameters are same. Only, the exterior parameters are different, i.e. there is a slight rotation and translation while taking the 2nd image. As it can be seen in the figure, the two sets of lines are pretty close. My task is to find correspondence between the edges derived from the 1st image and the edges derived from the second image.
I have gone through a few sources, that mention taking corresponding the nearest line segment, by calculating Euclidean distances between the endpoints of an edge of image 1 to the edges of image 2. However, this method is not acceptable for my case, as there are edges in image 1, near to other edges in image 2 that are not corresponding, and this will lead to a huge number of mismatches.
After a bit of more research, few more sources referred to Hausdorff distance. I believe that this could really be a solution to my problem and the paper
"Rucklidge, William J. "Efficiently locating objects using the
Hausdorff distance." International Journal of Computer Vision 24.3
(1997): 251-270."
seemed to be really interesting.
If, I got it correct the paper formulated a function for calculating translation of model edges to image edges. However, while implementation in MATLAB, I'm completely lost, where to begin. I will be much obliged if I can be directed to a pseudocode of the same algorithm or MATLAB implementation of the same.
Additionally, I am aware of
"Apply Hausdorff distance to tile image classification" link
"Hausdorff regression"
However, still, I'm unsure how to minimise Hausdorff distance.
Note1: Computational cost is not of concern now, but faster algorithm is preferred
Note2: I am open to other algorithms and methods to solve this as long as there is a pseudocode available or an open implementation.
Have you considered MATLAB's image registration tools?
With imregister(https://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/imregister.html), you can just insert both images, 1 as reference, one as "moving" and it will register them together using an affine transform. The function call is just
[optimizer, metric] = imregconfig('monomodal');
output_registered = imregister(moving,fixed,'affine',optimizer,metric);
For better visualization, use the RegistrationEstimator command to open up a gui in which you can import the 2 images and play around with it to register your images. From there you can export code for future images.
Furthermore if you wish to account for non-rigid transforms there is imregdemons(https://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/imregdemons.html) which works much the same way.
You can compute the Hausdorff distance using Matlab's bwdist function. You would compute the distance transform of one image, evaluate it at the edge points of the other, and take the maximum value. (You can also take the sum instead, in which case it is called the chamfer distance.) For this problem you'll probably want the symmetric Hausdorff distance, so you would do the computation in both directions.
Both Hausdorff and chamfer distance measure the match quality of a particular alignment. To find the best registration you'll need to try multiple alignment transformations and evaluate them all looking for the best one. As suggested in another answer, you may find it easier to use registration existing tools than to write your own.
I have made a sphere with squares(tilled with squares). For this I have taken 3 bands and each band consists of 8 points. So total 24 points. Now I have to deform the sphere on collision with wall. For this I have stored all the points in a tree data structure. Now I will traverse the tree as the ball translate and will increase the coordinate of the points (by say, 1 unit). When the collision point gets matched with any of the node in the tree, then collision has been detected. But in order to deform the sphere, I need to check its 8 neighbors and find how much area has been compressed. But how to find by how much distance the points in the sphere will get reduced(compressed) and by how much the neighbor points will be compressed. How I will know which points in the node is to be considered as their neighbors? I think the neighbors should be the children of the collided node. But how to find how much area is compressed? What are the points in that area?. How many children a node will have in my tree? Please give me some mathematical formula or procedure for doing this.
Hope you are writing about solid materials ...
you need to know the math/physics background behind this
you will need to know the integral and vector math so Google for mechanics of materials something like this ... first hit in my language. Sorry I am not confident to do the search in English but if you find materials with similar drawings ...
most Important things you need to look for are:
Hook's law
modulus of elasticity
look here vocabulary of terminology for this matter
may be a Surface/Voxel map of the sphere-oid would be a simpler choice
at least during computation otherwise you can pack/unpack it by your surface points tree. You will need the surface normals and integrate the spheroid by its slices
you need to compile all the data needed
material constants
handle isotropy/anisotropy
during contact
handle each time frame as static state. Compute the actual contact forces (transform actual kinetic energy into reaction force) and then compute the new shape for contact slice. Add the deformation distribution to non contact slices. Remove energy dissipation from kinetic energy and do the next time frame
Do not forget that the wall will deform too !!! so the contact zone is not always flat !!!
Sorry for long and not exact answer but this can not be solved by simple formula. You need to do this by area integration + slid state conditions fitting
I have a list of points that make a curve, and I would like to reduce the number of points, but still keep the overall shape of the curve.
Basically, I want to go from this:
To this:
So the algorithm would remove the points that are redundant but preserve those that really define the shape (like the points at the bottom of the curve). Is there any known algorithm to do that? I expect there is but I'm not sure what to search for on Google. Any help would be appreciated.
Consider Douglas–Peucker_algorithm
There are several algorithms for this.
The simplest one is probably to just keep removing the point whose angle between neighboring points is closest to 180 degrees, until some threshold, or until you've reached a desired number of points.
If the curve is smooth as in your picture, you'll probably get better approximations (or fewer points if you so like) by using Bezier curves for instance.
Photoshop has a lot of cool artistic filters, and I'd love to understand the underlying algorithms.
One algorithm that's particularly interesting is the Cutout filter (number 2 at the link above).
It has three tunable parameters, Number of Levels, Edge Simplicity, and Edge Fidelity. Number of levels appears to drive a straightforward posterization algorithm, but what the other sliders do technically eludes me.
I would think that they're doing something related to Vornoi diagrams or k-means partitionion, but poking around on wikipedia hasn't resulted in anything that maps obviously to what Photoshop is doing, especially considering how fast the filter renders itself.
Is there any source for technical descriptions of the Photoshop filters? Alternatively, do you have any thoughts about how this particular filter might be implemented?
Edge detection is usually a Sobel or Canny filter then the edges are joined together with a chain code.
Look at something like the OpenCV library for details
Did you see this post. It explains how to get the same result using ImageMagic, and IM is opensource.
Very old question but maybe someone searching for an answer and maybe this helps.
Opencv's findcontours and approxPolyDP functions can do this. But we need to prepare the image before main process.
First; find most used N colors with k-means. For example find 8 colors.Find contours for each color and then calculate contourArea for all colors one by one (We will have N=8 layers). After that draw filled contours after approxPolyDP for each color from biggest ContourArea to smaller with its pre-calculated color.
My another suggestion is eliminate very small contours while calculating contourArea.
Photoshop cutout effects parameters;
Number Of Levels=K-Means-find most used N colors.
Edge Simplicity=I guess gaussian blur or other removing noise filters like bilateral filter or meanshift filter with edge preserving will be useful for this step.This step can be executed after K-Means and before finding contours.
Edge fidelity=openCV's approxPolyDP epsilon parameter.
I'm not sure it could be some kind of cell shading, but it also looks like a median filter with a very big kernel size or which was applied several times.
The edge simplicity/fidelity might be options which help decide whether or not to take in account an adjacent pixel (or one which falls inside the kernel) based on difference of color with the current pixel.
Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but if you like knowing how filters work, you could check out the source code of GIMP. I can't say if GIMP has an equivalent of cutout filter you mentioned, but it's worth taking a look if you are truly interested in this field.
The number of levels seems to resemble how cell-shading is done and this is how I'd implement that part in this case: you simply take this histogram of the image and divide it into the "No. of levels" amount of sections then calculate an average for each section. Each color in the histogram will then use that average in stead of their original color.
The other two parameters require some more thinking but 'Edge simplicity' seems to detonate the number of segments the shapes are build up off. Or rather: the number of refinements applied to some crude Image Segmentation Algorithms. The fidelity slider seems to do something similar; it probably controls some kind of threshold for when the refinements should take place.
This might help
Got a simple solution, which would theoretically produce something similar to that filter.
Somehow similar to what Ismael C suggested.
Edge Simplicity controls window size. Maybe window should be weighted.
But unlike it happens for regular windowed filters this one would take only a fixed size portion of random pixels from this window. The size of the portion is controlled with Fidelity parameter.
Set the pixel color to the median of the sample.
Given we have some posterization algorithm, it is applied afterwards.
Here we go!
Please report results if you implement it.
PS. I really doubt that segmentation is used at all.
I imagine it's probably some thresholding, edge-detection (Sobel/Canny/Roberts/whatever) and posterisation.
From tinkering with it I've found out that:
it's deterministic
it doesn't do any kind of pixel based posterization to achieve final effect
it probably doesn't use any kind of pixel based edge detection, it seems to work rather with areas then edges.
it calculates the shapes closed polygons to draw (some of the polygon edges might overlap with image edges).
when the edges of polygons are known then color of each area enclosed in edges (not necessarily belonging to one polygon) is colored with average color of pixels of original image that area covers.
edge of polygon can intersect with itself.
Especially visible for high edge simplicity.
as 'line simplicity' drops, the number of polygon edges increases, but also number of polygons increases.
edge fidelity influences line polygon edge count but does not influence polygon count
high edge fidelity (=3) causes single polygon to have very long and very short edges at the same time, low fidelity (=1) causes single polygon to have all edges roughly the similar length
high edge simplicity and low edge fidelity seem to prefer polygons anchored at edges of image, even at cost of sanity.
Altogether it looks like simplified version of Live Trace algorithm from Adobe Illustrator that uses polygons instead of curves.
... or maybe not.