JSF 'Tab' bean scope - ajax

I need create webapp with two pages and one backing bean for both pages. I tried #SessionScoped, but when I open other tab in a browser, I see the same data as in previous tab.
I tried to use MyFaces Orchestra, but backing bean is created on each AJAX request.
How to solve the problem?
Beforehand thankfull, Ilya

In a web browser if you open a new tab it will pass along the same session related cookies thus will be opend in the same session context. You need to open a new winodow to get a new session.


un-scope #ViewAccessScoped Beans on Tab close

I have a JSF-App with two #ViewAccessScoped Beans and two Pages/Views, one Bean for a Search, on Bean for details. The details Bean references the #ViewAccessScoped so the data available when I go back to the Search. No other CDI-References. The WindowRenderMode is ClientWindowRenderMode.CLIENTWINDOW, no further configuration.
This works quite well so far. The Beans get un-scoped if i go to another page or logout. One Problem I Experienced:
When I open my details page in a new Browser tab, two new Beans are created, which is the expected Behavior. But when i close the tab, the Beans are still there. I guess the Server doesn't get notified when a tab get's closed.
Is there a built-in solution in deltaspike i can use to detect
tab clsoes?
Is there a Timeout for Beans with #ViewAccessScoped (beside the Session-Timeout)?
If there isn't a bulit-in solution: How can i programmatically un-scope my Beans? Preferably un-scope all Beans connected to that tab (=same Window-ID) (I'd detect the close my self with JavaScript and call a Bean-Method on close)
No, as it's not possible to catch a "tab close" event in JS.
See: javascript detect browser close tab/close browser
It was available in CODI but it was not migrated to DeltaSpike.
See: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DELTASPIKE-437
You can do it via the WindowContext API:
#Inject private org.apache.deltaspike.core.spi.scope.window.WindowContext windowContext;
public void closeIt() {

how to avoid creating new session using window.open()?

window.open(url) is creating a new session.
Is there any way to prevent window.open() from doing the same. I heard using servlet dispatcher instead of window.open(). we can avoid making new session but i have no idea how to use the dispatcher in jsp or js file. All i have right now is the url in my javascript file.

Stateless session bean maintaining state

I deployed a web application on the localhost GlassFish server. This application takes order information from user and stores it in a List type variable in a Stateless Session Bean.The list object is created in the constructor.
I open the order page and add multiple orders in it. When I open the show orders page in different tabs and different browsers, it displays all the order information bean correctly, as though the state is maintained in a Stateless Bean!
I think this behavior is wrong as each browser/tab should create different session with the server and new order information should be shown for each browser/tab. How can this behavior be explained?
Your use case is precisely what a stateful session bean is for, if you want your List object to be maintained across method invocations, and if you want each session to be assigned its own bean.
Stateless session beans are pooled and made available to any session. But your instance fields are not guaranteed to be cleared, so you can't depend on them being cleared. The behavior that you are seeing is not unexpected. Even if you were successful in creating separate sessions in multiple tabs, those sessions could very well have been (and apparently were) assigned the same session bean. That's because the associated method invocations occurred at different points in time. Now if the associated method invocations occurred simultaneously instead, then the platform would have assigned a different stateless bean to each invocation (session). In that case, you'd see different behavior.
See also;
conversational state of session beans
Stateless and Stateful Enterprise Java Beans
Never let what you can't do get in the way of what you can do.
Problem: Stateful Session Bean was not maintaining separate state per client. In the example I tried, I input orders from the JSP page, which were stored in a List in a Stateful Session Bean. When I called the same URL from a different browser (i.e. a different session), the list of orders input in the previous session were visible. The same EJB was getting referenced in both sessions. (Verified by sysouts)
It's like saying, the shopping cart of some other user was directly visible to me as if they were my orders!!
Solution: Used an HttpSessionListener and got the dependency of the Stateful EJB through JNDI, in sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) method. Next, added the stateful EJB in an HttpSession and accessed the EJB through session in servlet.
Suggestions for using JNDI, instead of DI, for Stateful Session Bean and Adding EJB to HttpSession are given in the answer above. Don't know if it is the proper way to go, but it works!!

How session sets and unsets in JSF2.0

I want to know about setting and un-setting the session in JSF2.0. Although following some blogs and books (Core JavaServer Faces-3rd Edition), i got to know that using annotation #SessionScoped we can set any manage bean to be in session. I have a loginBean which is #ManagedBean and SessionScoped declared. On the top right corner, my web has login button.
When this session is created (i am not setting it manually, that is why i am confused) and when i gets destroyed? It must be destroyed either by time out or by clicking in logout button only.
JSF uses the Servlet API under the covers. A session scoped managed bean is in essence set as an attribute of the HttpSession. It will be created and set whenever the EL expression referencing the managed bean #{sessionBean} is evaluated for the first time. It will be "removed" from the session whenever the session expires (by either a restart of the client or a timeout in the server) or get invalidated. If you let your logout button call ExternalContext#invalidateSession(), then the session will be invalidated.
If you're familiar with the basic Servlet API, you should already understand how this all works. For an in-depth explanation of the Servlet's HttpSession works under JSF's covers, read this answer: How do servlets work? Instantiation, sessions, shared variables and multithreading.
In jsf 2.0 we can set total class ob as session like i mention
Class_name sm;
ExternalContext extContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext(); extContext.getSessionMap().put("Give name for access this property",sm);
Class_name sm = (Class_name) extContext.getSessionMap().get("Give name for access this property");

Use cases of Request and Session scoped beans

Can someone list the practical use cases of Request , Session and Global-Session scoped beans ? In most of the projects I have been using singleton and prototype . I understand that request scope beans are instantiated per request and in session scoped beans , the beans are instantiated when a session gets started .
Please enlighten me on the practical aspects .
So far we're using request scoped beans for information that should only be valid on one page like the result of a search or the confirmation of an order. The bean will be valid until the page is reloaded.
A session scoped bean is useful to hold authentication information getting invalidated when the session is closed (by timeout or logout). You can store other user information that you don't want to reload with every request here as well. Or another use case for us is to store a conversation scope in the session scope which we use to persist information between requests but to that we can assign a custom timeout and invalidation condition.
Pretty much any information that needs to be available after the request needs to be stored in the session scope. The only exception we use is with a view scope that stores information in the page's view map to be available after ajax requests for example in wizzards.
Singleton scope however means, that the information exists only once per application so if two users request your page they will access the same information. This is usefull for controllers, as they shouldn't store data anyway.
A prototype scope is the same as initialitzing an object with new, as it is created every time you inject it. We don't use this at all at the moment.
