Auto-deploy/reload a jar in weblogic server - oracle

I am new to Oracle SOA Suite Currently I am working on User defined XPath Functions. As part of this, I will prepare a jar file and need to deploy into weblogic server(10.3) domain lib folder(fusionmw\soasuite\11gR1\11.1.1\sp4\user_projects\domains\DOMAIN_NAME\lib). When ever this jar is altered, I need to replace this in server domain lib and restart the server to load the changes. But I feel this is not a good practice in production server to restart.
Is there a way to auto load updated jar into server's domain so the changes will reflect immediately instead of restarting the server.
Thanks in advance,

Auto-deployment is a method for quickly deploying an application to a stand-alone server (Administration Server) for evaluation or testing. It is recommended that this method be used only in a single-server development environment.
You can run a WebLogic Server domain in two different modes: development and production. Only development mode allows you use the auto-deployment feature
To auto-deploy an archived application, copy its archive file to the /autodeploy directory. WebLogic Server automatically sets the application’s deployment mode to stage mode.

Few words of caution when using autodeploy
Make sure that the server is running while you are adding/replacing/deleting a jar/war/ear in the autodeploy folder. Otherwise the server goes out of sync
Make sure the server is running in development mode otherwise the autodeploy folder changes are not seen by the server instance
In case you are packaging your jar/war/ear in a windows system then deploying it to a weblogic server running in a Unix environment, the weblogic instance will fail to unpack/autodeploy the file through the following exception Error opening file - filename.war Message - error in opening zip file error in opening zip file with ... Message - error in opening zip file ....
Read this link


How to deploy the new application in open-liberty server

How to deploy the application manually:
How to deploy the application.ear manually in the open liberty. Followed the documentation and dropped inside the /liberty/wlp/usr/servers/defaultserver/dropins directory.
From the admin console, it shows two application one in running state and another stopped.
application1.war - Running state
application2.ear - Stopped state (manually dropped in dropins directory)
Note: When perform the start action from admin console on application2. It gives the error message that can't locate the application2.ear defined in server.xml.
<webapplication location="dropin/application2.ear" contextRoot="/test">
There are a number of things in the question that point to errors.
An ear file is not a Web Application, so the use of the webApplication element with an ear file is likely in error. If you want to deploy an ear file in Liberty via server.xml config you would use enterpriseApplication.
There is a likely typo in the location field where you likely intended dropins rather than dropin which means the application binary wasn't found.
Liberty doesn't support applications configured in server.xml being placed in dropins, we see this as two applications with the same name and won't start the second one.
Any of these symptoms will display in admin center two applications with one being stopped. Simplest thing given your configuration would be to just delete the server.xml configuration.

JBoss-Spring web application development process is so slow

Our team is developing a JBoss-Spring web application. The development follows this flow:
1) make local changes in the project's code (Java classes, HTML, JS code and different configuration values)
2) build the project locally
3) deploy it to a locally set JBoss server
4) the local server makes connections and quires to a remote database, which we are enabled to connect to
by a VPN.
5) quires results come back from the remote database and used by the services and controllers,
ultimately reaching the front-end.
As you can notice, this process takes a lot of time waiting between the build - deployment - database quires every time I want to add a few lines of code.
is this process wrong ?, are there other methods ?
Few addons you can consider if not done already
Changes to HTML, js, css and properties file you can do directly inside deployment folder.
Java file changes need a build and restart. You can configure Automatically publish in your IDE. This will reduce time for manual building and copying file to Jboss.
If you can have local DB request/response time will reduce drastically.

Add jars to Ibm Websphere Portal Server with out restarting the server

I have multiple applications that share common jars, so I decided to put them in the shared library and add a reference to all the applications.
Now the problem is that when I make a change in one of the jars and put them back I have to re start the server.
The weird thing is that I have to do that on my local system and not on the shared server, i was trying to find the setting that will allow me to upload the jar and see the effect with out restarting the server.
One of the blogs says it it not possible but on the shared server it happens so I am sure it is definitely possible.
Please advice what can be done here.
It sounds like you've configured the shared library to be a part of the server's classpath. Any JARs on the server classpath are only loaded once on server startup. Changes to these JARs require a full server restart.
Libraries that are added to the application's classpath can be reloaded dynamically. The application will still need to restart when the JAR gets changed but that's a much lighter operation and WAS will often automatically detect a file system change and restart the affected applications.
Check how you've configured your shared library to make sure it's being loaded on the application classpath.

How to deploy Camunda BPM to Tomcat in Jelastic

I would like to setup Camunda-BPM in a Tomcat 7 running on Jelastic. I followed the instructions.
The problem now is that Jelastic does not allow to add the file bpm-platform.xml into the catalina-home/conf directory. So when I start the tomcat I get
Caused by: org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException: /opt/tomcat/conf/bpm-platform.xml does not exist. This file is necessary for deploying the camunda BPM platform
Can someone please give me a hint where I can place bpm-platform.xml so that the BPM engine starts?
The directory you're looking for is labelled as 'server' in the Jelastic dashboard - but sadly you cannot upload new files to this directory via the dashboard (only edit the existing ones).
However, you can write to this directory via FTP (, so you should be able to add the file that way.
If you are just using a trial account at the moment, you may need to seek assistance from your hosting provider to add the file there for you manually from their side (since trial accounts do not have public IP, so can't use FTP).

Deploying applications to Web Logic production Server

I am here to get some expert advice on deploying applications to WebLogic Production Server.
Is it a best practice to use Admin Server Console for deploying and redeploying applications in production. Actually I am deploying to a cluster having two managed server instances.
I have encountered this issue while i am redeploying application in the production. When i am deleting existing .ear file and adding updated .ear file will put the updated .ear file into prepared state. I can not make it Active state using Admin Server Console. If i try it will through some exceptions. But after some time it automatically goes in to active state, but i don't know what is happening inside. Sometimes i restart the server to make it active. Could anybody explain me what is the procedure when deploying application and redeploying applications in weblogic
Thanks in advance for any Help...
Generally WLST (WebLogic Scripting Tool) is used to deploy the applications. Administration Console can also be used to deploy/upgrade the applications but if there are many environments that need to be upgraded then WLST (which works like a command line tool) is much better option.
Get an overview of WLST to know how to use it to deploy/undeploy/upgrade applications.
Check out "Understanding WebLogic Server Deployment" and the "Redeploying Applications in a Production Environment". There are different factors that affect redeployment of an application which you might be running into.
Additionally, there is a WebLogic Plug-in for Maven in more recent WebLogic releases that you can use for deployments in conjunction with Maven.
