Simulate mouse over in QML Desktop Application - mouseover

I have three RadioButtons in my QML Desktop Application, and when I click one - I want all the others to be unchecked, but once I set them to unchecked, they really become unchecked, but I can't see that until I move the mouse over them. I tried a lot of ways to resolve it, and didn't find any good one. Do you have any way to simulate mouse over event, and then they will shown as unchecked? Help me plizzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! I wrote this code:
property int openSessionCurrentIndex: -1
onOpenSessionCurrentIndexChanged: {
rbtnHexadecimal1.checked = openSessionCurrentIndex == 0
rbtnDecimal1.checked = openSessionCurrentIndex == 1
rbtnString1.checked = openSessionCurrentIndex == 2
width: 140
openSessionItem.openSessionCurrentIndex = 0
text: "Hexadecimal Data"
anchors.left: parent.left
checked: true
width: 130
openSessionItem.openSessionCurrentIndex = 1
text: "Decimal Data"
width: 140
openSessionItem.openSessionCurrentIndex = 2
text: "String Data"
shortening, I need a solution so that when a radioButton becomes unchecked - it is shown like this. any idea?Tnx ahead!

You want to use properly the RadioButton platformExclusiveGroup property, instead of any naïve coding solution.


Showing more than one line of the notification description in the notification tray using an extension

I am currently designing an extension to make the notifications in the notification section of the calendar expendable. The goal is to make the noficiation expand like the initial notification on the desktop does. I have changed the type of notification added to the noficiation tray to class NotificationBanner from class NotificationMessage. I am currently using a work-around to make this work, this is what my expand function looks like:
expand(animate) {
this.expanded = true;
this._actionBin.visible = this._actionBin.get_n_children() > 0;
if (this._bodyStack.get_n_children() < 2) {
this._expandedLabel = new MessageList.URLHighlighter(this._bodyText,
true, this._useBodyMarkup);
if (animate) {
if (!this.clickedByButton && !this.forceExpansion) {
// This is the usual way notifications are expanded, using the layout manager
this._bodyStack.ease_property('#layout.expansion', 1, {
progress_mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
duration: MessageTray.ANIMATION_TIME,
else if (this.forceExpansion || this.clickedByButton) {
// When auto expanding or clicked by button, change height of body
oldHeight = this.bodyLabel.get_height();
const lines = Math.ceil(this._bodyText.length / 54);
this.bodyLabel.set_height(lines * this.bodyLabel.get_height());
this._actionBin.scale_y = 0;
scale_y: 1,
duration: MessageTray.ANIMATION_TIME,
mode: Clutter.AnimationMode.EASE_OUT_QUAD,
} else {
this._bodyStack.layout_manager.expansion = 1;
this._actionBin.scale_y = 1;
As you can see, I have 2 options for this extension: Force expand all notifications or make the user use a button to expand. The current solution is not elegant, it simply changes the height of the notification label which manages the body. Furhermore, the notification body still shows the three dots, implying that the body is still not expanded. I believe this to be an issue with the layout manager, since the proper way to expand is to set message._bodyStack.layout_manager.expansion to 1. That does not work in the case of expanding a message in the notification tray. Is anyone familiar with the layout manager or can help me find a different solution? Here is an image of what my current solution looks like:
Image of an automatically expanded notification in the notification tray due to the extension (note the three dots at the end of the first line being still there)
Okay I have found a solution, it is not related to the layout manager. The value of the message message.bodyLabel.clutter_text.ellipsize is set to 3, which is the main cause of the dots appearing on the notification. Setting this value to 0 solves this problem. I would have still loved to find a more elegant approach to displaying the body, but this will do.

Graphically showing remaining time

Let's consider a user has t milliseconds to make a click, 0 < t < 5000. We'd like to show graphically how much time is left. Let's assume that the user has to click the button once again within t.
property int startTime
property int fps: 40
property int t: 1000 // for example
id: btn
text: "Click me!"
text = "Click again!"
startTime = new Date().getTime()
id: timer
interval: 1000 / fps
var progress = (new Date().getTime() - startTime) / t
if (progress < 1)
pb.value = progress
pb.value = 1
btn.text = "Try again"
id: pb
value: 0
I'm only worried about the performance impact. The UI should always remain accesible and react quickly to the tap, since t can be low. If it weren't, the user could click the button within the set time but "lose", since the application wouldn't respond to the click.
Should I worry about the performance hit? Is there any option to avoid it? I expect my application to be run on low-end devices too.
I'm using Qt on Android
If fps is reasonable, then I think that performance won't be an issue and the UI will remain responsive.
Anyway I think it is much more elegant to achieve the same result using an animation... You can use a NumberAnimation to continuously update the value of the progress bar, and then start the animation when you want to start counting the time left...

Multiple widget changes based on one button event in Kivy

I'm trying to build this application which contains multiple buttons. I can bind each button event to a callback but I am not able to change the state (namely the label) of any other button except for the one that fired the event. Does anyone know how to do this?
All you need is a reference to the other button, then you can do other_button.text = 'whatever'.
The way to do this depends on how you've constructed the program. For instance, if you constructed in the program in kv language, you can give your buttons ids with id: some_id and refer to them in the callback with stuff like on_press: some_id.do_something().
In pure python, you could keep references to the button in the parent class when you create them (e.g. self.button = Button()) so that the callback can reference self.button to change it. Obviously that's a trivial example, but the general idea lets you accomplish anything you want.
Probably not the official way, but try out the following code. It will change the text property of the buttons...
Ezs.kv file:
#:kivy 1.8.0
orientation: 'vertical'
padding: 0
spacing: 6
id: btn_1
text: 'text before'
on_press: btn_2.text = 'Whatever'
on_release: self.text = 'Who-Hoo'
id: btn_2
text: 'Press this'
on_release: self.text = 'HEEYY'
on_press: btn_1.text = 'text after'
.py file:
class Ezs(BoxLayout):
class EzsApp(App):
def build(self):
return Ezs
if __name__ == '__main__':

In Bootstrap 3's table-responsive when below breakpoint dropdown menus can't be used, any assistance for my workaround is most appreciated [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 4 years ago.
Improve this question
When you have a responsive table in Bootstrap 3, when you are below the 767px break point, the dropdown-menus are not accessible because they add content and the content at that size has an overflow:auto or something, so depending on the location of the menu -- if the table itself doesn't have enough height -- the menu shows up and people won't see it. Plus scrollbars are not visible until you scroll on touch.
As a work around, which I need help with, I fudged together another toggle that doesn't close when clicked off and adds a class to the parent (to add height) when the menu is toggled (you must size the output down below 767px) to see this. The problem is that when the user clicks another toggle while one is open the class added to the parent is removed, tried toggleClass and this thing (which is the same) and it's the same result.
Essentially, when you click a toggle, it opens, adds height to the parent "table-responsive" div wrapper, and when you toggle off it undoes that, so far that's good, but if you click another menu while one is open, that is where I can't figure it out. Since they are all isolated menus, this is confusing to me.
I am not so hot with jQuery.
BTW: Firefox, at least mine, has issues with jsbin, Chrome does not.
Close all on click and only (re)open it when it wasn't open only:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.table-responsive .dropdown-toggle').click(function(event){
var open = $(this).hasClass('open');
$('.table-responsive .dropdown-menu').hide('fast');
$('.table-responsive .dropdown-toggle').removeClass('open');
In my case I had dynamic heights so Bass Jobsen solution didn't work properly.
I decided to rely on data attributes to store the current height of parent div e then restore on dropdown close.
Here is my code:
var isOpen = !($(this).parent().hasClass("open"));
var menuHeight = $(this).siblings(".dropdown-menu").height();
var increaseHeightBy = menuHeight * 1.3;
var originalHeight = $(this).closest(".table-responsive").attr('data-original-height');
if (isOpen && !originalHeight) {
originalHeight = $(this).closest(".table-responsive").height();
$(this).closest(".table-responsive").attr('data-original-height', originalHeight);
$(this).closest(".table-responsive").height(originalHeight + increaseHeightBy);
if (!isOpen && originalHeight) {
You can set the dropdown menu to fixed position and close it when the window's resized. Not a perfect solution but it works.
// Responsive tables with dropdown buttons
$('.table-responsive .dropdown-toggle').on('click', function() {
var button = $(this),
menu ='.dropdown-menu');
position: 'fixed',
top: button.offset().top + button.outerHeight() - $(window).scrollTop(),
right: $(window).width() - (button.offset().left + button.outerWidth())
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
top: button.offset().top + button.outerHeight() - $(window).scrollTop()
$(window).on('resize', function() {
$(window).off('resize scroll');

How to make buttons stay pressed using corona

I am trying to get my buttons to stay "pressed" once it is released. Right now I am using the improved Buttons Module for corona and I have the default image being the button looking unpressed, and the over image being replaced by an image that looks pressed.
What I am trying to do is once the button is pressed, it stays on the over image. Here is how my code is set up for the button I am testing it on.
local digButton = buttons.newButton{
default = "digButton.png",
over = "digButtonPressed.png",
onEvent = digButtonFunction,
id = "dig"
digButton.x = display.contentWidth/5
digButton.y = display.contentHeight/1.9
Also, I have a function (digButtonFunction) that sets the id of this button to a variable to be used to run an if statement for when the user pushes a button following this one.
This sounds to me like what you really want is a switch. Buttons are not really designed from a UI perspective to do that. The down-state is there just to give feedback to the user that some action happened.
If it were me, I'd not use the button bit at all, but load in to images using display.newImageRect() and draw the downstate first, then the upstate. Built a touch event listener on each one that will hide one or the other. I do this in my games for my sound on/off buttons.
local soundOn = true
local soundOnBtn, soundOffBtn
local function soundToggle(event)
if soundOn then
soundOn = false
soundOnBtn.isVisible = false
soundOffBtn.isVisible = true
soundOn = true
soundOnBtn.isVisible = true
soundOffBtn.isVisible = false
return true
soundOnBtn = display.newImageRect("images/switch_on.png", 46, 36)
soundOnBtn.x = display.contentWidth / 2 + 25
soundOnBtn.y = display.contentHeight / 2 - 15
soundOnBtn:addEventListener("tap", soundToggle)
soundOffBtn = display.newImageRect("images/switch_off.png", 46, 36)
soundOffBtn.x = display.contentWidth / 2 + 25
soundOffBtn.y = display.contentHeight / 2 - 15
soundOffBtn:addEventListener("tap", soundToggle)
soundOffBtn.isVisible = false
