AWK split file by separator and count - bash

I have a large 220mb file. The file is grouped by a horizontal row "---". This is what I have so far:
cat test.list | awk -v ORS="" -v RS="-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" '{print $0;}'
How do I take this and print to a new file every 1000 matches?
Is there another way to do this? I looked at split, and csplit but the "----" rows to not occur predictably so I have to match them, and then split on a count of the matches.
I would like the output files to groups of 1000 matches per file.

To output the first 1000 records to outputfile0, the next to outputfile1, etc., just do:
awk 'NR%1000 == 1{ file = "outputfile" i++ } { print > file }' ORS= RS=------ test.list
(Note that I truncated the dashes in RS for simplicity.)'
Unfortunately, using a value of RS that is more than a single character produces unspecified results, so the above cannot be the solution. Perhaps something like twalberg's solution is required:
awk '/^----$/ { if(!(c%1000)) count+=1; c+=1; next }
{print > ("outputfile"count)}' c=1 count=1

Not tested, but something along these lines might work:
awk 'BEGIN {fileno=1,matchcount=0}
/^-------/ { if (++matchcount == 1000) { ++fileno; matchcount=0; } }
{ print $0 > "output_file_" fileno }' < test.list
It might be cleaner to put all that in, say split.awk and use awk -f split.awk test.list instead...


combining numbers from multiple text files using bash

I'm strugling to combine some data from my txt files generated in my jenkins job.
on each of the files there is 1 line, this is how each file look:
testsuite name="mytest" cars="201" users="0" bus="0" bike="0" time="116.103016"
What I manage to do for now is to extract the numbers for each txt file:
awk '/<testsuite name=/{print $3, $4, $5, $6}' my-output*.txt
Result are :
cars="193" users="2" bus="0" bike="0"
cars="23" users="2" bus="10" bike="7"
cars="124" users="2" bus="5" bike="0"
cars="124" users="2" bus="0" bike="123"
now I have a random number of files like this:
I would like to create single command just like the one I did above and to sum all of the files to have the following echo result:
cars=544 users=32 bus=12 bike=44
is there a way to do that? with a single line of command?
Using awk
$ cat script.awk
FS="[= ]"
} {
for (i=1;i<NF;i++)
if ($i=="cars") cars+=$(i+1)
else if($i=="users") users+=$(i+1);
else if($i=="bus") bus+=$(i+1);
else if ($i=="bike")bike+=$(i+1)
} END {
print "cars="cars,"users="users,"bus="bus,"bike="bike
To run the script, you can use;
$ awk -f script.awk my-output*.txt
Or, as a ugly one liner.
$ awk -F"[= ]" '{gsub(/"/,"");for (i=1;i<NF;i++) if ($i=="cars") cars+=$(i+1); else if($i=="users") users+=$(i+1); else if($i=="bus") bus+=$(i+1); else if ($i=="bike")bike+=$(i+1)}END{print"cars="cars,"users="users,"bus="bus,"bike="bike}' my-output*.txt
1st solution: With your shown samples please try following awk code, using match function in here. Since awk could read multiple files within a single program itself and your files have .txt format you can pass as .txt format to awk program itself.
Written and tested in GNU awk with its match function's capturing group capability to create/store values into an array to be used later on in program.
awk -v s1="\"" '
match($0,/[[:space:]]+(cars)="([^"]*)" (users)="([^"]*)" (bus)="([^"]*)" (bike)="([^"]*)"/,tempArr){
for(i in values){
val=(val?val OFS:"") (indexes[i-1]"=" s1 values[i] s1)
print val
' *.txt
In start of GNU awk program creating variable named s1 to be set to " to be used later in the program.
Using match function in main program of awk.
Mentioning regex [[:space:]]+(cars)="([^"]*)" (users)="([^"]*)" (bus)="([^"]*)" (bike)="([^"]*)"(explained at last of this post) which is creating 8 groups to be used later on.
Then once condition is matched running a for loop which runs only even numbers in it(to get required values only).
Creating array values with index of i and keep adding its own value + tempArr values to it, where tempArr is created by match function.
Similarly creating indexes array to store only key values in it.
Then in END block of this program traversing through values array and printing the values from indexes and values array as per requirement.
Explanation of regex:
[[:space:]]+ ##Matching spaces 1 or more occurrences here.
(cars)="([^"]*)" ##Matching cars=" till next occurrence of " here.
(users)="([^"]*)" ##Matching spaces followed by users=" till next occurrence of " here.
(bus)="([^"]*)" ##Matching spaces followed by bus=" till next occurrence of " here.
(bike)="([^"]*)" ##Matching spaces followed by bike=" till next occurrence of " here.
2nd solution: In GNU awk only with using RT and RS variables power here. This will make sure the sequence of the values also in output should be same in which order they have come in input.
awk -v s1="\"" -v RS='[[:space:]][^=]*="[^"]*"' '
gsub(/^ +|"/,"",RT)
if(arr[1]!="time" && arr[1]!="name"){
if(!(arr[1] in values)){
val=(val?val OFS:"") (indexes[i]"=" s1 values[indexes[i]] s1)
print val
' *.txt
You may use this awk solution:
awk '{
for (i=1; i<=NF; ++i)
if (split($i, a, /=/) == 2) {
gsub(/"/, "", a[2])
sums[a[1]] +=a[2]
for (i in sums) print i "=" sums[i]
}' file*
found a way to do so a bit long:
awk '/<testsuite name=/{print $3, $4, $5, $6}' my-output*.xml | sed -e 's/[^0-9]/ /g' -e 's/^ *//g' -e 's/ *$//g' | tr -s ' ' | awk '{bus+=$1;users+=$2;cars+=$3;bike+=$4 }END{print "bus=" bus " users="users " cars=" cars " bike=" bike}'
M. Nejat Aydin answer was good fit:
awk -F '[ "=]+' '/testsuite name=/{ cars+=$5; users+=$7; buses+=$9; bikes+=$11 } END{ print "cars="cars, "users="users, "buses="buses, "bikes="bikes }' my-output*.xml

awk output to file based on filter

I have a big CSV file that I need to cut into different pieces based on the value in one of the columns. My input file dataset.csv is something like this:
NOTE: edited to clarify that data is ,data, no spaces.
action,action_type, Result
So, to split by action_type I simply do (I need the whole matching line in the resulting file):
awk -F, '$2 ~ /^1$/ {print}' dataset.csv >> 1_dataset.csv
awk -F, '$2 ~ /^2$/ {print}' dataset.csv >> 2_dataset.csv
This works as expected but I am basicaly travesing my original dataset twice. My original dataset is about 5GB and I have 30 action_type categories. I need to do this everyday, so, I need to script the thing to run on its own efficiently.
I tried the following but it does not work:
# This is a file called myFilter.awk
if (action_type=="1") print $0 >> 1_dataset.csv;
else if (action_type=="2") print $0 >> 2_dataset.csv;
Then I run it as:
awk -f myFilter.awk dataset.csv
But I get nothing. Literally nothing, no even errors. Which sort of tell me that my code is simply not matching anything or my print / pipe statement is wrong.
You may try this awk to do this in a single command:
awk -F, 'NR > 1{fn = $2 "_dataset.csv"; print >> fn; close(fn)}' file
With GNU awk to handle many concurrently open files and without replicating the header line in each output file:
awk -F',' '{print > ($2 "_dataset.csv")}' dataset.csv
or if you also want the header line to show up in each output file then with GNU awk:
awk -F',' '
NR==1 { hdr = $0; next }
!seen[$2]++ { print hdr > ($2 "_dataset.csv") }
{ print > ($2 "_dataset.csv") }
' dataset.csv
or the same with any awk:
awk -F',' '
NR==1 { hdr = $0; next }
{ out = $2 "_dataset.csv" }
!seen[$2]++ { print hdr > out }
{ print >> out; close(out) }
' dataset.csv
As currently coded the input field separator has not been defined.
$ cat myfilter.awk
if (action_type=="1") print $0 >> 1_dataset.csv;
else if (action_type=="2") print $0 >> 2_dataset.csv;
$ awk -f myfilter.awk dataset.csv
There are a couple ways to address this:
$ awk -v FS="," -f myfilter.awk dataset.csv
$ cat myfilter.awk
BEGIN {FS=","}
if (action_type=="1") print $0 >> 1_dataset.csv;
else if (action_type=="2") print $0 >> 2_dataset.csv;
$ awk -f myfilter.awk dataset.csv

cut a field from its position & place it in different position

I have 2 files - file1 & file2 with contents as shown.
cat file1.txt
cat file2.txt
& the desired output is as below,
Can anyone please help to achieve this?
Till now i have tried this,
paste -d "," file1.txt file2.txt|cut -d , -f4,1,5,2,6,3
& the output came as 1,2,3,a,b,c
But using 'cut' is not the good approach i think.
Becuase here i know there are 3 values in both files, but if the values are more, above command will not be helpful.
awk -F, 'FNR==NR{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){a[FNR,i]=$i};next} {printf("%s,%s",a[FNR,1],$1);for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){printf(",%s,%s",a[FNR,i],$i)};print ""}' file2.txt file1.txt
OR(a NON-one liner form of solution too as follows)
awk -F, 'FNR==NR{ ####making field separator as , then putting FNR==NR condition will be TRUE when first file named file1.txt will be read by awk.
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){ ####Starting a for loop here which will run till the total number of fields value from i=1.
a[FNR,i]=$i ####creating an array with name a whose index is FNR,i and whose value is $i(fields value).
next ####next will skip all further statements, so that second file named file2.txt will NOT read until file1.txt is completed.
printf("%s,%s",a[FNR,1],$1); ####printing the value of a very first element of each lines first field here with current files first field.
for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){ ####starting a for loop here till the value of NF(number of fields).
printf(",%s,%s",a[FNR,i],$i) ####printing the values of array a value whose index is FNR and variable i and printing the $i value too here.
print "" ####printing a new line here.
' file2.txt file1.txt ####Mentioning the Input_files here.
paste -d "," file*|awk -F, '{print $4","$1","$5","$2","$6","$3}'
This is simple printing operation. Other answers are most welcome.
But if the file contains 1000's of values, then this printing approach will not help.
$ awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," }
NR==FNR { split($0,a); next }
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
printf "%s%s%s%s", $i, OFS, a[i], (i<NF?OFS:ORS)
' file1 file2
or if you prefer:
$ paste -d, file2 file1 |
awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," }
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
printf "%s%s%s%s", $i, OFS, $(i+n), (i<n?OFS:ORS)

Multiple Big file sort

I have two files that each line order by timestamp but has different structure. I want merge there file info one single file and order by timestamp. look like:
file A(less than 2G)
file B(less than 15G)
how can I accomplish this? is there any way can make it as fast as possible?
$ awk -F, -v OFS='\t' '{print $NF, $0}' fileA fileB | sort -s -n -k1,1 | cut -f2-
I originally posted the above as just a comment under #VM17's answer but (s)he suggested I make it a new answer.
The above would be more robust and efficient since it's using the default separator for sort+cut (tab), will truly only sort on the first key (his would use the whole line despite the -k1 since sorts field separator tab isn't present in the line), uses a stable sort algorithm (sort -s) to preserve input order and uses cut to strip off the added key field which is more efficient than invoking awk again since awk does field splitting etc. on each record which isn't needed to just remove the leading field(s).
Alternatvely you might find something like this more efficient:
$ cat tst.awk
{ currRec = $0; currKey = $NF }
NR>1 {
print prevRec
printf "%s", saved
while ( (getline < "fileB") > 0 ) {
if ($NF < currKey) {
else {
saved = $0 ORS
{ prevRec = currRec; prevKey = currKey }
print prevRec
printf "%s", saved
while ( (getline < "fileB") > 0 ) {
$ awk -f tst.awk fileA
As you can see it reads from fileB between reads of lines fileA comparing timestamps so it's interleaving the 2 files and so doesn't require a subsequent pipe to sort and cut.
Just check the logic as I didn't think about it very much and be aware that this is a rare situation where getline might be appropriate for efficiency but make sure to read to understand all it's caveats if you're ever considering using it again.
Try this-
awk -F, '{print $NF, $0}' fileA fileB | sort -nk 1 | awk '{print $2}'
This concatenates the two files and then puts the timestamp at the starting of the line. It then sorts according to the timestamp and then removes that dummy column.
This will be slow for big files though.

Get next field/column width awk

I have a dataset of the following structure:
1234 4334 8677 3753 3453 4554
4564 4834 3244 3656 2644 0474
I would like to:
1) search for a specific value, eg 4834
2) return the following field (3244)
I'm quite new to awk, but realize it is a simple operation. I have created a bash-script that asks the user for the input, and attempts to return the following field.
But I can't seem to get around scoping in AWK. How do I parse the input value to awk?
read input
cat data.txt | awk '
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if ($i==input) {
print $(i+1)
Cheers and thanks in advance!
UPDATE Sept. 8th 2011
Thanks for all the replies.
1) It will never happen that the last number of a row is picked - still I appreciate you pointing this out.
2) I have a more general problem with awk. Often I want to "do something" with the result found. In this case I would like to output it to xclip - an application which read from standard input and copies it to the clipboard. Eg:
$ echo Hi | xclip
Unfortunately, echo doesn't exist for awk, so I need to return the value and echo it. How would you go about this?
read input
cat data.txt | awk '{
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if ($i=='$input') {
print $(i+1)
Don't over think it!
You can create an array in awk with the split command:
split($0, ary)
This will split the line $0 into an array called ary. Now, you can use array syntax to find the particular fields:
awk '{
size = split($0, ary)
for (i=1; i < size ;i++) {
print ary[i]
print "---"
}' data.txt
Now, when you find ary[x] as the field, you can print out ary[x+1].
In your example:
awk -v input=$input '{
size = split($0, ary)
for (i=1; i<= size ;i++) {
if ($i == ary[i]) {
print ary[i+1]
}' data.txt
There is a way of doing this without creating an array, but it's simply much easier to work with arrays in situations like this.
By the way, you can eliminate the cat command by putting the file name after the awk statement and save creating an extraneous process. Everyone knows creating an extraneous process kills a kitten. Please don't kill a kitten.
You pass shell variable to awk using -v option. Its cleaner/nicer than having to put quotes.
awk -v input="$input" '
if ($i == input ){
print "Next value: " $(i+1)
' data.txt
And lose the useless cat.
Here is my solution: delete everything up to (and including) the search field, then the field you want to print out is field #1 ($1):
awk '/4834/ {sub(/^.* * 4834 /, ""); print $1}' data.txt
