Does hibernate provide a datasource jdni url? - jdbc

I know that application servers can typically provide a connection to your database via JNDI. Is it possible for hibernate running in Java SE to provide a JNDI url/datasource like an application container such as Tomcat/Glassfish/Jetty would normally?

From the documentation it seems like it should be possible. You just have to provide a few parameters:
Important Hibernate properties for JNDI datasources
hibernate.connection.datasource (required)


Is there a pitfall to using two Hikari connection pools pointing to the same db?

In a Spring Boot application using Log4j2, I have setup a DataSource via yaml-configuration. But since Log4j2 needs a connection pool already in the startup phase for its JDBC Appender, a second data source must be provided separately. This results in the application having two connection pools running, both writing to the same database.
My first question is:
Are there any concerns about this setup, or is this the normal approach anyway?
Alternatively, the following setup would come to mind: we programmatically initialize the DataSource, so that we have access to it. Further on, we can then programmatically extend the existing Log4j2 configuration that doesn't have a JDBC Appender yet. By doing so we can pass the pooled DataSource that we also use for the application itself.
My second question is therefore:
Are there any caveats to using the same DataSource for both the application and the Log4j2 logging framework?
Many thanks for any information that helps to clarify the situation.

How Spring gets data-source reference from server using JNDI

As we all know we can get a data-source reference or any JNDI reference from server using InitialContextFactory
Ex. When it comes to Websphere Application Server using below properties we can get reference:
The InitialContextFactory varies based on server instance you are using.
While configuring spring data source or JNDI we dont provide server details ( like name of server, type .. etc) and in which port corbaloc running.
If I really write my own program to get data-source then I have to know above details to get but
How Spring code is so generic and without knowing those details how it is getting JNDI reference?
thanks for your answers..

Does Spring JDBC supports XA connection pools (for example, Oracle UCP)?

I'd like to add XA connection pool to my Spring based application, specifically Oracle UCP. This pool works on XADataSource and XAConnection objects. Standard DataSource.getConnection(...) methods are not supported.
Trying working with that pool (that I am able to successfully set up in Spring) I am getting an error related to the fact that getConnection(...) methods invoked by JdbcTemplate are disabled and should not be used. I am just wondering whether any of Spring JDBC classes are able to work with XADataSource and XAConnections? Probably there are another ways to use Spring with XA connection pools? Will appreciate any advices on that topic.
Just for those who may experience similar problems - Spring doesn't support directly XA connection pools (through native XADataSource.getXAConnection(...) methods). You need to write a kind of wrapper utilizing DatSource.getConnection(...) methods.

How to enable cache server JNDI lookup support in Coherence 12.2.1?

I am trying to access Coherence 12.2.1's cache (deployed in data tier) from application tier (deployed in application tier) that staying same Coherence cluster with different WebLogic clusters.
Oracle stated:
A component-scoped JNDI tree can be used in EJBs, servlets, or JSPs to reference the NamedCache.
To use a component-scoped JNDI lookup, define a resource-ref of type in either the web.xml or ejb-jar.xml file. Example 3-2 illustrates a <resource-ref> stanza that identifies myCache as the NamedCache.
I developed a Coherence application and deploy it into local storage enabled WebLogic server (coherence managed server). I used Application Lifecycle Listener to access and initialise cache, it works fine.
I can find the cache was populate up in Coherence cache server by using VisualVM, please see attachment.
But unfortunately, I can't find any thing about the cache in my WebLogic managed server JNDI tree, Please find attachment.
I tried to find out a way to enable Coherence cache server (it was integrated into WebLogic 12c) support JNDI look up.
I found something like this:
<cache-config xmlns:jndi="class://">
But unfortunately again, was removed from WebLogic 12c. Which means there is no way to enable Coherence data cache JNDI name configuration in Coherence 12cR2.
Any advice please!!
Were you able to create the ConnectionFactory, Outbound pools, etc ?
I suggest you take a look at this post here. It should help you out.
Hope it helps !!

Spring JMS 2-phase-commit in java SE

I am not running under Java EE.
I want to have an XA transaction using Spring to share a transaction between DB and JMS.
Does spring provide such a functionality or must I use an external transaction manager such as Atomikos?
I use currently the DataSourceTransactionManager for the DB, and I see I can also use the JMSTransactionManager. Do they work together? Not clear from the documentation as JtaTransactionManager is mentioned.
Please advise.
Spring only provides a framework for transaction management, it as such doesn't provide any transaction manager. If you are running your application outside a Java EE container and you need a transaction between resources like a DB and JMS, you have to use an external TransactionManager like Atomikos or JOTM (Java Open Transaction Manager).
You might want to refer to for more details on XA using Spring.
they are resource local, but Spring does support XA (see this post for explanation and example code) :
