Awk changes tabs to spaces - bash

I am substituting a specific column (ex:2th column) value with a variable in a file. So I am using the command:
awk -v VAR=$varz '{$2=VAR}1' OutputFile.log
The awk substitute all the tabs to space after processing. So I have used OFS="\t" .
But it removes every space to tabs
How to handle it.

Your problem is that awk splits your input on FS=[ \t]+ and then reassembles it with OFS=' ' or OFS='\t'. I don't think you can get around doing an extra split. Something like this works:
<data awk -v VAR="$varz" 'BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" } { split($1, a, " +"); $1 = a[1]" "VAR } 1'
Sandnes zipval^IHansen^IOla Timoteivn 10

Use this script to pass column no to your awk script:
awk -v VAR=$varz -v N=6 '{sub($N, VAR)}1' OutputFile.log

The below is working fine at my place:
> setenv var "hi"
> echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7" | awk -v var1=$var '{$6=var1}1'
1 2 3 4 5 hi 7

You didn't post your desired output or even tell us which specific text you wanted replaced ("2th field" could mean several things) so this is a guess, but assuming your input file is tab-separated fields, you just need to quote your shell variable and assign FS as well as OFS:
awk -v VAR="$varz" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} {$2=VAR} 1' OutputFile.log
I'd also recommend you don't use all-upper case for your variable name since that's used to identify awk builtin variables (NR, NF, etc.).


Take string from multiple files and copy to new file and print filename into second column in bash

I have multiple files containing this information:
COMMENT Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..3024
/host="Homo sapiens"
/note="genotype: 3"
COMMENT Method: conceptual translation.
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..3024
/host="Homo sapiens"
/note="genotype: 2"
Now I would like to get the /note="genotype: 3" and copy only the number that is after genotype: copy it to a new textfile and print the filename from which is has been taken as column 2.
Expected Output:
3 sP12345
2 sP4567
I tried this code: but it only prints the first column and not the filename:
awk -F'note="genotype: ' -v OFS='\t' 'FNR==1{++c} NF>1{print $2, c}' *.txt > output_file.txt
You may use:
awk '/\/note="genotype: /{gsub(/^.* |"$/, ""); f=FILENAME; sub(/\.[^.]+$/, "", f); print $0 "\t" f}' sP*.txt
3 sP12345
2 sP4567
$ awk -v OFS='\t' 'sub(/\/note="genotype:/,""){print $0+0, FILENAME}' sP12345.txt sP4567.txt
3 sP12345.txt
2 sP4567.txt
You can do:
awk '/\/note="genotype:/{split($0,a,": "); print a[2]+0,"\t",FILENAME}' sP*.txt
3 sP12345.txt
2 sP4567.txt
With your shown samples, in GNU awk please try following awk code.
awk -v RS='/note="genotype: [0-9]*"' '
gsub(/.*: |"$/,"",RT)
' *.txt
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, passing all .txt files to GNU awk program here. Then setting RS(record separator) as /note="genotype: [0-9]*" as per shown samples and requirement. In main program of awk, using gsub(global substitution) to removing everything till colon followed by space AND " at the end of value of RT with NULL. Then printing value of RT followed by current file's name. Using nextfile will directly take program to next file skipping rest of contents of file, to save sometime for us.

How can one dynamically create a new csv from selected columns of another csv file?

I dynamically iterate through a csv file and select columns that fit the criteria I need. My CSV is separated by commas.
I save these indexes to an array that looks like
echo "${cols_needed[#]}"
1 3 4 7 8
I then need to write these columns to a new file and I've tried the following cut and awk commands, however, as the array is dynamically created, I cant seem to find the right commands that can select them all at once. I have tried cut, awk and paste commands.
awk -v fields=${cols_needed[#]} 'BEGIN{ n = split(fields,f) }
{ for (i=1; i<=n; ++i) printf "%s%s", $f[i], (i<n?OFS:ORS) }' test.csv
This throws an error as it cannot split the fields unless I hard code them (even then, it can only do 2), split on spaces.
fields="1 2’
I have tried to dynamically create -f parameters, but can only do so with one variable in a loop like so
for item in "${cols_needed[#]}";
cat test.csv | cut -f$item
which outputs one column at a time.
And I have tried to dynamically create it with commas - input as 1,3,4,7...
cat test.csv | cut -f${cols_needed[#]};
which also does not work!
Any help is appreciated! I understand awk does not work like bash and we cannot pass variables around in the same way. I feel like I'm going around in circles a bit! Thanks in advance.
Your first approach is ok, just:
change -v fields=${cols_needed[#]} to -v fields="${cols_needed[*]}", to pass the array as a single shell word
add FS=OFS="," to BEGIN, after splitting (you want to split on spaces, before FS is changed to ,)
ie. BEGIN {n = split(fields, f); FS=OFS=","}
Also, if there are no commas embedded in quoted csv fields, you can use cut:
IFS=,; cut -d, -f "${cols_needed[*]}" test.csv
If there are embedded commas, you can use gawk's FPAT, to only split fields on unquoted commas.
Here's an example using that.
# prepend $ to each number
for i in "${cols_needed[#]}"; do
gawk -v FPAT='([^,]+)|(\"[^\"]+\")' -v OFS=, "{print ${fields[*]}}"
Injecting shell code in to an awk command is generally not great practice, but it's ok here IMO.
Expanding on my comments re: passing the bash array into awk:
Passing the array in as an awk variable:
$ cols_needed=(1 3 4 7 8)
$ typeset -p cols_needed
declare -a cols_needed=([0]="1" [1]="3" [2]="4" [3]="7" [4]="8")
$ awk -v fields="${cols_needed[*]}" 'BEGIN{n=split(fields,f); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) print i,f[i]}'
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 7
5 8
Passing the array in as a 'file' via process substitution:
$ awk 'FNR==NR{f[++n]=$1;next} END {for (i=1;i<=n;i++) print i,f[i]}' <(printf "%s\n" "${cols_needed[#]}")
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 7
5 8
As for OP's main question of extracting a specific set of columns from a .csv file ...
Borrowing dawg's .csv file:
$ cat file.csv
Expanding on the suggestion for passing the bash array in as an awk variable:
awk -v fields="${cols_needed[*]}" '
n=split(fields,f," ")
{ pfx=""
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
printf "%s%s", pfx, $(f[i])
print ""
' file.csv
NOTE: this assumes OP has provided a valid list of column numbers; if there's some doubt as to the validity of the input (column) numbers then OP can add some logic to address said doubts (eg, are they integers? are they positive integers? do they reference a field (in file.csv) that actually exists?, etc)
This generates:
Suppose you have this variable in bash:
$ echo "${cols_needed[#]}"
3 4 7 8
And this CSV file:
$ cat file.csv
You can select columns of that csv file in awk this way:
awk '
FNR==NR{split($0, cols," "); next}
for (e=1;e<=length(cols); e++)
s=e<length(cols) ? s $(cols[e]) OFS : s $(cols[e])
print s
}' <(echo "${cols_needed[#]}") file.csv
Or, you can do:
awk -v cw="${cols_needed[*]}" '
BEGIN{FS=OFS=","; split(cw, cols," ")}
for (e=1;e<=length(cols); e++)
s=e<length(cols) ? s $(cols[e]) OFS : s $(cols[e])
print s
}' file.csv
# same output
BTW, you can do this entirely with cut:
cut -d ',' -f $(IFS=, ; echo "${cols_needed[*]}") file.csv

cut string in a specific column in bash

How can I cut the leading zeros in the third field so it will only be 6 characters?
desired output
or here's a solution using awk
echo " xxx,aaa,00000000cc
rrr,ttt,0000000yhh"|awk -F, -v OFS=, '{sub(/^0000/, "", $3)}1'
awk uses -F (or FS for FieldSeparator) and you must use OFS for OutputFieldSeparator) .
sub(/srchtarget/, "replacmentstring", stringToFix) is uses a regular expression to look for 4 0s at the front of (^) the third field ($3).
The 1 is a shorthand for the print statement. A longhand version of the script would be
echo " xxx,aaa,00000000cc
rrr,ttt,0000000yhh"|awk -F, -v OFS=, '{sub(/^0000/, "", $3);print}'
# ---------------------------------------------------------^^^^^^
Its all related to awk's /pattern/{action} idiom.
If you can assume there are always three fields and you want to strip off the first four zeros in the third field you could use a monstrosity like this:
$ cat data
$ cat data |sed 's/\([^,]\+\),\([^,]\+\),0000\([^,]\+\)/\1,\2,\3/
Another more flexible solution if you don't mind piping into Python:
cat data | python -c '
import sys
for line in sys.stdin():
print(",".join([f[4:] if i == 2 else f for i, f in enumerate(line.strip().split(","))]))
This says "remove the first four characters of the third field but leave all other fields unchanged".
Using awks substr should also work:
awk -F, -v OFS=, '{$3=substr($3,5,6)}1' file
It just take 6 characters from 5 position in field 3 and set it back to field 3

awk, printf, and an equation in a variable

I am dynamically generation an equation for awk. Here's an example
//normally eq is dynamically generated
awk -v eq="${eq}" '{printf "%f\n", eq}' myTwoColumns.txt
If it helps, when I add a "$" in front of "eq" in the awk statement:
awk -v eq="${eq}" '{printf "%f\n", $eq}' myTwoColumns.txt
the output is the first column. How do I get this to behave like I want it to? Thanks.
Edit: Here's what worked for me
awk "{printf \"%f\n\", $eq}" myTwoColumns.txt
Because, the awk program is embedded around single quotes, the interpolation of the variable is done at run time instead of compile time.
You will probably need to wrap your command in double quotes. For example, for a file like this:
$ cat file
1 2
1 3
2 4
$ eq='$1+$2'
$ awk "{ print $eq }" file
The variable will get expanded first and then be presented to awk to execute it.
As suggested by Ed Morton in comments you can do the following as well:
awk '{ print '"$eq"' }' file

Print a comma except on the last line in Awk

I have the following script
awk '{printf "%s", $1"-"$2", "}' $a >> positions;
where $a stores the name of the file. I am actually writing multiple column values into one row. However, I would like to print a comma only if I am not on the last line.
Single pass approach:
cat "$a" | # look, I can use this in a pipeline!
awk 'NR > 1 { printf(", ") } { printf("%s-%s", $1, $2) }'
Note that I've also simplified the string formatting.
Enjoy this one:
awk '{printf t $1"-"$2} {t=", "}' $a >> positions
Yeh, looks a bit tricky at first sight. So I'll explain, first of all let's change printf onto print for clarity:
awk '{print t $1"-"$2} {t=", "}' file
and have a look what it does, for example, for file with this simple content:
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
so it will produce the following:
, 2-B
, 3-C
, 4-D
The trick is the preceding t variable which is empty at the beginning. The variable will be set {t=...} only on the next step of processing after it was shown {print t ...}. So if we (awk) continue iterating we will got the desired sequence.
I would do it by finding the number of lines before running the script, e.g. with coreutils and bash:
awk -v nlines=$(wc -l < $a) '{printf "%s", $1"-"$2} NR != nlines { printf ", " }' $a >>positions
If your file only has 2 columns, the following coreutils alternative also works. Example data:
paste <(seq 5) <(seq 5 -1 1) | tee testfile
1 5
2 4
3 3
4 2
5 1
Now replacing tabs with newlines, paste easily assembles the date into the desired format:
<testfile tr '\t' '\n' | paste -sd-,
You might think that awk's ORS and OFS would be a reasonable way to handle this:
$ awk '{print $1,$2}' OFS="-" ORS=", " input.txt
But this results in a final ORS because the input contains a newline on the last line. The newline is a record separator, so from awk's perspective there is an empty last record in the input. You can work around this with a bit of hackery, but the resultant complexity eliminates the elegance of the one-liner.
So here's my take on this. Since you say you're "writing multiple column values", it's possible that mucking with ORS and OFS would cause problems. So we can achieve the desired output entirely with formatting.
$ cat input.txt
3 2
5 4
1 8
$ awk '{printf "%s%d-%d",t,$1,$2; t=", "} END{print ""}' input.txt
3-2, 5-4, 1-8
This is similar to Michael's and rook's single-pass approaches, but it uses a single printf and correctly uses the format string for formatting.
This will likely perform negligibly better than Michael's solution because an assignment should take less CPU than a test, and noticeably better than any of the multi-pass solutions because the file only needs to be read once.
Here's a better way, without resorting to coreutils:
awk 'FNR==NR { c++; next } { ORS = (FNR==c ? "\n" : ", "); print $1, $2 }' OFS="-" file file
awk '{a[NR]=$1"-"$2;next}END{for(i=1;i<NR;i++){print a[i]", " }}' $a > positions
