Visual Studio 2012 Image Library missing. Where to get one? - image

The Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate (Update 1) is missing the Image Library zip contains a lot of default
windows application icons in many useful formats and sizes.
In Visual Studio 2010 the file was in \Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\VS2010ImageLibrary\1033\, but there is no such file ( in new 2012 version.
What happens to that very popular (in my opinion) file? Is Microsoft going to attach the Library in Update 2? Or is it downloadable from different source?
Thank you for your help!

The download link for the latest 2012 Image Library is:
Official Microsoft statement (here) posted on 2012-11-30 is that they are going to attach
that file in future update/release: "We appreciate your patience while we worked on getting the release reviewed and approved internally.".
I hope you all got what you need :)


Migration from visual studio from 2005 to 2015

I am trying to migrate legacy code, consisting of thousand of lines code from visual studio 2005 to visual studio 2015.We have searched all over the internet but haven't found any useful resource.Can anyone please help us regarding this??
May be it will help you:
According to article "Many widely used assets behave the same in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013 and the two earlier versions". You may need convert to VS2012 and use it in VS2015.
Did you test this: github?
In the internet there are some articles migrate for example: VS2005 to VS2008 and VS2008 to VS2012. Try to use 2 step conversions.
The best way to manually migrate: create empty project in VS2012, move your files from the old projects

Opening Different Visual Studio projects

OK, can't find a solution to this.
A client sent me his Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web project. I have Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 installed.
I get an error when I try to open his project saying "this project is not compatible with the current version of visual studio".
We'll be passing the project back & forth quite a bit, so I need a solution that meets that need please.
So, I figure I may be able to modify the project with a text editor to let me open it. If so, do I have to re-edit it back when I send it back to him?
Can I install VS Express 2012 for Web on a machine that already has VS Ultimate 2010 on it without any conflicts? Can I open it if I install VS 2012 Ultimate (keeping 2010 as well)?
I have another client that uses 2010, so whatever I do, I need to be able to still support him.
If I can't have 2 versions installed at the same time, and can't easily edit a file to make it compatible, then I guess my last option is a virtual machine.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Microsoft Visual Studio has backwards compatibility since the version 2010 SP1.
So in this case you just need update your Visual Studio 2010 to SP1 and it will understand the new way files are versioned.
Based on my experience:
You do can edit it with a text file and send it back, but it's not compiled yet so it's your partners job.
Maybe, just maybe, you can edit the .sln and .(whatever the project file extension is) file to meet your VS10 env (I think it's going to be a bumpy road though)
Yes, I'm pretty sure you can have VS 10 and VS 12 installed on same machine, note that you have to have .Net 4.0 and .Net 4.5

VS 2013 Preview not works because MSVCR120.dll is missing

I can't start VS 2013 RC. And I Also can't uninstall VS 2013 RC too.
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
MSVCR120.dll is actually a C++ Runtime DLLs If you installed using ISO then you need to search for a file which is related to c++ runtime.
If you don't got the file make a thread on Microsoft Connect and put detail their. Someone from Visual studio team will help you their.
When I check the ISO of VWD 2013 RC I got a folder seen in setup folder that is vcRuntime....
Install all Those MSI. I hope it will fix your issue.

Where are the Visual Studio 2012 SDK Samples?

I have just installed Visual Studio 2012 SDK and I cannot find any files.
The installer used more than 100 MBs on disk - but where are the files?
I searched the Start menu and found only links to web. The reference pages says that there are some source code samples, but where are these??
Seems that there is only VS 2010 SDK.
I found that the solution file is set to version 11.0 (i.e. VS 2012).
Full download here
individual links here

Can't install Visual Studio 2010

MSDN AA MSVS 2010 installation throws an exception (app crash). I'm currently using VS 2010 Express Edition. I tried only mounting the iso image and then run setup on the virtual disk. How can I fix this? I need it only for educational purpose.
Here is a good link for these kind of errors: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 RC and Visual Studio 2010 RC Available Now - Support
I quote:
If you are having problems installing
.NET 4.0 or Visual Studio 2010, please
visit support forums.
.NET Framework Setup
Visual Studio Setup and Installation
You may find solutions to common
problems right away, or the community
– including Microsoft employees – will
be glad to assist you. If you are
having installation problems, please
download and run the log
collection utility. This creates a file in your %TEMP%
directory that you can upload and
paste the link in any correspondence.
