When to use more than one Sammy.js application? - sammy.js

As I'm learning about Sammy.js I read that you can have several Sammy.js applications in the same page, each bound to a different element (i.e. div). I would like to understand why would this be useful.
I read in another post that only forms inside a bound element will trigger the route change, I'm thinking this could be used to modularize your application. Is there another use case beside this? Could you provide an example of how to modularize your application in this way?

We implemented a component similar to Sammy in our Silverlight application some time ago. The similarity is in that both represent a kind of a simple browser that can be bound to a UI region. The approach gave us several benefits:
We had an extensible way to add new content implementations. I mean that we could add plugins to our app that contained new forms/views which the application core had no knowledge about.
We could easily implement composite views, e.g. dashboard that were able to show any view implemented in any module. Including themselves. (A-ha, we had created recursive dashboards that worked until the app hit the memory limit. Kind of Inception. :))
Sammy can be used to reach these goals as well.
However, you must understand that from all Sammy applications running on a page, only one can be bound to the browser location bar. Others will have their location visible only to javascript, or you'll need to render location bars for them on the page.


Should views be rendered by the app, or should a static site contact the API using AJAX?

I am starting to write my first web app with Node.js and Express. I have two approaches in mind.
Create two sets of routes. One that sends JSON, one that renders the page using a templating engine
Create a static website that makes API calls to the backend using AJAX, and have only routes for the API.
I understand that approach #2 depends on AJAX support in the browser, but if this was your project, based on the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, which would you choose and why?
If I am reading it right, both options #1 and #2 first set of routes is an API that returns JSON rather than sends it.
Assuming that in #2 you wouldn't create static pages with JavaScript doing AJAX calls, but rather still use express static routing like app.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'dist'))); the difference between 2 approaches isn't that big.
Unless you already know some supported template language, such as mustache the cons are that you have to learn one and before that pick one (which isn't always an easy task from my experience!).
If you don't know one, depending on your application, you might still benefit from learning and using one. As an example you can think of a very generic UI where a single template could be reused very many times - like a generic database UI similar to, say well known phpmyadmin.
In case of static routing, you can achieve similar results by using a JavaScript framework which has components or templates, such as angular. If you aren't planning to use one, that could result in a lot of code duplication of otherwise re-usable widgets. And even when using one I can imagine a case when template engine would result in less code (or less files in your project at the very least). Not sure though if it's going to be easier to navigate and moreover to cover with tests when the project grows.
Without knowing more about your project it is hard to give more advice.
If the product you're developing is primarily static content with some dynamic pieces here and there, I'd recommend serving HTML from your backend via a templating system. A good example of this would be a blog. You'll end up with better SEO and there are less moving pieces to grok in this approach.
However, if you want to develop a single page application, I recommend using your backend entirely as an api, and writing your client side logic entirely in React/Vue/Angular/whatever. Single page applications have their front ends written entirely in javascript, and are best suited to highly dynamic, "app like" experiences online. Think gmail or facebook.
In my current project we use both approaches. Many views are static and data is obtained from API calls (we just use angular) or bootstrapped values (we load some objects with template, like user roles etc.)
However, some views are rendered on server site, because it easily allow us to dynamically inject values, tokens or other supporting data without making extra requests.
So, I vote for flexibility

Multiple Shells (views and view models) and routers for different type of users in Durandal

So I'm trying to build an app that has two different kind of users, namely customers and sellers. The app is designed in such a way that both of them will have different kind of navigation bars and access to different kind of pages via routes. As such, I'm trying to see what is the best way to achieve this? I'm thinking of either of the following solutions:
1. using compose binding or areas in my shell.html and by having a container and based on a certain condition, the correct specific view (partial view)will be injected and the default binding context will be a common shell.js. However, the nav bar and each navigation panel displayed is determined by the routes that have
and both seller and customer will have different routes that are marked nav:true. Is there a way to work around this limitation if we use this approach?
2. using compose binding but having two different views and viewmodels that we bind to our shell.html and shell.js. In other words, there will be two routers. However, I've read a number of posts about having two routers and apparently having multiple main routers in an app is not suggested. Is there another way I should approach this?I was having thinking of having multiple SPAs but I figure that would not be efficient since this is a mobile app. Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated!
You could simply develop two separate SPAs, but have them share much of the same codebase. With this approach, there's nothing special going on, other than your responsibility to modularize your code for reuse.
This approach would also eliminate the need to incorporate extensive logic throughout to curtail, trim, or augment the web app based on the user currently logged in.

Angularjs and MDI SPA application with many tabs

We have to implement multiple-document-interface web application. Each document has to live in a separate tab (but on the same page, it has to be SPA). There may be up to 50 opened tabs simultaneously and application should give ability to group tab panes by modules.
One of our options were to use AngularJS for this task. We like the way Angular handles partial views, structures application by using modules/controllers and performs dependency injection.
After digging in for couple of days, we've figured out that there may be some problems with the way bindings work: there is no easy way to prevent angular from watching tabs, which contents are not currently displayed to the user. You can imagine situation when user will have around 20 opened tabs and this whole thing becomes slow as hell! Also our application is very grid-heavy, so for grids I think we should avoid ng bindings at all.
We were thinking about ng-view and the way it recreates DOM on each activation ... this looks overkill and will force us to put all UI state into the view-models, even for scroll-bars :)
Can you suggest some possible ways to improve performance with Angular and MDI? Maybe we should even consider using some other ui-framework/set of tools to achieve same results?
What's important:
modularity (AMD)
dependency injection
declarative bindings (we do like how angular and knockout solved those problems)
ability to create multiple instances of the same controller (open multiple "details" tabs for each specific item from the grid, for example)
modularity - Angular has it's own modularity rules/patterns which are good if you want to conform to them, but if you want to make something modular in a different way, eg... allow forms to be self contained so that multiple instances of them can dynamically be opened concurrently it's quite difficult
dependency injection - Angular allows you to write code that you can inject other into, but you cannot inject Angular, it seems an oversight that you cannot test your code isolated from Angulars?
declarative bindings - yep, the way Angular binds literals within HTML with the JS code makes it really hard to create MDIs with multiple concurrent instances of a single form. You really need to dynamically create your form instances with their own identifiers (in addition to Angulars) then scope your own identifiers within the bounds of a shared set of JS files (which is what you want), however then Angular's binding will get in the way of each instance if you continue to use Angular's bindings - alternatively you can try modify the HTML dynamically get Angular to refresh it's bindings.
Basically anything to do with MDI is harder than it needs to be with Angular and it's worth looking at alternatives for such projects before hand.
AngularJS can indeed be heavy on a big application, but only when you make a change inside the $scope. The bigger part of this time is spent looking for modification by dirty checking.
If you keep an AngularJS application inside a non active tab, a dirty checking can only happen after a outside event (like a WebSocket message). You can optimize your application to remove those listener when the tab is not focused.
If you follow the best practice of AngularJS, performance issues with a lot of pages opened should not be a problem. The bigger performance problem of AngularJS come with very big amount of data inside its $scope, but there is a lot of solutions proposed all over the internet.

Coldfusion, whats the advantage of front controller design over page controller?

I'm from a non-computing background and I'm struggling to getting my head around MVC design approaches and frameworks in general. I "get" code re-use, and separation of logic from display, and I "get" encapsulation and decoupling, but I don't get this.
At the moment I simply put everything in root, a separate subfolders for images, cfcs, and _includes, all database interaction via cfcs. I do all my processing at the top of the page, then a comment line then display/page layout below that.
Most of the frameworks I have looked at seem to favour a front controller, so my simplistic version of a top controller MVC design would be a subfolder for cfcs, controllers, and views and a big switch statement in index.cfm
<cfif not IsDefined("URL.event")>
<cflocation url="index.cfm?event=home" addtoken="No">
<cfswitch expression="#url.event#">
<cfcase value="home">
<cfinclude template="controllers/home.cfm"/>
<cfinclude template="views/home.cfm"/>
<cfcase value="about">
<cfinclude template="controllers/about.cfm"/>
<cfinclude template="views/about.cfm"/>
.. but what real advantage does that give me over a page controller design? Unless it's just the kind of sites I write, I always seem to find that the controller logic is specific to a view, its not like one controller could fit several views or several controllers could output to one view, so what would be the point of separating them?
The light hasn't come on for me yet, any pointers?
By "top" controller, I think you mean "front" controller, a single point of entry for requests into an application. As #bpanulla wrote, most ColdFusion frameworks use this design pattern. This becomes particularly interesting with URL rewriting, where it becomes easy to have search engine safe URLs by intercepting the a URL (e.g. domain.ext/i/am/friendly.ext) and routing it to some standard file such as index.cfm while making the requested URL a parameter (often as a request header). This also makes site redesigns where URLs change easier because it lends itself well to aliasing or redirects.
As far as controllers are concerned, they are usually tightly coupled to a particular URL or URL pattern. It's possible be more loosely coupled with controllers, but in practice I find that's an emergent property after multiple refactorings. What should be underlying the controller is one or more calls to a service layer that talks to the database, executes business process, creates stateful entities, etc... Then the controller receives the service layer's outputs and places them into whatever mechanism (e.g. an event object) is used to pass data to the view(s).
It's the service layer that's meant to be reusuable not the controllers. The controllers are merely an extension of whatever framework an application works within. The idea being that you should be able to switch frameworks with very little impact to the views and service layer. The piece that needs to be touched are the controllers.
So a given service object in a service layer should be able to service multiple controllers. For example, consider showing a logged in users' information as a widget on a site. There might be different pages served by different controllers, but each would call the same service object to get logged in user data that presumably might be given to the same view that renders the widget.
Update: Front Controller Advantages
Security: centralized authentication and authorization.
i18n & l10n: inject the right language pack into the request globally
Process Orchestration: think multi step checkout process for a shopping cart where you don't want the back and forward buttons to work - by routing everything through the front controller you're able to enforce what step (i.e. the state)
Logging & Tracking: easily add Google Analytics or other request tracking to a site by making the addition in just one place
Error Handling: centralized behavior
Now many of these items can also be done using <cferror> and Appplication.cfc, but I find it easier to have one centralized point.
Useful Links
You actually implemented the crux of Fusebox (http://www.fusebox.org/) with what you wrote. There's nothing wrong with that, and most of the ColdFusion community used something similar to that for many years - Fusebox was the most-used CF framework (in my experience) until just a few years ago when ModelGlue, Mach-II and the other second generation CF frameworks came about.
One thing I can point out is that your approach to controllers (as .cfm files) actually does not enforce encapsulation in the typical OOD fashion, with specific arguments going to an object method call. Unless you are extremely dilligent, over time your .cfm controllers may wind up accumulated a large number of undocumented parameters that alter behavior to solve one problem or another.
With the various frameworks you also get nice features like Application, Session, and Request specific code (onApplicationStart, onRequestEnd, etc). But you can always get those through a simple Application.cfc.

How to create a Tabbed interface for two different web applications to be displayed as a single page

We have two separate web-apps, say 'retailUI' and 'bulkUI'. These two are basically two separate web applications (within the same business domain). Now, the requirement has been given to us to make the two work together in one page with a Tabbed interface (as a PoC).
My problem is that both the applications span over a number of JSP pages for navigation.
Is there a way that I can achieve this using some framework or some other approach?
If you want to keep the two applications as much as possible the way they are now, without rewriting them entirely, you gotta use iframes. That means the content of each tab is actually an iframe.
For such cases I found of great use a ExtJS user developed component, ManagedIFrame which as it's names suggested is a managed iframe. Using it, your iframes can interact with each other(for instance sendind messages from one to another, listeners etc.)
Carefully planing the listeners and their registering by checking whether the peer is there you could build this integrated application without rendering the two separate applications unoperational when ran standalone.
Sounds like your easiest bet is to use Frames. For this, each of your two web apps will be frames of a wrapper web app. You would then hide or show the frames based on which one you want to be active.
This would allow you to have seperate navigation in each, and the two apps don't necessarily have to know anything about one another.
