How to add an AWS EC2 instance on Scalr - amazon-ec2

I have an AWS account with 14 instances and using scalr. I added the Api reference details and it showed up, at that time instances were pretty low. As and when I keep adding new instances it accepted few and reject the rest. Now I have an instance newly made on AWS which is not getting loaded in scalr.
Any ideas?

Instances that you create using AWS will not show up in Scalr.
Instead, you create Farms (in Scalr) through the use of custom and/or pre-configured Scalr Roles. When you launch those farms/roles, it will launch the required instances in AWS. It's like a wrapper around AWS that provides extra features, but it will only ever know about instances that have been launched from a Scalr role.
It is possible to import an existing server into Scalr although it involves installing the scalarizr software onto that server and opening some ports. Full details can be found here. Once complete, you'll have a new role that you can add to a farm and then launch.


deploying magento on google cloud computing

I want to move my magento site from AWS to Google and I want to make sure I'm doing it the right way as I am new with google cloud computing.
These are the steps I'm planning on doing:
create an instance and install redis and my magento store on it.
create sql for my DB
create a snapshop of this instance
create a template from this instance
create a group of instances with the template
create a load balancer and connect it with the instances group
is that the correct way to build a solid and fairly scalable magento site on GCC?
are there any services on google cloud I can use to make my store even more fast and scalable?
That's a fairly good way to deploy, but you can offload a few of those to managed services by GCP.
Use Click-To-Deploy solution for Magento (
Launch another Click-To-Deploy solution for Redis (
Launch a Cloud SQL instance (
Update your Magento instance with the configuration for these servers
Use this as a template to launch instances-group
Put this groups behind a load balancer
Why is this better?
You don't have to manage your SQL DB security and scaling
You get redis and magento using simple clicks, saves a lot of time
All you need to manage are your settings. Even if you wanted to update your magento to newer upgrades on better servers
Bonus: You should also make use of a CDN for your static resources and Cloud CDN ( will be helpful there.
Further Read: Go through this to get a sense of what else can you do with GCP (

Provision AWS Account Programmatically?

I am trying to see if anyone knows if it is possible to provision an AWS account straight from code? I have looked at the SDK and API reference but I am not seeing anything. It would be something similar to the way provisions a new account for a user for training purposes.
Creating a new AWS acount requires voice verification. AWS actually calls you to confirm. What you can do is create AWS IAM users and allocate very specific permissions within your Amazon VPC for these users. For example you can say users in group "A" can only launch AMIs tagged as "development" and only in a specific subnet. You can be somewhat granular in the permissions you allocate to IAM users/groups. Here is a list of actions you can specify for EC2 resources:
Here is some general guidance on setting up control within your VPC:
The examples there can potentially serve as a good starting point for what you are trying to accomplish.

What are the possible capabilities of IAM in AWS?

One of my clients wants to understand IAM feature before migrating business application to Amazon cloud.
I have figured out two use cases which we can recommend to our client, these are:
Resource-Level Permissions for EC2
• Allow users to act on a limited set of resources within a larger, multi-user EC2 environment.
• Control which users can terminate which instances.
• Restricting a user access to a single EC2 instance ( currently not supported by amazon API’s)
IAM Roles for Amazon ec2 resources
Command Line Usage
• Unix/Linux/Windows - Use the AWS Command Line Interface, which is a unified tool to manage the AWS services. We can access the Command Line Interface using the EC2 instance launched with IAM role support without specifying the credentials explicitly.
Programmatic Usage
• Use the appropriate AWS SDK for your language of choice. Configure it without specifying the credentials.
I would like to know other capabilities of IAM which we can recommend to our client and other use cases which you can recommend to us. Please let us know if any further explanation is required.
Any prompt response will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
This is a very useful feature of AWS !
User Management - If you are a large team, you will have to give different users (or developers/testing, deployment) different type of permissions. Access levels like (say S3 read-only, DynamoDB full-access etc).
Manage Users :
Not to keep credentials in code. Is you use IAM roles, you can mention that say an EC2 should work on this role. This will help you achieve things like "cluster with only access to S3, not DB")
IAM Roles for Amazon EC2 - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud :
Handle Release staging. This is a benefit from the ROLE. You move apps from dev, qa, staging and prod. I usually keep different accounts for this. In this case, if you configure the EC2 to run on roles, then the stage difference can be handled witout code change. Just move the build from one account to another, and it works with no risk!
Lot of other benefits;
Product Details :

Amazon AWS EC2 - Elastic IP - can i mirror my site closing certain ports?

I have a development environment running on an Amazon AWS EC2 virtual server which i want to have tested by third parties.
I do NOT trust the companies who will test it not to sabotage environment and / or steal code. Therefore, i don't want them to know URL's, permanent IP's or even to access the web pages, which they could eventually use a crawler to find.
My environment includes web applications and socket servers. I do NOT want to expose the web applications, while giving access only to socket servers.
I have opted to use a secondary, impermanent Elastic IP pointing to the environment. this IP will be destroyed after 1 or 2 days, after basic tests have run. Subject to change (depending on suggestions from this thread).
Can i create a secondary Elastic IP instance that allows access only to ports 5000-5100? If so, how?
THE ALTERNATIVE: In case this is not the most efficient procedure, what alternative would you propose?
MY SOLUTIONS: followed FAQ Launching Instance From Backup
create snapshot
create image from snapshot (snapshot menu - create image tag)
instances - launch instance
choose image created from snapshot as your root volume
edit security groups (opened port range for sockets only, no web)
deleted all web code from this instance
after 2 days, will delete instance
followed Create Image From, Instance
select (exclusively) running instance you wish to mirror
right click on selected instance
choose create image from dropdown
to 7. same as above
this second solution seems to be more stable (especially re: status check and connectivity issues).
any better solutions? thanx!

EC2 Instance Cloning

Is it possible to clone a EC2 instance data and all?
You can make an AMI of an existing instance, and then launch other instances using that AMI.
The easier way is through the web management console:
go to the instance
select the instance and click on instance action
create image
Once you have an image you can launch another cloned instance, data and all. :)
There is no explicit Clone button. Basically what you do is create an image, or snapshot of an existing EC2 instance, and then spin up a new instance using that snapshot.
First create an image from an existing EC2 instance.
Check your snapshots list to see if the process is completed. This usually takes around 20 minutes depending on how large your instance drive is.
Then, you need to create a new instance and use that image as the AMI.
Nowadays it is even easier to clone the machine with EBS-backed instances released a while ago. This is how we do it in BitNami Cloud Hosting.
Basically you just take a snapshot of the instance which can be used
later to launch a new server. You can do it either using AWS console
(saving the EBS-backed instance as AWS AMI) or using the EC2 API
create a snapshot with ec2-create-snapshot
and then launch an instance from a snapshot
Cloning the instance is nothing else but creating the backup and then
launching a new server based on that. You can find bunch of articles
out there describing this problem, try to find the info about "how to
..." backup or resize the whole EC2 instance, for example this blog is
a really good place to start:
To Answer your question: now AWS make cloning real easy see Launch instance from your Existing Instance
On the EC2 Instances page, select the instance you want to use
Choose Actions --> Image and Templates, and then Launch More Like This.
Review & Launch
This will take the existing instance as a Template for the new once.
or you can also take a snapshot of the existing volume and use the snapshot with the AMI (existing one) which you ping during your instance launch
You can use AWS API or console UI to create an AMI(Amazon Machine Image) of your running instance. You can specify to reboot the instance when create your AMI. Then you can use AWS API or console UI to launch more instances with the AMI you created.
You can do it very easily with a Cloud Management software -like enStratus, RightScale or Scalr (disclaimer: I work there). With the cloned farm you can:
Create a snapshot or a pre-made image to launch another day
Duplicate your configuration to test it before production
