how to close geany terminal - bash

Whenever a program finishes to run when executing it with geany, the terminal doesn't close.
geany terminal waits for a keystroke to close. How do I change this behavior and make it close automatically when the program reaches it's end? Is there a script I can write?

This is not really an answer, but more like an alternative suggestion. In newer versions of Geany you can tell it to run programs in the Vitual Terminal Emulation, i.e. the terminal tab at the bottom (Settings -> Terminal -> Run Programs in VTE).
This way, the program starts more quickly (without first starting a terminal), you can still see the output generated by the program (exception stacktraces!), and the focus/cursor stays in the editor window, too.

I actually found a way of doing what you want to do in the terminal instead of using Geany's VTE. The perk of that is that you can run multiple scripts at the same time (or a single one multiple times), while the VTE only executes one script at the time (at least that's the case for me).
Just go to Build -> Set Build Commands. The last type of options says "Execute commands". The standard option is python "%f".
Just add && exit so that it reads
python "%f" && exit.
That way the terminal window will close instantly once it's finished if the programm doesn't give you an error code. If it does, the error message will be displayed and the window is kept open.

A variant of pohly's answer worked for me:
In Build -> Set Build Commands -> Execute commands
I replaced "./%e" by "./%e" && exit

better this way, let the terminal to stay for a moment so that we could see the results in case you want to
python "%f" && sleep 20 && exit


Break the current program without exiting VIM

When using VIM, I usually like to run programs by using the bang in command mode.
That is, use
:!<external shell command>
to test code without exiting vim or alt-tabbing to another open shell. So for example, when writing Java code, I might do something like
:!java Main
Or in C, maybe
:!cls & gcc -g -o main Program.c File.c & main
This works fine. The VIM window turns into a shell, my program runs, and then upon exit I get back into VIM.
The issue is when my program hits an infinite loop. I get stuck with the terminal displaying the standard output and then I can't get back to VIM. Control-C exits EVERYTHING and then I need to re-open VIM and re-open all my files and it's a big mess (especially if I didn't save something!).
tl;dr Is there a way to stop internally-running externally-defined shell commands in VIM?
In my case, Ctrl-c works just fine.
I am on vim 7.4 on ubuntu 14.04.
Control-z works instead of Control-c

Is there a way to revert back to the command line after opening an application through it?

I want to be able to open an application on the command line, but instead of switching to the application, I want to stay on my terminal emulator. Is there a way of accomplishing this? I am using OS X.
Use the -g flag of open, which avoids bringing the app to the foreground.
$ open -g /Applications/
open will start the app, and then return to the command prompt.
After you run the program hit ctrl+z and type bg. You will return to your terminal CLI.
Whenever you want to go back to your program, just type fg.
You can background the job. In the Bash shell, this is done with the &. For example:
some_script_or_application &
Note that some daemons and processes background themselves. For example, on OS X, running open some.pdf will preview the PDF in a GUI while returning the command prompt immediately without needing to do anything special.
See the GNU Bash Manual for more on job control for background jobs.

Kill ListenAndServe in GoLang

I am trying to use Sublime Text + GoSublime to do Golang development.
I am working with a webserver in Go (ListenAndServe("8000", &handler)).
The problem I have is that when I run the Go process (while another one is running), the second process doesn't work (since the port is already in use).
What I want to happen is that when I go run web.go, if one was already running, shut that down before running this one.
Sublime Text 3's build system doesn't seem to keep track of the previous execution - so I don't know the best way to terminate. When I run CTRL+B it doesn't block, it executes the build system in another thread - meaning that I can't CTRL+C before executing the next. So what I'm having to do is terminate via the command line the existing process before starting the next one.
So I'm looking for either a solution with Sublime Text's build system configuration, or perhaps even having the Go process itself check to see if one is running and killing the process.
Ideas? It's sort of annoying to swap back and forth from terminal.
Not sure if I understand the question right.
But in sublime text build console, there is tskill command which can kill active tasks initiated from the console. So you can type Ctrl+B to invoke out console and type tskill to kill the running web.go task. There are also other alias tskill <task ID>, task replay or task go. Reference is here. After that you can run other commands including go run.
What's more there is a replay command. "It is like run but attempts to cancel any active executions before running". I feel it looks like what you want.
Further, Gosublime command shell has sh command mode. It's much flexible for example type sh killall web;go run web.go or run a shell script to run that.
Hopefully it helps.

Check if there are any running processes in the current tab of terminal

I have a script that opens up as many terminal tabs as are devices plugged in, then it runs tests on those devices. I would like to clean up all the terminal tabs after my tests are done. I run some things in the background, and I don't know when each process will be done.
How can I check if there are process running in the current tab of terminal?
I plan to do a Command W in AppleScript to kill each terminal command after each tab of terminal has no running processes.
If you use AppleScript, you can check the busy property:
tell application "Terminal"
repeat with t in tabs of windows
if busy of t is false then
do script "exit" in t
end if
end repeat
end tell
exit closes a tab if you set "Preferences > Settings > Shell > When the shell exits" to "Close the window".
One simple solution would be to take each command that you're running in a terminal and append "; exit" (Without the quotes) to it.
For example, if one of your commands was "ls", you would change it to "ls; exit".
Unfortunately, this doesn't work if you want to leave the terminal windows up to see results of what's being displayed. That can be solved by outputting the results of the first commands to some file, though.
Again using the example of ls, you could run "ls >> testfile.txt; exit" to output the results of ls to a file, and then have the terminal window close after it finishes executing.
You can use "jobs" to check if there are any processes running in the background.

Suppress command window when running console application on Windows

Is there a way to suppress showing the command window when running a console application on Windows XP?
Details: I am calling a (console-based) program from Vim. I would like to avoid the command window being shown every time I do this.
Try start /B <program name> to start the program without a new window.
Did you try shell.vim?
The xolox#shell#execute() function
This function enables other Vim
plug-ins to execute external commands
in the background (i.e.
asynchronously) without opening a
command prompt window on Windows.
i can't believe no one has suggested simply using :silent
for example, I have the following in my .vimrc (gvim on Win7)
"open windows explorer to the directory of the current file
:map <leader>ex :silent !Explorer %:p:h<CR>
When I didn’t want to see the output of external commands called from the Vim command line, I would prepend them with :silent. However, this results in a command window momentarily flashing on screen when running GVim under MS Windows. After a short while, I got annoyed by this behaviour so I researched alternative solutions (which is how I came across this question).
The best solution I came up with was to use Vim’s inbuilt system function which runs shell commands without opening an external command window. While the output of the shell command is not printed, its exit status is conveniently available via v:shell_error. It also has the advantage that it’s portable across (all) platforms.
Example (the echo statement should print 0 if C:\Windows exists):
call system("dir c:\windows")
echo v:shell_error
You could maybe use some autohotkey script of this kind:
Loop {
WinWait, my command window title
I was trying to use git-bash as my shell from vim on Windows but having the command prompt open whenever a command was run, as you described. My eventual solution was to install the plugin xolox/vim-shell and add the following snippet to .vimrc:
if has('win32')
set shell=bash\ -c
set shellcmdflag=
set shellxquote='
set shellquote=
set shellredir=>
set noshelltemp "This prevents an external window from opening.
This utility will also do the job:
