Linked Image Syntax for Mediawiki - syntax

I tried to add a linked image to a wiki page without luck. The HTML syntax for the linked image is below:
<img width="300" height="220" alt="Virtual Tour" src="Path to Image" title="Virtual Tour" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-8517">
What's the right syntax for linked image in MediaWiki?
I am using [[File:Fielname.jpg|frame|||||link=External Link|alt=ALT|Caption]]
But I need to add CSS class to both A and IMG tag and it seems I cannot.
Thank you.

Create a template once Template:MyReusedImage with your image in right size, title etc.
Then reuse the template on the pages {{MyReusedImage}}


How to use XPATH to find an image called *logo*, or which has a class with the word *logo* in it?

I am creating a crawler which needs to download the logo from every website it crawls.
It is quite hard to detect which image is the logo, however I don't need 100% accuracy, so I am thinking of just looking for <img> tags which fulfil any of the following conditions:
A. The name of the image in the <img> tag has the word "logo" in it, for example:
<img src="logo.gif">
<img src="site-logo.jpg">
<img src="mainlogo.png">
B. The class or id in the <img> tag has the word logo in it, for example:
<img class="logo" src="something.gif">
<img id="main-logo" src="something.gif">
<img class="background logo" src="something.gif">
I've tried following the W3C XPATH documentation, but it is not very user friendly. I've also tried using what are supposed to be wildcards (according to w3schools) but they do not appear to work as expected.
Is it possible to achieve what I want using XPATH? Could you help provide some pointers or example code?
Thank you.
You could use:
/html/body//img[contains(#src, 'logo') or contains(#id, 'logo') or contains(#class, 'logo')]
which will find all img tags that are a descendant of the body tag, where the src, id or class attribute contains the text logo.

Insert clickable SVG image into Sphinx documentation

I have SVG image file with several nodes each is associated with URL. If I open this file directly in browser I can click on each node and it will open different URLs. However when I use this picture in my Sphinx documentation it doesn't work - picture rendered as a whole so I need to open it by View Image and only then I can click on nodes.
I'm using standard image directive:
.. image:: myfile.svg
Probably I need to use something else?
Sphinx generates <img> tags for images, which makes sense in most cases. However, to have the links inside the svg be clickable, you should use an <object> tag, i.e.:
.. raw:: html
<object data="myfile.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>
(Regarding the GitHub issue you linked to, I don't think there's a lot that Sphinx can do here—it's really quite complicated—short of introducing a new option to the .. image directive that lets the user specify whether to render as an img or object tag.)
One simple solution would be to add a link to the svg file in this .. image:: myfile.svg command:
.. image:: myfile.svg
:target: _images/myfile.svg
Take care of checking the relative directory where the images are copied when the html files are generated. By default, it should be _images/.
This way, you can click the SVG file, to see it in a plain page, and then click on it as usual (not a perfect solution but still..).
I am probably misunderstanding the OP's requirements, but why not just include the SVG into the sphinx documentation as html? This appears to work for me:
.. raw:: html
:file: images/image.svg
To include clickable svg links within sphinx I did the following:
.. raw:: html
:file: ../graphs/pymedphys_analysis.gamma.svg
This then freed me to write the following within an imported style sheet:
svg {
width: 100%;
This made the svg fit the container as desired.
I like this way
.. raw:: html
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="No message"/></a>
I'm still looking for a better solution myself, but I ran into the same problem and used this workaround.
You can use the download directive to give the user a link to the file.
:download:`svg <images/image.svg>`

Custom image in footer (Prestashop)

I have a small question. I am using prestashop, and would like to add image in my footer. I am trying to add img tag in footer.tpl
<img src="/htdocs/themes/warehouse/img/logo_btm.png" alt="logo" />
but instead of picture i have question mark.
you use relative path
instead of relative path use full url to your image like
You have to use smarty global var, put the image in your theme's image folder and use this syntax
<img src="{$img_dir}logo_btm.png" alt="logo" />

Display Images from Umbraco Media in Document

i create a Document(PDF) and get the Content from the Umbraco nodes.
But there's a problem by displaying the images. How can i display or get the images from the Media libary of Umbraco? Is there a way, offered from Umbraco to get the Image(s)?
Thanks a lot.
If I understand your query correctly, you a pretty much there.
You should simply be able to get the umbracoFile path (just like you are for the PDF file) and simply declare it as the img src!
With Razor...
<umbraco:Macro runat="server" language="cshtml">
<img src='#Model.MediaById(#Model.imgProperty).umbracoFile' alt="" />

What does this Firefox symbol mean?

This symbol of a ripped paper is appearing on some of my <a> tags in Firefox Browser..
Here is an example:
Does anyone know what this means?
update : here's some code:
<a href="#" onClick="jQuery('#youtube-player-container').tubeplayer('play');">
<img class="mp3button" style="background-image:url('/mp3_play.png');background-size:100% 100%;" />
(the image does appear appears so it's not a problem with the img src)
The ripped paper icon is for a broken image src. You would see it if you requested an image that didn't exists ie:
<img src="notarealimage.jpg"/>
In your case you have no src attribute, which is why the browser sees it as a broken image.
Given that you're using a background image on your img tag, I suggest changing the img tag to a span or div tag, or just adding the style attribute to the a tag and removing the img tag altogether, i.e:
