We currently have JDK1.7 installed and configured to use G1GC. What i want to know is this.
Are stop the world pauses only a characteristic of Major GC? Or Minor GC has that issue as well?
To answer my own question,
YES, minor GC activity causes a global pause.
We have several services written in Go. After running for several weeks we find that occasionally the heap size keeps increasing. We added some instrumentation to find out that this is due to a reduction is GC frequency.
We are using Go 1.8. I am not sure if this is a bug in Go GC or something that we have written is triggering this behavior. Any pointers, tips would be helpful.
Never guess bad performance reasons before profiling. Here are instruments https://golang.org/doc/diagnostics.html#profiling
We are planning to migrate our enterprise application currently running on Java5 stack to Java7 stack. We are having issues with implicit gc calls (mainly major gc) causing system to be unstable for a short time(ranging from 5 mins - 30 mins). After analyzing the gc stats, we found that Compact phase is taking quite long time to complete when compared to Mark and sweep phase. I understand compaction is quite complex and time taking but its impacting the app server which is customer facing and few connections being dropped off during this phase.
Now, my question is as we are migrating to Java7, is there a better garbage collection process compared to Java5?
App servers are provided with decent system resources.
Each app server contains 32 cpu cores
contains 64 gb ram
App server is IBM webpshere server
Operating System - 64 bit IBM AIX
As said earlier, gc is happening because of implicit system calls. No explicit system calls invoking gc.
Now, my question is as we are migrating to Java7, is there a better garbage collection process compared to Java5?
Generally yes, though as #Pushkar, you should really be migrating to Java 8.
With respects to the specifics of your application(s), it sounds like you need to tune / retune the garbage collection on Java 5. If you are periodically experiencing 5 to 30 >>minutes<< of unstability due to GC, there is something rather wrong. The current behavior may be due your application or Websphere (e.g. memory leaks, excessive caching, etc), or it may be due to poor GC tuning.
In short, switching to Java 7 (or 8) might make things better "out of the box", but it is likely that you will need to put in more effort to address the underlying cause of your problems.
Finally, I'd advise the obvious things.
Implement the changes in small steps. Don't upgrade your app, websphere version, java version, etc all at the some time.
Do the upgrades of your servers one at a time. Have a roll-back plan in case you get unacceptable performance.
If possible test it all first ... including performance / load testing.
By default, java 7 uses parallelGC on server class machines. If you are using JDK 7 update 4 or later version, switch to G1 garbage collector which might give you better performance. But as #the8472 suggested,it will be good to know what settings you used in java 5 and now in your current environment.
Java 7 reached end of life around April 2015. Why not migrate to 1.8?
GC performance usually improves with java major releases (and in some cases with minor GCs).
You should take a look difference GC tuning flags, following link may help you
I'm trying to test my project in high priority because the wall-clock timing I have in code seemed to be too long. I have already tried setting my .exe to run in high priority through the command line. It brought back the same time. Someone suggested that I use visual studio's #pragma to make it high priority, however I cannot find how to do that.
Note, my current project is single thread.
Is there any other way?
specific project is: timing sound initialization of soundcard (digital->analog) and DAQ (analog->digital). It's taking 1.1013 to 0.998 seconds, and I'm going to need it to be more precise because I'm using the DAQ to acquire data of a process that only takes around 10ms
If a certain function in your software requires to run in high priority, use the Windows functions SetThreadPriority or SetPriorityClass.
As soon as running at high priority is not required anymore, your software should revert back to normal priority. Do not try to keep your application running always and generally as "high priority". This would be hostile behavior :)
More information at:
I have a WinForms application that uses XNA to animate 3D models in a control. The app have been doing just fine for months but recently I've started to experience periodic pauses in the animation. Setting out to investigate what is going on I have established these facts:
It happens on my machine only, other machines works fine
Removing everything from my render loop does not improve the problem
In 2. I didn't actually remove everything, I limited my loop to set the viewport on my GraphicsDevice and then do a GraphicsDevice.Present.
Trying to dig further I fired up PIX to capture some statistics. Screenshots of two PIX runs can be viewed here (Run6) and here (Run14). Run6 is using my original render loop and Run14 is using the bare-bones Present loop.
PIX tells me that the GPU is periodically doing something, and I assume this is causing the pauses. What could be the cause of this? Or how do I go about finding out what the GPU is actually doing?
Update: since I usually trust my code to be perfect (who's laughing?) I started a new XNA project from scratch to see if it exhibit the same behavior. So starting a new XNA 3.1 Windows Game project and running PIX I get this timeline. The same periodic pauses. So the problem must be lower in the stack, in XNA or Direct3D.
So PIX shows that the GPU is working on something, I can see the list of DX calls made within each frame and the timing calculations shows that the pause occurs during (or after) the IDirect3DDevice9::Present call.
Update 2: I had previously installed and uninstalled XNA 4.0 CTP on the problematic machine. I cannot be certain that this is related but I thought that perhaps a reinstall of the XNA Game Studio 3.1 bits could make a difference. Turns out it did.
The underlying question remains the same (and the bounty is still up): what could affect XNA 3.1 (or DirectX) to make it behave like this and is there any logging/tracing power tool for the DirectX and/or GPU level out there that could shed some light on what is going on?
Note: I'm using XNA 3.1 on a Windows 7 x64 dual-core machine with 8GB RAM.
Note2: also posted this question on the XNA Creators forums here.
You could try to see if you can find something with Xperf that is close to your periodically problem, do not run your application but keep the programs open that would normally run besides your application. You could also try to do it again with the application running but it could give a cluttered view.
Start the tracing, do this in an elevated prompt.
xperf -on BASE+LATENCY -stackWalk Profile
Wait for a fair amount of time to be sure that the problem is traced.
Stop the tracing and open it like this.
xperf -d trace.etl
xperfview trace.etl
Analyze by looking at the graphs and consulting tables of specific intervals and see if you can find something that is related to the problem, the highest chance on finding it would be in the DPC and Interrupts section. But it might as well be something odd at the CPU or I/O section. Good luck!
Also more information on Xperf and how to obtain it, hopefully this delivers results.
If not, you can alternatively try GPUView which has been used for improvements in DWM,
this is also included next to Xperf with the Windows Performance Toolkit so you can easily try both!
log v
... wait for a fair amount of time to be sure that the problem is traced ...
gpuview merged.etl
In the case that gpuview gets out of memory you can try to add "/limit 3" or remove the v.
Read the documentation of the tools if you are stuck somewhere.
Hmm ... this seems to be occurring on the GPU, however it sounds like a CPU garbage collection issue. Can you run the CLR profiler and see if you can see any spikes in GC activity that you can correlate to the slowdowns?
I agree that it sounds unlikely since you can clearly see it in PIX, but it might offer a clue as to the cause.
If it's only happening on your own machine, then could it be drivers? Forgive me for being skeptical, but it's a 64 bit machine after all :D
This looks like either a vsync issue or GPU in its last throes. Since going back to a different version fixed it, and the "bottleneck" is in IDirect3DDevice9::Present lets go with the former option.
I'm not familiar with XNA so I don't know how much of the workings of D3D are exposed, but do you know what your PresentationParameters are set to?
Specifically try setting the swap effect set to Discard.
I am doing profiling of a C code in Microsoft VS 2005 on a Intel Core-2Duo platform.
I measure the time(secs:millisecs) counsumed by my function. But i have some doubts about the accuracy of this measurement as the operating system will not continuously run my application, but instead schedule others apps/services in between the execution of my code.(Although i have no major applications running while i do the profile run, still windows will have lot of code of its own which it will run by preempting my app.). Because of all this i believe the profiling number(time taken by my app to run) is not accurate.
So my question is there any way to find out the Operating system overheads, scheduling overhead on a typical windows system(I run Windows XP)e.g. if my applications says it ran for 60 milliseconds, out of that 60 msec, how much time really was used by my app. and how much time it was sitting idle, due to being pre-empted by some other task scheduled by the OS?
Atleast is there any ball-park number to get such OS overhead, based on your experience you came across while doing something similar?
#Kogus: Even if i run outside debugger(standalone app. from a command prompt) it still could be preempted by OS and cause a incorrect measurement of the time consumed by my app.
Is'nt it?
I think you are going to have some problems with the granularity. See similar questions GetLocalTime() API time resolution and Is gettimeofday() guaranteed to be of microsecond resolution?
Also, you may want to take a look at the Windows Resource Kits Tools which include timeit.exe (similar to time on unix/linux) to give you elapsed and process times.
Try run on multi CPU systems.
The best way of doing this is a dedicated profiling tool. There are lots out there. I haven't used one for C for a few years, someone else will hopefully be able to give better advice. As you are using Visual Studio 2005 this might be a good place to start:
AQ, but I've never used it.
1 - Put some debug logging in your code (include timestamps of course), and run it outside of the debugger
2 - Run again in the debugger
3 - Repeat many times, to get statistically valid data.
4 - Compare.
If there is a significant difference in the average execution time of the standalone vs. the debugger, then you are right to be suspicious of the OS (or the overhead of the debugger hooks themselves...). If no difference, then don't sweat it.
Edit0: Obviously the debug messages have some overhead of their own. You may want to leave those in the code even when you are running from the debugger. That way, both the standalone and the debugger are running the very same code.
Edit1: I misunderstood the question. I thought your concern was that --while debugging--, the OS might interrupt your app more frequently than in a normal mode of execution. If you want to know how much time your app actually spent working, just compare the time taken to the "CPU Time" in the Task Manager.
Edit2: Compare the time returned by GetProcessTimes for your process to the actual execution time. The difference is the time spent by the CPU on somebody else.