Visual Studio multiple copy and paste issue - visual-studio

I hold CTRL-Shift- and then press V multiple times to paste from a list of my previous few pastes. [not sure what the upper limit of this list is].
My problem is that whenever I remove a line with CTRL-Delete Visual Studio replaces my whole lists of pastes with the line which i removed with the CTRL-Delete.
Any ideas?
Another thing: how do I traverse back up the list of pastes. (pressing V each time goes down the list ... how do I get back up?)
I'm using VS 2012 if that makes a difference.

You can remove a line with Ctrl+Shift+L without copying it to clipboard
(I use Ctrl+L to remove a line and copy it to clipboard, so we might not have the same shortcut settings)


Change variable name in multiple lines in visual studio

So, I have some code for a Rect variable mageSection:
And I'd like to copy the same code for a different variable warriorSection. To achieve this:
So I'd like to know if there is a visual studio shortcut for allow you to change variable name in multiple line in visual studio without refactoring the whole variable name.i.e. I don't have to manually change those names from mageSection to warriorSectionfor these 4 lines.
It is a question about shortcut in visual studio rather than writing functions, as I'd like to know the shortcut for this. Many thanks!
Copy and paste the section of code.
Now select the pasted code and hit Ctrl-H to bring up the Quick Replace dialog.
In the top box, type "mageSection".
In the bottom box, type "warriorSection".
Hit Enter and it will find the first occurrence and replace it.
Hit Enter three more times...done.
If I'm understanding your question correctly you should be able to hold down alt while clicking into multiple lines and change them all at once. Then hit ESC to exit multiline editing.

Turn Off Whole Line Copy in Visual Studio

There is a setting in Visual Studio 2010 to turn off copy and cut commands when the cursor is on a blank line and there is no selection. However, when the cursor is not on a blank line and you press ctrl+C, it always copies the entire line to the clipboard. I find this very irritating because I always highlight something first, copy it, then place the cursor where I want to paste it and press ctrl+V. However, sometimes I miss the v and hit the c, which replaces the text on the clipboard with the text of the current line and I have to start all over...
Does anyone know how to turn off copying when there is no selection, regardless of whether the cursor is on a blank line or not?
There is the option in the settings:
Go to Tools - Options -> Text Editor -> ALl Languages -> Apply Cut or Copy commands to blank lines when there is no selection
Also if you accidentally copied something into clipboard you can use following shortcut:
Ctrl+Shift+V – cycle through the clipboard ring.
It seems there is no option to turn of it because by default Ctrl-C is assigned to Edit.Copy command, which copies the current line if nothing is selected. However you can assign following macro to Ctrl-C and it should fix the issue:
Sub CopyOnlyIfSelection()
Dim s As String = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
Dim n As Integer = Len(s)
If n > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
I know this is old question, but as Macros are no longer natively supported in newer versions of Visual Studio, I thought I'd shared my new extension (cause I couldn't find any existing extensions):

Is there any shortcut to select the current line in Visual Studio?

I couldn't find such feature in VS's shortcut list. Is there anyway?
If you want to copy a line, simply place cursor somewhere in that line and hit CTRL+C
To cut an entire line CTRL+X
#Sean found what I was looking for:
To disable this default behavior remove the checkmark (or check to re-enable)
Apply cut or copy commands to blank lines when there is no selection
Accessed from the menu bar: Tools | Options | Text Editor | All languages
You can also enter copy into the options search box for quicker access
[Tested in VS2008, 2010, 2017]
Clicking the line 3 times does the trick
If you have ReSharper you could use
Ctrl + W
- Extend Selection
Sidenote: You may have to use it multiple times depending on the context of your present text cursor position.
If you click once on the row number the entire row will be selected.
If you want to select a line or lines you can use the combination of ctrl + E then U. This combination also works for uncommenting a complete line or lines. This combination looks somewhat strange to work with, but it will get habituated very soon :)
You can also use Ctrl + X to cut an entire line. Similarly, you can use Ctrl + C to copy an entire line.
As long as you don't have anything selected, these commands will work on the entire line.
Clicking anywhere on the line and (CRTL + C) will copy entire line.
Clicking three time in quick succession also selects entire line.
There is a simple way of doing it, simple use Home or End button to reach the start or end of line, and then use home + shift or end + Shift depending on where your cursor is. Hope it helps.
Use the following:
Shift + End If cursor is at beginning of line.
Shift + Home If cursor is at the end of the line.
Alternatively, if you use resharper, you can also use the following
Ctrl + w while the cursor is positioned on the line you want to select
This won't solve the problem for Visual Studio, but if you're using Visual Studio Code you can use CTRL+L to select the line your cursor is currently on.
(If you're using Visual Studio, this will cut the line you're currently on—which may also be useful, but wasn't the question.)
Other answers require either using a mouse or hitting more than one combination.
So I've created a macro for those who want a VSCode-like Ctrl+L behaviour. It can select multiple lines, and that's useful for moving blocks of code.
To use it, install Visual Commander extension for macros:
Then create a new command, select C# as a language and paste this code:
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
public class C : VisualCommanderExt.ICommand
public void Run(EnvDTE80.DTE2 DTE, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package package)
var ts = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection as EnvDTE.TextSelection;
if (!ts.ActivePoint.AtStartOfLine)
ts.LineDown(true, 1);
Now you can assign a desired shortcut in preferences:
Tested in VS 2022.
You can use CTRL + U . This shortcut is use also for uncomment.
You can change the shortcut on this feature. Go to Tools->Options->Environment->Keyboard->Edit.UncommentSelection and assign CTRL+W (same as Resharper) or you can use what shortcut do you want.
If you want to select full row Ctrl E + U
Just click in the left margin.
If you click in the margin just left of the Outline expansions [+][-]
it will select the row.
You can also just click and drag to select multiple lines.
Necvetanov eluded to this in his answer above about clicking on the line number.
This is right...but it just happens that the line number is in the margin.
Here is a whole list of the keyboard shortcuts Default keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio
a work around for this:
ctrl+d = duplicate line
ctrl+l = copy line
ctrl+v = paste copied text
You can enter, home then shift + end as well. What it will do is take you to the beginning of line then select the whole line till end. Or alternatively first enter end then shift + home
You can set a bind to the Edit.ExpandSelection command:
In the options. Click the shortcut until it selects the whole line.
The screenshot above is from the Edit > Advanced menu in Visual Studio 2022. I set this Alt+E, E shortcut myself and I don't remember if it's originally set to something or not.
Simply by clicking on the line number that's being shown on the left in vs-code. just a single click and a line will get selected.
In Mac, it is ⌘+L.
But if you have some specific conflicting keybindings, this won't work. In my case the VSCode Live Server extension auto registered a couple of bindings for these keys. I removed them and it worked.
I assigned a shortcut key to the following functionality. I press the shortcut until it selects the whole current line:

Visual Studio - Is there a keyboard combination to select an entire line?

I already know about Ctrl + L to delete an entire there one to just select an entire line (which I can then copy and paste somewhere else...)
You can also use Ctrl + X to cut an entire line. Similarly, you can use Ctrl + C to copy an entire line.
As long as you don't have anything selected, the command will work on the entire line.
Shift + End
You can do it with Shift + DownArrow.
Yes there is. If you are in the begining of the line press Shift+ End.
If you are in the end of the line press Shift+ Home.
Hope that helps
I believe, if you don't have any selection and press Ctrl + C, it would copy the line.
Shift + End = Select between cursor and the end of the line
It's Home+Home, then Shift+Down for me.
Or you change that setting which makes Ctrl+C with no selection copy the line. But I hate that, so I always turn it off. (Thanks to Bala for providing the link to that setting!)
To cut a line, Ctrl+L works in my keyboard settings.
There's also Alt-Up and Alt-Down to move whole lines. It's two fewer keystrokes than using Ctrl-X, and unlike Ctrl-X, it also moves multiple whole lines at a time if your selection covers multiple lines even partially. It's also nice because the feedback is instantaneous, unlike Ctrl-X where you can never remember whether the pasted line will go above or below your cursor.
I saw this and thought I'd never use the feature. But once I got used to it I use it all the time. There's no easier way to move a block of code than using Shift-Up/Down to select the lines, press Alt-Up/Down a few times to move them, and then use Tab to adjust the indentation.
Of course it only works within the same file though.
Visual Studio macros are another way to do these types of operations if you can't find an existing command. A simple way to create one is:
Use the Record TemporaryMacro option (under Tools/Macros).
Select the line however you prefer (e.g., home, shift, end).
Click Stop Recording (under Tools/Macros).
Choose Save TemporaryMacro (under Tools/Macros).
Then choose Tools/Customize/Keyboard and assign a shortcut to the macro.
It's not specifically a keyboard shortcut, but a triple-click will select a whole line of code.
This works in some other areas of Windows as well. In Chrome, for example, double-click selects a word, but triple-click selects a paragraph.
(This works in Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 7. Not sure about other versions/platforms.)
I use Ctrl + Insert to copy entire line, and Shift + Insert to paste entire line.
Other answers require either using a mouse or hitting more than one combination.
So I've created a macro for those who want a VSCode-like Ctrl+L behaviour. It can select multiple lines.
To use it, install Visual Commander extension for macros:
Then create a new command, select C# as a language and paste this code:
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
public class C : VisualCommanderExt.ICommand
public void Run(EnvDTE80.DTE2 DTE, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package package)
var ts = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection as EnvDTE.TextSelection;
if (!ts.ActivePoint.AtStartOfLine)
ts.LineDown(true, 1);
Now you can assign a desired shortcut in preferences:
Tested in VS 2022.
Triple-click to select the whole line. Then do what you want.
You can press Home + Shift + End to select the whole line as well.
If you want to copy the whole line then just press Ctrl + C. It will copy the whole line if nothing is selected.

Can you set Visual Studio's "smart indent" to not remove tabs in blank lines?

When Visual Studio (2005) has Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Tabs -> Indenting set to Smart it will automatically indent code blocks and line up squiggly brackets, {}, as expected. However, if you hit enter inside a code block, move the cursor to another line, and then move it back, the inserted tabs are gone and the cursor is positioned all the way to the left. Is there a way to set Visual Studio to keep these tabs?
As far as I know, the only way to do that is to enter something (anything) on that line, then delete it. Or hit space and you'll never see it there until you return to that line.
Once VS determines that you've edited a line of text, it won't automatically modify it for you (at least, not in that way that you've described).
This is an annoyance to myself as well. Anytime the code is reformatted the blank lines are de-tabbed.
You might look at this: it's not exactly a solution but a step in the right direction
