How to create an index in EDMX - visual-studio-2010

I have created an edmx model from scratch in Visual Studio 2010. I have the option to declare a property as Entity Key but I do not see any option create index on a property.
How can I create an index on a non-primary key property?

I believe in EF4, you can't do it in the edmx.
This answer might enlighten you.


How can I re-create EF 4.1 EDMX models for EF 6 in VS 2010?

I am testing to migrate to EntityFramework 6 from 4.1.
I have some .EDMX models created by designer in VS 2010.
Question is: How can I re-create those EDMX models for EF 6? as I read that VS 2010 designer is not supporting EF .
Any advise?emphasized text
It shouldn't be necessary to re-create the EDMX models. You should be able to right click in the EDMX designer, then hit 'Add Code Generation Item'. In the 'Add New Item' box, click 'Online Templates' and search for 'EF 5.x DbContext Generator'. That'll add a tt file which can generate your POCO objects. I couldn't find an EF 6 generator for VS2010 but we've had success using the EF5 generator with the EF6 framework. After all, they're just POCOs.

Where is the EDM tool in Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Trial?

I just installed VS 2013 Ultimate Trial and I noticed there is no EDM option as shown in the following figure.
According to ADO.NET Blog, the tool should be available out of the box.
From Visual Studio 2013 onwards we will no longer include the extension that enables configuring an "EDM" data source in this way, e.g. if you add an .MDF file to a project you will no longer see the option to create an EF model, and the option of creating an "EDM" data source based on an existing EDMX model as well as the ability to drag and drop to create data-bound controls automatically in WPF application based on those "EDM" data sources are no longer included.
The recommended ways to create an EF model are either creating the classes,manually (Code First) or adding a new "ADO.NET Entity Data Model" using Add New Item.
The recommended way to do data binding against EF models in WPF applications is through use regular object data sources as explained in this walkthrough.

How to change the ObjectContext class name of edmx

The modes and classes are generated by Entity Framework 5 when I updated the mode from exist database . But I want to correct the name of the ObjectContext class. I know we can use the refactor tools of visual studio 2010, But I am not sure all the code files can be updated in this way. please help me .thanks.

generate foreign key for db model during create EDM in .net 3.5

In my project I use .NET 3.5 and in this version during generation Entity Data Model generation Foreign key option is disabled. Is it possible to do this without change the framework for example type myself in EDM.Designer.Cs file code which handles the use of Foreign Key?
As far as I know, EF 3.5 doesn't yet support the foreign key columns in your entities - that's a new feature in EF 4.0 (.NET 4.0).
So basically the only available solution: switch to .NET 4.0 and you'll be fine - there's no other way to achieve this...

creating foreign key in ef 3.5 vs2010

Does anyone know of a work around to create foreign keys in the VS2010 Entity Framework designer for .Net 3.5?
Ik can make the assocation but not select the foreign key, can it be done from code?
No, you can't. Exposing foreign keys in your model is a feature which has been added in .NET 4.0. It's not available in .NET 3.5 SP1 (or earlier). That's the reason why this option is disabled in the designer when you target .NET 3.5.
