magento 1.7 language code issue - magento

I have Magento store (1.7-community) with two store views.
On English side prices look like $999,99. On french side prices look like 999,99 $CA.
I would like to get rid of CA.
in \lib\Zend\Locale\Data\fr_CA.xml
currency pattern looks like this
<pattern>#,##0.00 ¤;(#,##0.00 ¤)</pattern>
I tried changing this and even removing the section. Flushed caches and deleted var/cache. I am not even sure where CA suffix comes from.
But it does not go away.
Is there an over-ride, Is there a database table that can be cleared?

Maybe you have configured the currency wrong? It might be canadian dollars you have now instead of US dollars. Have a look at the configuration.

If the locale of your store view is set to French (France) rather than French (Canada) you will see this. I just stumbled across it because the fr_FR translation is more complete than the fr_CA one and so I often use it instead and didn't consider issues like this.


Google maps API avoid translation of name

I'm using the places api to search for places and quickly copy the some customer information into the front-end of my application.
But sometimes, the name gets translated to English, which is not desirable for the user. How can I avoid the translation of certain places?
For instance: Krankenhaus Göttlicher Heiland will be translated to: Hospital of the Divine Savior. It kinda sounds cool, but it's not what the user wants... :)
I know it takes default my browser settings and that you can add language on in the parameters, but I want to turn that off completely. So get the original native names.
Any idea?

Remove default language in Magento

I am in the following bind:
A client wanted 3 languages - English, Russian and Latvian. Naturally, I created 3 store views and changed the language for each. Once I had translated everything via the inline-translate tool, and the client added the products with descriptions in all of the languages,the client had a change of heart, and now wants English to be removed.
Now this is a problem, since it is the default Store view, and can;t be deleted as such. i have thought of just changing the titles and locales of the languages, but that would still leave the product descriptions wrong.
Is there a way to do this, either via DB, or some other way?
TL; DR: How to remove the default store view in Magento?
Try to change "Default Storeview" for your default "Store". Go to "System/Manage Stores", choose your store and change "Default storeview" to Russian or Latvian. Then you could be able to delete English storeview.

Internationalizing Title/Meta Tags ok or bad practice?

Is there a problem if I have both English and Chinese versions of the same title/meta tags under the same exact url? I detect the language the user has set for the browser (through the http header "accept-language" field) and change the titles/meta tags based on the language set. I get a large percentage of my traffic from China and felt this was a better-localized user experience for those users BUT I have no idea how Google would view this. My gut feeling tells me that this is not good for SEO., a major Chinese search engine, does in fact pick up my translated tags however for other US based sites it does not translate their English title/meta tags into Chinese. I would think Chinese users are less likely to click on those.
Creating sub domains and or separate domains for other countries is not an option at this point. That being said should I only have one language (English) for my title/meta tags to avoid any search engine issues?
Thanks for any advice / wisdom you can offer. Really hoping to get clarity on best practices.
Thanks all!
Yes, it probably is a problem. Search engines see mixed language content. You are not describing how you “detect and change the titles/meta tags based on the users browser language”, but you are probably doing it client-side and using “browser language”, which is wrong whatever it means in detail (it does not specify the user’s preferred language).
To get a more targeted answer, ask a more real question, with a URL.
If you want to get search traffic from search engines in both English and Chinese, you should have two urls instead of one.
When googlebot crawls a page, it does not even send the "Accept-Language" header. You have to send it your default language. When there is one url, there is no way for you to have your second language indexed. You won't be ranked in search engines in multiple languages.
For best SEO, use separate top level domains, subdomains, or folders for different languages.
I think there are no problem when you use English and Chinese in same meta tags.

Barcode manufacturers

I'm hoping that someone here has worked with UPC/Coupon barcodes before. Part of every UPC/Coupon barcode is a manufacturer code. I need to database every manufacturer code. Does anyone have any idea where to find a database of these manufacturer codes?
A quick Google search for "upc database" turned up several different ones. Sadly, you are probably not going to find a definitive database. Some stores use their own UPCs internally, and then you also have the abbreviated UPCs as well (look at a can of Pepsi to see what I mean).
See which has a very similar question. Among the options listed in that thread The Product Open Data project looks to be the most promising. There you can download their entire catalogue database, and that database has a column of all the Global Company Prefixes (GCPs) they have captured.
Here are a few resources I found:
If you are in the U.S. (I am assuming), you can use this site to search by GTIN, which (in the U.S.) is the same as a 12-digit UPC code (from a barcode scan) with the digits "00" prefixing the UPC, making it a total of 14 digits and GTIN-14 compliant. To see an example, use "00028000133177" for a test search.
That search will give you the GLN for the manufacturer.
I've found the wikipedia's explaination of UPCs to also be very helpful.

Programmatically find common European street names

I am in the middle of designing a web form for German and French users. Within this form, the users would have to type street names several times.
I want to minimize the annoyance to the user, and offer autocomplete feature based on common French and German street names.
Any idea where I can a royalty-free list?
Would your users have to type the same street name multiple times? Because you could easily prevent this by coding something that prefilled the fields.
Another option could be to use your user database as a resource. Query it for all the available street names entered by your existing users and use that to generate suggestions.
Of course this would only work if you have a considerable number of users.
[EDIT] You could have a look at OpenStreetMap with their Planet.osm dumbs (or have a look here for a dump containing data for just Europe). That is basically the OSM database with all the map information they have, including street names. It's all in an XML format and streets seem to be stored as Ways. There are tools (i.e. Osmosis) to extract the data and put it into a database, or you could write something to plough through the data and filter out the street names for your database.
Start with and You may want to verify the Wikipedia copyright isn't more protective than would be suitable for your needs.
Edit (merged from my own comment): Of course, to answer the "programmatically" part of your question: figure out how to spider and scrape those Wikipedia category pages. The polite thing to do would be to cache it, rather than hitting it every time you need to get the street list; refreshing once every month or so should be sufficient, since the information is unlikely to change significantly.
You could start by pulling names via Google API (just find e.g. lat/long outer bounds - of Paris and go to the center) - but since Google limits API use, it would probably take very long to do it.
I had once contacted City of Bratislava about the street names list and they sent it to me as XLS. Maybe you could try doing that for your preferred cities.
I like Tom van Enckevort's suggestion, but I would be a little more specific that just looking inside the Planet.osm links, because most of them require the usage of some tool to deal with the supported formats (pbf, osm xml etc)
In fact, take a look at the following link
The files there are all in .txt format and if it's only the street names that you want to use, just extract the second field (name) and you are done.
As an fyi, I didn't have any use for the French files in my project, but mining the German files resulted (after normalization) in a little more than 380K unique entries (~6 MB in size)
#dusoft might be onto something - maybe someone at a government level can help? I don't think that a simple list of street names cannot be copyrighted, nor any royalties be charged. If that is the case, maybe you could even scrape some mapping data from something like a TomTom?
The "Deutsche Post" offers a list with all street names in Germany:
They don't mention the price, but I reckon it's not for free.
