use curl in shell script to substitue a variable - shell

Hi i am trying to use curl in shell script as shown below but i am not able to substitute the variable $line in the CURL . please suggest
while read line
echo "allowing mac $line"
curl -X POST -d '{"src-mac": "$line"}' http://localhost:8080/wm/firewall/rules/json
curl -X POST -d '{"dst-mac": "$line"}' http://localhost:8080/wm/firewall/rules/json
done < /home/floodlight/allowedmacs

No variable substitution in single quotes. Switch to double around the expansion, like this:
curl -X POST -d '{"src-mac": "'"$line"'"}' http://localhost:8080/wm/firewall/rules/json
curl -X POST -d '{"dst-mac": "'"$line"'"}' http://localhost:8080/wm/firewall/rules/json
Or you could use double-quotes around the whole thing and escape the inner ones:
curl -X POST -d "{\"src-mac\": \"$line\"}" http://localhost:8080/wm/firewall/rules/json
curl -X POST -d "{\"dst-mac\": \"$line\"}" http://localhost:8080/wm/firewall/rules/json
Either way, can't be inside single quotes when you get to $line if you want it expanded.


Using Bash to make a POST request

I have a 100 Jetpacks that I have to sign in to configure. I am trying to do it in a bash script but I am having no luck. I can connect to the wifi no problem but my POST request are not achieving anything. Any Advice? Here is link to my github. I have copies of what I captured on Burp suite
nmcli device wifi rescan
nmcli device wifi list
echo "What's they last four?"
read last4
echo "What's the Key?"
read key
nmcli device wifi connect Ellipsis\ \Jetpack\ $last4 password $key
echo "{"Command":"SignIn","Password":"$key"}" > sign_on.json
echo "{"CurrentPassword":"$key","NewPassword":"G1l4River4dm1n","SecurityQuestion":"NameOfStreet","SecurityAnswer":"Allison"}" > change_admin.json
echo "{"SSID":"GRTI Jetpack","WiFiPassword":"G1l4River3r","WiFiMode":0,"WiFiAuthentication":6,"WiFiEncription":4,"WiFiChannel":0,"MaxConnectedDevice":8,"PrivacySeparator":false,"WMM":true,"Command":"SetWifiSetting"}" > wifi.json
cat sign_on.json
cat change_admin.json
cat wifi.json
sleep 5
curl -X POST -H "Cookie: jetpack=6af5e293139d989bdcfd66257b4f5327" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d #sign_on.json
sleep 5
curl -X POST -H "Cookie: jetpack=6af5e293139d989bdcfd66257b4f5327" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d #change_admin.json
sleep 5
curl -X POST -H "Cookie: jetpack=6af5e293139d989bdcfd66257b4f5327" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d #wifi.json
This is not correct:
echo "{"Command":"SignIn","Password":"$key"}" > sign_on.json
The double quotes are not being put literally into the file, they're just terminating the shell string beginning with the previous double quote. So this is writing
into the file, with no double quotes. You need to escape the nested double quotes.
echo "{\"Command\":\"SignIn\",\"Password\":\"$key\"}" > sign_on.json
However, it would be best if you used the jq utility instead of formatting JSON by hand. See Create JSON file using jq.
jq -nc --arg key "$key" '{"Command":"SignIn","Password":$key}' >sign_on.json

Optionally include a user and password in curl request?

I am optionally including a user and password in a curl request as follows:
declare creds=""
if [ -n "$user" ] && [ -n "$password" ]; then
creds="-u ${user}:${password}"
output=$(curl ${creds} -X PUT -v --write-out "%{http_code}" "$url" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -s -o /dev/null --data "${payload}")
This seems to work fine, but I'm getting this shellcheck warning:
Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting
Puting quotes around it doesn't work, e.g. if I do this:
output=$(curl "${creds}" -X PUT -v --write-out "%{http_code}" "$url" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -s -o /dev/null --data "${payload}")
then when the username and password are not supplied, this results in empty double quotes in the curl request curl "" -X PUT ..., which generates a <url> malformed error.
I could use an if-else for the curl command, but I'd rather avoid the duplication. Is the above approach acceptable despite the shellcheck warning?
You were doing right in putting quotes around the variable, but shellcheck doesn't catch the issue of storing commands in a variable which has its own downfalls. Since this being a an issue with function of the shell, shellcheck can't quite catch it out-of-the-box. When you did below
creds="-u ${user}:${password}"
and quoted "$creds", it is passed as one single argument word to curl instead of being broken down to -u and "${user}:${password}" separately. The right approach should have been to use an array to store the commands and expand it, so that the words are preserved and not split by the shell (foremost reason to quote the variable, as indicated by shellcheck)
creds=(-u "${user}:${password}")
and invoke
curl "${creds[#]}" <rest-of-the-cmd>
Also explore the following
I'm trying to put a command in a variable, but the complex cases always fail!
How to store a command in a variable in a shell script?

use variable between two question mark in a command option in the bash script

here is two samples:
this is a sample that would cause 400 error
curl -i -k -u $account:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"source-path": "http://${ip}/LTMBlackList_Postbody${filename_extension}","type":"ip"}' https://$ip2$api2
and this is a normal one, it can get a 200 OK response:
curl -i -k -u $account:$password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"source-path": "","type":"ip"}' https://$ip2$api2
how could i called the curl command in script with variable?
The $ip is not expanded because it is in single quotes. First close single quotes then do double quotes, expand the variable, close double quotes and conitnue single quoting.
Remember to always quote your variable expansions to disable word splitting
curl -i -k -u "$account:$password" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT \
-d '{"source-path": "http:/'"$ip"'/LTMBlackList_Postbody'"$filename_extension"'","type":"ip"}' "https://$ip2$api"

How to assign string value to variable from curl and jq in shell script?

I am trying to assign a string I get from curl and jq to a variable. this is my code below, but it doesn't work. I am a Mac user.
value=$(curl -X GET curl -X GET | jq '.[2] | ._id')
$ value=$(curl -X GET |
jq '.[2] | ._id')
$ echo "$value"
In other words, "curl -X GET curl -X GET" is incorrect.
P.S. You might want to use the -r command-line option of jq.

How to set command line argument using a variable in bash

I set a command line argument as below:
$TOKENARG='Authorization: Bearer 9042f9a3caacc63419be489aefec02a5eae338c33'
curl -v -X DELETE -H $(echo $TOKENARG) http://localhost:3001/api/v1/articles/3
And desired result is:
curl -v -X DELETE -H 'Authorization: Bearer 9042f9a3caacc63419be489aefec02a5eae338c33' http://localhost:3001/api/v1/articles/3
But when I run the above one it doesn't work as expected and returns the following messages:
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: Bearer
* Rebuilt URL to: 9042f9a3caacc63419be489aefec02a5eae338c33
Could not resolve host: 9042f9a3caacc63419be489aefec02a5eae338c33
How should I pass argument using a variable?
Because you don't quote your command substitution, the string is split up into three words, Authorization:, Bearer and 9042f9a3caacc63419be489aefec02a5eae338c33. To prevent that, you could quote it:
curl -v -X DELETE -H "$(echo $TOKENARG)" http://localhost:3001/api/v1/articles/3
But you don't need echo and the command substitution at all: $(command) has the same output as command, so you can use
curl -v -X DELETE -H "$TOKENARG" http://localhost:3001/api/v1/articles/3
Side note: all uppercase variable names should be used for environment variables only, see for example the POSIX spec (fourth paragraph), so better would be
$tokenarg='Authorization: Bearer 9042f9a3caacc63419be489aefec02a5eae338c33'
curl -v -X DELETE -H "$tokenarg" http://localhost:3001/api/v1/articles/3
