VBScript: FormatNumber() / rounding issue - vbscript

dim num
num = 4895390000000005
msgbox FormatNumber(num, 0, -2, -2, false)
the output is 4895390000000010
instead of 4895390000000005
Thanks for the help

Seems like your "number" is larger than integer, declare as decimal works for me:
Dim num As Decimal
num = 4895390000000005
MsgBox(FormatNumber(num, 0, -2, -2, False))

Here is working example using com visible .net class.
With CreateObject("System.IO.StringWriter")
.Write_7 4895390000000005
MsgBox .GetStringBuilder().ToString()
End With
And here is reference link for more info.

True, if you're looking to do this in plain old vbscript (.vbs) you could easily create a library to handle math functions and types not available in vbscript. Below is a short working example. Let me know if it's helpful.
--In visual studio:
Imports System
Public Class mathLibrary
Public Function roundNumber(number As String) As String
Dim roundedNumber As String = ""
Dim largeNumber As Decimal = 0
If IsNumeric(number) Then
largeNumber = Convert.ToDecimal(number)
roundedNumber = FormatNumber(largeNumber, 0, TriState.UseDefault, TriState.UseDefault, TriState.False)
End If
Return roundedNumber
End Function
End Class
--now update your .vbs:
dim mathLib
set mathLib = CreateObject("sampleMathLibrary.mathLibrary")
Dim num
num = "4895390000000005"
msgbox mathLib.roundNumber(num)


VB6 String variable substr

Sub guessLetter(letterGuess As String)
Dim lengthOfSecretWord As Integer
lengthOfSecretWord = Len(Secret_word) - 1
tempWord = ""
Dim letterPosition As Integer
For letterPosition = 0 To lengthOfSecretWord
If Mid(Secret_word, letterPosition, 1) = letterGuess Then
tempWord = tempWord & letterGuess
tempWord = tempWord & Mid(lblTempWord, letterPosition, 1)
End If
lblTempWord = tempWord
End Sub
I have runtime error "5" and the problem in line IF, i'm stuck to declare Secret_word.substr(letterPosition, 1) on vb6, first i try write Secret_word.substr(letterPosition, 1) but it can't then i try to manipulate that then runtime error 5 came
The Mid Function in VB (like most things in VB) is 1-indexed, not 0-indexed.
I'm assuming you're familiar with other languages in which you would loop from 0 to Len(String)-1, but VB thinks you'll find it more intuitive to loop from 1 to Len(String).
Refer to the description and example in the documentation for more details.

Convert a value with a regex to a real value

I have a huge file containing values with a regex in it, like this:
Now I need to convert these to a valid example value, like this:
I know of the RegExp object to check if there is a match, but is there also a way to create valid values?
A regular grammar can be used to recognize or produce words of its language, but the VBScript regexp engine does not implement producing. So you have to roll your own.
Your sample does not contain contain regular patterns. \S can't mean 'non-whitespace' because you won't like characters illegal in a file name and a representative sample of file names should contain elements with spaces. The fact that the first sample escapes the extension dot and the second one doesn't makes me think that your syntax specs aren't really thought out. If you come up with a (regular) grammar of your inputs, I'm willing to give your problem further thought.
Some code to base the thinking on:
Option Explicit
Function rndInt(lowerbound, upperbound)
rndInt = Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)
End Function
Sub shuffleAD(aX)
' Durstenfeld's Permutation Algorithm
Dim J, K, Temp
For J = UBound(aX) To 1 Step -1
K = Int((J + 1) * Rnd) ' random number 0 - J
Temp = aX(J)
aX(J) = aX(K)
aX(K) = Temp
End Sub ' shuffleAD
Class cRGen
Private m_
Public Function init(s)
Set init = Me
ReDim m_(Len(s) - 1)
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(m_)
m_(i) = Mid(s, i + 1, 1)
End Function
Public Function getNext(mi, ma)
shuffleAD m_
getNext = Mid(Join(m_, ""), 1, rndInt(mi, ma))
End Function
End Class
Dim goRpl : Set goRpl = Nothing
Function magic(m, w, mi, ma, p, src)
If IsEmpty(ma) Then ma = mi
magic = goRpl.m_dicGens(w).getNext(mi, ma)
End Function
Class cRpl
Private m_fRpl
Private m_r
Public m_dicGens
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_fRpl = GetRef("magic")
Set m_r = New RegExp
m_r.Pattern = "\\(\w){(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?}"
Set m_dicGens = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set m_dicGens("d") = New cRGen.init("0123456789")
Set m_dicGens("S") = New cRGen.init("abcdefghij")
End Sub
Public Function rpl(s)
Set goRpl = me
rpl = m_r.Replace(s, m_fRpl)
End Function
End Class
Dim aTests : aTests = Array( _
"LGP0041_\d{4}.dta" _
, "objd135a_\S{3}.txt" _
, "x_\S{3,8}.txt" _
Dim oRpl : Set oRpl = New cRpl
Dim sTest
For Each sTest In aTests
WScript.Echo sTest, "=>", oRpl.rpl(sTest)
cscript 28936688.vbs
LGP0041_\d{4}.dta => LGP0041_4317.dta
objd135a_\S{3}.txt => objd135a_cea.txt
x_\S{3,8}.txt => x_jgcfidh.txt
cscript 28936688.vbs
LGP0041_\d{4}.dta => LGP0041_8054.dta
objd135a_\S{3}.txt => objd135a_eci.txt
x_\S{3,8}.txt => x_ahfgd.txt
This should at least identify the needed components:
generators that deliver strings of specific character sets
a (sorry: global) replace function that maps 'type letters' to generators, handles 'width specs', and build the output
a regular pattern to parse the specs from your inputs

(VB6) Slicing a string before a certain point

Suppose I have a variable set to the path of an image.
Let img = "C:\Users\Example\Desktop\Test\Stuff\Icons\test.jpg"
I want to slice everything before "\Icons" using Vb6. So after slicing the string it would be "\Icons\test.jpg" only.
I have tried fiddling with the Mid$ function in VB6, but I haven't really had much success. I am aware of the fact that Substring isn't a function available in vb6, but in vb.net only.
After the first \icons
path = "C:\Users\Example\Desktop\Test\Stuff\Icons\test.jpg"
?mid$(path, instr(1, path, "\icons\", vbTextCompare))
> \Icons\test.jpg
Or after the last should there be > 1
path = "C:\Users\Example\Desktop\Test\Icons\Stuff\Icons\test.jpg"
?right$(path, len(path) - InStrRev(path, "\icons\", -1, vbTextCompare) + 1)
> \Icons\test.jpg
This is pretty easy to do generically using the Split function. I wrote a method to demonstrate it's use and for grins it takes an optional parameter to specify how many directories you want returned. Passing no number returns a file name, passing a very high number returns a full path (either local or UNC). Please note there is no error handling in the method.
Private Function GetFileAndBasePath(ByVal vPath As String, Optional ByVal baseFolderLevel = 0) As String
Dim strPathParts() As String
Dim strReturn As String
Dim i As Integer
strPathParts = Split(vPath, "\")
Do While i <= baseFolderLevel And i <= UBound(strPathParts)
If i > 0 Then
strReturn = strPathParts(UBound(strPathParts) - i) & "\" & strReturn
strReturn = strPathParts(UBound(strPathParts))
End If
i = i + 1
GetFileAndBasePath = strReturn
End Function

How to reduce the decimal length

I want to reduce the decimal length
text1.text = 2137.2198231578
From the above, i want to show only first 2 digit decimal number
Expected Output
text1.text = 2137.21
How to do this.
Format("2137.2198231578", "####.##")
I was about to post use Format() when I noticed p0rter comment.
Format(text1.text, "000.00")
I guess Int() will round down for you.
Been many years since I used VB6...
This function should do what you want (inline comments should explain what is happening):
Private Function FormatDecimals(ByVal Number As Double, ByVal DecimalPlaces As Integer) As String
Dim NumberString As String
Dim DecimalLocation As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim LeftHandSide As String
Dim RightHandSide As String
'convert the number to a string
NumberString = CStr(Number)
'find the decimal point
DecimalLocation = InStr(1, NumberString, ".")
'check to see if the decimal point was found
If DecimalLocation = 0 Then
'return the number if no decimal places required
If DecimalPlaces = 0 Then
FormatDecimals = NumberString
Exit Function
End If
'not a floating point number so add on the required number of zeros
NumberString = NumberString & "."
For i = 0 To DecimalPlaces
NumberString = NumberString & "0"
FormatDecimals = NumberString
Exit Function
'decimal point found
'split out the string based on the location of the decimal point
LeftHandSide = Mid(NumberString, 1, DecimalLocation - 1)
RightHandSide = Mid(NumberString, DecimalLocation + 1)
'if we don't want any decimal places just return the left hand side
If DecimalPlaces = 0 Then
FormatDecimals = LeftHandSide
Exit Function
End If
'make sure the right hand side if the required length
Do Until Len(RightHandSide) >= DecimalPlaces
RightHandSide = RightHandSide & "0"
'strip off any extra didgits that we dont want
RightHandSide = Left(RightHandSide, DecimalPlaces)
'return the new value
FormatDecimals = LeftHandSide & "." & RightHandSide
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Debug.Print FormatDecimals(2137.2198231578, 2) 'outputs 2137.21
Looks fairly simple, but I must be missing something subtle here. What about:
Option Explicit
Private Function Fmt2Places(ByVal Value As Double) As String
Fmt2Places = Format$(Fix(Value * 100#) / 100#, "0.00")
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = Fmt2Places(2137.2198231578)
End Sub
This also works in locales where the decimal point character is a comma.

MS Visual Basic how to sort 1 array and return index for second array?

the language I am looking is MS Visual Basic.
How can I sort an array and change other arrays accordingly (using an index?)
I was searching, but couldnt find any stuff on that. Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
e.g. Sort array BirthArray and change the order of Array1 and ID accordingly?
Array1 = 'John', 'Christina','Mary', 'frediric', 'Johnny','billy','mariah'
BirthArray = 1998, 1923, 1983,1982,1924,1923,1954
ID = 12312321, 1231231209, 123123, 234324, 23423, 2234234,932423
Dim Array() As String
Dim BirthArray() As Integer
Dim ID() As Integer
Thanks a lot!
You should make a class to hold the values, put a collection of the classes into a List, then sort the the list using a lambda expression:
Public Class Info
Public Property Name As String
Public Property BirthYear As Integer
Public Property ID As Integer
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(sName As String, wBirthYear As Integer, wID As Integer)
Me.Name = sName
Me.BirthYear = wBirthYear
Me.ID = wID
End Sub
End Class
Public Sub DoSort()
Dim cRecords As New System.Generic.List(Of Info)
cRecords.Add(New Info('John', 1998, 12312321)
' ToDo: Add more records
Function (ByVal oItem1 As Info, ByVal oItem2 As Info)
Return oItem2.BirthYear.CompareTo(oItem1.BirthYear)
End Function)
End Sub
The proposed soluton below (based on your VBA tag).
creates a 2D array from 3 single arrays (as suggested by Jesse)
uses Redim Preserve to add a fourth dataset "NewData" to a 2D array "ArrayMaster"
creates a temporary worksheet, dumps "ArrayMaster" to it, sorts by "Newdata" (ascending order) to create a sorted array, "ArrayMaster2"
deletes the working sheet
Excel is very efficient at sorting, so this method provided an easy and quick way for a sort (or multi level sort)
You could use a bubble sort technique if Excel wasn't available for the sheet dump/sort
Option Base 1
Sub ComboArray()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Array1()
Dim Birthday()
Dim ID()
Dim NewData()
Dim ArrayMaster()
Dim ArrayMaster2()
Dim lngRow As Long
Dim lngCalc As Long
Dim lngCheck As Long
Birthday = Array(1998, 1923, 1983, 1982, 1924, 1923, 1954)
Array1 = Array("John", "Christina", "Mary", "frediric", "Johnny", "billy", "mariah")
ID = Array(12312321, 1231231209, 123123, 234324, 23423, 2234234, 932423)
ReDim ArrayMaster(1 To UBound(Array1, 1), 1 To 3)
'Create 2D MasterArray
For lngRow = 1 To UBound(Array1, 1)
ArrayMaster(lngRow, 1) = Array1(lngRow)
ArrayMaster(lngRow, 2) = Birthday(lngRow)
ArrayMaster(lngRow, 3) = ID(lngRow)
NewData = Array(1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 4, 6)
'Check if new field is longer than overall array
If UBound(NewData, 1) > UBound(ArrayMaster, 1) Then
lngCheck = MsgBox("New field exceeds current array size, proceeding will drop off excess records" & vbNewLine & "(Press Cancel to end code)", vbOKCancel, "Do you want to proceed?")
If lngCheck = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
End If
'Add NewData field
ReDim Preserve ArrayMaster(UBound(ArrayMaster, 1), UBound(ArrayMaster, 2) + 1)
For lngRow = 1 To UBound(NewData, 1)
ArrayMaster(lngRow, UBound(ArrayMaster, 2)) = NewData(lngRow)
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
lngCalc = .Calculation
End With
'Create working sheet, dump MasterArray and sort by Newdata (position 4 = cell D1)
Set ws = Worksheets.Add
ws.[a1].Resize(UBound(ArrayMaster, 1), UBound(ArrayMaster, 2)).Value2 = ArrayMaster
ws.UsedRange.Sort ws.[d1], xlAscending
'Create our sorted array MasterArray2, now with NewData(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
ArrayMaster2 = ws.[a1].Resize(UBound(ArrayMaster, 1), UBound(ArrayMaster, 2)).Value2
'cleanup working sheet
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
.Calculation = lngCalc
End With
End Sub
