Find TabStrip index - kendo-ui

Is it possible to find the index of a tab in a KendoUI TabStrip? I need to find the index (number) of the tab that I select and I know that select() returns me current tab but I don' t know how to convert this to the number.

Found the solution:

function select(e) {
var x = e.item;
var index= $(e.item).index();
as nemesv said in


Applying change event on j-Query Data-Table Search Box?

I have j-Query data-table with many records and I have builtin search-box. What I am trying is to sum all values in all the tds which have class="amount". It's happening succesfully. Now, the problem is search box. I want to sum the values of tds with class name amount which are only visible. I tried many ways but nothing worked Following is my code:
var salaryTable = $('#tblSalary').DataTable();
salaryTable.on('search', function () {
var sum = 0;
$(".amount").each(function() {
var value = $(this).text();
if(!isNaN(value) && value.length != 0) {
sum += parseFloat(value);
This logic is not working as expected. How can I solve this or What am I doing wrong? Is there any better approach?
Update: The problem is when I search something it gives me total of visible and invisible records. When I clear the search box with backspace, it gives me total of all records where were visible before.
If you only want visible elements with class amount you could use the jQuery :visible selector
jQuery docs

How to select a row in kendo grid by data item ID?

I need to select a specific row in kendoGrid but NOT by data-uid (as data-uid is changed when the grid dataSource is loaded again) but by the row itemID. I saw posts but they only select the row by uid which is not what I needed, I actually need to restart the HTML5 application and when grid is loaded, a specific item should be selected. This is what I've been seeing
e.g. the object has OrderID as ID, and every time the grid is loaded, it will be the same, unlike uid, I want to know how will I be able to select a row with OrderID, instead of uid.
You cam mix row itemID and data.uid, I guess.
var grid = $("#Grid").data("kendoGrid");
var dataItem = $("#Grid").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.get(itemID);
var row = $("#Grid").data("kendoGrid").tbody.find("tr[data-uid='" + dataItem.uid + "']");
Going along with what umais has mentioned, the better approach, since there is no built in functionality for this as of yet, would be to iterate through all the records to find the one you need. The function that I built will work even if there are pages of data. The only other way that I can think of doing this would be do do a secondary ajax call; But this works well. Note that i haven't tested it with more than 2000 records.
var dataGrid = $("#GATIPS").data("kendoGrid").dataSource;
var numOfRows =;
var currentPageSize = dataGrid.pageSize();
var dataGridData =;
for (var i = 0; i < numOfRows; i++) {
if (dataGridData[i].uid == e)
return dataGridData[i];
dataGrid.pageSize(currentPageSize); // reset the view
e is the UID. However this can be substituted for what ever variable you need just replace the check.
a work around that I managed to have, was to go through all rows and check which row model has that ID equal to the parameter, and then get that row data-uid and select the item through data-uid. It's working fine for me, since there were no suggestion, it's the better answer for now.
Well, accordingly to what I have done (and worked for me), and even though the work around isn't the prettiest, set one more Column, with your model id and with ClientTemplate then create any html object (div in my case) inside it give it a html id of your id, so when ever you need it, you just have to go and look with something like:
grid.dataItem($("td div#id").closest("tr"));
Because remember that the dataItem method is waiting for a selector then you get your selectedItem as regular one.
I forgot to say, that you should (or could) use the style property
If you don't want to display that col.

Is there anyway to identify which editor is currentEditor in SlickGrid?

I wanted to identify which Slick editor is being used in the current selected Column. Is there anyway to do this?
Ok, I got.
We can use activeCell with columns to get the current select column. Then from the column.editor attribute, we cloud compare what is the editor currently select cell possess.
var column = columns[activeCell];
if(column.editor && column.editor === Slick.Editors.Text)
// Code with identification.

Telerik MVC grid-How to set default row selected

Is it possible to render a Grid with one row selected as default (set the right page number and highlight the row)?
For highlighting, try using the "OnRowDataBound" event
.ClientEvents(events => events.OnRowDataBound("onRowDataBound"))
with something like
function onRowDataBound(e) {
var myId = $('#MyId').val();
if (e.dataItem.Id == myId)
e.row.className = 't-state-selected';
I'm still trying to figure out how to set the correct initial page number. This bloke might be on to something.
Use the Grid RowAction method, eg:
.RowAction(row => row.Selected = row.DataItem.CustomerCode.Equals(ViewBag.ID))
It is perhaps possible if you iterate in the grid source, locate the row which has to be selected in it, than use a formula to detect on which page will be displayed, and finally change the page index on initial load and select it.

How to set cursor position to end of text in CKEditor?

Is there a way to set the cursor to be at the end of the contents of a CKEditor?
This developer asked too, but received no answers:
I would like to set the focus at the end of the text inside a CKEditor. When I use:
It takes me to the beginning of the text already inside the CKEditor.
Dan's answer got strange results for me, but minor change (in addition to typo fix) made it work:
var range = me.editor.createRange();
range.moveToElementEditEnd( range.root );
me.editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ range ] );
According to the documentation for CKEditor 4, you can do the following once you have the editor object.
var range = editor.createRange();
range.moveToPosition( range.root, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ range ] );
Link:!/api/CKEDITOR.dom.selection (under selectRanges function).
After a bit of fiddling, I've got it to work with the following code:
$(document).ready(function() {
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(ev) {
var s = ev.editor.getSelection(); // getting selection
var selected_ranges = s.getRanges(); // getting ranges
var node = selected_ranges[0].startContainer; // selecting the starting node
var parents = node.getParents(true);
node = parents[parents.length - 2].getFirst();
while (true) {
var x = node.getNext();
if (x == null) {
node = x;
selected_ranges = s.getRanges();
selected_ranges[0].collapse(false); // false collapses the range to the end of the selected node, true before the node.
s.selectRanges(selected_ranges); // putting the current selection there
The idea is:
Get the root node (not body)
Advance to next node, until there are no more nodes to advance to.
Select last node.
Collapse it
Set range
Here's a similar answer to #peter-tracey. In my case my plugin is inserting a citation. If the user has made a selection, I needed to disable the selection and place the cursor at the end of the sentence.
// Obtain the current selection & range
var selection = editor.getSelection();
var ranges = selection.getRanges();
var range = ranges[0];
// Create a new range from the editor object
var newRange = editor.createRange();
// assign the newRange to move to the end of the current selection
// using the range.endContainer element.
var moveToEnd = true;
newRange.moveToElementEditablePosition(range.endContainer, moveToEnd);
// change selection
var newRanges = [newRange];
// now I can insert html without erasing the previously selected text.
editor.insertHtml("<span>Hello World!</span>");
CKEditor 3.x:
on : {
'instanceReady': function(ev) {
var range = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( ev.editor.document );
range.selectNodeContents( ev.editor.document.getBody() );
ev.editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ range ] );
based on pseudo-code provided by the developers here:
You have to focus editor, get document object, put it in range,
collapse range (with false parameter), select body (with
selectNodeContents), collapse it (with false parameter) and finally
select range. It is best to do it all in instanceReady event.
This is the easiest solution provided by the ckeditor API. I have tested it on IE10+, ff, safari and Chrome:
range = editor.createRange();
// the first parameter is the last line text element of the ckeditor instance
range.moveToPosition(new CKEDITOR.dom.node(editor.element.$.children[pos - 1]), CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END)
editor.getSelection().selectRanges([ range ])
This will work for sure.
CKEDITOR.config.startupFocus = 'end';
have you tried ckEditor.Selection.Collapse(false);
According to CKEditor 4 documentation, another option is:
const range = this.ckeditor.createRange()
range.moveToElementEditablePosition(range.root, true)
