custom HTTP status code with spring and restful webservice - spring

I am new to the spring and restful framework. My server hosts 3 restful web services. I have used spring support for the restful web services to implement the server. The client sends JSON request to the server and gets JSON response. Client is based on spring support for the restful. The server returns 200/OK for successful processing, which is default.
What I want is the server to send custom HTTP status code 550 to the client in case there is an issue while processing the request. It should not throw any exception to the client. It should only send 550/an_error_object(as json) back to the client.
How is it possible with the spring support of restful ? I am doing the following on the server side.
but, the client side is failing to recognize the status code 550; it throws an exception since org.springframework.http.HttpStatus doesn't have any enum constant '550' defined.
Any suggestions will be great!
Thanks in advance.

1) Don't use unregistered status codes. See the registered status codes.
2) That being said, that's a bug in the Spring framework. It should deal properly with extension status codes.

It'll probably going to be fixed in version 4.3 of Spring.


mimic swagger api on spring boot application

I got a Spring boot REST based proxy server application with standard REST End point exposed(GET, POST,PUT and DELETE) to outside world.
Any requests coming from external world then will be routed to actual functionality internally.
Now the requirement is to expose all the API supported by my REST proxy server. As I mentioned I do not have static controller path in my code for individual APIs. So would like to get your input how to create swagger support for all the internal APIs that my proxy server support. Is there are a way I can generate swagger schema manually to mimics the controller path? Or is there any other way to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.

how to make spring mvc functions available for rest calls

I have a spring mvc application which runs correctly,now another colleague wants to call the same functions from another application but he needs REST URL of my functions.
how is it possible to provide the same functionality through spring REST?
is it just with new annotations .please provide some resource to show me how to do it.
when server has a service, only legal clients which had any contracts with server can access it. And clients can use service by the way such as: use RestTemplate to get/post request to URL of service, and clients can get data as JSON, or XML type if you have an equivalent object as this image:
Also, a service can be support as a interface, ex: google search is a service supported by google, but it's not rest service.
If you know each other URL address you can consume each other REST API from java code by using RestTemplate object.
I would advise you to go over the Spring starter guide which deals with that issue, here is the link (Consuming a RESTful Web Service):

How to access request object in #MessageMapping method with spring websocket implementation

I am integrating an existing spring MVC web application with spring websockets. I was successfully able to integrate by following the instructions in
The existing web application has a filter, which sets a few of the attributes. I have a requirement to access the attributes set by the filter in the controller i,e in #MessageMapping method.
Could some one tel how can we access the request object in the #MessageMapping method?
When a STOMP client connects to the application, it first has to request a protocol upgrade to switch to websocket. Once using that websocket connection, the messages sent/received don't go through your regular Servlet filter - only the first HTTP request (the "Handshake") did.
Depending on your use case, there are several ways to achieve this.
If it's related to Authentication, then there are existing features for this in the Spring Framework, but also in Spring Security.
If it's related to the HTTP session, you can easily ask for all HTTP session attributes to be copied into the websocket session - or even customize the Handshake for your own needs (see reference doc). Once done, you can inject the Websocket scope in a #MessageMapping controller method and get those attributes (see reference doc).

401 Authorization Required on REST client

I am trying to write a very simple REST client using RestTemplate and Jackson JSON.
Tried such sample from Getting error 401 Authorization Required even on localhost or even if I include it into the same Tomcat6 Eclipse project where that REST WebService is running.
We don't require any authorization on that Web Service while in Dev or local environment,
and anyway I am an authorized user.
Is that something enforced by Spring RestTemplate?
Running client as Java application on Java 1.6.
I am new to REST and JSON.
No there is no enforced Authorization required by Spring's RestTemplate. You should be able to build or launch an example simple REST webservice and send requests to it with RestTemplate without receiving this response, so either the server you are sending the requests to or something inbetween is returning this response code. Can you share any more details of the service you are communicating with? Is it something internal or a public API which may require Authorization?

Spring Integration - HTTP gateway and JMS

I have a requirement where client sends an HTTP requests, our application processes it and generates response and sends back the HTTP response. The request and response need to be persisted on JMS queues. In order for us to leverage Spring integration in this scenario, can we use spring integration HTTP gateways in place of our current MVC controllers ? Would I need separate gateways for each different uri mapping ? Can the HTTP gateway be integrated with JMS channels ? I would appreciate some ideas on the high level architecture using Spring Integration for this scenario.
The fastest on-ramp would probably to inject a Messaging Gateway (<gateway/>) into your existing controller; if you are simply archiving the request/response, you just need a simply gateway method that returns void and in the Spring Integration flow, wire the <gateway/> to a <jms:outbound-channel-adapter/>.
