xcode drawrect - UIView bounds not reflecting rotation in simulator - xcode

I'm using xcode 4.5.2 to learn to develop in iOS6. I have this code in my drawRect...
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGPoint midPoint;
midPoint.x = self.bounds.origin.x + self.bounds.size.width/2;
midPoint.y = self.bounds.origin.y + self.bounds.size.height/2;
... etc
For some reason when I run this in iphone simulator, the result is always
midpoint.x = 160
midpoint.y = 252
regardless of whether the simulator (iPhone retina screen) is in portrait mode or rotated to landscape. The result is thus the graphic that I draw in portrait mode is centred on the screen correctly, but offset to the left in landscape.
Can someone suggest where do I begin to look as to why this is the case?
This drawRect code came directly from an earlier app I wrote which functioned correctly in terms of determining this midpoint of the screen (a UIView spanning the whole screen). This problem arises when I imported this code (the whole class) into my currently program which is segue-ing into instances of these UIViews.

figured it out, I think...
it appears that for unknown reasons (to me anyway), when the phone gets rotated, the view inside the phone did not get resized to fill the new vertical & horizontal dimensions. Thus the midpoint coordinates are always the same - because the view basically did not resize. In the size inspector, the view's got struts on the left & right only and no springs.
By adding both vertical & horizontal springs, the view seems to resize with rotation and the midpoint coordinate seem to change accordingly.
While I've gotten by my hurdle, I'm still unclear why I needed to add springs to the view, since the demo that I was following did not seem to require this step. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.


How do you 'Vary for Traits' when wR and hR are the same in both portrait and landscape?

I am building a Launch Storyboard for iOS 13 compliance.
I am constructing the 'splash screen' from several images. It's the last one that's the problem.
To get the scale right in Portrait, I select the device range (iPad), and portrait, then click 'Vary for Traits' (all before any constraints have been placed on the ImageView)
After I make all the constraints to get it looking right on all iPad devices in portrait mode, I deselect 'Vary for Traits' and then change orientation.
Now the UIImageView is incorrect (rightly so) and so I click 'Vary for Traits' and set all the constraints to get it looking right for landscape.
Then I deselect 'Vary for Traits' and click on Portrait - but now all the portrait constraints are conforming to the landscape ones.
The problem, as I can see is that for all the iPad devices, they have the same wR and hR regardless of Landscape or Portrait...
Is there a way I can still have different constraints depending on orientation? Or am I going to have to do all this in code?
For what it's worth to others, I managed to get an acceptable compromise, buy removing some text from the central image and replacing it with UILabels that I could better 'scale'.
I also used different constraints (where previously I was keeping the main image and title / logo centred H/V with equal width/height to the background and then using the multiply to scale it) I changed them to having all edges 0 to the overall superview and then using the constants to move the top or left and right to get the 'scale' I needed.
It's now looking pretty good in all devices and orientations.
Thanks to everyone who helped.

iOS 8 UISplitViewController details view resizing incorrectly when rotating to landscape and overlay visible

Got another issue with UISplitViewContoller on iOS 8.
When in portrait, and the displayMode is UISplitViewControllerDisplayModePrimaryOverlay, when you rotate to landscape the secondary view controller's view doesn't resize correctly during the rotation animation. Once the rotation is done, the size is adjusted to fit the screen space and it snaps into place which is quite jarring.
However, if the display mode is UISplitViewControllerDisplayModePrimaryHidden when the rotation occurs, the secondary view's size is adjusted during the rotation animation and everything looks and works as expected.
This occurs even with the out of the box Master-Detail template project from Xcode 6.1.
Any thoughts on how to get the secondary controller's view to size correctly during the animation when the primary overlay is visible?

Vertical NSLevelIndicator OSX

I wonder if there is a way of creating/modifying a NSLevelIndicator object so it can be positioned vertically, i.e. display discrete levels from bottom up, not from left to right, so it can be also used as element of interface-building library in Xcode?
There are lots of examples of such level displays in Apple and non-Apple OSX applications, and quite a few reasons why such an object should exist, yet how to create such an object for some reason (from what I can see in developer forums) seems either not worth asking or a "best kept secret".
Is there a template code which can be modified to into an object of such properties?
I haven't even faintest idea if such an object should really be written from scratch? Mission impossible?
Thanks in advance!
Try using
[NSView setFrameRotation:90];
it's sketchy but easier than a custom view
Edit: Alternatively try
[levelView setFrameCenterRotation:90];
SetFrameRotation:90 rotated it around the bottom left axis for me so it ended up being clipped. This one rotates it around the centre so you should be able to see it. I just made a quick swift playground showcasing it: http://cl.ly/WsL8/Vertical%20LevelIndicatorView.playground.zip
Edit again: If you're still stuck, I made a sample project with a vertical level indicator in objective-c: http://cl.ly/WrdH/levelindicator.zip
Swift 5.5.1 on macOS 11.6
myLevelIndicator.frameRotation = 90
If you need to reposition the indicator to fit within the view, realize the center of rotation is the origin of the level indicator.
So, to set the rotated level indicator 20px in from the left of the view, compute that for the new frame origin of the level indicator, not forgetting to adjust for the indicators height when it is horizontal because the original height will affect the final position when rotated.
myLevelIndicator.frame.origin = CGPoint(x: self.view.frame.minX+20+myLevelIndicator.frame.height, y: myLevelIndicator.frame.minY)
Of course, this can be avoided by placing the control in the correct position to allow for rotation within IB if that works for you. Some may not be using IB and creating these controls programmatically.

How can I draw something on top of AVPlayer video in Cocoa?

In my app I want to be able to draw rectangles on top of the playing video. I already implemented the drawing canvas which is a NSView, and I have a player implemented as well.
However, when I place my drawing canvas on top of my player view, player view is still showing up on top.
I was thinking that my drawing canvas wasn't on top of the player view, but it is. When I change the size of the window, I can see that on the area of the window that is not covered by the video I can draw. However, magically my drawing is not showing up on top of the playing video.
I really don't know where to find the problem.
Any help is highly appreciated!
i also had a problem where one NSView that i add to a superView was layer backed and the last NSView wasn't, and always the layer backed NSView would be on top, so i'd recommend you to enable the layer for any NSView that would come on top of the AVPlayer,
[yourCanvasView setWantsLayer : YES];
i think this would do the job,
There's a solution for iOS, as answered here, and it works in OS X too (I tested on OS X 10.10.2).
Basically, set the zPosition of the view you want on top:
topView.layer.zPosition = 1;

How to do this simple thing with XCode's new Auto Layout feature?

Im trying to do something that seems like it should be a no-brainer. But alas, im too dumb to figure this one out. So i need help.
I have an iphone simulator (with a vertical orientation).
The main view has a subview (a blue UIView) that should be displayed in the bottom 25% of the screen. The final rendered screen would basically look like a white screen with the bottom section being blue.
I want the edges of the subview to hug the screen edge. But thats not the part I'm struggling with. The tricky thing is configuring the height of this subview (and the layout of its contents, if any) when I suddenly rotate the orientation of the simulator. If i do this, then everything looks odd.
I would also like to note that what I see in the Interface Builder (with Auto Layout enabled) looks nothing like the app when it loads in the simulator.
PS - for now i will keep playing around with this. maybe i will eventually reach a eureka moment.
* Updated with screen shots *
This is what my layout looks like in Interface Builder:
And this is what it ends up looking like in the simulator:
* Update 2 *
Ok. After updating my post with the screenshots, it dawned on me that the simulator doesn't look like the 4" screen version (even though it does on my computer screen). After running the 4" simulator i can see the the layout just like the IB layout. But this makes me wonder why auto-layout wasn't "smart" enough to adjust for the smaller 3.5" screen.
It looks to me like you have a fixed height constraint from the top edge of the blue view to the superview that is pushing content down - conversely you may have a fixed height view above it that is smooshing things. Try pinning the top edge of the blue view to the superview and lowering the priority or changing it from an equality to a less than equal to constraint.
In IB in XCode you can change the canvas size for iPhone layouts, look for the single button on the right hand side that looks like a rectangle with arrows above and below, or inside it. In the screenshot below it is the leftmost button.
You could simply turn off Auto Layout. Springs and struts can readily make your subview 25% of the superview's height.
Or, you can certainly stick with it, but you'll need to adjust the constraints in code. There's no way to establish such a constraint in the current version of Xcode. Set constraints in IB to pin the box to the bottom of the window and fix the height, setting an outlet for the height constraint. Then in -viewDidLoad, remove the height constraint and add a new constraint to the superview which expresses the height relationship you want.
This isn't to discourage you from learning Auto Layout, but to point out that it's a bit complicated, and that the constraint tools in IB are unintuitive and relatively weak. The WWDC video Introduction to Auto Layout is a good starting point.
