I have image issues Joomla Multi-Language website - joomla

This problem occurs when I'm trying to load images through flash.
For example when i'm trying to load an image in images/001.jpg , Joomla rewrites it to en/images/001.jpg. So path get changed and flash cant load the file. Anyway to fix this ?

set the image load path in the htaccess file where the URL you want.


How to replace the base image url by an external image url setted by an attribute in Magento 1.9

I have Magento 1.9 and I am using a remote server for the storage of images.
I created a new attribute (text field) for setting the external image url. I succeded to show the external image in the view and list/grid pages of the products but it is not efficient.
My question is :
Is there any solution to completely rewrite the base image url ? this will make the change in all Magento site without modifying the template.
From my searchs I know that images uploaded were added via addImagetoMediaGallery(...) with the file path as one of the parameters. So the idea is to find a way to rewrite (with setdata() maybe) the temp image url and so echo the external url instead of the temp image url.
You could rewrite the Helper Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image. There you could override the functions getImageFile() or setImageFile().

Magento : I am not able to upload picture when I add product

Error : Image type and information need to be specified for each store view.
I have tried cache clearing and it doesn't help for me.
I am using magento 1.8
just do below step as per link
Also try this
Try adding a php.ini file in your magento root directory and see whether it works:-
magic_quotes_gpc = off
short_open_tag = on
hope this will help you
I resolved this issue in 1.9.x using "Dull uploader" which removed the smart flash uploader in favor of a plain browser based file upload.
Image type and information need to be specified for each store view:
Go to File structure root/media/ dhl
Cut or delete the “dhl” folder from there.
Clear cache from Admin Panel and now do upload the images
Hope, Its working good.

Is wordpress supposed to automatically load images over https?

When I try to access my website over https, I get a mixed content error. Looking at the console, The offending resources are all images that are uploaded using the wordpress media uploader.
But isn't wordpress smart enough to know that it should serve those images over ssl if the https version of the website is requested? If not, is there an easy solution to resolve this issue (besides from editing every post to replace say http://example.com/image.jpg with //example.com/image.jpg)
Wordpress has a plugin that does this trick. Wordpress HTTPS(SSL)
It replaced all images loaded through "HTTP" with "HTTPS".

I can't see the custom thumbnail image in Wordpress 3.3.1

I have a problem with wordpress thumb. I installed the last wordpress in localhost and I tried to create a new post with a thumb but when I save it, in the home doesn't appear this thumb.
See the following images:
This is the image url:
¿What I'm doing wrong?
Thanks :)
Just trying here as I do not know what plugin is this. However, you can try changing the image URL to this:
However, I would recommend you to use WordPress in-built Feature Image function to set the thumbnail instead. That is, of course, if your theme allows it.

tinyMCE add image

I have problem with tinyMCE. If I add image from external url (http://www.somesite.com/image.jpg) all works perfect and and the image will show in my text. But if I add an image from a folder on server, the image will not show because I use htaccess to rewrite the url.
Web domain: www.web.domain.com
If I insert image from www.web.domain.com/images/img.jpg and show this text on the page www.web.domain.com/en/Category-1/, the image doesn't show because tinyMCE adds img src as "./images/img.jpg"
Any idea if it is possible to turn this off?
Probably due to TinyMCE using relative URLs by default. Check out the FAQ entry on the TinyMCE site for the various settings that might help.
