Magento - All categories have same image - image

So there's some code floating around that gets an individual subcategory's image:
foreach ($collection as $cat){
$cur_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($cat->getId());
$layer = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer');
$_img = $this->getCurrentCategory()->getImageUrl();
Where $cat is the subcategory I'm trying to get the image of. The problem I'm running in to - the images for the subcategories are all the same! The first image from the subcategories is the image that shows up on the page. The links and names are all correct though: (this is also in the for loop)
<a href="<?php echo $helper->getCategoryUrl($cat);?>">
<img src="<?php echo $_img; ?>" title="<?php $cat->getName() ?>"/>
<cite><?php echo $cat->getName();?></cite>
I'm making this modification in catalog/category/view.phtml. There's a bit more to it than shown, but this is all the relevant information.
All categories have their own unique images, which are properly uploaded. They show in the admin correctly. Also, $cat->getId() is returning the correct id's for the individual subcategories.

#RandyHall, are your sure that $this->getCurrentCategory() will get the category from the same place as $layer->setCurrentCategory($cur_category); will set it to?
Watch the source code here and here.
As you can see category is set to the layer model and get returns category from registry(via call to block).
So I would suggest you to do something like this:
$_img = $layer->getCurrentCategory()->getImageUrl();

Perhaps you are doing wrong when getting image url.
instead of using
$_img = $this->getCurrentCategory()->getImageUrl();
try below code
$_img = $cur_category->getImageUrl();

foreach ($collection as $cat){
$cur_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($cat->getId());
$_img = $cur_category->getImageUrl();
Looks to me like this is what you are going for?


open a modal windows in a server

Hi everyone I have a modal windows in joomla 3.0!
I pass the router to javascript like this
<?php $link =JURI::root().'index.php?option=com_projects&view=proyectos&format=raw&task=todosProyecto&id='. $item->id;?>
<li class="item" data-id="id-<?php echo $item->id ?>" data-type="<?php echo $item->categoria ?>">
<a href="#modal" id="<?php echo $link;?>" role="<?php echo $item->id ?>" class="picture" data-toggle="modal">
<img src="<?php echo JURI::root()?><?php echo $item->imagen_portada; ?>"/></a>
<p class="titulo"><?php echo $item->nombre; ?></p>
<p> <?php echo $item->municipio; ?>(<?php echo $item->pais; ?>)<br><?php echo $item->year; ?>
In local when I open the modal windows it work well, but in the server the modal windows show me the index.php view of this component.
I think that my problem is here, when I take the request for the model I have this.
public function elegirSeleccionados(){
$this->pagination = $this->get('pagination');
$this->items = $this->get('recientes');
$this->list = $this->get('list');
But $this->get('list'); is null so I have to asigned a null value to list.
I changed by that..
$this->list = $this->items;
but dont work to!
Any idea!!!
Where is this code?
First part looks like a Layout (views\proyectos\tmpl\default.php) and the second one like a View (views\proyectos\view.html.php).
If it is so, I'd say you are not really loading items in View from the Model. Try using $this->items = $this->get('Items');
But this doesn't explain different results on server and local host.
Hi everyone I solved the problem... the name of my view hava a Camelcase for example itemId and joomla try to find itemid, so don´t find the view and show the default view in the modal.
So I change the name of file without camelCase and now work.!

Magento Active Filters on Search Page

I want to implement active filters on my magento ecommerce site.
I have been successful in implementing it, but the issue is, the code works on only category pages and not search page
Here's the code that I'm using
<?php /*Create filter dependencies*/
$_activeFilters[] = array();
$_filters = Mage::getSingleton(‘Mage_Catalog_Block_Layer_State’)->getActiveFilters();
foreach ($_filters as $_filter):?>
<?php echo $this->stripTags($_filter->getLabel()) ?><a href=”<?php echo $_filter- >getRemoveUrl() ?>” title=”<?php echo $this->__(‘Remove This Item’) ?>”><?php echo $this->__(‘Remove This Item’) ?></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
I'm using this code in toolbar.phtml. Any clue as in why its not working on search page. Any Solutions would be of great help.
You can use this code for fetching filters on either category list page or search results page
if(Mage::registry('current_category')) {
$_filters = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')->getState()->getFilters();
} else {
$_filters = Mage::getSingleton('catalogsearch/layer')->getState()->getFilters();
I have used this code in toolbar.phtml, to show removable filters below the toolbar, like flipkart does.
The problem is with this line:
$_filters = Mage::getSingleton(‘Mage_Catalog_Block_Layer_State’)->getActiveFilters();
This gets a singleton which only contains the necessary data when on a category page.
See this question for more details: Magento - How to add Layered Navigation to Advanced Search?

Magento upsell url with full category path?

I've got a problem with my Magento installation. I'm using the upsell feature to provide some more interesting products. The output works so far but I've got a big problem with the product url.
The url links to and not to That's bad because I'm calling a special sidebar navigation for each top category. And so nothing is shown...
I'm using the standard upsell output:
<img src="<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($_link, 'small_image')->resize(115) ?>" width="115" height="115" alt="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_link->getName()) ?>" title="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_link->getName()) ?>" />
<h3 class="product-name"><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_link->getName()) ?></h3>
<?php echo $this->getReviewsSummaryHtml($_link) ?>
<?php echo $this->getPriceHtml($_link, true, '-upsell') ?>
(I can't post the whole code, the editor will delete most of it)
I've tried it with $_link->getProductPath(), but the output was empty.
I also checked the settings in System->Config->Catalog->Search Engine Optimization. Use Categories Path for Product URLs set to Yes.
Does anybody has an idea how to get the full path url for the products?
Thank you for your help.
You may use the below logic to get the product url. Update the variables accordingly.
$_prodcats = $_product->getCategoryIds();
$_cat = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_prodcats[0]);
$produrl = $this->helper('catalog/output')->productAttribute($_product, $_product->getRequestPath(), 'request_path') ;
if($this->getRequest()->getModuleName() == 'catalogsearch') {
$produrl = '/'. basename($_cat->getUrl()) .'/' . basename($_product->getProductUrl()) ;
I found a solution on the web which works for
The upsell products become a link with category link.
$d = $_link->getData();
$id = $d['entity_id'];
$_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($id);
$_categories = $_product->getCategoryIds();
$_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_categories[0]);
$cat_url = str_replace(".html","",$_category->getUrlPath());
$_url = Mage::getUrl($cat_url).basename($_link->getProductUrl());
And then use this url
I still have the problem that the created sitemap.xml just added instead of
even if "Use Categories Path for Product URLs" is set to YES

Retrieve product custom media image label in magento

I have a custom block loading products on my front page that loads the four newest products that have a custom product picture attribute set via:
$_helper = $this->helper('catalog/output');
$_productCollection = Mage::getModel("catalog/product")->getCollection();
$_productCollection->addAttributeToFilter("image_feature_front_right", array("notnull" => 1));
$_productCollection->addAttributeToFilter("image_feature_front_right", array("neq" => 'no_selection'));
$_productCollection->addAttributeToSort('updated_at', 'DESC');
What I am trying to do is grab the image_feature_front_right label as set in the back-end, but have been unable to do so. Here is my code for displaying the products on the front end:
<?php foreach($_productCollection as $_product) : ?>
<div class="fll frontSale">
<div class="productImageWrap">
<img src="<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($_product, 'image_feature_front_right')->directResize(230,315,4) ?>" />
<div class="salesItemInfo">
<p class="caps"><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_product->getName());?></p>
<p class="nocaps"><?php echo $this->getImageLabel($_product, 'image_feature_front_right') ?></p>
I read that $this->getImageLabel($_product, 'image_feature_front_right') was the way to do it, but produces nothing. What am I doing wrong?
It seems you asked this same question in another thread, so to help others who might be searching for an answer, I'll anser it here as well:
I imagine this is some sort of magento bug. The issue seems to be that the Magento core is not setting the custom_image_label attribute. Whereas for the default built-in images [image, small_image, thumbnail_image] it does set these attributes - so you could do something like:
If you look at Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Abstract::getImageLabel() it just appends '_label' to the $mediaAttributeCode that you pass in as the 2nd param and calls $_product->getData().
If you call $_product->getData('media_gallery'); you'll see the custom image label is available. It's just nested in an array. So use this function:
function getImageLabel($_product, $key) {
$gallery = $_product->getData('media_gallery');
$file = $_product->getData($key);
if ($file && $gallery && array_key_exists('images', $gallery)) {
foreach ($gallery['images'] as $image) {
if ($image['file'] == $file)
return $image['label'];
return '';
It'd be prudent to extend the Magento core code (Ideally Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Abstract, but I don't think Magento lets you override Abstract classes), but if you need a quick hack - just stick this function in your phtml file then call:
<?php echo getImageLabel($_product, 'image_feature_front_right')?>
Your custom block would need to inherit from Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_Abstract to give access to that method.
You could also use the code directly from the method in the template:
$label = $_product->getData('image_feature_front_right');
if (empty($label)) {
$label = $_product->getName();

IF (ThisProduct IS IN ANY ConfigurableProduct) redirect(ThatConfigurableProduct)

That's pretty much what I'm trying to do. All of my simple products are part of, at most, 1 configurable product, so there's no possibility for issues there.
This is necessary because I want my simple products (pillow in design X, color Y) to show in search, catalog but I need the user to know that the design exists in different colors once they click (presumably because they like design X but aren't necessarily sold on color Y). Further, my implementation of Color Swatches (extension) is causing my simple products (that are part of configurables) to behave funnily when accessed directly.
Thanks for any help.
Here's the code I ended up using. I'm not a very good coder so make sure to improve it before deploying... (~In app/design/frontend/blah/blah/template/catalog/product/
/* THIS BLOCK ADDED BY __ ON 5/5/2011 */
$thisProductId = $_product['entity_id'];
$thisProductParentId = Mage::getResourceSingleton('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getParentIdsByChild($thisProductId);
if (!$thisProductParentId)
<div class="more-views">
<h2><?php echo $this->__('More Views') ?></h2>
<?php foreach ($this->getGalleryImages() as $_image): ?>
<img src="<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($this->getProduct(), 'thumbnail', $_image->getFile())->resize(56); ?>" width="56" height="56" alt="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_image->getLabel()) ?>" />
<?php endforeach; ?>
else if ($thisProductParentId)
$_product_temp = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($thisProductParentId);
$_categories = $_product_temp->getCategoryIds();
$_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_categories[0]);
$url = $this->getUrl($_category->getUrlPath()).$_product_temp->getUrlPath();
echo '<h1><a style="color:red;" href="'.$url.'">Click here to view this pillow design in different colors and styles.</a></h1>';
// redirect disabled because it won't preload the new color on the configurable image page anyway. (haven't attempted)
/* echo '<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = "'.$url.'"
</script>'; */
// -- end --
The overwriting of the More Images gallery bit is a project-specific customization, so keep that in mind.
I went and wrote a bunch of code to try to do this, and forgot that this is already a simple use case, and Magento has it written for you:
That snippet should give you all parent products for the child. If there is one, redirect to it. Otherwise, render the page as requested.
you have two options here :
add rewrite rules form catalog > url rewrite management
program an extension that makes the necessary check against product database and makes the redirect
