jabber - create room - shell

I have the following setup:
A server with CentOS 6
XMPP server (used ejabber)
A browser client (used Candy-chat)
Chat is working, users have permissions, etc.
What I need to do is to create a room when user X wants to. If the user uses a stand alone client (like Pidgin) everything is ok but I need to create a room using a browser based client.
The question is how do I do that?
Note: Tried to find a client that supports the feature - failed.
Note 2: It is ok if I can do it from server command line (shell script) since I can send an ajax request to a php script that runs the line. - I tried to use ejabberdctl for this but I couldn't find any functions that do that (found 9999 functions about users, server, etc. but nothing regarding rooms. I guess I must edit the mod_muc options then restart the server but I'm not sure and is not right for all users to restart server).
Thank you for your time.

See http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#createroom
XEP-0045 define the Multi-User Chat protocol in XMPP. You don't need to use the command line or any other out-of-band communication, the protocol is already defined and works in-band in the user XMPP session. This is what any Jabber client that supports chat rooms implements.
Note that the protocol itself is long, complex and has many options and alternatives (to configure the room parameters, affiliations, do administration work, etc), but you don't have to use all of them, see Example 153, just
<presence from='crone1#shakespeare.lit/desktop'to='coven#chat.shakespeare.lit/firstwitch'>
<x xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/muc'/>
will be enough to create room "coven". After that user "crone1" will be the owner of that room, and will be logged in the room with nick "firstwitch".


Windows 10 SNMP service not responding

I'm trying to get my head around SNMP for a project I'm working on. After I failed miserably getting it to work in my company's network, I set up a simple 3-device network to test things on, consisting of two Windows 10 PCs and a manageable switch between them.
I installed the optional feature "SNMP" on both PCs, made sure the service is running correctly and configured both services to accept SNMP queries from each other. I made sure to open up UDP port 161 in both PCs firewalls. Then I got the Net-SNMP binaries in order to use SNMPGET and SNMPWALK. As an alternative, I set up the SNMP extension for PHP through xampp (since I want to use PHP in my project once I get SNMP to work). Finally, I installed wireshark to monitor what exactly is going on and this is what I found:
When I try SNMPGET or SNMPWALK either through cmd or as a PHP command, I always get a timeout message. Wireshark is showing the get-next-request leaving one PC and arriving correctly on the other, so the network connection itself is working fine. But the receiving PC never sends a response. As I said, I'm pretty new to SNMP and I'm at a loss as to why this is happening. As I understand it, the optional feature for Windows 10 comes with its own SNMP agent, correct? If so, what could cause it to simply ignore an incoming request from a valid source IP?
The funny thing is that this even happens when I try to send an SNMP query to I have no idea what I'm doing wrong...
Thanks to the comment of Lex Li, I was able to finally figure out which step I made a mistake with:
When setting up the SNMP service, under the security tab, I had to add 'public' as an accepted community name (with READ-ONLY rights). I figured since 'public' is sort of the standard read-only community, it would be accepted by default, which apparently it is not.
Alternatively, I guess I could have added my own communtiy name, but I didn't try that since I only want to read some values through SNMP anyways and read-only access is all I need for that.
Thank you very much Lex Li, I'm off to continue my project now!

how to originate two applications from fs_cli

Please answer this interesting question, I want to make two applications communicate with each other in free switch without a sip user, I have tried following things on fs_cli
originate user/1001 &bridge(Sofia/internal/1789)
user is able to communicate with the application
originate Sofia/internal/1235 &bridge(Sofia/internal/1789)
but this is throwing error that "cannot blind transfer 1235";
I noticed that by default a sip call is originated with caller id:<00000000> and transferring call to sip user in first case but unable to transfer to dial plan in second case please help me
Loopback is for you, create an extension / dialplan with one application and reload the dialplan, and then at fs_cli you can use loopback in originate to dial that application and at the other end enter second application, that's all

How to setup a mail server?

I want anyone who send a email to test#example.com, and the server could get the mail and so I can use some server side scripting language like Ruby to parser the content of the email.
Ruby solution would be great.
If you've never set up an smtp server, and you're not willing to dig in and learn a lot, you might want to check out some of the services that offer this kind of ability. I have never used any of these, not sure about quality or pricing aspects.
An alternative to setting up and configuring a mail server is to use a service such as sendgrid or postmark. You point your DNS mx records at them and they will turn inbound messages into JSON documents and post them to you
You can install qmail on your server, and configure it to pipe incoming mail to your domain to the STDIN of your ruby script.
If you haven't done so already, create an MX record for your domain that points to your mailserver's IP. Then, login to the server as root, then install qmail by following the instructions at http://lifewithqmail.org/lwq.html#installation
Configure qmail to accept incoming mail for *#yourdomain.tld (catchall), and forward all incoming mail to the script at /home/yourhomedirectory/yourscript.sc:
add the following line to /var/qmail/control/me:
add the following line to /var/qmail/control/defaultdomain:
addd the following line to /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
add the following line to /var/qmail/control/rcphosts:
restart qmail:
qmailctl stop
qmailctl stat
Logout of the server, then log back in again as yourusername. Create a file /home/yourusername/.qmail-default, consisting of the following line:
| /home/yourhomedirectory/yourscript.sc
Create /home/yourhomedirectory/yourscript.sc script to process incoming mail. Enable executable permissions on the script for all users:
chmod a+x /home/yourhomedirectory/yourscript.sc
That's all there is to it. Incoming mail to your domain will be piped by qmail to this script's STDIN.
Install and configure an SMTP server. SMTP servers can usually be configured quite extensively, what to do with mails that should be deliverd locally. One such option would be to deliver the mail locally by invoking a ruby script. Popular SMTP servers are postfix, courier and qmail. The details about how to setup the mail server depends on which one you use.

Hermes JMS cannot connect to Websphere MQ 7.1 (2035 error)

I am trying to connect to Websphere MQ 7.1 with Hermes JMS but I am not able to. I have followed their giude, loaded all the jars without problems, set the plugin, set all the variables (hostname, port, transportType, queuemanager), checked the box at the bottom that says user and typed the username and password and after confirming I tried to discover however I get the following message back:
com.ibm.mq.MQException: MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2035'.
com.ibm.mq.MQClientManagedConnectionFactoryJ11._createManagedConnection(MQClientManagedConnectionFactoryJ11.java:553) at
at com.ibm.mq.MQQueueManager.(MQQueueManager.java:647) at
at hermes.browser.tasks.TaskSupport.run(TaskSupport.java:175) at
hermes.browser.tasks.ThreadPool.run(ThreadPool.java:170) at
After a few hours of trial and error and research on the net, it seems that the issue is that it cannot connect due to bad authorization however I am able to connect using Java code (Using same lib MQQueueConnectionFactory) and I am also able to connect using QueueZee with the exact same libraries, get a list of all queues and browse them so I know user authorization issues should not be the problem.
I am running Hermes JMS 1.14 and I tried using both Java 1.6.0_33 and 1.7.0_5. Websphere MQ is running on version and the libraries were gotten from this installation on a remote server.
I tried setting the channel variable to SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN which is what I used in QueueZee to get it to work but still the same issue.
Has anybody seen this issue before and hopefully can shed some light in the situation?
At V7.1 the new CHLAUTH rules shut off access to all SYSTEM.* channels except SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN by default and do not allow any administrative access on any SVRCONN channel by default. In order to diagnose this it would be necessary to know what channel was used, the CHLAUTH rules that are set, the channel definition (in particular, the MCAUSER value) and whether the ID used is in the mqm group.
You didn't mention whether the QueueZee setup was also to a V7.1 QMgr or this one in particular. Taking a wild guess, I'd say that CHLAUTH rules are enabled and that the SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN channel is disabled at this point. Recommended steps are to define a new channel whose name doesn't start with SYSTEM. and make sure the ID used is not in the mqm group but is authorized as a non-admin ID.
Alternatively, an ID in the mqm group can be used but you'd have to define a CHLAUTH rule to allow it to work. For example, the default CHLAUTH rule uses CHANNEL(*) BLOCKUSER(*MQADMIN) and you could change that to CHANNEL(THE.NEW.CHL.NAME) BLOCKUSER('nobody'). The new rule would be more specific than the old rule and thus take precedence on your channel. It tells the QMgr to block the user ID 'nobody' but omits any mention of *MQADMIN. Since 'nobody' doesn't have access anyway but since *MQADMIN is not mentioned (and thus not blocked by thei rule) the effect of the rule is to allow admins on this channel.
As a quick, dirty and temporary measure, you can also ALTER QMGR CHLAUTH(DISABLED) to get the same behavior as in v7.0 and earlier QMgrs. Be aware though that this allows anonymous remote admin and remote code execution using the mqm user ID. That's why the default settings were changed. Now you must explicitly provision remote admin access if you need it.
For more on this topic, I recommend the Securing Your QMgr presentation from the IMPACT conference.
Note that the password the app sends in is not checked by the QMgr. The field exists so that channel exits can validate the password against AD, LDAP, etc. Without such an exit, the password is ignored. The user ID passed in by the client is either accepted at face value or modified by the channel's MCAUSER or by CHLAUTH rules.
Finally, when having authorization problems the easiest way to diagnose is to ALTER QMGR AUTHOREV(ENABLED) and then use SupportPac MS0P to decode the PCF messages in WMQ Explorer. The auths errors end up in the QMgr Event queue. Each message tells you the object that failed auths, the API call made against that object, the options of the call and the ID that made the call. Often we find the ID making the call isn't the one we wanted or that the program is using options it isn't authorized for so this can be extremely helpful.
Not really an answer, just a little research on the problem.
I have faced the same problem about hour ago. I am passing the username like domain\sortoflongusername and what i see in systemlog on WSMQ server is that my username is being truncated to 12 symbols.
I'm not really familiar with hermesJMS and soapui at all (just wanted to offer it to our testers to check it out as testing platform), so maybe anyone here does know about roots of this problem.

Setting DIFFSERV/DSCP with GQOS for specific socket in c

I need to set the DSCP field of packets sent from a specific (tcp) socket in windows XP.
It seems that the GQOS API should serve this purpose (see http://blogs.msdn.com/wndp/archive/2006/07/05/657196.aspx) but I really, really, can't find any working example or figure how to use it on my own.
I would be very grateful if anyone of you have a working example he/she could share.
However, the following workarounds are not acceptable:
Using the QOS2 api - it's only available on Vista and up (and I'll use it there)
Using the TC api - it's not specific to a given socket (it tries to match outgoing packets to a filter) and requires admin rights to use 3.
Using SetSockOpt with IP_TOS - it's deprecated in XP, was not meant for setting the DSCP field and requires changing the registery.
