Writing jsp tag library - model-view-controller

I am using MVC model in which I am writing too many web based widgets for the different different application, which cause lot of repetitive work for me to resolve the problem I am planning to write the new package for the jsp tags for each widgets(using tld) and the generated jar I will include in lots of application which use those widgets and I am successfully able to that also.
But here I am bit concerned about the css and javascript, which is used by the widget.
let say I write css in jsp tag itself in library then in that case, it fetch css and script every time which incurs extra latency, in case if I write common css at client side then for the multiple applications which use my widget package need to write css again and again ?
The jar for widget which I included in my MVC project.
jar -tvf AcmeUIUtils-1.0.jar
0 Fri Dec 07 07:41:56 IST 2012 META-INF/
106 Fri Dec 07 07:41:54 IST 2012 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
0 Fri Dec 07 15:54:40 IST 2012 com/
0 Fri Dec 07 15:54:40 IST 2012 com/amazon/
0 Fri Dec 07 15:54:40 IST 2012 com/amazon/spotui/
0 Fri Dec 07 15:54:40 IST 2012 com/amazon/spotui/basicui/
2339 Fri Dec 07 02:11:38 IST 2012 com/amazon/spotui/basicui/AcmeMessage.class
1684 Fri Dec 07 15:54:40 IST 2012 com/amazon/spotui/basicui/Ping.class
0 Fri Dec 07 15:54:40 IST 2012 com/amazon/spotui/utils/
2989 Fri Dec 07 15:54:40 IST 2012 com/amazon/spotui/utils/AcmeTags.class
0 Fri Dec 07 07:41:40 IST 2012 META-INF/css/
635 Fri Dec 07 07:40:14 IST 2012 META-INF/css/error.css
1059 Fri Dec 07 14:47:20 IST 2012 META-INF/spot-ui-component.tld
0 Fri Dec 07 15:54:40 IST 2012 test-resources/
Now my question is that how to load error.css in my application in elegant way ? or do I need to made changes at the widget level ?
I don't mind any opensource solution for the problem. But I need jsp tags only.

Since servlet 3.0, a jar file placed under WEB-INF/lib can contain resources that will be served directly by the webapp. These resources must be placed under the META-INF/resources directory of the jar file.
So if your tag library jar contains a file META-INF/resources/js/MyTaglib.js, this file will be directly available using the URL
If you're targetting pre-servlet3.0 webapps, then tell the developers to deploy the CSS and JS files of your taglib under a specific directory in the webapp.


elasticdump is not migrating index - total writes 0

I am trying to import index from json file to elasticsearch server but it is failing.
elasticsearch : 4.10.3
elasticdump : 2.4.2
command I am using
elasticdump --input=/home/ubuntu/Files/stocks.json --output=http://localhost:9200/ --type=data`
My stocks.json file looks like
{"_index":"stocks","_type":"stock","_id":"AVhKm5L8FPDye23IuJqe","_score":1,"_source":{"name":"Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.","industry":"PHARMA","isin":"INE044A01036","symbol":"SUNPHARMA","tweet":"sun pharma' OR 'SUNPHARMA'"}}
{"_index":"stocks","_type":"stock","_id":"AVhKm5L8FPDye23IuJqV","_score":1,"_source":{"name":"Tata Steel Ltd.","industry":"METALS","isin":"INE081A01012","symbol":"TATASTEEL","tweet":"tata steel' OR 'TATASTEEL'"}}
{"_index":"stocks","_type":"stock","_id":"AVhKm5L7FPDye23IuJp2","_score":1,"_source":{"name":"ICICI Bank Ltd.","industry":"FINANCIAL SERVICES","isin":"INE090A01021","symbol":"ICICIBANK","tweet":"icici bank' OR 'ICICIBANK'"}}
I am getting following message
Sat, 07 Oct 2017 05:46:52 GMT | starting dump
Sat, 07 Oct 2017 05:46:52 GMT | got 100 objects from source file
(offset: 0)
Sat, 07 Oct 2017 05:46:52 GMT | sent 100 objects to destination
elasticsearch, wrote 0
Sat, 07 Oct 2017 05:46:52 GMT | got 0 objects from source file
(offset: 100)
Sat, 07 Oct 2017 05:46:52 GMT | Total Writes: 0
Sat, 07 Oct 2017 05:46:52 GMT | dump complete
I had used same json file before but somehow this is not working in this new server. I have installed elasticsearch, node recently in this server.
Thanks for help

synchronize date in apache storm cluster

I use an apache storm topology on a cluster of 8+1 machines. The date on these machines is not the same and we may have more than 5 minutes of difference.
Thu Feb 25 16:20:30 GMT 2016
Thu Feb 25 16:20:32 GMT 2016
Thu Feb 25 16:20:32 GMT 2016
Thu Feb 25 16:14:54 UTC 2016 <<-- this machine is very late :(
Thu Feb 25 16:20:31 GMT 2016
Thu Feb 25 16:20:17 GMT 2016
Thu Feb 25 16:20:00 GMT 2016
Thu Feb 25 16:20:31 GMT 2016
Thu Feb 25 16:19:55 GMT 2016
Thu Feb 25 16:20:30 GMT 2016
Is the storm topology affected by this non-synchronization?
Note: I know that synchronizing is better, but the sysadmins won't do it without proving them proofs/reasons that they have to do it. Do they really have to do it, "for the topology's sake" :) ?
It depends on the computation you are doing... It might have an effect on your result if you do time based window operations. Otherwise, it doesn't matter.
For Storm as an execution engine it has no effect at all.

Upgrade JDK1.5 to 1.8 on EA Server 5.5

I'm using EAServer 5.5 on Windows7 and the server is running with JDK 1.5
Now I want to UpGrade JDK1.5 to 1.8. Can you please some one help me.
I am getting the following error.
DynamicLibrary::lookup: af_dll_lookup (libjjdk12.dll, new_JagComponent) failed (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\DynamicLibrary.cc#80)
000095 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018286] CTS_JagComponent::load: failed to load component model library (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\CTS_JagComponent.cc#841)
000096 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018918] CTS_Component::load: failed for component 'Jaguar/Repository' (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\CTS_Component.cc#1993)
000097 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] SystemException: OBJECT_NOT_EXIST (CosNaming/NamingContext/resolve - # (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\CTS_Object.cc#3995)
000098 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018532] Exception 'CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST' in Session::create for component 'Jaguar/Repository' (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\Session.cc#1029)
000099 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] SystemException: OBJECT_NOT_EXIST (Session/create - # (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\CTS_Object.cc#3995)
000100 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] new_JagObjectRef: Bad URL - Jaguar/Repository (libjdispatch.iiop) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\cc\JagORB.c#1074)
000101 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018480] SEVERE ERROR - failed to access Jaguar Repository (libjdispatch.repository) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\Repository.cc#114)
000102 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018488] Warning: failed to lookup properties for Package'CosNaming'(CORBA::INV_OBJREF) (libjdispatch.repository) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\Repository.cc#187)
000103 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018477] Missing value for Component 'CosNaming/NamingContext' property 'com.sybase.jaguar.component.type' (sybase.eas.global) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\Properties.cc#151)
000104 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018918] CTS_Component::load: failed for component 'CosNaming/NamingContext' (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\CTS_Component.cc#1993)
000105 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] SystemException: OBJECT_NOT_EXIST (CosNaming/NamingContext/resolve - # (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\CTS_Object.cc#3995)
000106 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 E [018532] Exception 'CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST' in Session::create for component 'Jaguar/JavaInit' (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\Session.cc#1029)
000107 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] SystemException: OBJECT_NOT_EXIST (Session/create - # (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\CTS_Object.cc#3995)
000108 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 A [099999] new_JagObjectRef: Bad URL - Jaguar/JavaInit (libjdispatch.iiop) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\cc\JagORB.c#1074)
000109 Tue Jul 21 12:50:32 2015 F [018506] SEVERE ERROR - failed to access Jaguar/JavaInit (libjdispatch) (Y:\calm\conn\itg\jagsrv\generic\dispatch\Server.cc#418)
I don't think this is possible or recommended.
OP was asking for upgrading Java (inside) used by EAServer (app server like JBoss, but for PowerBuilder+Java). Most of the Java classes inside EAServer were compiled to Java 1.2 and support only up to Java 1.5. I recently tried to upgrade my EAS 5.5 to JDK 1.6. This caused above issues you mentioned.
Several things are at play here:
Deprecated Java classes, methods, models.
JDBC interface itself is different now. For Oracle, I had to use OJBC6 and that breaks with older databases.
In the end, decided to simply upgrade JDK to 1.5.0_22, max build for 1.5 (Sybase's own limit was 1.5.0_03).
That said, if you still want to try, you will have to update a few batch files (I am assuming you are on windows) in \bin.
You may have to install/copy the JDK inside Sybase\Shared
folder, so you can customize, if needed.
You will need to add new JDK entries into setenv.bat and
serverstart.bat. Basically, current batches are agnostic about the
new JDK versions you are introducing to the EAServer.
You may have to update user_setenv.bat to customize JDBC/classpaths.
You may also have to generate batch file for Jaguar Manager and
change Java directory used to launch it.
It didn't work for me. But, if you are able to make it to work, can you please post back with your suggestions here?
Sorry for the late reply. Been busy with a project. Are you still having the problem? That essentially says the service did not start. Did you look at the Jaguar.log?
I suggest, you start it using the batch file first -
\EAServer\bin\serverstart.bat -jdk18
I hope you have added jdk18 options in the batch files. And watch the below logs:
Jaguarout.log, Jaguar_performance.log (if found), Jaguar.log
Once you get it to work, then you can use Serverstart with -install option to start as a service.
I just want to reiterate, that even if you get it to start, you may have issues with connection caches (particularly JDBC) and other interfaces as the specifications changed a lot since Java 1.4. If you are getting issues there, you will have to update the OJDBC driver etc. Good luck!

how to deal with unique data use d3.js?

there are 200 records,for example:
{time:"Thu Nov 07 2013 13:09:08",value:"10"},
{time:"Thu Nov 07 2013 11:09:08",value:"30"},
{time:"Thu Nov 07 2013 11:09:08",value:"25"},
{time:"Thu Nov 06 2013 10:09:08",value:"65"},
{time:"Tue Aug 06 2013 16:54:31",value:"25"},
{time:"Tue Aug 06 2013 16:54:31",value:"45"},
there are one or two unique recodes that the time is too early.
when i draw a line use time as xAxis, beacuse of the unique recodes ( {time:"Tue Aug 06 2013 16:54:31",value:"25"},{time:"Tue Aug 06 2013 16:54:31",value:"45"}) ,the line has a blank at between Nov to Aug .
how can i deal with the records what is unique and several .
Any help is appreciated.
Just add an unique id field to your data if you want to draw both or remove one (and display an average value or whatever is suitable)

Weird behavior with gwan v3.12.26

I just installed the latest Xmas gift from gwan team, but I'm having some problems:
Segmentation fault with archlinux .
On Ubuntu strange behavior.
I can't run any script on it.
About #1, Archlinux is up to date and uses the 2.16 GLIBC.
About #2, I'm loading sometimes it display 100 X, sometimes an error page (with CSS) and sometimes an error page without CSS.
About #3, I can't run any csp script:
None of the above work. Has the csp url changed?
I have installed php5-cli and ruby on my ubuntu.
For informations:
# ldd --version
ldd (Ubuntu EGLIBC 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.11) 2.11.1
Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Written by Roland McGrath and Ulrich Drepper.
Here the log on archlinux
# cat logs/gwan.log
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] ------------------------------------------------
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] G-WAN 3.12.26 64-bit (Dec 26 2012 13:58:12)
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] ------------------------------------------------
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] Local Time: Thu, 27 Dec 2012 16:03:44 GMT+2
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] RAM: (1.60 GiB free + 0 shared + 834.57 MiB buffers) / 23.64 GiB total
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] Physical Pages: 1.60 GiB / 23.64 GiB
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] DISK: 1.71 TiB free / 1.88 TiB total
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] 336 processes, including pid:1545 './gwan'
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] Multi-Core, HT enabled
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] 1x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU W3520 # 2.67GHz (4 Core(s)/CPU, 2 thread(s)/Core)
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] using 4 workers 0[1111]3
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] among 8 threads 0[11110000]7
[Thu Dec 27 14:03:44 2012 GMT] 64-bit little-endian (least significant byte first)
1: segmentation fault with archlinux
Many informations are listed at the top of the /logs/wgan.log file. It would immensely help to see it (that's what log files are for).
2: on ubuntu strange behavior
Not knowing the nature of the "strange behavior" nor the Ubuntu version makes difficult to answer your question (if that's a question).
3: I can't run any script on it
We received more than 50 emails this morning alove. None (but yours) reports that scripts fail to run. So far, people report great results with all languages.
Check your files permissions (can the G-WAN account read the script files?) and verify that the relevant compilers / runtimes are installed.
Ogla's report suggests that javascript embedded in HTML (the new release does minifying there) migh be the cause of the cut files.
Other than that, the fact that the daemon mode is broken in v3.12.25/26 may explain your problems if you run in daemon mode.
