ruby debugging: print line number when taking too long - ruby

Is there a way in Ruby to have it print the __LINE__ number of code (at my script level, not required gems) it's working on if taking longer than 9 seconds (adjustable)?
For debugging I am getting it to print verbose output of what it's trying to do, where it is in the code etc., rather than silently sitting for long periods of time.
A flaky situation makes it unpredicable how far it gets before something times out, so successive advancing doesn't apply here.
Something like a trap would work, such that:
The original line number and hopefully code get remembered (both benchmark and timeout gems lose track of __LINE__ for instance.... Maybe there is a way to push it off to another .rb file to manipulate the stack to include my file & line of interest?)
When the overtime warning prints, execution still continues as if nothing had changed.

require 'timeout'
def do_something
Timeout::timeout(9) do
sleep 10
rescue Timeout::Error => e
puts "Something near line #{__LINE__} is taking too long!"
# or, count backwards in method
puts "Line #{__LINE__ - 5} is taking too long!"
This will stop execution if the timeout block runs out of time and raise a Timeout error.
If you want to continue execution, you might do better with benchmark:
require 'benchmark'
time = Benchmark.realtime do
sleep 10
puts "Line #{__LINE__ - 2} is slow" if time > 9
One benchmark block can have multiple timers: do |b|'sleeping:') { sleep 3 }'chomping:') { " I eat whitespace ".chomp }
See more about benchmark here:
If you want to keep track of the line number being executed, why don't you try passing it in to a custom method like so:
def timethis(line, &block)
if Benchmark.realtime(&block) > 2
puts "Line #{line} is slow"
timethis(__LINE__) { sleep 1 }


How to put a delay on a loop in Ruby?

For example, if I want to make a timer, how do I make a delay in the loop so it counts in seconds and do not just loop through it in a millisecond?
The 'comment' above is your answer, given the very simple direct question you have asked:
1.upto(5) do |n|
puts n
sleep 1 # second
It may be that you want to run a method periodically, without blocking the rest of your code. In this case, you want to use a Thread (and possibly create a mutex to ensure that two pieces of code are not attempting to modify the same data structure at the same time):
require 'thread'
items = []
one_at_a_time =
# Show the values every 5 seconds do
loop do
one_at_a_time.synchronize do
puts "Items are now: #{items.inspect}"
sleep 5
1000.times do
one_at_a_time.synchronize do
new_items = fetch_items_from_web
a.concat( new_items )
Somehow, many people think that putting a sleep method with a constant time interval as its argument will work. However, note that no method takes zero time. If you put sleep(1) within a loop, the cycle will surely be more than 1 second as long as you have some other content in the loop. What is worse, it does not always take the same time processing each iteration of a loop. Each cycle will take more than 1 second, with the error being random. As the loop keeps running, this error will contaminate and grow always toward positive. Especially if you want a timer, where the cycle is important, you do not want to do that.
The correct way to loop with constant specified time interval is to do it like this:
loop do
t =
#... content of the loop
sleep(t + 1 -

Why does the first iteration of this not wait for user input from STDIN?

I'm finding this a bit odd. I would expect each iteration of parse_line(ARGF.read_line) here to wait for input from STDIN. What actually is happening is the first iteration skips waiting for user input, but subsequent iterations do wait. My temporary workaround is just to iterate an extra time.
def parse_line(line)
line.split(" ").map(&:to_i)
def get_number_of_slices
def get_all_slice_dimensions(number_of_slices)
number_of_slices += 1 # for some reason the first read doesn't wait for user input...
number_of_slices.times.collect { puts "iter"; parse_line(ARGF.readline) }
def main
puts (get_all_slice_dimensions get_number_of_slices)
Added code so that it is a full working program. I found that when I changed readline(1) to readline in get_number_of_slices, I did not need to add 1 to number_of_slices in get_all_slice_dimensions any longer, but I would still like to know the reason why this affects the behavior. If you pay attention to the output, iter will print twice the first time.

ruby rescue block -- respond with more than just one command

I'm running a script with an API that often times out. I'm using begin/rescue blocks to get it to redo when this happens, but want to log what is happening to the command line before I run the redo command.
#...api query...
rescue ErrorClass
puts("retrying #{id}") && redo
Unfortunately the above script doesn't work. Only the first command is run.
I would like to force the rescue block to run multiple lines of code like so:
# api query
rescue ErrorClass do ###or:# rescue ErrorClass do |e|
puts "retrying #{id}"
but those don't work either.
I've had luck creating a separate method to run like so:
def example
id = 34314
rescue ZeroDivisionError
def handle_zerodiv_error(id)
puts "retrying #{id}"
...that actually works. But it requires too many lines of code in my opinion and it uses eval which is not kosher by any means according to my mentor(s).
You are unnecessarily complicating things by using && or do. The && version does not work because puts returns nil, so by shortcut evaluation of &&, the part to follow is not evaluated. If you use || or ; instead, then it will work:
rescue ErrorClass
puts("retrying #{id}") || redo
rescue ErrorClass
puts("retrying #{id}"); redo
but even this is not necessary. You somehow seem to believe that you need a block within rescue to write multiple lines, but that does not make sense because you are not using a block with single line. There is no Ruby construction that requires a block only when you have multiple lines. So, just put them in multiple lines:
rescue ErrorClass
puts("retrying #{id}")
There is a retry built in. This example is from "The Ruby Programming Language" pg 162.
require "open-uri"
tries = 0
tries +=1
open(""){|f| puts f.readlines}
rescue OpenURI::HTTPError => e
puts e.message
if (tries < 4)
sleep (2**tries) # wait for 2, 4 or 8 seconds
retry # and try again

Is there a way to write a Ruby loop that runs one iteration for a maximum set amount of time?

I'm looking to create a Ruby (MRI 1.9.3) loop that runs at most for a certain amount of time, and once that time is up it goes to the next iteration of the loop.
For example, this is what I'm hoping to achieve:
timer =
while foo
timer.after 5 do # The loop on foo only gets to run for 5 seconds
# Do some work here
So far, I've found tarcieri's gem called Timers ( which is what I'm trying to emulate in the code above, but my implementation doesn't give the behavior I expect, which is for the loop to go to the next iteration after 5 seconds if my work takes longer than that. Any ideas?
require 'timeout'
timeout_in_seconds = 5
while foo
Timeout.timeout(timeout_in_seconds) do
# Do some work here
rescue Timeout::Error
It's been awhile since I brushed off my Ruby skills, but I believe you can do this with the timeout library.
require 'timeout'
while foo
Timeout.timeout(5) do
You can also try this:
time = 60
time_start =
time_running = - time_start
end until (time_running.to_i >= time)
That loop will happen until the time_running var is equal or greater than "60".

Ruby's speed of threads

I have the following code to thread-safe write into a file:
threads = []
##lock_flag = 0
##write_flag = 0
def add_to_file
old_i = 0 "numbers.txt", "r" ) { |f| old_i = } "numbers.txt", "w+") { |f| f.write(old_i+1) }
#puts old_i
end "numbers.txt", "w") { |f| f.write(0) } unless File.exist? ("numbers.txt")
2000.times do
threads << {
done_flag = 0
while done_flag == 0 do
print "." #### THIS LINE
if ##lock_flag == 0
##lock_flag = 1
if ##write_flag == 0
##write_flag = 1
##write_flag = 0
done_flag = 1
##lock_flag = 0
threads.each {|t| t.join}
If I run this code it take about 1.5 sec to write all 2000 numbers into the file. So, all is good.
But if I remove the line print "." marked with "THIS LINE" is takes ages! This code needs about 12sec for only 20 threads to complete.
Now my question: why does the print speed up that code so much?
I'm not sure how you can call that thread safe at all when it's simply not. You can't use a simple variable to ensure safety because of race conditions. What happens between testing that a flag is zero and setting it to one? You simply don't know. Anything can and will eventually happen in that very brief interval if you're unlucky enough.
What might be happening is the print statement causes the thread to stall long enough that your broken locking mechanism ends up working. When testing that example using Ruby 1.9.2 it doesn't even finish, printing dots seemingly forever.
You might want to try re-writing it using Mutex:
write_mutex =
read_mutex =
2000.times do
threads << {
done_flag = false
while (!done_flag) do
print "." #### THIS LINE
write_mutex.synchronize do
read_mutex.synchronize do
done_flag = true
This is the proper Ruby way to do thread synchronization. A Mutex will not yield the lock until it is sure you have exclusive control over it. There's also the try_lock method that will try to grab it and will fail if it is already taken.
Threads can be a real nuisance to get right, so be very careful when using them.
First off, there are gems that can make this sort of thing easier. threach and jruby_threach ("threaded each") are ones that I wrote, and while I'm deeply unhappy with the implementation and will get around to making them cleaner at some point, they work fine when you have safe code.
(1..100).threach(2) {|i| do_something_with(i)} # run method in two threads
or'myfile.txt', 'r').threach(3, :each_line) {|line| process_line(line)}
You should also look at peach and parallel for other examples of easily working in parallel with multiple threads.
Above and beyond the problems already pointed out -- that your loop isn't thread-safe -- none of it matters because the code you're calling (add_to_file) isn't thread-safe. You're opening and closing the same file willy-nilly across threads, and that's gonna give you problems. I can't seem to understand what you're trying to do, but you need to keep in mind that you have absolutely no idea the order in which things in different threads are going to run.
