shell:Common Startup as a parameter to XCOPY - shell

I have a simple batch script that copies a file to the startup folder, but it appears that I can't use shell:Common Startup as a parameter to xcopy. I have tried this
xcopy hurrdurr.exe "shell:Common Startup"
and many other variations, and they don't work. As an aside, if this did work, "hurrdurr.exe" would run on every startup right, assuming I got clearance via uac to do the xcopy operation? Would using a environment variable be better? The os in question is Windows XP and proceeding.

I'm not sure why your shell command won't work, but if you need to get your program to load on startup then I would much prefer using the registry, it's cleaner and simpler, and it means you don't have to copy the file somewhere else, especially if that file is dependant on other things.
reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v "Hurrdurr" /d "hurrdurr.exe" /f
Just run cmd as admin and it will work :)
If you do want to use the startup folder though, on Win7 you can use
"%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
I would also use a shortcut as #David suggested instead of copying the actual file.


batch windows cd not working when multiple cmd autoload running

I'm starting with batch on windows. I want to set some alias and persist them and also set start configurations, etc. when I open the cmd.
I found that windows when start a new cmd instance looks for a regedit variable under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor path and get the value of AutoRun key.
That is working fine, I defined an alias.cmd file and set up all my DOSKEY.
Perfect! But now I want to add more files, like startup.cmd that change my start directory. For example E:\
I'm adding some images to reference my explanation.
The big problem is that when I run my startup.cmd and run the cd /d E:\ command nothing happens, but the file is read (tried with the #echo prompt).
What is wrong? If literally copy and paste cd /d E:\ after my terminal opens it works... Also, if I try in this cmd files use the alias just declared nothing works as well.
I tried with different AutoRun type and ,;| delimiters and still not working.

Windows context menu run hidden xcopy

I am trying to add a new option to the context menu for folders in Windows. I have managed to add the option and specify its command as follows:
xcopy.exe "%0\*" "c:\Destination\" /EHY
This code is added to regedit.exe
I have a folder in the c: drive named Destination. I am trying to copy the folder that I right clicked to the Destination folder, without a command prompt window.
What is happening: xcopy is running and copying the content of the folder and in the foreground. Please help me with these two issues:
Run the xcopy command without showing a window.
Copy the folder to a new folder in Destination named after the copied folder.
Thank you.
The command that satisfies the two issues listed is at the very end. First, some notes of explanation.
When you add a shell command to the Windows Registry, you have several variables available to you (such as %1, %L, and %V). Now, you would like a new folder in Destination named after the copied folder. Parameter extensions (such as %~n1) can strip everything from the full path and give you the name of the directory leaf.
However, these are not available when using the shell command from the Windows Registry. The most straightforward way to get a plain directory name is to create a temporary batch script, run it, and delete the batch script afterwards.
The following will copy the selected directory as a sub-directory inside Destination:
cmd.exe /c echo #echo off>"C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" & echo xcopy "%%~1\*" "C:\Destination\%~n1" /ECIQHY ^>nul>>"C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" & call "C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" "%1" & del "C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat"
This next part requires the use of a third-party utility.
The previous command will open a command window and leave it open as long as copying is in progress. To hide that window, use the tiny utility RunHiddenConsole
The following will copy the selected directory and hide the command window while copying:
"C:\Destination\RunHiddenConsole.exe" cmd.exe /c echo #echo off>"C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" & echo xcopy "%%~1\*" "C:\Destination\%~n1" /ECIQHY ^>nul>>"C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" & "C:\Destination\RunHiddenConsole.exe" /w "C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat" "%1" & del "C:\Destination\_tempxcopy.bat"
This could certainly be made more flexible and efficient, but the above command at least demonstrates the technique for accomplishing the task.

Batch file to start all programmes in the start folder of XP

I need start all folders in a the Windows "Start/Programs/Startup folder" of an XP machine, explorer is disabled to stop top people playing and remove the Start and Task-bar.
I can run a batch file at start-up but how do I write the batch to run ALL programs in the "Start/Programs/Startup folder" the programs in the folder may change but the batch needs to remain the same
I am able to open each file individually using the below code but I really need to be able to open everything in the folder to avoid problems in the future
start "" /b "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\PROG.appref-ms"
I have tried the code below, that batch starts but nothing starts
%DIR%=C:\Documents and Settings\Pete\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
for %%a in (%DIR%\*) do "%%a"
Running the batch from the desktop also doesn't run the programs in the start folder, the DIR address is taken from windows explorer when I navigated to the folder with the short cuts in
This is an interesting request--one that I would question the motive behind, but since you asked, here's a way you could accomplish it:
#echo off
set DIR=C:\Your\Directory
for %%a in ("%DIR%\*") do "%%a"

Running batch file with /d option

I've been working for some time on the installer for my application (using Installshield), and some time ago I came upon the problem, when batch file, that I called using LaunchApplication failed to execute (to be specific - it executed, but in the wrong directory). I decided to dig this issue up and stumbled upon this article. The problem, it turns out, lies within Autorun registry key, which is defined in following matter:
cd /d C:\Blahblah\Yadayada
So, before the batch file was actually executed, this command changed directory.
The batch file is most basic one, something like this:
foo.exe %1 --bar %2 --baz %3
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
ECHO Success
goto end
So, basically this batch file expects that it will be launched from the correct directory, and it's not. I'm append INSTALDIR variable to the batchname in LaunchApplication call, just to be clear, and it works perfectly fine when Autorun key is not set up.
And, well, I finally got to the question - is there any way to provide launch options for individual batch file? I know that providing /d option will render Autorun useless, but it only works only on direct call.
For instance, let's assume that I have batch file with simple 'dir' command (let's call it foo.bat), and my Autorun key is defined as shown above. I run command-prompt with /d option (CMD /d), and then run 'dir' directly I'll get content of the folder I'm currently in (e.g. user folder); BUT, if I launch foo.bat, I'll get contents of C:\Blahblah\Yadayada, because Autorun command will execute first, set default folder, and only after that 'dir' command will be called.
So, personally I see a few options here. First - removing Autorun key, and that would be the most fitting and easiest solution if it had to be applied only for one machine - I can't possibly expect every user to take care of their Autorun key for themselves. Second, which should be applicable for everyone (but which I hadn't tested yet), would be providing path to installation folder as extra parameter to batch file, and then changing directory to that:
cd %5
foo.exe %1 --bar %2 --baz %3
Where %4 would be a disk letter and %5 would be a path. This seems to be a solution, but I find it counterproductive that I have to implicitly change path to the folder, given that it works perfectly well when Autorun key is absent.
So, I was wondering if there's any workaround about this Autorun key problem. Maybe, like I've mentioned in the title, kind of /d option for batch file so that when it runs it will override global option from Autorun and will actually launch from the place it's supposed to launch, or some kind of technique like that? Also, maybe there's some kind of option in LaunchApplication() function I'm not aware of?

How do I remove previous extension<->Program affiliations programatically?

I would like to write a batch file which ensures that when a user clicks on a .JNLP file, it opens using javaws.exe (located in program files/java/... you know the drill)
I have written the following batch file:
IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles% (x86)" (GOTO x86) ELSE (GOTO x64)
FTYPE JNLPFILE="%ProgramFiles% (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaws.exe" "%1"
FTYPE JNLPFILE="%ProgramFiles%\Java\jre7\bin\javaws.exe" "%1"
I am testing this all in windows 7 64-bit.
This... doesn't work. Well, that's not entirely accurate. It modifies the registry correctly, and it adds .jnlp to windows list of Recommended programs to run. It does exactly what it should.
But it doesn't solve my problem. See, For testing, I went to Default Programs and associated .jnlp files with Notepad. And when I try to open .Jnlp files, IT tries to open in notepad, even after my code has run.
If I do an open with on a .jnlp, it gives me the option to open with Notepad or javaws.exe If I've run my code with the ASSOC, it adds a SECOND option of javaws.exe
I've tried ASSOC .jnlp="" and FTYPE JNLPFILE="" To try and clear notepad out, but had no luck.
How do I make my batch file blow away prior settings and assert its dominance on the machine?
EDIT: Using the answers below, I have added a single command to the beginning of my batch file, which should take care of my problem and make things work correctly.
REG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.jnlp /f
Windows Explorer keeps its own list of file extensions for the user.
To remove programs from this list, delete the program entry from
and set the desired UserChoice Progid in
Also, note that the OpenWithList and OpenWithProgids can be set at multiple levels.
