Caching (Ehcache) - Hibernate 2nd level cache and Spring - spring

In my web application (Spring 3.1, Hibernate 4), I am using Ehcache for Hibernate 2nd level cache and Spring #Cache. I would like to know, where to use Hibernate Cache and Spring Cache?
For Example, I have few domain classes (view in database) which I am using as lookup values on screen. I can cache them using Hibernate 2nd level cache as well as Spring #Cache.
So, in my service layer if I cache these domain objects using Spring #Cache, I would receive these objects without hitting persistence layer at all (hibernate HQL query), once cached. Is it right approach?

Depends on your layer architecture.
Assume you have three services (or three methods within the same service) that all return a collection of Customer entities i.e. domain objects. If you cache at service layer there's a fair chance the same representation of a single database record will live in the cache multiple times. They are multiple objects of essentially the same information. Why? Because the results of Service.getWhateverCustomers(String) and Service.getWhateverCustomers(String, Integer) are stored under two different cache keys.
If you cache at entity level using the JPA #Cachable annotation on the other hand your Customer entity is cached no matter from which service or service method you call the code that actually retrieves the entity. Of course the rules about when the JPA provider can/does cache an entity apply. Read up on them if you're not familiar with them.
Hope this gives you an idea which path to follow. Post follow-up comments if you have more questions and I'll edit this answer.

The right approach is:
Ask yourself if you even need to mess with the complexity of caching. Is your app failing to perform up to requirements?
Only if the answer to the previous question is "yes", profile your app to find out where the performance problem(s) is/are.
Determine the appropriate way to solve a performance problem identified in step 2. It may or may not involve caching to prevent costly operations. If it does involve caching, then where to cache and which cache to use should be abundantly clear because you'll know exactly what you're trying to prevent from happening.
The moral of the story is that you don't cache because it's cool. You cache for performance. And you only optimize code when it's proven necessary.


Hibernate cache vs spring cache

Can anybody explain what is the difference between hibernate second level cache vs spring cache.?
Does it make sense to use both in single application? If it is not recommend then when to use which one?
Appreciated if someone give real life Scenario based explain, it can help much to understand easily.
These are two completely different technologies. Hibernate and Hibernate Cache are applicable in general when you're working with Relational Databases. Then you can use Hibernate ORM to generate queries, store objects, etc. The domain model is written in java (entities). Sometimes it makes sense to cache some of these entities in memory to speed up the query, so you cache them with Hibernate Cache. There are many different kinds of caching there, I won't dive into the details, because its a general question, but read here if you want to know more about Hibernate Caching
Now spring caching is done by Spring and in general, it has nothing to do with the Relational Databases/ JDBC world, in other words outside the realm of Hibernate. You can cache an object to avoid, for example, call to MongoDb, or to avoid an expensive calculation to be done twice. You can cache the data in memory or in more advanced distributed technologies like Hazelcast, Redis or Infinispan (there are others as well).
Here you can find an introductory material to Spring Caching. And this is a way more complete official documentation
So yes, to directly answer your question, it might make sense to use both in a single application :)
I really think you should get familiar with both, at least at the level of concepts and their goals, and then decide what is applicable in your case.
they are totally different
hibernate second level
Hibernate second level cache is used in the context of Hibernate, so all the session share the same instance. It's deactivated by default and in order to use it, you should enable it like this:
In order to make an entity eligible for second-level caching, we annotate it with Hibernate specific #org.hibernate.annotations.Cache annotation and specify a cache concurrency strategy.
Some developers consider that it is a good convention to add the standard #javax.persistence.Cacheable annotation as well (although not required by Hibernate), so an entity class implementation might look like this:
#org.hibernate.annotations.Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE)
public class Foo {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
#Column(name = "ID")
private long id;
#Column(name = "NAME")
private String name;
// getters and setters
Spring cache
if Hibernate second level cache is used for caching instance of JPA entities and query result, spring cache aimed to cache spring beans.
public String getAddress(Customer customer) {...}
The getAddress() call will first check the cache addresses before actually invoking the method and then caching the result.
I hope I was clear in my explanation
One of their main differences is hibernate 2nd level cache will automatically help to maintain the cached entities whenever there are any updates or deletes of the cached entities while Spring cache is a more general purpose cache which know nothing about Hibernate and so you have to invalidate the stale cache entities manually for such cases.
Also the entities cached by Hibernate 2nd level cache will be managed by it while in spring-cache it will become detached. And dealing with the detached entities is not easy if you are not familiar with it.
It always depend on the context whether it makes sense to use both caches. For me , using Hibernate 2nd level cache requires some learning curve in order to use it correctly . Spring cache is more flexible due to its general purpose nature but it requires to do more work by yourself.
I would use Hibernate 2nd level cache first as it requires to do less things once you master it . And consider to use Spring cache if come across a situation that Hibernate does not support configuring the caching behaviour that I want.
My real life example is that I have some background data cleaning task that requires executing some native queries which causes to remove all entities from 2nd level cache which in turn affect one of my hibernate query cache. Because the native queries is very complex , I fail to control not to invalidate the cache even using the tips mentioned at here. So I change to use Spring cache to cache that query result.

Spring caching implementation

I am exploring spring caching facility. I have few queries regarding this.
First, should it be applied at service method level or DAO method level, where service method is calling DAO method.
Second, how should I avoid cache data getting stale?
IMO, The answer to both questions is "it depends".
Technically, Spring Wise, cache annotations applied on both Service and DAO will work, I don't think there is any difference, so it boils down to the concrete use case.
For example, if you "logically" plan to provide a cacheable abstraction of what should be calculated as a result of some computational process done on server, you better go with Caching at the service level.
If, on the other hand you have a DAO method that looks like Something getSomethingById(id) in the dao, and you would like to avoid relatively expensive calls to the underlying database, you can provide a cache at the level of the DAO. Having said that, it probably won't be useful to apply caching if you have methods like List<Something> fetchAll() or List<Something> fetchAllByFilter(). If you're working with JPA (implemented with Hibernate) they have their own abstraction of cache, but its kind of beyond the scope of the question, just something you should be aware of...
There are plenty of tutorials available on internet, some illustrate the service based approach, some go for DAO's methods annotations but again, these are only simple examples, in the real world you'll have to take a decision.
Now regarding the second question. In general caching makes sense if your data doesn't change much, so first off if it changes often, then probably caching is not appropriate/relevant for the use case.
Other than that, there are many techniques:
Cache Data Eviction (usually time based). See this tutorial
Some kind of messaging system that will send the message about the cache entry change. This one is especially useful if you have a distributed application and keep the cache in-memory only. When getting a message you might opt for "cache replication" or totally wiping out the cache, so that it will be "filled" with a new data eventually
Using the Distributed cache technologies like Hazelcast or Redis as opposed to the in-memory caching. So that technically the cached data consistency will be guaranteed by caching provider.
I would like also to recommend you This tutorial - the speaker talks about different aspects of caching implementation and I think its really relevant to your question.

Method caching with Spring boot and Hazelcast.How and where do I specify my refresh/reload intervals?

I realise #Cacheable annotation helps me with caching the result of a particular method call and subsequent calls are returned from the cache if there are no changes to arguments etc.
I have a requirement where I'm trying to minimise the number of calls to a db and hence loading the entire table. However,I would like to reload this data say every day just to ensure that my cache is not out of sync with the underlying data on the database.
How can I specify such reload/refresh intervals.
I'm trying to use Spring boot and hazelcast.All the examples I have seen talk about specifying LRU LFU etc policies on the config file for maps etc but nothing at a method level.
I can't go with the LRU/LFU etc eviction policies as I intend to reload the entire table data every x hrs or x days.
Kindly help or point me to any such implementation or docs etc.
Spring #Cacheable doesn't support this kind of policies at method level. See for example the code for CacheableOperation.
If you are using hazelcast as your cache provider for spring, you can explicitly evict elements or load datas by using the corresponding IMap from your HazelcastInstance.

JPA2 Entities Caching

As it stands I am using a JSF request scoped bean to do all my CRUD operations. As I'm sure you most likely know Tomcat doesn't provide container managed persistence so in my CRUD request bean I am using EnityManagerFactory to get fold of enity manager. Now about the validity of my choice to use request scoped bean for this task, it's probably open for a discussion (again) but I've been trying to put it in the context of what I've read in the articles you gave me links to, specifically the first and second one. From what I gather EclipseLink uses Level 2 cache by default which stored cached entity. On ExlipseLink Examples - JPA Caching website it says that:
The shared cache exists for the duration of the persistence unit ( EntityManagerFactory, or server)
Now doesn't that make my cached entities live for a fraction of time during the call that is being made to the CRUD request bean because the moment the bean is destroyed and with it EntityManagerFactory then so is the cache. Also the last part of the above sentence "EntityManagerFactory, or server" gets me confused .. what precisely is meant by or server in this context and how does one control it. If I use the #Cache annotation and set appropriate amount of expire attribute, will that do the job and keep the entities stored on the servers L2 cache than, regardless of whether my EntityManagerFactory has been destroyed ?
I understand there is a lot of consideration to do and each application has specific requirements . From my point of view configuring L2 cache is probably the most desirable (if not only, on Tomcat) option to get things optimized. Quoting from your first link:
The advantages of L2 caching are:
avoids database access for already loaded entities
faster for reading frequently accessed unmodified entities
The disadvantages of L2 caching are:
memory consumption for large amount of objects
stale data for updated objects
concurrency for write (optimistic lock exception, or pessimistic lock)
bad scalability for frequent or concurrently updated entities
You should configure L2 caching for entities that are:
read often
modified infrequently
not critical if stale
Almost all of the above points apply to my app. At the heart of it, amongst other things, is constant and relentless reading of entities and displaying them on the website (the app will serve as a portal for listing properties). There's also a small shopping cart being build in the application but the products sold are not tangible items that come as stock but services. In this case stale entities are no problem and also, so I think, isn't concurrency as the products (here services) will never be written to. So the entities will be read often, and they will be modified infrequently (and those modified are not part of the cart anyway, an even those are modified rarely) and therefore not critical if stale. Finally the first two points seem to be exactly what I need, namely avoidance of database access to already loaded entities and fast reading of frequently accessed unmodified enteties. But there is one point in disadvantages which still concerns me a bit: memory consumption for large amount of objects. Isn't it similar to my original problem?
My current understanding is that there are two options, only one of which applies to my situation:
To be able to delegate the job of longer term caching to the persistence layer than I need to have access to PersistenceContext and create a session scoped bean and set PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED. (this options doesn't apply to me, no access to PersistenceContext).
Configure the L2 #Cache annotation on entities, or like in option 1 above create a session scoped bean that will handle long term caching. But aren't these just going back to my original problem?
I'd really like to hear you opinion and see what do you think could be a reasonable way to approach this, or perhaps how you have been approaching it in your previous projects. Oh, and one more thing, just to confirm.. when annotating an entity with #Cache all linked entities will be cached along so I don't have to annotate all of them?
Again all the comments and pointers much appreciated.
Thanks for you r answer .. when you say
"In Tomcat you would be best to have some static manager that holds onto the EntityManagerFactory for the duration of the server."
Does it mean I could for example declare and initialize static EntityManagerFactory field in an application scoped been to be later used by all the beans throughout the life of the application ?
EclipseLink uses a shared cache by default. This is shared for all EntityManagers accessed from an EntityManagerFactory. You do not need to do anything to enable caching.
In general, you do not want to be creating a new EntityManagerFactory per request, only a new EntityManager. Creating a new EntityManagerFactory is quite expensive, so not a good idea, even ignoring caching (it has its own connection pool, must initialize the meta-data, etc.).
In Tomcat you would be best to have some static manager that holds onto the EntityManagerFactory for the duration of the server. Either never close it, or close it when a Servlet is destroyed.

Architecture : layer responsibility and communication with modularity

Im currently trying to design an architecture for my new webapp project that has this kind of concept :
consists of several big modules that are independent from one another, but can still communicate and affecting one another.
For example, i could enable the purchasing module along with production module in my webapp, and let's assume the modules could communicate with one another.
But then i could activate only the purchasing module, but disabling production module in the webapp, just from configuring it, without changing any of the code., and the purchasing module will still work fine (independent from the production module)
Here's what i've been thinking about for the architectural layers to support this kind of application :
The UI Layer
JSF 2.0 + Primefaces widgets
Requestscoped ManagedBean + Flash object to transfer data between pages
The ManagedBean will deal with the UI states, UI validations, but not with the business logic operations
The ManagedBean also has access to the service layer, injected by Spring
ManagedBean could have simple fields (like string, integer, etc), or view models (to encapsulate some related fields), or even the Entity models, which should be a transient object in the beginning, and becoming a detached object once having get in and persisted and get out of a transaction.
These fields combinations could be used based on the situation, and the validations, for example, like the #Required, will be placed in the ManageBean's setter method. The Entity model could have #NotNull or #Size within the fields.
The entities in my thinking is only JPA POJOs with the JPA annotations defining the relationships between the entities, without any behaviours, except those validations defined by the the annotations also.
The Service Layer
This layer will handle the business logic validations and operations
Modularity : Could also call other service layer for other modules where he other modules could be non-existent, if disabled via configuration. Perhaps this can be achieved via nother layer for the communication between modules, or perhaps i could use Spring to inject empty implementations for the disabled modules ?
Input : It can accept Entity models, or plain variables, or view models
Output : The return value could vary from void, Entity, a list of Entities (to be displayed later in a datatable in JSF), and could be plain variables like boolean, string, integer, etc.
In the future, this layer will also provide web services for mobile devices or other kind of language that support web service (i still dont know how, but i think this is possible, even if the method accept objects or entities as the parameters)
Each service object will have DAO instance injected by Spring, and will call the DAO for data operations, like CRUD operations, querying, etc
The DAO Layer
Will have the data operations like CRUD operations, querying (jpql, named query, criteria query, native sql query, stored proecure calls) etc
Input : It can accept Entity models, or plain variables, or view models
Output : The return value could vary from void, Entity, a list of Entities (to be displayed later in a datatable in JSF), and could be plain variables like boolean, string, integer, etc.
Having one DAO for each entity is the norm, but when dealing with multiple tables in a single data operation, i'd have to introduce new DAOs.
Will have the EntityManager injected by Spring
These are the things i have in mind, and with this, i tried doing some googling around these topics, and found out many other stuffs like :
Doman Driven Design (DDD), where the entities could have persisting logics in them ? I think this is also the active record pattern ? Spring roo seems to be generating this kind of model also. It seems to be the opposite of Anemic Domain Model.
The data transfer object (DTO), encapsulating the communication data between layers, avoiding the lazy initialization problems with the unloaded fetchtype lazy hierarchies when using JPA ? Open Session in the View seems to be have it's own PROs and CONs also in solving the lazy exception.
And some would say you dont need the DAO anymore, as described in the spring roo documentation
And with all these matters, please share your thinking my current design when it comes to these :
Speed of development, with me thinking about having less boilerplate because being able to make use of the Entities, converting to-and-from DTOs
Ease of maintenance, with me thinking about having clear separation between ui state/logic, business process logic, data operations layer
Support for the modularization, perhaps using maven with each module as one artifact, depending one another as needed ? <-- this is where it's all very foggy for me
Webservice in the future. I have never tried webservices before, but i can just assume, public methods in the service layers could be exported as webservices, so they could be called from mobile devices, or any other platforms that support webservice call ?
Could you please share your experience in this matter ?
Find an OR Mapper you like and don't devote any more attention to the data layer. That is mostly a solved problem, and most of the attention you devote to that will be reinventing the wheel. Very people write applications whose CRUD needs are so unique that they obviate ORM use these days.
Some of the same advice for the UI - find tools and frameworks rather than spending too much time on all of that, there's a lot of good development wealth in place there.
So, concentrate on the service layer, where the unique nature of your application is really expressed. But we can't really validate or critique your service layer because we don't know anything about the problem you're trying to solve. All of the things you've listed are certainly good approaches for certain problems, certain sets of trade-offs, etc. Without knowing more about what matters (performance / development time / configurability / robustness / clarity), nobody can tell you what the right set of choices is.
On your "output" item - other devices can support communication with your app as long as everything serializes down to a common format, usually XML. Then you just send it over the wire, and rehydrate it on the other end.
Software development, when it is non-trivial is a Wicked Problem. It is likely that much advice that you get would need to be thrown out halfway through your project. I don't generally believe in grand architectures - focus on solving particular problems as well as you can, and if you're lucky, a pattern will emerge that you can take advantage. Anything more is generally hubris.
