I'm using this bit of code that I found on stackoverflow to write data to a file.
file = File.open("/tmp/some_file", "w")
file.write("your text")
rescue IOError => e
#some error occur, dir not writable etc.
file.close unless file == nil
where it says your text if I put one of my variable names it will fill in the correct string used as that variable but ideally what I want is to have more than one variable in the output ideally in CSV. Something like:
file.write(var1 ^ var2 ^ var3)
Where each of my variables are seperated by a carrot symbol. How can I do this?
Actually There is a gem for CSV although there is a CSV library in standard ruby library.
Take a look at examples and you will find out that writing CSV files in ruby is much more easier that you thought.
Ruby Stdlib: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/csv/rdoc/CSV.html#method-c-generate
Is there a nice way to assert the contents of a CSV file in Ruby?
I understand how to use the CSV libraries and how to read in the CSV file, but that results in a long list of assertions such as:
`assert_equal("0", #csv_array[0].field('impressions'))
assert_equal("7", #csv_array[0].field('clicks'))
assert_equal("330", #csv_array[0].field('currency.GBP.commissions'))
assert_equal("6", #csv_array[0].field('currency.GBP.conversions'))
assert_equal("3300", #csv_array[0].field('currency.GBP.ordervalue'))`
Is there some sort of file comparator so I could write:
assert_equal(expected.csv ,actual.csv )
or something along those lines?
How about this:
expected_csv = "impressions,clicks,currency.GBP.comiisions,currency.GBP.conversions,currency.GBP.ordervalue
actual_csv = File.open('actual.csv').read
assert_equal(expected_csv, actual_csv)
That should work if the entire contents of the CSV file is only 2 lines. Otherwise you will have to manipulate actual_csv to get the parts you want to test. You could do that like so:
That will get you the third line. You can then concatenate with a header line or compare to a string without the header.
If you have to test very output, you might find approval testing an interesting approach. Basically, the output is saved the first time your test runs. You can then check the output manually and approve it if correct. On subsequent runs, there will be an error when the output differs.
I created a quick and dirty method for doing this which I may clean up and turn into a gem at some point. https://gist.github.com/bpardee/513b4a15e5ebdc596e0b
For instance, the following code:
file = 'test.csv'
File.open(file, 'w') do |fout|
fout.puts "foo,bar,zulu\n1,2,3\n4,5,6"
assert_csv(file) do |csv|
csv << %w(foo bar warrior)
csv << [1,3,5]
csv << [4,5,6]
Would result in:
Missing columns: ["zulu"]
Unexpected columns: ["warrior"]
The following mismatches were found in line 2:
bar actual=3 expected=2
I don't recommend this for big csv files since everything is loaded into memory.
I'm in the process of learning Ruby and reading through Chris Pine's book. I'm learning how to read (and write) files, and came upon this example:
require 'yaml'
test_array = ['Give Quiche A Chance',
'Mutants Out!',
'Chameleonic Life-Forms, No Thanks']
test_string = test_array.to_yaml
filename = 'whatever.txt'
File.open filename, 'w' do |f|
f.write test_string
read_string = File.read filename
read_array = YAML::load read_string
puts(read_string == test_string)
puts(read_array == test_array )
The point of the example was to teach me about YAML, but my question is, if you can read a file with:
File.read filename
Can you write to a file in a similar way?:
File.write filename test_string
Sorry if it's a dumb question. I was just curious why it's written the way it was and if it had to be written that way.
Can you write to a file in a similar way?
Actually, yes. And it's pretty much exactly as you guessed:
File.write 'whatever.txt', test_array.to_yaml
I think it is amazing how intuitive Ruby can be.
See IO.write for more details. Note that IO.binwrite is also available, along with IO.read and IO.binread.
The Ruby File class will give you new and open but it inherits from the IO class so you get the read and write methods too.
I think the right way to write into a file is the following:
File.open(yourfile, 'w') { |file| file.write("your text") }
To brake this line down:
We first open the file setting the access mode ('w' to overwrite, 'a' to append, etc.)
We then actually write into the file
You can read or write to a file by specifying the mode you access it through. The Ruby File class is a subclass of IO.
The File class open or new methods take a path and a mode as arguments:
File.open('path', 'mode') alternatively: File.new('path','mode')
Example: to write to an existing file
somefile = File.open('./dir/subdirectory/file.txt', 'w')
##some code to write to file, eg:
array_of_links.each {|link| somefile.puts link }
See the source documentation as suggested above for more details, or similar question here: How to write to file in Ruby?
I'm trying to create a new file and things don't seem to be working as I expect them too. Here's what I've tried:
File.new "out.txt"
File.open "out.txt"
File.new "out.txt","w"
File.open "out.txt","w"
According to everything I've read online all of those should work but every single one of them gives me this:
ERRNO::ENOENT: No such file or directory - out.txt
This happens from IRB as well as a Ruby script. What am I missing?
File.open("out.txt", [your-option-string]) {|f| f.write("write your stuff here") }
where your options are:
r - Read only. The file must exist.
w - Create an empty file for writing.
a - Append to a file.The file is created if it does not exist.
r+ - Open a file for update both reading and writing. The file must exist.
w+ - Create an empty file for both reading and writing.
a+ - Open a file for reading and appending. The file is created if it does not exist.
In your case, 'w' is preferable.
OR you could have:
out_file = File.new("out.txt", "w")
out_file.puts("write your stuff here")
File.open("out.txt", "w") do |f|
without using the
File.new "out.txt"
Try using "w+" as the write mode instead of just "w":
File.open("out.txt", "w+") { |file| file.write("boo!") }
OK, now I feel stupid. The first two definitely do not work but the second two do. Not sure how I convinced my self that I had tried them. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.
In case this helps anyone else, this can occur when you are trying to make a new file in a directory that does not exist.
If the objective is just to create a file, the most direct way I see is:
FileUtils.touch "foobar.txt"
The directory doesn't exist. Make sure it exists as open won't create those dirs for you.
I ran into this myself a while back.
File.new and File.open default to read mode ('r') as a safety mechanism, to avoid possibly overwriting a file. We have to explicitly tell Ruby to use write mode ('w' is the most common way) if we're going to output to the file.
If the text to be output is a string, rather than write:
File.open('foo.txt', 'w') { |fo| fo.puts "bar" }
or worse:
fo = File.open('foo.txt', 'w')
fo.puts "bar"
Use the more succinct write:
File.write('foo.txt', 'bar')
write has modes allowed so we can use 'w', 'a', 'r+' if necessary.
open with a block is useful if you have to compute the output in an iterative loop and want to leave the file open as you do so. write is useful if you are going to output the content in one blast then close the file.
See the documentation for more information.
data = 'data you want inside the file'.
You can use File.write('name of file here', data)
You can also use constants instead of strings to specify the mode you want. The benefit is if you make a typo in a constant name, your program will raise an runtime exception.
The constants are File::RDONLY or File::WRONLY or File::CREAT. You can also combine them if you like.
Full description of file open modes on ruby-doc.org
I am trying to do a simple find/replace on all text files in a directory, modifying any instance of [RAVEN_START: by inserting a string (in this case 'raven was here') before the line.
Here is the entire ruby program:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'fileutils' #for FileUtils.mv('your file', 'new location')
class RavenParser
rawDir = Dir.glob("*.txt")
count = 0
rawDir.each do |ravFile|
#we have selected every text file, so now we have to search through the file
#and make the needed changes.
rav = File.open(ravFile, "r+") do |modRav|
#Now we've opened the file, and we need to do the operations.
if modRav
lines = File.open(modRav).readlines
lines.each { |line|
if line.match /\[RAVEN_START:.*\]/
line.gsub!(/\[RAVEN_START:/, 'raven was here '+line)
count = count + 1
printf("Total Changed: %d\n",count)
printf("No txt files found. \n")
#end of file replacing instructions.
# S
The program runs and compiles fine, but when I open up the text file, there has been no change to any of the text within the file. count increments properly (that is, it is equal to the number of instances of [RAVEN_START: across all the files), but the actual substitution is failing to take place (or at least not saving the changes).
Is my syntax on the gsub! incorrect? Am I doing something else wrong?
You're reading the data, updating it, and then neglecting to write it back to the file. You need something like:
# And save the modified lines.
File.open(modRav, 'w') { |f| f.puts lines.join("\n") }
immediately before or after this:
printf("Total Changed: %d\n",count)
As DMG notes below, just overwriting the file isn't properly paranoid as you could be interrupted in the middle of the write and lose data. If you want to be paranoid (which all of us should be because they really are out to get us), then you want to write to a temporary file and then do an atomic rename to replace the original file the new one. A rename generally only works when you stay within a single file system as there is no guarantee that the OS's temp directory (which Tempfile uses by default) will be on the same file system as modRav so File.rename might not even be an option with a Tempfile unless precautions are taken. But the Tempfile constructor takes a tmpdir parameter so we're saved:
modRavDir = File.dirname(File.realpath(modRav))
tmp = Tempfile.new(modRav, modRavDir)
File.rename(tmp.path, modRav)
You might want to stick that in a separate method (safe_save(modRav, lines) perhaps) to avoid further cluttering your block.
There is no gsub! in the post (except the title and question). I would actually recommend not using gsub!, but rather use the result of gsub -- avoiding mutability can help reduce a number of subtle bugs.
The line read from the file stream into a String is a copy and modifying it will not affect the contents of the file. (The general approach is to read a line, process the line, and write the line. Or do it all at once: read all lines, process all lines, write all processed lines. In either case, nothing is being written back to the file in the code in the post ;-)
Happy coding.
You're not using gsub!, you're using gsub. gsub! and gsub different methods, one does replacement on the object itself and the other does replacement then returns the result, respectively.
Change this
line.gsub(/\[RAVEN_START:/, 'raven was here '+line)
to this :
line.gsub!(/\[RAVEN_START:/, 'raven was here '+line)
or this:
line = line.gsub(/\[RAVEN_START:/, 'raven was here '+line)
See String#gsub for more info
I'm building a specialized pipeline, and basically, every step in the pipeline involves taking one file as input and creating a different file as output. Not all files are in the same directory, all output files are of a different format, and because I'm using several different programs, different actions have to be taken to appease the different programs.
This has led to some complicated file management in my code, and the more I try to organize the file directories, the more ugly it's getting. Just about every class involves some sort of code like the following:
#fileName = File.basename(file)
#dataPath = "#{$path}/../data/"
MzmlToOther.new("mgf", "#{#dataPath}/spectra/#{#fileName}.mzML", 1, false).convert
system("wine readw.exe --mzXML #{#file}.raw #{$path}../data/spectra/#{File.basename(#file + ".raw", ".raw")}.mzXML 2>/dev/null")
fileName = "#{$path}../data/" + parts[0] + parts[1][6..parts[1].length-1].chomp(".pep.xml")
Is there some sort of design pattern, or ruby gem, or something to clean this up? I like writing clean code, so this is really starting to bother me.
You could use a Makefile.
Make is essential a DSL designed for handling converting one type of file to another type via running an external program. As an added bonus, it will handle only performing the steps necessary to incrementally update your output if some set of source files change.
If you really want to use Ruby, try a rakefile. Rake will do this, and it's still Ruby.
You can make this as sophisticated as you want but this basic script will match a file suffix to a method which you can then call with the file path.
# a conversion method can be used for each file type if you want to
# make the code more readable or if you need to rearrange filenames.
def htm_convert file
"HTML #{file}"
# file suffix as key, lambda as value, the last uses an external method
routines = {
:log => lambda {|file| puts "LOG #{file}"},
:rb => lambda {|file| puts "RUBY #{file}"},
:haml => lambda {|file| puts "HAML #{file}"},
:htm => lambda {|file| puts htm_convert(file) }
# this loops recursively through the directory and sub folders
Dir['**/*.*'].each do |f|
suffix = f.split(".")[-1]
if routine = routines[suffix.to_sym]
puts "UNPROCESSED -- #{f}"