Trying to delete files via a scheduled task and VBScript - vbscript

I asked a previous question about downloading file unattended on a server, using VBScript and Windows Task Scheduler. (See
Scripting SFTP unattended download )
That works great but now I also need to delete the files from the server I am calling:
Set sessionses = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sessionses.Run "C:\TCS\SFTP\delThem.bat", , True
PSFTP calling a batch file that runs this command:
psftp user#host:22 -batch -b script.txt -pw pa$$word
script.txt is as follows:
cd FromCeridian
del *.GEN
If I run this command from the command line, or double click the batch file containing the command, it works "interactively", but when running unattended and scheduled, it doesn't do this part. The server is SFTP, so I can't just use win ftp commands to do it.
Any ideas?

Check the security options of your task to verify the user identity has correct access privileges.


SSH tectia, how to run batch commands?

I have tectia ssh server in a windows environment.
When I use sftpg3 -B cmd.txt username#host that works fine. The only problem is that it doesnt let me execute files remotely, it only lets me move files. It reads the commands from cmd.txt but since I cant execute anything it ignores the commands.
Well when I do the same thing but use sshg3, it doesnt recognize the -B flag at all.
SSHG3 -B cmd.txt username#host
cmd.txt' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I've tried putting -B "cmd.txt"
I tried just putting the cmd.txt contents in the same script instead of housing them in cmd.txt and getting rid of -B, but it doesnt run them that way either.
The docs dont have much to go off of. All it says is use -B for batch processing.
Contents of cmd.txt:
cd Library
cd Backup
Trying to sshg3 into a host, navigate to a path and run a batch file on that host.
Any ideas?
-B, --batch-mode
Uses batch mode. Fails authentication if it requires user interaction on the terminal.
Using batch mode requires that you have previously saved the server host key on the client and set up a non-interactive method for user authentication (for example, host-based authentication or public-key authentication without a passphrase).
It does use public key authentication, there is no user interaction needed on the terminal.
Noticed this on the docs for sftpg3
-B [ - | batch_file ]
The -B - option enables reading from the standard input. This option is useful when you want to launch processes with sftpg3 and redirect the stdin pipes.
By defining the name of a batch_file as an attribute, you can execute SFTP commands from the given file in batch mode. The file can contain any allowed SFTP commands. For a description of the commands, see the section called “Commands”.
Using batch mode requires that you have previously saved the server host key on the client and set up a non-interactive method for user authentication (for example, host-based authentication or public-key authentication without a passphrase).
I'm guessing batch file is different than batch mode?
*I figured it out. You have to use the -B flag for every command you want to execute.
I figured it out. You have to use the -B flag for every command you want to execute.
sshg3 user#host -B dir -B ipconfig -B etc.cmd

How to execute a batch file on remote using psexec?

I have a batch script which is unzipping a folder. It looks as follows:
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" e "C:\target\"
the above batch script unzip the folder to same location as that of batch file. Now, this batch script is placed on the remote machine and i have to start it there remotely . I used psexec and did following from my local machine command prompt:
psexec -s -i \\ip_add -u user -p pass C:\target\sample.bat
So, now it does not unzip any file on the remote machine. I am not getting what am i doing wrong. The batch script is perfectly working fine and i tried to verify psexec is working correctly or not by launching a calc on remote , it worked pretty well. so, please suggest what am i lacking.
You could try to launch cmd.exe from psexec to get a remote shell and then attempt to run the batch file from the command prompt

run command as administrator on remote windows machine

Situation: Running the bat file on windows machine:
1. When I double click the bat file: Bat running is failed.
2. When I right click on bat file and run as administrator: Bat run is successful.
Now I have to run this bat file successfully from remote machine.
What I did:
1. Installed freeSSDd on remote machine and configured administrator user on freeSSHd to access shell and SFTP.
2. Now I am able to login to the remote machine using putty.
I am not able to run the bat file successfully. How can I achieve this?
I also used runas /savecred /user:administrator C:/install.bat, but It didn't helped.
There is a way to get this working without any 3rd party software.
You have to create a task on the remote machine using the windows task scheduler which simply executes the desired command. There is an option where you can tell the scheruler to run a bat with a specific account. Enter an admin account and the password and check the "run with highest privileges" box. Leave "Triggers" empty, go to "Settings" and check the "Allow task to be run on demand" box. That's it!
Now when you want to run your file from a different location do
SCHTASKS /RUN /S <RemoteServerName> /U username /P password /TN "<task name>"
If you don't want to enter username and password each time you can adept the user policy (e.g. add the calling machine to the trusted list of the server).
If you have installed an ssh daemon, then you can run your BAT in a remote shell, but you remote shell may open up in something other than CMD.COM. I use cygwin to set up sshd and then from a remote machine, if I ssh in to run a command, it is using cygwin's bash. I can run a BAT file, but need to call CMD first:
But there are some pieces missing here. I looked briefly at the Freesshd page and saw only graphical interfaces. Does freesshd support remote command execution, or just secure fire transfer? And what sort of shell get executed on the windows server when you run it?
cygwin is an entire Linux subsystem that runs under Windows and includes an sshd server, but might be a bit much for someone starting out:
\n makes a powershell remote server that listens on port 22 (ssh) and dumps you into a powershell prompt, you can then use my steps above to call CMD from powershell, versus a bash shell.

sftp from batch file

I need some files from unix server. So, I am making sftp connection with password from my windows 7 machine to unix server. but, now i want to include all these commands in batch file.
So, I need help on how should make sftp connection from batch file (basically, how to pass password to sftp prompt from batch file)?
Commands I am using:
> C:\Users\e578589>sftp
> server :
> user name : a_avatar
>a_avatar's Password:
/home/a_avatar>cd /data/ailsa/archive/open-loans-txns-to-bancs
/dev2/data/ailsa/archive/open-loans-txns-to-bancs> get {$FILENAME}
May be the following solution you can think for your unix/linus server as well.
Secure FTP using Windows batch script
How about PSCP - PuTTY Download Page? It is easy to use in batch script.
Perhaps you can use PSFTP (PuTTY Download Page) in the same way.

ssh to run shell script on remote machine and then copy the output to local machine

I am using plink to execute the shell script on the remote MachineB. And shell script is there on the MachineA(Windows Box).
C:\PLINK>plink uname#MachineB -m
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Your Kerberos password will expire in 73 days.
And that shell script generates the output in a text file(aa.txt) on MachineB and that gets stored in /export/home/uname/aa.txt
So my question is- Is there any way that I can copy the aa.txt file from MachineB to MachineA as soon the script has completed all its task using the ssh. Or we need to put all these things in Windows Batch file?
So Problem Statement is like this-
Execute the shell script on MachineB from MachineA.
Then wait for the shell script to complete its task, in my case it will write the output to a text file.
And after the shell script has completed all its task means it finished writing everything to a txt file, then copy that txt file to MachineA from MachineB
Any suggestions will be appreciated on how I can achieve the above scenario?
So Suppose if this is the content in shell script file and also after adding pscp at the end of script, then it should be like this?
export HIVE_OPTS="$HIVE_OPTS -hiveconf"
hive -S -e 'SELECT count(*) from testingtable2' > aa.txt
pscp uname#MachineB:/export/home/uname/aa.txt c:\documents\foo.txt
So I am executing a hive query in the above script and whose output is getting stored in aa.txt file and as soon as the query is completed and output is stored in aa.txt file, it will go to fourth line of pscp which will transfer aa.txt file to my local windows machine inside documents folder. Am I right? This will be the whole process?
And if the above process is right as far as I understood, then I can simply go to windows cmd prompt, and do like below and it will do the exact same process. Right?
C:\PLINK>plink uname#MachineB -m
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Your Kerberos password will expire in 73 days.
Updated Again:-
So I need to create a bat file, and suppose this is the below test.bat file, so content should be like this in that test.bat file-
plink uname#MachineB -m
pscp uname#MachineB:/export/home/uname/aa.txt c:\documents\foo.txt
You can use scp to download the file after execution. If you setup winsshd on your windows machine and append a copy command in the file:
scp /export/home/uname/aa.txt
The file will be transferred after completion.
Similarly, you can use a windows scp client like pscp on your windows machine, you can pull the file from the linux machine:
pscp uname#MachineB:/export/home/uname/aa.txt c:\documents\foo.txt
So on windows machine, have a batch script:
plink uname#MachineB -m
pscp uname#MachineB:/export/home/uname/aa.txt c:\documents\foo.txt
Just to add on to what has already been said, I am running something very similar and use the following format (from a batch script):
plink -ssh user# -pw password -m
pscp -sftp -pw password user#IP-Address:/path/to/remote/file C:\path\to\local\save\directory
That second command is on one line, but it might not render like that on here. Of course, replace IP-Address, user, and password with the appropriate values for your login :-)
Hope that helps!
EDIT - Sorry, just realized this EXACT answer was already given. Kudos!
