Getting 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' in Windows Phone 8 - visual-studio-2010

I am trying to run a background task using ScheduledAgent in Windows Phone 8.
Everything gets compiled properly, but when I run the app on Emulator/Device, I get a crash saying
"'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in"
The same code runs properly in Windows Phone 7.
For Windows Phone 8 I am using Visual Studio 2012
For Windows Phone 7 I am using Visual Studio 2010

This was because I missed adding the background agent dll in the main application. Once I add that all seems to be fine :-)


Phone Emulator on Windows 10

I tried to use VIsual Studioi Community to create an Windows Phone App. It does work with my real Phone, but I want to use the Phone Emulator for obvious reason.
I'm aware, that I have to enable Hyper-V to start it. But the error message I get, looks a little strange. When I start Emulator 8.1 WVGA (or any other) I get this (german) message:
It says, that my operation system is not Windows 8. Well, it is Windows 10 with 64bit. So is there another Emulator for Windows 10?

Create windows app package for 8.1 from windows 10

I have a bunch of devices we sideloaded our app onto that are running windows 8.1
I was having problems with our project after I upgraded my dev machine to windows 10 so I created a new project using the standard blank project template. I then reimported my html/js code and started fresh.
This took care of the issues I was having but apparently the new template is only for window 10 and greater.
When I try to sideload onto a windows 8.1 machine it throws an error saying element:m does not meet the spec inside my appx package manifest.
I looked at both spec's but nothing is jumping out as being wrong, although there are differences.
I can't seem to find in the windows doc's what to do. Has anyone tried this?
What I want to do is create an app package for windows 8.1 machines from my windows 10 machine using Visual Studio 2015
Edited for clarity.

MFC SDI Error on save on windows 8

I have developed an MFC SDI app, which uses the default CDocument Save, Save As and Load Menu Options. When I run this app on Windows XP, Vista, or 7 the app works fine - it can save and load documents without issue. When I run the same app on Windows 8 or 8.1 and click the Save option, the app crashes with a generic error message. Is there something extra that I need to install for it to work on Windows 8? Or is there something special I need to do to get an MFC SDI app to work on Windows 8?
I have tried to install Visual Studio on the Windows 8 machine to compile it there but I only have the Express version, which doesn't come with the MFC libraries, so it will not compile. The PC I wrote the app on, was a Windows 7 pc.
I am not too sure what other information might be useful.
The error message
I have managed to compile MFC applications in older versions of Visual Studio Express, see:
To get this to work in a recent VS Express will probably require some tinkering.

Windows phone emulator not being started

I am facing a strange issue with Windows Phone Emulators for last a few days. When I try to run any windows phone application from Visual Studio 2013/2012, it initially starts the emulator and then stops with an error displayed in the error window inside visual studio:
Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during boostrapping stage 'Connecting to the device':
SmartDeviceException - App deployment failed. Please try again.
I have been trying many solutions in order to fix this issue but nothing helped. At last I re-installed the whole windows 8.1 and then visual studio 2013. Then I created a windows phone 8 application and run it smoothly in windows phone emulator.
Then I installed all windows updates including windows 8.1 update 1. After that I installed the visual studio 2013 update 2. Now if I run any new/existing windows phone 8/8.1 project I get the same error again. Seems like there is something wrong with windows 8.1 updates or visual studio 2013 update 2.
Any help?
Open network and sharing center
Change adapter settings
Check if vEthernet [Windows phone emulator internal switch is enabled)
Try deploying it to the emulator now
If above does not work
Delete the virtual switch(s) if any and do a deployment
If it still does not work, connect to the internet via a LAN
Keep you’r wifi on
do a deployment to the emulator
Most cases above method worked !
I had the same error when i tried switching the target OS version of my app from Windows Phone 8 to 8.1. With 8.1 you get a new manifest file and if, for app or publisher identification string, you have different values in one manifest file than in the other, it will output that exact error when trying to start the app in the emulator. However after searching the web back when i had that error, this error seems to have quite a bunch of possible sources, this being only one among many other, but be sure to check it.
Uninstalling the symantec antivirus fixed my issue.

How to deploy Windows Phone 7 app, to Windows Phone 8 phone?

The title pretty much sums it up. I've written a Windows Phone 7 application and now I want to deploy it to a Windows Phone 8 device (HTC Windows Phone 8X). I have registered and unlocked this phone for development.
When I plug in the phone via USB and I want to deploy to it using Visual Studio 2010 it keeps on stating that a deployment error occurred as Zune wasn't started up. Windows Phone 8 phones now don't use zune though.
How can I get around this so that I can deploy the WP7 app to the phone?
You can't deploy to a Windows Phone 8 device without the Windows Phone 8 SDK, which requires Visual Studio 2012, which also requires Windows 8. So without upgrading, you can't do it.
Hard to believe, but it's really possible.
I deployed WP7.1 application to the Windows Phone 8 device (HTC 8X) from Windows7 x64 machine:
Install WindowsPhone8SDK (solved on stackoverflow here, detailed instruction here, don't forget to aggree with numerous error and warnings)
Register and unlock your device by PhoneReg.exe tool ("...\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\Phone Registration\PhoneReg.exe")
Build your app in VS2010 (I haven't figured out how to deploy the app from VS, this doesn't work)
Deploy the app by XapDeploy.exe tool ("...\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\XAP Deployment\XapDeploy.exe"). Select the "Device" and point to the directory with *.xap file (...\AppName\Bin\Debug)
