Chrome Frame working on other sites in IE7 but not mine - google-chrome-frame

In the head I have:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=IE7">
<!--[if IE 7]>
<script src=""> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.attachEvent("onload", function(){ CFInstall.check({ mode: "overlay", destination: "" }); });
When the site loads, if you don't have Chrome Frame installed it does prompt you to install it. You can then install Chrome Frame but when it is done installing, the site still does not display. I can see the difference in other sites that use Chrome Frame before and after I have installed it so I know that Chrome Frame is actually installing and working. I do get a message saying
An error has occurred in this dialog
Unspecified error
Any thoughts would be very helpful and appreciated


Video autoplay in Firefox on Mac not working

In Firefox 53 on macOS, a simple video autoplay attribute isn't working. No problem in any other browser, on macOS or Windows 10. The page code couldn't be simpler:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='UTF-8'>
<title>Video Autoplay</title>
<h1>HTML5 Video<br>This should autoplay in all browsers</h1>
<video src='../media/wildlife.mp4' width='640' height='360' controls poster='../media/wildlife.jpg' autoplay></video>
Anyone have any idea what the issue is? To be clear, I'm not talking about iOS or Android - this is a laptop/desktop issue only.
It seems that I had done some tinkering in about:config, which disabled the video autoplay. A "refresh" of Firefox cured the problem.
User error. ;)

How do I get HTML 5 video player to play my video on PC Firefox?

I'm using Win XP, service pack 3. I have an M4V video that I'm trying to embed in a web page using the HTML 5 video player found here -- When I view this page through Apache 2.2, the video plays fine on Chrome and IE 7, but not on Firefox (just a black square without video controls) ...
<link href="css/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="js/video.js"></script>
<video id="my_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls
preload="auto" width="960" height="540" poster="css/video-js.png"
<source src="videos/unpacking_w_students.m4v" type='video/m4v'>
Any ideas what may be going wrong? If there were some additional things I could add to the web page to help Firefox play it, that would be ideal, but if there is some other setting to adjust, that would be great to know as well.
Video.js should fall back to Flash when only using an mp4/m4v in Firefox, just like it does in IE7. Might be a dumb question, but do you have Flash installed in Firefox?
Otherwise, is it throwing any errors in the JavaScript console, or is there a live page we can look at?
You're only sending H.264 data.
Firefox doesn't have a patent license to ship an H.264 decoder, so it does not support that video format. It does support Theora and VP8.

html5shim not loading in IE8

I am testing a page locally, in IE8 and the html5shim is not loading properly.
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="//"></script>
If I load the "html5.js" directly from my computer it works - src="html5.js"
If I load the "html5.js" from an external server of mine, it also works - src="".
If I upload the page online and test it in IE8 it works ok.
What can be causing this problem locally ?

jquery mobile on Windows phone 7 images not loading

<link rel="stylesheet" href="scripts/" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="scripts/phonegap-1.3.0.js"></script>
images address: images/ajax-loader.png
I'm using phonegap and jquery trying to run this simple app i wrote on windows phone 7.
it has no problem running on chrome /ios (images displaying properly) but when i run on win phone 7, images can't be found by, it just displayed as a grey dot on window phone 7 emulator.
set the images 'Build Action' as 'Content' will solve the issues

HTML5 <audio> differing behavior on Chrome Mac/Win and Safari Mac/Win

I'm inserting an <audio> tag into a page. This works fine in Chrome and Safari on Mac, but on both Chrome and Safari in Windows the tag is inserted but the audio never plays. I've stripped the code down to the minimum, and it's now ridiculously simple. I just have no idea why Windows is being difficult.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script type="application/x-javascript">
$('body').html('<audio src="./audio/myfile.mp3" autoplay></audio>');
Interestingly, if I remove all JS and just insert the <audio> tag into the <body>, Chrome Win works but Safari Win still doesn't. Kind of a secondary question, but does Safari Win require QuickTime (not currently installed) in order to use the <audio> tag?
does Safari Win require QuickTime (not currently installed) in order to use the tag
Yes it does.
