Silverstripe Filter Search - full-text-search

I have a News section in my silverstripe site and I want to use the FulltextSeach functionality of Silverstripe:
That works fine so far. But I´d like to have only NewsPages in my result. Is there a way to filter the search so that you get only certin pageType as a result for example?
Thanks in advance,

This is untested code but I've just had a look the source code of sapphire/search/FulltextSearchable.php
in mysite/_config.php you could add:
which should remove the default searched classes which are SiteTree (all pages) and File
Then you can add an object extension in mysite/_config.php:
Object::add_extension('NewsPage', "FulltextSearchable('Title,MenuTitle,Content,MetaTitle,MetaDescription,MetaKeywords')");
Below is the comments from within the FulltextSearchable.php file
* Enable the default configuration of MySQL full-text searching on the given data classes.
* It can be used to limit the searched classes, but not to add your own classes.
* For this purpose, please use {#link Object::add_extension()} directly:
* <code>
* Object::add_extension('MyObject', "FulltextSearchable('MySearchableField,'MyOtherField')");
* </code>
* Caution: This is a wrapper method that should only be used in _config.php,
* and only be called once in your code.
* #param Array $searchableClasses The extension will be applied to all DataObject subclasses
* listed here. Default: {#link SiteTree} and {#link File}.


How to replace phpdocs with new attributes in php 8

I am using laravel. I need to know how phpdoc can be written in php 8 with attibutes.
* Transform the resource into an array.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #return array
public function toArray($request)
//Some code
return [];
Can someone please explain how the above code can be written with attributes.
I believe you have misunderstood what Attributes are for, and how they related to doc blocks. There are two common uses of doc blocks (comments marked with /** ... */):
To document the code (hence the name "doc block"), in a mostly-standardised way which can be read by various tools, including documentation generators and IDEs.
To add machine-readable annotations to the code, for use with libraries and frameworks that can automatically generate behaviour based on those. For instance, an ORM might use an annotation of #TableName('Foo') to link a class to a particular database table, and generate appropriate SQL.
The example you've shown is of the first usage. What you have written is still the correct way of writing documentation.
PHP 8's native Attributes replace the second usage. It's up to the library what Attributes to look for, but an ORM that previously looked for #TableName('Foo') in a docblock might now look for #[TableName('Foo')] as a native Attribute instead.
There is a great automatic refractoring tool called rector. It will make your life so much easier. Install it, then create a rector.php file at the root directory that should look like something like this:
use Rector\Config\RectorConfig;
use Rector\Doctrine\Set\DoctrineSetList;
use Rector\Symfony\Set\SensiolabsSetList;
use Rector\Symfony\Set\SymfonySetList;
return static function (RectorConfig $rectorConfig): void {
__DIR__ . '/src',
__DIR__ . '/tests'
There are plenty of configuration options that you can find in the docs.
When you are done, just run the refractoring tool:
vendor/bin/rector process src

What is Symfony 2's #Assert\Email validation criteria for a valid email?

I'm running into a problem where the following email is not valid according to this assertion on the Doctrine Entity using #Assert\Email for the email property.
I don't see any documentation detailing what the checks are for passing or failing this validation.
Curious to know where the code is or where I can find more documentation on what this assertion is doing...
Update, my whole assertions on that Entity property are:
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=511)
* #Filter\Trim()
* #Filter\StripNewlines()
* #Assert\NotBlank(message="email.error")
* #Assert\Email(message="email.error")
* #Assert\Length(min="6", max="150", minMessage="email.error", maxMessage="email.error")
* #Encrypted
private $email;
Using Symfony 2.3
I believe Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\EmailValidator class is what you're looking for. Check source code
Symfony 2.3 Email validator uses the PHP var filter method
$valid = filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
Which the internet leads em to believe uses similar to the following (ridiculous) regex (broken into multiple lines for readability)
So make of that what you will.
In short, the local part of the email address is too long.
I'm not sure which part of regex decides that though.

phpDocumentor page-level docstrings

We have a page-level docblock like the following:
* Functions for the processing, displaying, and searching of listings
* #package ListingFunctions
The rest of the file has functions with their own docblocks. But my team and I can't find this comment anywhere in the generated HTML output. Is there some configuration or command-line stuff we need to turn on?
Using phpDocumentor 1.x, that "short description" piece should be the main description heading on the webpage for that given file. It won't appear on those functions in that file... just on the file itself. This is core behavior, that cannot be modified by runtime settings.

What for is the direct_front_name tag in Magento

Some modules have a <request><direct_front_name>...</direct_front_name></request> in their module config, for example xmlconnect and api. What is this tag for?
What I think it is for:
xmlconnect and api are both used as direct entry points for the site (as opposed normal modules which are reached mostly from within the site). So in combination with the option to use store codes in your store urls you can specify a direct_front_end tag to make the store code not necessary for those modules. This way there is no 404 when calling them without a store code.
(Kind of answered it myself, but couldn't find any information about it online. Might be of use to others. And maybe anyone has something to add.)
You're totally right. And the php DOC clearly tells so :
Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http::isDirectAccessFrontendName() :
* Check if code declared as direct access frontend name
* this mean what this url can be used without store code
* #param string $code
* #return bool
public function isDirectAccessFrontendName($code)

Code completion for CodeIgniter with zend studio not working

Ok so i tried doing what this post says about adding code completion to zend studio, even with the libraries added code hinting/completion still fails to show. As my libraries are growing it's becoming more important to have this feature as i'm starting to forget what my methods were actually designed for or what there called. from within a controller, model maybe even view i would like to have it show after typing $this->router->(show completion) as an example. I have also added application/libraries path for my custom made libraries and they too wont show.
I have done a bit off google searching but most just say to do what the above post says. I attempted to try /* #var $var Class */ but wasnt able to assign it with a property eg. /* #var $this->router CI_Router */ only a standard variable..
This was solved simply by doing comment as such
* #var CI_Loader
and not just doing
/* #var ........ */
