In our project, Maven build generates artifacts for different modules i.e. jar, console, car etc in corresponding folder structure.
Everytime we check in the code, the build genarates full new artifacts even if there is only change in "console" module.
Is there any Maven plugin or a way to generate only the artifacts which were changed since last successful build?
For instance, if I have changed the code for "console" module, then the artifact generated should only have console file in its corresponding folder.
If you are on command line you can use
mvn -pl moduleToBuild
which can be combined with:
mvn -pl moduleToBuild -am
which will also build the dependencies of moduleToBuild.
If you are in a CI solution like jenkins there is a check box to activate this behaviour. This can be found under the Maven configuration part Incremental build - only build changed modules.
You have to start the maven call on the root of your multi-module build.
You may want to look at using maven reactor plugin's reactor:make-scm-changes goal. This link has example on how to use this.
I was looking for something that would check what files I have changed compared to the "upstream" version, and build all Maven modules which contain the files, and all depending on them.
Since reactor:make-scm-changes doesn't seem to do that, one way to do it (Linux Bash way) is to
list the changed files, using (git diff --name-only master...),
find the nearest pom.xml for all,
deduplicate (... | sort | uniq),
provide it to Maven as a list using --project-list, with --also-make.
The rest is joining it together using pipes and functions.
Of course this assumes that all sources are within the folder with pom.xml, which typically is true.
Here's an example of the approach mentioned by Ondra Žižka, using mvn clean install and bash.
Note, it ignores pom packaging modules (as those are typically roots of subtrees and would usually cause additional, unnecessary modules to be built. It also looks for pom.xml files 3 levels deep (for speed), assuming they're all part of the same reactor, but this can be adjusted to your project.
find . -maxdepth 3 -name pom.xml | xargs -I{} grep -iL -F "<packaging>pom</packaging>" {} | xargs dirname | grep -v target | sed -e 's/^.[/]*//g' | grep . > /tmp/mvn-modules.txt && git diff --name-only #{u}...HEAD | grep -o -F -f /tmp/mvn-modules.txt | xargs | tr ' ' ',' | xargs -I{} mvn clean install -U -pl {} -amd
In the example #{u}...HEAD references changes in current branch compared to upstream, but this can be swapped for another diff (example <branchname> master) if this is more suitable.
I'm aware of artifactory (which is planned in the future), but it's requested to package the artifacts on our releases.
We currently do on a script:
printf "\nCopying artifacts...\n"
for artifact_dir in "$HOME"/.m2/repository/com/foo/{*-ear,*-ui,*-tool}; do
highest_version=$(find "${artifact_dir}"/* -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf "%f\n" | sort -V | tail -1)
artifact_name=$(basename "${artifact_dir}")
mkdir --parent "${artifacts_out}/com/foo/${artifact_name}/${highest_version}"
cp --archive "${artifact_dir}/${highest_version}"/* \
But as you can see it's not very neat, p.e we can not create a release with older artifacts because the script always takes the newest one.
Is there a maven plugin or something that permits to archive specific artifacts ?
If you want to create bundles of artifacts, run the Maven assembly plugin during the build. It can be used to gather artifacts, zip them and deploy the result to Artifactory/Nexus.
Currently I am debugging an annoying maven situation in which a simple
mvn dependency:tree
The POM for${bobase.version} is missing, no dependency information available
So it looks like a property is not defined somewhere. But the relevant parent pom clearly has:
What is more interesting is that I am not even referencing any relevant file with such a declaration directly.
In the process of this mishap in the local repository a directory:
shows up. So I got curious and looked if there were more of these:
cd $HOME/.m2/repository
find . -type d | grep "\\$"
gives me some 27 results at this time e.g.
I only understand one of the cases - the one - that was a typo and I fixed it. All other variables should be dereferencing ok and there should not be any such directories.
What causes this maven behavior and how can it be avoided?
I only found one releated question:
Check for unresolved properties in Maven Resources
but that gave me no useful hint
find . -type d -name "*\$*" -exec echo -n {} \; -exec stat -f %Sm -t " "%Y-%m-%d {} \;
shows the last modification time of the directories. E.g.
./junit/junit/${junit.version} 2018-08-22
./junit/junit/${junit4.version} 2017-05-28
so in my case the issue seems to happen every once in a while.
mvn deploy
of the parent pom is necessary if the version of the pom has not been upgraded.
mvn install
is not sufficient. The resolution of variables will be done on the "old" settings from the repository.
For Maven projects running in CD, we often need to reference the current version of the project (I imagine this is a pretty universal problem for anyone doing Java builds)
For example, one may need to find an artifact pattern based on version or copy the artifact to a S3 bucket named after the current version declared in the POM
However, I've found it shockingly difficult to get data out of the POM. Best I could find was:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:2.1.1:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version | grep -Ev '(^\[|Download)' > target/version.txt
which seems hacky ...
is there a linux command line utility available through a package manager that can just parse an XML file and run a XPath? If such a thing does not exist, I might consider creating one
I am asking because I am surprised how frequently this feature is needed in builds and how little I was able to find in terms of a popular solution
First you should configure to use maven-help-plugin version 3.1.0 and than you can get the version like this:
RESULT=$(mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout)
echo $RESULT
Or you can also go the explicit way:
RESULT=$(mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:3.1.0:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -q -DforceStdout)
echo $RESULT
More details can be found in my blog.
I have an Eclipse setup with m2eclipse and subversive. I have imported a maven2 project from svn. But I get the error message that a whole bunch of artifacts are missing (for instance: Missing artifact org.springframework:spring-test:jar:3.0.1.RELEASE:test).
If I look in my repository I see the jar files there but they have an extra extension .lastUpdated. Why is maven appending .lastUpdated to the jars? And more importantly: how can I fix this?
There is no mention of the type lastUpdated in my POMs.
These files indicate to Maven that it attempted to obtain the archive by download, but was unsuccessful. In order to save bandwidth it will not attempt this again until a certain time period encoded in the file has elapsed. The command line switch -U force maven to perform the update before the retry period. This may be necessary if you attempted to build while disconnected from the network.
The method of removing the files works with most versions of maven, but since the files are internal mementos to maven, I would not recommend this method. There is no guarantee that this information is not referenced or held elsewhere and such manipulation can damage the system.
As rperez said, I use to delete all those .lastUpdated files. In Linux I have created a little script to keep it simple:
find -name \*.lastUpdated -exec rm -fv {} +
Just create a file with the previous content and put it on your local Maven repository. Usually it will be ~/.m2/repository.
I installed Maven2 and ran mvn compile from the command line. This seems to have resolved the problem
you might have a problem with some of the artifacts to be retrieved from the repository. for example spring framework has its own repository. this xtension is appended when the artifact cannot fully downloaded. add the spring framework repository to your pom or settings.xml, delete the folder that include the broken jars and start again
If you hit this problem and you're using Nexus, it might be the case that you have a routing rule defined, which is incorrect. I hit this myself and the files it was downloading were correctly named, at the proper URL-s it was looking at, but they were all with the .lastUpdated extension and an error message as contents.
Open your terminal, navigate to your Eclipse's project directory and run:
mvn install
If mvn install doesn't update your dependencies, then call it with a switch to force update:
mvn install -U
This is a much safer approach compared to tampering with maven files as you delete ".lastUpdated".
Use this command inside the .m2/repository dir to rename all files:
for file in `find . -iname *.lastUpdated`; do renamed=$(echo $file | rev | cut -c13- | rev); echo renaming: $file to $renamed; mv $file $renamed; done
This is usefull to not download all sources again.
This not work... The .jar is lost. :(
What I do when I encounter this issue:
Make sure you have the version of the latest 'maven-source-plugin' plugin:
$ mvn source:jar install
Now if the file *.lastUpdate exist in your local ~/.m2/repositories/your-lib/0.0.1/ directory you can just remove it then run the command above again.
This is a side-effect of a failure to successfully extract from the repository. To get the actual content you want into your repository, check for correct paths to the repository/repositories within your pom file, and resolve certificate/security issues, if any. It is almost invariably one or the other of these issues.
There is no need to delete the .lastUpdated entries, and doing so won't solve your problem.
I have a multi-module maven project running in Jenkins. I would like to deploy the final artifact (an RPM from an assembly build) to the Nexus server. I see no reason to deploy intermediate artifacts (hence no "mvn clean deploy") since this will produce extra junk on the server that I don't need. We're trying to set up a continuous delivery pipeline, so we're not deploying SNAPSHOT versions - ever. The various plugins for Jenkins seem focused on deploying all of the artifacts. How can I just deploy the one I choose?
After much consideration, I'd be willing to deploy all the artifacts to nexus if the deploy happens after all of the build has completed. If I was going that route, I'd want to use the "Deploy artifacts to maven repository" post build action. This tool seems broken though because it's missing the functionality of specifying the username/password. I know this can be specified in the settings.xml, but apparently only the one in ".m2". It doesn't seem to be looking at the settings.xml I specified for this build.
This also seems like it's broken for redeploying artifacts. There is some verbage in "Jenkins the Definitive Guide" for this, but it talks about a "local" settings.xml. All my builds are happening on Jenkins slaves, so this isn't an option and doesn't even really make sense with the Jenkins architecture.
If you need still generic way.
Use Execute shell option and use the mvn deploy command manually, You can pass your version and others things such as groupID etc as parameters in job, If you maintain separate job to build and upload this will work out.
export M2_HOME=/PATH/TO/softwares/apache-maven-3.0.4
export PATH
mvn -v
mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=http://someorg:8081/nexus/content/repositories/t1.snapshot/ -DrepositoryId=t1.snapshot -DartifactId=artifactID -DgroupId=groupID -Dpackaging=zip -Dfile=${WORKSPACE}/ -Dversion=1.0-TEST-SNAPSHOT -s "/path/to/.m2/settings.xml"
You can make use of 'Deploy artifacts to Maven Repository' under 'Post-Build Actions'. Take look at this answer
Here's the ugly hack I came up with. I'll gladly give someone else the "correct" answer for this if anyone has a better idea:
I realized that I need to deploy both the parent pom.xml and the assembly. I did this in two separate post build steps.
First, I chose "Invoke top-level Maven targets" with a Maven Version of "Maven" (I think this uses Jenkins version of maven. I don't want to put a different version on the system). I used Goals of:
-s svn-admin/settings.xml -N deploy
That deploys just the parent pom to nexus with my specified settings.xml.
The REALLY big hack happens when I want to deploy the rpm. I tried a "deploy-file" target, but without a variable I could expand to the version number, I couldn't specify the exact file and wildcards don't expand. Instead I did an "Execute shell" option and used curl I found here:
sha1sum ${UPLOAD_FILE} | awk -F" " '{print $1}' | curl -v -u admin:password --upload-file - ${DESTINATION}.sha1
md5sum ${UPLOAD_FILE} | awk -F" " '{print $1}' | curl -v -u admin:password --upload-file - ${DESTINATION}.md5
curl -v -u admin:password --upload-file ${UPLOAD_FILE} ${DESTINATION}
sha1sum ${UPLOAD_FILE} | awk -F" " '{print $1}' | curl -v -u admin:password --upload-file - ${DESTINATION}.sha1
md5sum ${UPLOAD_FILE} | awk -F" " '{print $1}' | curl -v -u admin:password --upload-file - ${DESTINATION}.md5
curl -v -u admin:password --upload-file ${UPLOAD_FILE} ${DESTINATION}
Like i said, this is an ugly hack. I'm pretty sure there are metadata files that aren't getting updated, but the rpm, it's pom, and their checksums are getting uploaded.
You can use Nexus Jenkins Plugin to deploy a specific artifact from Jenkins into Nexus:
Example of Jenkins pipeline:
stage('Publish') {
def pom = readMavenPom file: 'pom.xml'
nexusPublisher nexusInstanceId: 'your-nexus-instance-id', \
nexusRepositoryId: 'your-nexus-repository-id', \
packages: [[$class: 'MavenPackage', \
mavenAssetList: [[classifier: '', extension: '', filePath: "target/${pom.artifactId}-${pom.version}.${pom.packaging}"]], \
mavenCoordinate: [artifactId: "${pom.artifactId}", \
groupId: "${pom.groupId}", \
packaging: "${pom.packaging}", \
version: "${pom.version}"]]]
In this case Nexus Jenkins Plugin will deploy only your target/${pom.artifactId}-${pom.version}.${pom.packaging} and pom.xml files to Nexus repository.