How to use Dojo i18n in the SIMPLEST manner possible - internationalization

I'm new to Dojo and i18n for that matter. I am looking to convert a couple of works to different languages in my app. I've read through a few articles and to be honest, I feel like a LOT of information is thrown at me to digest, and I'm struggling with it. Would someone be able to provide me with the simplest way I can possibly do this? Let's say I want to change the word 'Hello'. In my head it would be something like:
Dojo library ready for use
I define String 'hello' in my javascript file. It has the placeholder text of "hello"
I specify in my HTML that I want my page to be
"string specified here to display hello in a different language"
So that's as much as I can assimilate from my limited knowledge. How do I essentially get that sort of setup to work? I assume I need to require i18n on my page, but exactly how I execute this is still to be determined.
Any help would be super. Please bear in mind that I have a limited knowledge with your answer if at all possible, thanks!

The nls folder is normally used to store your translation strings and is usually a subdirectory next to the widget using it.
ie. If your widget is stored in myWidget.js within a folder called app, then your translation strings for myWidget.js are stored in a file with the same name (myWidget.js) in the directory app/nls.
This is just convention but is probably worth following as it makes your directory structure logical.
Here is an example of the myWidget.js widget:
], function(
declare, _widget, _templated, strings, domAttr
"use strict";
var construct = declare([_widget, _templated], {
"i18n": strings,
"templateString": "<div>${i18n.hello}</div>"
return construct;
This is a very simple widget that creates a <div> (see templateString property) on the screen. The <div> should contain the text loaded from the translation file and assigned to the hello property.
The widget will need nls directory creating in the same directory as myWidget.js. In the nls directory you create another javascript file called myWidget.js (ie. same name as the parent). This file is you root translation file and looks like this:
root: ({
"hello": "Hello"
Here you have assigned the string, "Hello" to the property hello. This is not very useful as no translations have been supplied. If you wanted to have a Norwegian translation then you would modify it like this:
root: ({
"hello": "Hello"
}) ,
"no": true
Here you are saying that as well as the root translation strings you also have a Norwegian translation. You will then need to create your Norwegian translation file and place it in a subdirectory of nls called no. So you create another file called myWidget.js and place it in nls/no:
"hello": "Hei"
The format for the translation file is slightly different to the root file. The default strings are used, unless a translation is available for the given string in the current browser language (ie. you do not need to translate every string, just the ones you want translating).
See the Dojo tutorial for internationalization for more help on this subject.
See sample project for the above code on Bitbucket
Loading translation-strings outside of widget:
The above examples show how to load translation text for a widget following the normal conventions. You can load any set of strings you want in any widget or any require statement. The dojo/i18n class is able to load any set of strings you specify.
], function(string) {
// translation-string are stored in the 'strings' variable for the
// current browser language


JSON language file extension that allows to edit JSON file by key from code

I have a large JSON file with translations. For now let's assume that it looks like this:
"key0": "text0",
"key1": "text1"
In many functions I have calls like: foo("key0", true); boo("key", 0f, 1f, false);
Is there any extension that allows at least see (or better edit) the value for the key?
For example if I hover over "key0" in function foo it will show a popup "text0".
I've created JSONEx - Visual Studio Extension that does exactly what I need.
Feel free to use it or modify it if you need.
Right now it's only working on the JSON with "en" in structure like in the sample project in the test directory.
Currently, I don't provide the check for correct JSON structure, but I'll implement it soon.
If you need to change it to fit your file structure, it's quite easy, just a few code changes and recompile, but if you need any guidance, just open github ticket.

prevent duplicate value using ajax in sugar crm

i have create module using module builder , now i am having a field called as book Name
now if i give same book name 2 time t is accepting .
i don't want to use and plug in for checking duplicate value because i want to learn the customization through code .
so i can call ajax and check in data base weather the same book name is exist in db or not but i don't know how controller works in sugar crm . and how to call ajax in sugar crm .
can any one guide me , your help is much appreciated .
If you really want to accomplish this using ajax then I'd recommend an entryPoint as the way to go. This customization will require a couple of simple things. First you'll write a little bit of javascript to perform the actual ajax call. That ajax call will post to the entryPoint you write. The entryPoint will run the query for you and return a response to you in the edit view. So lets get started by writing the entryPoint first.
First, open the file custom/include/MVC/Controller/entry_point_registry.php. If the folder structure and file do not exist yet, go ahead and create them.
Add the following code to the entry_point_registry.php file:
$entry_point_registry['test'] = array('file' => 'custom/test.php', 'auth' => true);
Some quick explanation about that line:
The index value of test can be changed to whatever you like. Perhaps 'unique_book_value' makes more sense in your case. You'll see how this value is used in a minute.
The file value in the array points to where you're gonna put your actual code. You should also give this a more meaningful name. It does NOT need to match the array key mentioned above.
The 'auth' => true part determines whether or not the browser needs to have an active logged in session with SugarCRM or not. In this case (and almost all) I'd suggest keeping this to true.
Now lets look at the code that will go in custom/test.php (or in your case unique_book_name.php):
/* disclaimer: we are not gonna get all crazy with using PDO and parameterized queries at this point,
but be aware that there is potential for sql injection here. The auth => true will help
mitigate that somewhat, but you're never supposed to trust any input, blah blah blah. */
global $db; // load the global sugarcrm database object for your query
$book_name = urldecode($_REQUEST['book_name']); // we are gonna start with $_REQUEST to make this easier to test, but consider changing to $_POST when confirmed working as expected
$book_id = urldecode($_REQUEST['book_id']); // need to make sure this still works as expected when editing an existing record
// the $db->quote is an alias for mysql_real_escape_string() It still does not protect you completely from sql injection, but is better than not using it...
$sql = "SELECT id FROM book_module_table_name WHERE deleted = 0 AND name = '".$db->quote($book_name)."' AND id <> '".$db->quote($book_id)."'";
$res = $db->query($sql);
if ($db->getRowCount($res) > 0) {
echo 'exists';
else {
echo 'unique';
A note about using direct database queries: There are api methods you can use to accomplish this. (hint: $bean->retrieve_by_string_fields() - check out this article if you wanna go that route: However, I find the api to be rather slow and ajax should be as fast as possible. If a client asked me to provide this functionality there's a 99% chance I'd use a direct db query. Might use PDO and parameterized query if I'm feeling fancy that day, but it's your call.
Using the above code you should be able to navigate to and run the code we just wrote.
However at this point all you're gonna get is a white screen. If you modify the url to include the entryPoint part and it loads your home page or does NOT go to a white screen there are 3 potential causes:
You put something different for $entry_point_registry['test']. If so change the url to read index.php?entryPoint=whatever_you_put_as_the_array_key
You have sugar in a folder or something on your domain so instead of it is located somewhere ugly and stupid like if this is the case just make sure that your are modifying the url such that the actual domain portion is preserved. Okay I'll spell it out for you...
This is more rare, but for some reason that I cannot figure out apache sometimes needs to be reloaded when adding a new entrypoint. If you have shell access a quick /etc/init.d/apache2 reload should do the trick. If you don't have shell access you may need to open a ticket with your hosting provider (or get a fricking vps where you have some control!!!, c'mon man!)
Still not working? Did you notice the "s" in https? Try http instead and buy a fricking $9 ssl cert, geez man!
Okay moving on. Let's test out the entryPoint a bit. Add a record to the book module. Let's add the book "War of Art" (no, not Art of War, although you should give that a read too).
Now in the url add this: index.php?entryPoint=test&book_name=Art%20of%20War
Oh gawd that url encoding is hideous right! Don't worry about it.
You should hopefully get an ugly white screen with the text "exists". If you do let's make sure it also works the other way. Add a 2 to the book name in the url and hopefully it will now say "unique".
Quick note: if you're using Sugar you're probably also using mysql which is case insensitive when searching on strings. If you really need case sensitivity check out this SO article:
How can I make SQL case sensitive string comparison on MySQL?
Okay so now we have our entryPoint working and we can move on to the fun part of making everything all ajaxical. There are a couple ways to go about this, but rather than going the most basic route I'm gonna show you what I've found to be the most reliable route.
You probably will need to create the following file: custom/modules/CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULE/views/view.edit.php (I hope by now I don't need to point out changing that path to use your module name...
Assuming this file did not exist and we are starting from scratch here is what it will need to look like:
if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');
class CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULEViewEdit extends ViewEdit
public function display()
// make sure it works in the subpanel too
$this->useForSubpanel = true;
// make the name value available in the tpl file
$this->ss->assign('name_value', $this->bean->name);
// load the parsed contents of the tpl into this var
$name_input_code = $this->ss->fetch('custom/modules/CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULE/tpls/unique_book_checker.tpl.js');
// pass the parsed contents down into the editviewdefs
$this->ss->assign('custom_name_code', $name_input_code);
// definitely need to call the parent method
Things are looking good. Now we gotta write the code in this file: custom/modules/CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULE/tpls/unique_book_checker.tpl.js
First a couple of assumptions:
We're going to expect that this is Sugar 6.5+ and jquery is already available. If you're on an earlier version you'll need to manually include jquery.
We're going to put the event listener on the name field. If the book name value that you want to check is actually a different field name then simply adjust that in the javascript below.
Here is the code for custom/modules/CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULE/unique_book_checker.tpl.js:
<input type="text" name="name" id="name" maxlength="255" value="{$name_value}" />
<span id="book_unique_result"></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#book_unique_result').html('<strong> checking name...</strong>');
$.post('index.php?entryPoint=test', {book_name: $('#name').val(), book_id: $('[name="record"]').val()}, function(data){
if (data == 'exists') {
removeFromValidate('EditView', 'name');
addToValidate('EditView', 'name', 'float', true, 'Book Name Must be Unique.');
$('#book_unique_result').html('<strong style="color:red;"> ✗</strong>');
else if (data == 'unique') {
removeFromValidate('EditView', 'name');
addToValidate('EditView', 'name', '', true, 'Name Required');
$('#book_unique_result').html('<strong style="color:green;"> ✓</strong>');
else {
// uh oh! maybe you have php display errors on?
Another Note: When the code detects that the name already exists we get a little hacky and use Sugar's built in validation stuff to prevent the record from saving. Basically, we are saying that if the name already exists then the name value MUST be a float. I figured this is pretty unlikely and will do the trick. However if you have a book named 3.14 or something like that and you try to create a duplicate this code will NOT prevent the save. It will tell you that a duplicate was found, but it will not prevent the save.
Phew! Okay last two steps and they are easy.
First, open the file: custom/modules/CUSTOM_BOOK_MODULE/metadata/editviewdefs.php.
Next, find the section that provides the metadata for the name field and add this customCode attribute so that it looks like this:
array (
'name' => 'name',
'customCode' => '{$custom_name_code}',
Finally, you'll need to do a quick repair and rebuild for the metadata changes to take effect. Go to Admin > Repair > Quick Repair & Rebuild.
Boom! You should be good to go!

How to implement multiple languages without abusing the Template system?

I converted our Meteor site to support two languages, Dutch and English. To do this I made two folders for our templates (en and nl) and hooked everything up to our templating system so the router serves things correctly depending on which site you're on. The main body template is dynamic:
Template.body.content = function() {
var lang = Session.get("lang") == "en" ? "en_" : "";
var page = Session.get("page") || "home";
// if the template for the current language doesn't exist,
// fall back to Dutch version or show a 404
var template = Template[lang + page] || Template[page] || Template[lang + "error404"];
return template();
Everything works pretty well except that I have to write the following to expose a template value to both languages: = = function() {}
For an example of this code as used in production, see our client-side blog code.
What's an elegant way to avoid this approach while still accomplishing the goal of a multilingual site?
What about this:
make a custom subscription and pass the language argument to a custom publish
the custom publish function returns only the selected language (optionally you can provide fallbacks if content is unavailable)
use just one template for all languages, filled with the right language from the subscription
use i18n package for the UI strings
Multi-languages applications is on the Meteor roadmap but it's planned in a long time...
Meanwhile you can use this atmosphere package.
I'd recommend heavily against keeping translated versions of your templates around. Unless your site is tiny. It might not seem so bad at first because you just copy them and translate the contents. But from then on you'll have to maintain both versions on any change, test both. And then somebody will suggest adding that third language and boom, triple damage to your brain.
We're using meteor-messageformat for translations. It comes with an interface that allows creating translations without having to look at template code. Anybody can translate.

Can a Joomla module "know" what position it's in?

I'm fairly new to Joomla (I've been more of a Wordpress guy) and I have a question about module positions.
Can a module know what position it's in. For instance can I do something like this:
if(modulePosition =='left'){
Do this...
Do that...
It seems easy enough, but I've searched for hours and can't find anything that will help me with that. I know there is a countModules function but from what I can tell, that just checks to see if the module is active or not.
Thanks for your help!
I found the answer! Mostly thanks to #Hanny. His idea of using the modules id got me googling for that and I came across the answer. For anyone else that happens to be looking to do something similar here it is.
You use a global variable $module (who'd a thought, right?)
So my code now looks like this:
$class = '';
if($module->position == 'position1'){
$class = 'class1';
and so on...
Pretty simple, huh?
To find out what else you can do with the global variable $module just put this in your code and see what info you can use:
Thanks for all your help!
The short answer is 'yes', you'll assign a module a position based on your template. When it shows up you can have conditionals like that regarding that position (different templates have different naming conventions for positions, so make sure you know what they are before coding).
For example, some use "Position12", others may use "leftcol", etc. You just have to check in the template files to see (you can check the .xml file in the template directory to see the positions listed in the template, or look in the index.php file for the jdoc includes).
In some of my experience, the only time you'll really ever need code like that is in the core layout files of the template (for example, if you have different widths of columns depending on modules being present or not), otherwise there won't really be a time where you 'may or may not' have a module showing up - because you'll explicitly be telling them where to be and when on the back end.
I tried to comment under john's solution but I don't have a enough rep points-- I wanted to add it doesn't matter what you name the module position in your template case-wise the position name you get back from $module->position is always all lowercase regardless of how you named the position in the template... ie. in your template xml somewhere you might have topBar position will be named 'topbar' not 'topBar' when you try to check it with
if($module->position == 'topBar') //always false... use instead
if($module->position == 'topbar') //what you need to use
I'm going to disagree with Hanny. I think the answer is no, not as you describe.
The template knows when it has reached a module position, and it gets a list of modules assigned to that position, then calls for them to be rendered. But it doesn't pass that information on. It's not stored in JApplication or JDocument etc either (like, nothing stores where in the template the rendering is up to or anything).
There are some hacky ways to almost get what you want though. If you know the template positions you need to search (sadly there's no easy method for getting this from the template - otherwise you could parse your template's .XML file for <position> elements...), then you could do something like:
$positions = array('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom')
$found_in = false;
foreach ($positions as $cur_position)
$module_positions = JModuleHelper::getModules($cur_position);
foreach ($module_positions as $cur_module_in_pos)
if ($cur_module_in_pos->module == 'mod_MYMODULE')
$found_in = $cur_position;
if ($found_in)
Of course, this doesn't work well if your module is included multiple times on the page, but maybe that's an assumption you can make?
Otherwise it'd be up to hacking the core - you could use a JDispatcher::trigger() call before the template calls a module, set some var etc. Unfortunately there's no such event in core to start (a pre_module_render or something).
A module instance is assigned to a single position and this is stored in the database and normally you would style the position in the template. A module instance can only be assigned to one position. So while it's an interesting question, it's not really a practical one.
The exceptions to this are the following:
loadposition ... you might want to know if a module is being loaded using the plugin because this would put it potentially somewhere besides the styled area for the position. THough i would recommend always making a new instance for this precisely so you have more control.
loadmodule ... module loaded by name using the plugin. In this case again you are probably better off making a new instance of the module and styling it. Also I'd put it in a span or div anyway, depending what it is.
jdocinclude:module ... loading a module directly in a template. Again if you are doing this I would wrap it in a span or div. In this case you are also allowed to include a string of inline styles if you like that kind of thing.
Rendering the module to a string and echoing it, again that is basically a very customized solution and you would want to set the styles and options.

Magento, translate validation error messages

I have successfully created new rules for the prototype validation, now I need to translate the error messages (Location: String in Javascript). However, I can only translate all the messages, my new custom ones don't appear to be translatable. How do I change this?
Maybe you need an jstranslator.xml file inside etc folder:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<some-message-name translate="message" module="mymodule">
<message>This is the text in my own js validation</message>
With the following structure and meanings:
<jstranslator> - [one] XML root node.
<some-message-name> - [zero or more] root node child elements with a unique XML element name across all jstranslator.xml files (otherwise last in loading order based on module listing wins).
translate="message" - (optional) a hint that the child element(s) that is being translated is named "message", however this is hardencoded for the js translation XML files (Magento CE 1.9, search for "*/message") and this attribute does not need to be used.
module="mymodule" - (optional) name of the module, if left out the value is "core". It will be used to instantiate the data-helper later on (from that module) which then is reponsible to load the translations (e.g. from the CSV files).
<message> - [zero or one per parent] message to translate. the text value of this elements node-value is taken to be added to the javascript Translator object data.
All jstranslator.xml files of activated modules are processed.
Then put your translation line into the Something_Mymodule.csv file:
"This is the text in my own js validation", "(translated in a different language or speech)"
Then in your js scripts you can use your own translations via the Translator:
Translator.translate('This is the text in my own js validation');
Further References
Correct usage of jstranslator.xml
To translate custom javascript error messages you need also to add them to the following file:
find a function _getTranslateData()
and you'll see a bunch of messages already in there.
just add your message somewhere in the array like this:
'This is my validation message' => $this->__('This is my validation message')
Don't forget a comma (,).
And then put translation in some translate file.
In the file where you use this message (I use it in opcheckout.js file) you need to wrap text in Translator.translate('This is my validation message').
I haven't figured out yet if it's important which translate file that is. You can try Mage_Core.csv .
I needed it in Mage_Checkout.csv and it works in there.
Anyway, for those who are interested in more, I noticed that these javascript messages are printed in header of every html page and some worrie that it messes with the SEO. Anyway this is printed in file
\app\design\frontend\bmled\default\template\page\html\head.phtml with the code.
<?php echo $this->helper('core/js')->getTranslatorScript() ?>
Check for more here:
I hope this helps, I just hope this works everywhere, so far I tested it on Onepage Checkout only.
You can edit app/local/ur_language/Mage_Core.csv file, adding original string in the first Column the translated one in the second. All the javascript translations are stored in this file.
What's helped me (Magento EE 1.6) -
I added new translation object:
var _data = {
'This is a required field.':
"<?php echo $this->__('This is a required field.'); ?>",
'Please make sure your passwords match.':
"<?php echo $this->__('Please make sure your passwords match');?>",
'validate telephone error':
"<?php echo $this->__('validate telephone error');?>"
var Translator = new Translate(_data);
if it is defined VarienForm uses it in js validation
We had exactly the same problem with one of our magento projects. We found that the function in app/design/frontend/default/default/template/page/htmlhead.phtml had been commented out:
<?php echo $this->helper('core/js')->getTranslatorScript() ?>
After putting this in, it still did not work, because translations had not been inserted into translate file. Check out those two things and it should start working.
To expand on this, you must add the translation strings to Mage/Core/Helper/Js.php.
