Making falling objects come at random angles in AS3 - image

I am making a missile defense type of game and am trying to get the missiles to fall at random angles. I also need the bullet image to turn at the angle I am shooting at. I am very unfamiliar with angles in AS3 so I need some help.
import spark.components.Image;
public var missiles:Array;
public var bullets:Array;
public var playerLife:Number;
public var targetX:Number;
public var targetY:Number;
public function init():void {
public function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void {
if(Math.random() <.05 ){
//make a new missle
var newMissile:Image = new Image();
//draw to is
newMissile.source = "assets/missileDown.jpg";
//position it
newMissile.x = Math.random() * stage.stageWidth;
//animate it
newMissile.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onMissileEnterFrame);
//add it to missle array
//add it to the screen
public function startGame():void {
//makes new arrays
//gets rid of old arrays
missiles = new Array();
bullets = new Array();
//set player life
playerLife = 5;
//show player life
playerHealth.text = String(playerLife);
//add animation and mouse interation
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fireWeapon);
//set game over alpha
gameEnd.alpha = 0;
reset.alpha = 0;
//set game start alpha
playerHealth.alpha = 1;
healthLabel.alpha = 1;
//updates the missle
public function onMissileEnterFrame(e:Event):void {
//reference to target
var targetMissile:Image = Image(e.currentTarget);
//move missle down
targetMissile.y += 10;
//if missle has gone too far, remove it and player loses life
if(targetMissile.y > stage.stageHeight) {
playerLife --;
//show player life
playerHealth.text = String(playerLife);
//if player is dead, game over
if(playerLife <= 0) {
//update bullet
public function onBulletEnterFrame(e:Event):void {
//get reference to bullet
var thisBullet:Bullet = Bullet(e.currentTarget);
//animate towards point..
//calculate difference between current position and desired position
var diffX:Number = thisBullet.targX - thisBullet.x;
var diffY:Number = thisBullet.targY - thisBullet.y;
//move 10% of difference closer
thisBullet.x += diffX * .1;
thisBullet.y += diffY * .1;
//chekc for overlap between bullet and missles
for(var i:Number = 0; i < missiles.length; i++) {
//if they do overlap, remove missle
if( thisBullet.hitTestObject(missiles[i]) ) {
//if we're 'close enough' to the target position, remove bullet
if(Math.abs(diffX) < 10 && Math.abs(diffY) < 10) {
//gets rid of a missle
public function removeMissile(targetMissile:Image):void {
//removes the missle from the missiles array
for(var i:Number = missiles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(missiles[i] == targetMissile) {
//don't animate anymore
targetMissile.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onMissileEnterFrame);
//remove from stage
//removes bullet from stage
public function removeBullet(targetBullet:Bullet):void {
//stop animation
targetBullet.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onBulletEnterFrame);
//remove from stage
//shoot a bullet at the mouse position
public function fireWeapon(e:MouseEvent):void {
//make a new bullet
var newBullet:Bullet = new Bullet();
newBullet.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onBulletEnterFrame);
//position near the earth in the center
var halfStage:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2;
newBullet.x = halfStage;
newBullet.y = 500;
//set target
newBullet.targX = stage.mouseX;
newBullet.targY = stage.mouseY;
//add it to the stage
//you lose
public function gameOver():void {
//remove missles
for(var i:Number = 0; i < missiles.length; i++) {
//stop interaction
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fireWeapon);
//stop animation
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
//set game start alpha
playerHealth.alpha = 0;
healthLabel.alpha = 0;
//set game end alpha
gameEnd.alpha = 1;
reset.alpha = 1;

//position it
newMissile.x = Math.random() * stage.stageWidth;
//rotate it
newMissile.rotation = - (Math.random() * 60 - 30);
//move missle down
//targetMissile.y += 10;
targetMissile.x -= 10 * Math.sin(targetMissile.rotation * Math.PI/180);
targetMissile.y += 10 * Math.cos(targetMissile.rotation * Math.PI/180);
//set target
newBullet.targX = stage.mouseX;
newBullet.targY = stage.mouseY;
newBullet.rotation = - Math.atan((newBullet.x - newBullet.targX) / (newBullet.y - newBullet.targY)) * 180/Math.PI;


Flash AS2 - grouping enemies

So I have a Flash ActionScript 2 code, which creates a preset amount of enemies, gives enemies stats, and makes them move around randomly. Code:
var mapWidth:Number = 550;
var mapHeight:Number = 400;
var enemiesArray:Array = new Array();
var totalEnemies:Number;
var eClip:MovieClip;
//Math functions
function getdistance(x, y, x1, y1)
run = x1-x;
rise = y1-y;
return (hyp(run, rise));
function hyp(a, b)
return (Math.sqrt(a*a+b*b));
function resetDirection(mc:MovieClip)
mc.roamTime = random(50);
mc.t = mc.roamTime;
mc.roamDistance = random(60)+25;
mc.randomRoamDistanceX = (Math.random()*mc.roamDistance)+mc.xx-(mc.roamDistance/2);
mc.randomRoamDistanceY = (Math.random()*mc.roamDistance)+mc.yy-(mc.roamDistance/2);
mc.newRoamDistance = getdistance(mc._x, mc._y, mc.randomRoamDistanceX, mc.randomRoamDistanceY);
mc.norm = mc.roamSpeed/mc.newRoamDistance;
mc.finalRoamDistanceX = (mc.randomRoamDistanceX-mc.xx)*mc.norm;
mc.finalRoamDistanceY = (mc.randomRoamDistanceY-mc.yy)*mc.norm;
//function to move enemies
function moveIt(mc:MovieClip)
//reduce roamTime;
//move enemy to new position
if (getdistance(mc._x, mc._y, mc.randomRoamDistanceX, mc.randomRoamDistanceY)>mc.roamSpeed) {
mc._x += mc.finalRoamDistanceX;
mc._y += mc.finalRoamDistanceY;
//rotate enemy
XXXdiff = mc.xx-mc.randomRoamDistanceX;
YYYdiff = -(mc.yy-mc.randomRoamDistanceY);
rrradAngle = Math.atan(YYYdiff/XXXdiff);
if (XXXdiff<0) {
cccorrFactor = 270;
} else {
cccorrFactor = 90;
mc.ship_mc._rotation = -(rrradAngle*360/(2*Math.PI)+cccorrFactor);
//check if time to reset, based on roamTime
if (mc.t<=0) {
// Generate Enemies
// set and save enemy stats
// createEnemies(number of enemies you want, movieclip where you want to create the enemies);
function createEnemies(amount:Number, targetLocation:MovieClip) {
trace("createEnemies: "+amount);
for (var i = 0; i<amount; i++) {
randomXpos = Math.round(Math.random()*mapWidth);
randomYpos = Math.round(Math.random()*mapHeight);
//add new enemy to map
var newEnemy:MovieClip = targetLocation.attachMovie("enemy1", "enemy1_"+i, targetLocation.getNextHighestDepth());
//set enemy stats = i;
newEnemy._x = randomXpos;
newEnemy._y = randomYpos;
//save x and y position
newEnemy.xx = newEnemy._x;
newEnemy.yy = newEnemy._y;
newEnemy.roamSpeed = 2
newEnemy.roamTime = random(50);
newEnemy.roamDistance = random(60)+25;
newEnemy.t = 0;
newEnemy.myHealth = 10;
newEnemy.myName = "Small Scout";
//target enemy
newEnemy.onPress = function() {
trace("Enemy: "+this.tName+" ";
target_txt.text = this.myName+": "" Health: "+this.myHealth;
newEnemy.onEnterFrame = function() {
start_btn.onRelease = function() {
if (start_txt.text == "Start") {
//run the create enemies function to start the engine
createEnemies(box_mc.numberOfEnemies.text, map_mc);
//hide start button
start_txt._visible =false;
this._visible = false;
box_mc._visible = false;
I want program enemies to be grouped (based on fireflies algorithm). My idea is write for loop to define attractiveness, but I don't know how to make my objects move to the most attractiveness. Maybe someone would help me with this problem?
I change this line:
newEnemy.myHealth = 10;
on this
newEnemy.myHealth = Math.round(random(9)+1);
myHealth would be responsible for attractiveness. I try to use code from this site and modificate code to let objects with low attractiveness follow objects with large attractiveness. Also, I want to stop algorith, when they are in the groups.

Loading in a movie clip after score reaches certain amount

I have almost finished my project, however when I try to load in a movie clip in my library when the score I have reaches 100, it removes the game from the stage, but doesn't show the screen that I am trying to show.
The code I have written is below. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
public class blast_game extends MovieClip
// creates a variable that stores the catcher that
//will be used to collect the chocolate bars.
var catcher:Catcher;
var nextObject:Timer;
var objects:Array = new Array();
var score:int = 0;
const speed:Number = 7.0;
//end of catcher code
//beginning of game code - spawns a new catcher on screen
//at start of game.
public function blast_game()
catcher = new Catcher();
catcher.y = 350;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveObjects);
//end of catcher spawn
//sets variables for the random object drops,
//increments the objects to appear every second.
public function setNextObject()
nextObject = new Timer(1000+Math.random()*1000,1);
//end of object variables
public function newObject(e:Event)
//creates an array to hold the "Good" and "Bad" objects in
//the application.
var goodObjects:Array = ["Circle1","Circle2"];
var badObjects:Array = ["Square1","Square2"];
if (Math.random() < .5)
//replaces the "good" object when the object hits the floor, places
//object back in array to drop again.
var r:int = Math.floor(Math.random() * goodObjects.length);
var classRef:Class = getDefinitionByName(goodObjects[r]) as Class;
var newObject:MovieClip = new classRef();
newObject.typestr = "good";
//end of "Good" object replacement
//replaces the "Bad" object when the object hits the floor, places
//object back in array to drop again
r = Math.floor(Math.random() * badObjects.length);
classRef = getDefinitionByName(badObjects[r]) as Class;
newObject = new classRef();
newObject.typestr = "bad";
//end of "Bad" object replacement
//randomises the location the objects will be placed on stage
//after replacement.
newObject.x = Math.random() * 500;
//end of object randomisation
public function moveObjects(e:Event)
for (var i:int=objects.length-1; i>=0; i--)
//code to increase speed of objects over time.
objects[i].y += speed;
if (objects[i].y > 400)
//hit test for catcher - if any object hits the catcher
//increase or decrease score respectively.
if (objects[i].hitTestObject(catcher))
//increase score when catcher catches "Good" object
if (objects[i].typestr == "good")
score += 10;
//decrease score if catcher catches "Bad" object.
score -= 5;
//prevents score from going below 0
if (score < 0)
score = 0;
scoreDisplay.text = "Score: " + score;
//once object hits catcher, remove object from stage.
//if statement to move screen to promotion screen
//once score reaches past 100
if(score >= 100) {
var promotionScreen:promotion = new promotion;
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveObjects);
promotionScreen = stage.stageWidth / 2;
promotionScreen = stage.stageHeight /2;
//end of if statement
//sets catcher to work with mouse movement.
catcher.x = mouseX;
You should set break inside, at the end of if(score >= 100) because this condition can be launched a couple of times in your for loop. Also your MovieClip can be stopped, so try .play() or .gotoAndStop()
Oh! and you set promotionScreen = stage.stageWidth/2 while you should promotionScreen.x = stage.stageWidth/2

Why Is My Genetic Algorithm Terrible (Why Doesn't It Converge)?

I wrote a quick experiment with a genetic algorithm. It simply takes a grid of squares and tries to mutate their color to make them all yellow. It fails miserably and I can't seem to figure out why. I've included a link to JSFiddle that demonstrates working code, as well as a copy of the code in its entirety.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<div class="container">
<h1>The randomly flashing squares <i>should</i> be turning yellow</h1>
<div class="row">
<canvas id="input_canvas" width="100" height="100"></canvas>
<canvas id="output_canvas" width="100" height="100"></canvas>
<div class="row">
<span id="generation"></span>
<span id="best_fitness"></span>
<span id="avg_fitness"></span>
Note that the below javascript relies on jquery in a few places.
// A bit of code that draws several squares in a canvas
// and then attempts to use a genetic algorithm to slowly
// make those squares all yellow.
// Knobs that can be tweaked
var mutation_rate = 0.1; // how often should we mutate something
var crossover_rate = 0.6; // how often should we crossover two parents
var fitness_influence = 1; // affects the fitness's influence over mutation
var elitism = 1; // how many of the parent's generation to carry over
var num_offspring = 20; // how many spawn's per generation
var use_rank_selection = true; // false == roulette_selection
// Global variables for easy tracking
var children = []; // current generation
var best_spawn = null; // keeps track of our best so far
var best_fitness = null; // keeps track of our best so far
var generation = 0; // global generation counter
var clear_color = 'rgb(0,0,0)';
// used for output
var $gen_span = $('#generation');
var $best_fit = $('#best_fitness');
var $avg_fit = $('#avg_fitness');
var $input_canvas = $('#input_canvas');
var input_ctx = $input_canvas[0].getContext('2d');
var $output_canvas = $('#output_canvas');
var output_ctx = $output_canvas[0].getContext('2d');
// A spawn represents a genome - a collection of colored
// squares.
var Spawn = function(nodes) {
var _fitness = null; // a cache of our fitness
this.nodes = nodes; // the squares that make up our image = function() {
// fitness is simply a function of how close to yellow we are.
// This is defined through euclidian distance. Smaller fitnesses
// are better.
if (_fitness === null) {
_fitness = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
_fitness += Math.pow(-nodes[i].color[0], 2) +
Math.pow(255 - nodes[i].color[1], 2) +
Math.pow(255 - nodes[i].color[2], 2);
_fitness /= 255*255*3*nodes.length; // divide by the worst possible distance
return _fitness;
this.mutate = function() {
// reset our cached fitness to unknown
_fitness = null;
var health = * fitness_influence;
var width = $output_canvas[0].width;
var height = $output_canvas[0].height;
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
// Sometimes (most times) we don't mutate
if (Math.random() > mutation_rate) {
// Mutate the colors.
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
// colors can move by up to 32 in either direction
nodes[i].color[j] += 64 * (.5 - Math.random()) * health;
// make sure that our colors stay between 0 and 255
nodes[i].color[j] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, nodes[i].color[j]));
this.draw = function(ctx) {
// This draw function is a little overly generic in that it supports
// arbitrary polygons.;
ctx.fillStyle = clear_color;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + Math.floor(nodes[i].color[0]) + ',' + Math.floor(nodes[i].color[1]) + ',' + Math.floor(nodes[i].color[2]) + ',' + nodes[i].color[3] + ')';
ctx.moveTo(nodes[i].points[0][0], nodes[i].points[0][1]);
for (var j = 1; j < nodes[i].points.length; j++) {
ctx.lineTo(nodes[i].points[j][0], nodes[i].points[j][1]);
Spawn.from_parents = function(parents) {
// Given two parents, mix them together to get another spawn
var nodes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < parents[0].nodes.length; i++) {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
nodes.push($.extend({}, parents[0].nodes[i]));
else {
nodes.push($.extend({}, parents[1].nodes[i]));
var s = new Spawn(nodes);
return s;
Spawn.random = function(width, height) {
// Return a complete random spawn.
var nodes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < width * height; i += 10) {
var n = {
color: [Math.random() * 256, Math.random() * 256, Math.random() * 256, 1],
points: [
[i % width, Math.floor(i / width) * 10],
[(i % width) + 10, Math.floor(i / width) * 10],
[(i % width) + 10, Math.floor(i / width + 1) * 10],
[i % width, Math.floor(i / width + 1) * 10],
return new Spawn(nodes);
var select_parents = function(gene_pool) {
if (use_rank_selection) {
return rank_selection(gene_pool);
return roulette_selection(gene_pool);
var roulette_selection = function(gene_pool) {
var mother = null;
var father = null;
gene_pool = gene_pool.slice(0);
var sum_fitness = 0;
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < gene_pool.length; i++) {
sum_fitness += gene_pool[i].fitness();
var choose = Math.floor(Math.random() * sum_fitness);
for (i = 0; i < gene_pool.length; i++) {
if (choose <= gene_pool[i].fitness()) {
mother = gene_pool[i];
choose -= gene_pool[i].fitness();
// now remove the mother and repeat for the father
sum_fitness -=;
gene_pool.splice(i, 1);
choose = Math.floor(Math.random() * sum_fitness);
for (i = 0; i < gene_pool.length; i++) {
if (choose <= gene_pool[i].fitness()) {
father = gene_pool[i];
choose -= gene_pool[i].fitness();
return [mother, father];
var rank_selection = function(gene_pool) {
gene_pool = gene_pool.slice(0);
gene_pool.sort(function(a, b) {
return -;
var choose_one = function() {
var sum_fitness = (gene_pool.length + 1) * (gene_pool.length / 2);
var choose = Math.floor(Math.random() * sum_fitness);
for (var i = 0; i < gene_pool.length; i++) {
// figure out the sume of the records up to this point. if we exceed
// our chosen spot, we've found our spawn.
if ((i + 1) * (i / 2) >= choose) {
return gene_pool.splice(i, 1)[0];
return gene_pool.pop(); // last element, if for some reason we get here
var mother = choose_one();
var father = choose_one();
return [mother, father];
var start = function() {
// Initialize our first generation
var width = $output_canvas[0].width;
var height = $output_canvas[0].height;
generation = 0;
children = [];
for (var j = 0; j < num_offspring; j++) {
children.push(Spawn.random(width, height));
// sort by fitness so that our best comes first
children.sort(function(a, b) {
return -;
best_spawn = children[0];
best_fitness =;
var generate = function(spawn_pool) {
// generate a new set of offspring
var offspring = [];
for (var i = 0; i < num_offspring; i++) {
var parents = select_parents(spawn_pool);
// odds of crossover decrease as we get closer
if (Math.random() * best_fitness < crossover_rate) {
var s = Spawn.from_parents(parents);
else {
// quick hack to copy our mother, with possible mutation
var s = Spawn.from_parents([parents[0], parents[0]]);
// select a number of best from the parent pool (elitism)
for (var i = 0; i < elitism; i++) {
// sort our offspring by fitness (this includes the parents from elitism). Fittest first.
offspring.sort(function(a, b) {
return -;
// pick off the number that we want
offspring = offspring.slice(0, num_offspring);
best_spawn = offspring[0];
best_fitness =;
return offspring;
var average_fitness = function(generation) {
var a = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < generation.length; i++) {
a += generation[i].fitness();
return a / generation.length;
//Draw yellow and then initialize our first generation
input_ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow';
input_ctx.fillRect(0, 0, input_ctx.canvas.width, input_ctx.canvas.height);
// Our loop function. Use setTimeout to prevent things from freezing
var gen = function() {
children = generate(children);
$gen_span.text('Generation: ' + generation);
$best_fit.text('Best Fitness: ' + best_fitness);
$avg_fit.text('Avg. Fitness: ' + average_fitness(children));
if (generation % 100 === 0) {
console.log('Generation', generation);
console.log('Fitness', best_fitness);
setTimeout(gen, 1);
I've commented the code to try to make parsing it easy. The basic idea is quite simple:
Select 1 or 2 parents from the current generation
Mix those one or two parents together
Mutate the result slightly and add it to the next generation
Select the best few parents (1 in the example) and add them to the next generation
Sort and slice off N results and use them for the next generation (potentially a mix of parents and offspring)
Rinse and repeat
The output never gets anywhere near yellow. It quickly falls into a steady state of a sort that looks awful. Where have I gone wrong?
Solved it. It was in the "from_parents" method:
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
nodes.push($.extend({}, parents[0].nodes[i]));
else {
nodes.push($.extend({}, parents[1].nodes[i]));
The $.extend() was doing a shallow copy. The obvious solution was to either put true as the first argument which causes a deep copy. This, however, is incredibly slow performance-wise. The better solution was to remove the $.extend() from that chunk of code entirely and instead to move it up to the mutate() method, where I call $.extend() only if a node is actually about to be changed. In other words, it becomes a copy-on-write.
Also, the color I put in the fitness function was wrong :P

Slicing up a Rectangle

I need to get AS3 Rectangle objects from a function receiving other Rectangles as parameters. The result is very similar to the slice tool in Photoshop. It is quite hard to explain, so here is a picture:
The blue squares are the rectangles that are given as parameters and the green ones are the result. Given Rectangles can overlap, as seen on picture 2 or be out of frame.
I don't look for a graphical realisation but for a way to get Rectangle objects as result.
Do you know any lib to do that?
Looked like a fun problem, so I gave it a crack. My idea was to just brute force it by:
Determine which points where the corners of the generated rectangles could be.
Remove all duplicates from this list of points.
Check all rectangles that could theoretically be drawn where the rect would have all 4 corners in the list of point.
Filter out all invalid rectangles (it intersects with one of our original rectangles etc.)
Reduce all valid rectangles to the minimum amount needed (if a valid rectangle contains another valid rectangle the "child" is removed.
It seems to work (although I haven't tested extensively).
Here's a demo. Sorry about the color palette. I was winging it.
Here's the source code (could probably be optimized quite a bit):
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
public class Main extends Sprite {
private var m_colors : Array = [0xffaaaa, 0x77ff77, 0xaaaaff, 0xffff44, 0xff44ff, 0xaaffff, 0x444444, 0xffaa55, 0xaaff55, 0x55aaff, 0x55ffaa];
private var m_roomRect : Rectangle;
private var m_sourceRects : Vector.<Rectangle> = new Vector.<Rectangle>();
private var m_currentDragRect : Rectangle;
private var m_dragMousePoint : Point = new Point();
private var m_outputTextField : TextField;
public function Main() : void {
m_roomRect = new Rectangle(40, 40, 400, 400);
m_sourceRects.push(new Rectangle(60, 60, 60, 80));
m_sourceRects.push(new Rectangle(130, 220, 70, 80));
m_sourceRects.push(new Rectangle(160, 260, 100, 80));
this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseEvent);
this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseEvent);
this.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseEvent);
var tf : TextField = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("_sans", 12);
tf.text = "Click and drag blue rectangles to move them";
tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
tf.x = (m_roomRect.left + m_roomRect.right) / 2 - tf.width / 2;
tf.y = - tf.height;
m_outputTextField = new TextField();
m_outputTextField.defaultTextFormat = tf.defaultTextFormat;
m_outputTextField.width = m_roomRect.width;
m_outputTextField.x = m_roomRect.x;
m_outputTextField.y = m_roomRect.bottom + 5;
private function onMouseEvent(event : MouseEvent):void {
switch(event.type) {
case MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN:
case MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE:
case MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP:
m_currentDragRect = null;
private function checkMouseDownOnRect():void {
m_currentDragRect = null;
m_dragMousePoint = new Point(this.stage.mouseX, this.stage.mouseY);
for each(var sourceRect : Rectangle in m_sourceRects) {
if (sourceRect.containsPoint(m_dragMousePoint)) {
m_currentDragRect = sourceRect;
private function checkMouseDrag():void {
if (m_currentDragRect != null) {
m_currentDragRect.x += this.stage.mouseX - m_dragMousePoint.x;
m_currentDragRect.y += this.stage.mouseY - m_dragMousePoint.y;
m_dragMousePoint.x = this.stage.mouseX;
m_dragMousePoint.y = this.stage.mouseY;
private function redraw():void {
// calculate data
var time : int = getTimer();
var data : CalculationData = calculate();
var calcTime : int = getTimer() - time;
// draw room bounds;, 0x0);, m_roomRect.y, m_roomRect.width, m_roomRect.height);
// draw generated rectangles
for (var i : int = 0; i < data.outputRects.length; i++) {
var color : int = m_colors[i % m_colors.length];
var rect : Rectangle = data.outputRects[i];, color, 0.5);, 0.5);, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);;
// draw horisontal lines (a line that crosses each red point) for debug purposes
for each (var lineY : int in data.lines) {, 0, 0.2);, lineY); + m_roomRect.width, lineY);;
// the original rectangles
for each (var sourceRect : Rectangle in m_sourceRects) {, 0x0);, 0.5);, sourceRect.y, sourceRect.width, sourceRect.height);;
// draw all points that was used to generate the output rectangles for debug purposes
for each (var p : Point in data.points) {, 0, 0);, 1);, p.y, 3);;
m_outputTextField.text = "Rect count: " + data.outputRects.length + " (calculation time: " + calcTime + "ms)";
private function calculate(): CalculationData {
// list of y coords for horisontal lines,
// which are interesting when determining which rectangles to generate
var lines : Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();
// list of all points which are interesting
// when determining where the corners of the generated rect could be
var points : Vector.<Point> = new Vector.<Point>();
// add the 4 corners of the room to interesting points
points.push(new Point(m_roomRect.left,;
points.push(new Point(m_roomRect.right,;
points.push(new Point(m_roomRect.left, m_roomRect.bottom));
points.push(new Point(m_roomRect.right, m_roomRect.bottom));
for (var i:int = 0; i < m_sourceRects.length; i++) {
var sourceRect : Rectangle = m_sourceRects[i];
// source rect is completely outside of the room, we shoud ignore it
if (!m_roomRect.containsRect(sourceRect) && !m_roomRect.intersects(sourceRect)) {
// push the y coord of the rect's top edge to the list of lines if it's not already been added
if (lines.indexOf(sourceRect.y) == -1) {
// push the y coord of the rect's bottom edge to the list of lines if it's not already been added
if (lines.indexOf(sourceRect.bottom) == -1) {
// add the 4 corners of the source rect to the list of interesting points
addCornerPoints(points, sourceRect);
// find the intersections between source rectangles and add those points
for (var j:int = 0; j < m_sourceRects.length; j++) {
if (j != i) {
var intersect : Rectangle = m_sourceRects[i].intersection(m_sourceRects[j]);
if (intersect.width != 0 && intersect.height != 0) {
addCornerPoints(points, intersect);
for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// add the points where the horisontal lines intersect with the room's left and right edges
points.push(new Point(m_roomRect.x, lines[i]));
points.push(new Point(m_roomRect.right, lines[i]));
var lineRect : Rectangle = new Rectangle(m_roomRect.x, m_roomRect.y,
m_roomRect.width, lines[i] - m_roomRect.y);
// add all points where the horisontal lines intersect with the source rectangles
for (a = 0; a < m_sourceRects.length;a++) {
intersect = m_sourceRects[a].intersection(lineRect);
if (intersect.width != 0 && intersect.height != 0) {
addCornerPoints(points, intersect);
// clamp all points that are outside of the room to the room edges
for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
points[i].x = Math.min(Math.max(m_roomRect.left, points[i].x), m_roomRect.right);
points[i].y = Math.min(Math.max(, points[i].y), m_roomRect.bottom);
var outputRects : Vector.<Rectangle> = new Vector.<Rectangle>();
var pointsHash : Object = { };
for (a = 0; a < points.length; a++) {
pointsHash[points[a].x + "_" + points[a].y] = true;
for (var a:int = 0; a < points.length; a++) {
for (var b:int = 0; b < points.length; b++) {
if (b != a && points[b].x > points[a].x && points[b].y == points[a].y) {
for (var c:int = 0; c < points.length; c++) {
// generate a rectangle that has its four corners in our points of interest
if (c != b && c != a && points[c].y > points[b].y && points[c].x == points[b].x) {
var r : Rectangle = new Rectangle(points[a].x, points[a].y, points[b].x - points[a].x, points[c].y - points[b].y);
// make sure the rect has the bottom left corner in one of our points
if (pointsHash[r.left+"_"+r.bottom]) {
var containsOrIntersectsWithSource : Boolean = false;
for (i = 0; i < m_sourceRects.length;i++) {
if (r.containsRect(m_sourceRects[i]) || r.intersects(m_sourceRects[i])) {
containsOrIntersectsWithSource = true;
// we don't add any rectangles that either intersects with a source rect
// or completely contains a source rect
if (!containsOrIntersectsWithSource) {
trace("outputRects before cleanup:", outputRects.length);
trace("outputRects after cleanup", outputRects.length);
var data : CalculationData = new CalculationData();
data.outputRects = outputRects;
data.lines = lines;
data.points = points;
return data;
private function addCornerPoints(points : Vector.<Point>, rect : Rectangle) : void {
points.push(new Point(rect.left,;
points.push(new Point(rect.right,;
points.push(new Point(rect.left, rect.bottom));
points.push(new Point(rect.right, rect.bottom));
// removes all rectangle that are already contained in another rectangle
private function combineOutputRects(outputRects : Vector.<Rectangle>):Boolean {
for (var a : int = 0; a < outputRects.length; a++) {
for (var b : int = 0; b < outputRects.length; b++) {
if (b != a) {
if (outputRects[a].containsRect(outputRects[b])) {
trace("\tremoved rect " + outputRects[b] + ", it was contained in " + outputRects[a]);
outputRects.splice(b, 1);
a = 0;
return false;
private function removeDuplicatePoints(points : Vector.<Point>) : void {
var usedPoints : Object = {};
for (var i : int = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
if (usedPoints[points[i].toString()]) {
points.splice(i, 1);
} else {
usedPoints[points[i].toString()] = true;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
class CalculationData {
public var outputRects : Vector.<Rectangle> = new Vector.<Rectangle>;
public var lines : Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>;
public var points : Vector.<Point> = new Vector.<Point>;

Actionscript - randomly drop from moving plane MC

I wasn't quite sure how to describe my problem in the subject. I have a plane MC and a crate MC. The plane only flies along the y axis from the bottom of the screen to top. Along the way I want it to randomly drop the crate MC. My code is below. The problem is that the crates spontaneously keep spawning and not near the plane.
function movePlane():void
var tempY:Number;
var tempX:Number;
var tempCrate:MovieClip;
var tempPlane:MovieClip;
for (var j:int =planes.length-1; j>=0; j--)
tempPlane = planes[j];
tempPlane.y += tempPlane.planeSpeed;
tempCrate = new Crate();
tempY = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.y);
tempX = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.x);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = tempX;
Edited answer:
To make a crate drop on each plane once you can create this behavior by creating a timer on each plane with a random time value. Like this:
function addRandomCreation():void{
var animationTime:Number = 5000; //The time the planes will be animating in ms
for(var i:int = 0; i < planes.length; i++){
var planeTimer:Timer = new Timer(Math.round(animationTime * Math.random()));
planeTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerComplete(i));
function timerComplete(planeID:int):function{
return function(event:TimerEvent):void{;, arguments.callee);
var tempCrate:MovieClip = new Crate();
tempY = Math.round(Math.random() * planes[planeID].y);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = planes[planeID].x;
Edited answer:
This will create a crate on the same x axis as the plane it's being created by.
function movePlane():void
var tempY:Number;
var tempX:Number;
var tempCrate:MovieClip;
var tempPlane:MovieClip;
for (var j:int =planes.length-1; j>=0; j--)
tempPlane = planes[j];
tempPlane.y += tempPlane.planeSpeed;
tempCrate = new Crate();
tempY = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.y);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = tempPlane.x;
You have have to use addChild each time you create a new Crate otherwise it will just create a lot of crates which only the last one will be added to the stage. To do this you have to move the addChild into the loop.
function movePlane():void
var tempY:Number;
var tempX:Number;
var tempCrate:MovieClip;
var tempPlane:MovieClip;
for (var j:int =planes.length-1; j>=0; j--)
tempPlane = planes[j];
tempPlane.y += tempPlane.planeSpeed;
tempCrate = new Crate();
tempY = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.y);
tempX = Math.floor(Math.random() * tempPlane.x);
tempCrate.y = tempY;
tempCrate.x = tempX;
