Any way to prevent linux kernel to migrate threads to other cpus - linux-kernel

is there any way to prevent the linux kernel to migrate threads to other cpus?
Using hwloc (which in turn uses pthread_setaffinity_np), I bind threads to cores. However, sometimes I see that the kernel starts expensive migration tasks. Is there any way I can prevent the kernel of doing this? I have not found any flags in hwloc / the pthreads library, nor did setting kernel/sched_nr_migrate to 0 result in the desired behavior.
Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks

You can set the CPU affinity of the process (not the thread) and from what I understand the kernel will try real hard to respect that. If you want all the threads that a particular process spawns to run on the same CPU then this is an acceptable solution.
Here's an article from IBM that gives some additional background and specific system calls:


Why processes don't have the ability to run in kernel mode?

OS use kernel mode (privilege mode) and user mode. It seems very reasonable for security reasons. Process cant make any command it wants, only the operation system can make those commands.
On the other hand it take long time all the context switch. change between user to kernel mode and vice versa.
The trap to the operation system take a long time.
I think why the operation system not give the ability to process to run in kernel mode to increase it's performance (this can be very big improve)?
In real time systems this works in the same way?
There are safety and stability reasons, which disallow user-space process to access kernel space functions directly.
Kernel code garantees, that no user-space process(until being executed with root priveleges) can break operating system. This is a vital property of modern OS. Also it is important, that development of user-space apps is much more simple, than kernel modules development.
In case when application needs more perfomance than available for use-space, it is possible to move its code(or part of it) into kernel space. E.g., network protocols and filesystems are implemented as kernel drivers mostly because of perfomance reasons.
Real time applications are more demanding to stability. They also use system calls.
I think there is no sense to do this.
1.) If you want something to be runned in kernel context use kernel module API, what is the problem with that?
2.) Why do you think that it will multiple process speed? Switch between kernel and userspace is just additional registers state save / restore. It will run faster, but i don't think user will even notice it.

Spawning a kernel mode thread - Windows

I have intensive processing that I need to perform in a device driver, at DISPATCH_LEVEL or lower IRQL.
How do I create a kernel-thread?
What IRQL does it run at? Can I control this?
How is it scheduled? Because I am thinking from a user-mode perspective here, what priority does it run at?
What kernel functions can I use to provide locking / synchronization?
you can create system thread with this As you can see one of its parameters is a start routine which can hold custom code - in it you can use KeRaiseIrql and KeLowerIrql. By default threads will run in PASSIVE_LEVEL. "Locks, Deadlocks, and Synchronization" is a very helpful paper regarding synchronization in kernel on windows and everyone who has to do some tinkering with the windows kernel should read or at least skim it

Is there any way to find out and/or limit GPU usage by process in Windows?

I'd like to launch CPU and GPU intensive process on some machines, but these processes must not interfere with user's tasks. So I need to limit or at least detect GPU usage by my processes. These processes are closed-source, so I can't watch GPU usage from inside.
The answer to your subject line question is: yes (On Windows Vista and up), use Process Explorer from Microsoft to monitor per process GPU usage. nvidia's parallel nsight can do this also. Now, the body of your question sounds like you want to do this remotely. Unfortunately I'm not aware of a way to do this remotely. Still, hopefully this will be of some use to you.
edit to add: If you fire up Process Explorer I don't think it shows the GPU stats by default, to get them right click on the list of columns and add them.
The GPU is a resource that can only be used by one program at a time. If another process is using the GPU, then you can't get access to it.
A program may run multiple GPU kernels at the same time, but it's up to that program how those get run. There's no real concept of scheduling like there is with the OS and CPU processes.
Some vendors may have a way for you to check on the status of the device, like # cores in use, heat, fan speed, etc, but that won't let you change what's happening on it, and it will be specific to each vendor/device.

Temporarily suspend the PC operating system

How does one programmatically cause the OS to switch off, go away and stop doing anything at all so that a program may have complete control of a PC system?
I'm interested in doing this from both an MS Windows and Linux environments. Any languages or APIs considered.
I want the OS to stop preempting my program, stop its virtual memory management, stop its device drivers and interrupt service routines from running and basically just go away. Then, when my program has had its evil way with the bare metal, I want the OS to come back again without a reboot.
Is this even possible?
With Linux, you could use kexec jump to transfer control completely to another kernel (ie, your program). Of course, with great power comes great responsibility - it is entirely up to you to service interrupts, and avoid corrupting the old kernel's memory. You'll end up having to write your own OS kernel to do this. Also, the transfer of control takes quite some time, as the kernel has to de-initialize all hardware, then reinitialize it when it's time to resume. Since kexec jump was originally designed for hibernation support, this isn't a problem in its original context, but depending on what you're doing, it might be a problem.
You may want to consider instead working within the framework given to you by the OS - just write a normal driver for whatever you're doing.
Finally, one more option would be using the linux Real-Time patchset. This lets you assign static priorities to everything, even interrupt handlers; by running a process with higher priority than anything else, you could suspend /nearly/ everything - the system will still service a small stub for interrupts, as well as certain interrupts that can't be deferred, like timing interrupts, but for the most part the heavy work will be deferred until you relinquish control of the CPU.
Note that the RT patchset won't stop virtual memory and the like - mlockall will prevent page faults on valid pages though, if that's enough for you.
Also, keep in mind that whatever you do, the system BIOS can still cause SMM traps, which cannot be disabled, except by motherboard-model-specific methods.
There are lots of really ugly ways to do this. You could modify the running kernel by writing some trampoline code to /dev/kmem that passes control to your application. But I wouldn't recommend attempting something like that!
Basically, you would need to have your application act as its own operating system. If you want to read data from a file, you would have to figure out where the data lives on disk, and generate your own SCSI requests to talk to the disk drive. You would have to implement your own interrupt handler to get notified when the data is ready. Likewise you would have to handle page faults, memory allocation, etc. Most users feel that this isn't worth the effort...
Why do you want to do this?
Is there something that your application needs to do that the OS won't let it do? Are you concerned with the OS impact on performance? Something else?
If you don't mind shelling out some cash, you could use IntervalZero's RTX to do this for a Windows system. It's a hard realtime subsystem that gets installed on a Windows box as sort of a hack into the HAL and takes over the machine, letting Windows have whatever CPU cycles are left over.
It has its own scheduler and device drivers, but if you run your program at the top RTX priority, don't install any RTX device drivers (or disable interrupts for the duration), then nothing will interrupt it.
It also supports a small amount of interaction with programs on the Windows side.
We use it as a nice way to get a hard realtime box that runs Windows.
coLinux loads CoLinuxDriver into the NT kernel or a colinux.ko into the Linux kernel. It does exactly what you asked – it "unschedules" the host OS, and runs its own code, with its own memory management, interrupts, etc. Then, when it's done, it "reschedules" the host OS, allowing it to continue from where it left off. coLinux uses this to run a modified Linux kernel parallel to the host OS.
Unlike more common virtualization techniques, there are no barriers between coLinux and the bare metal hardware at all. However, hardware and the host OS tend to get confused if the coLinux guest touches anything without restoring it before returning to the host OS.
Not really. Operating Systems are a foundation, and your program runs on top of them. The OS handles memory access, disk writing operations, communications, etc. when your application makes requests, and asking the OS to move out of the way would mean that your program would have to do the OS's job instead.
Not as such, no.
What you want is basically an application that becomes an OS; a severely stripped down Linux kernel coupled with some highly customized and minimized tools might be the way to go for this.
if you were devious, and wanted to avoid alot of the operating system housekeeping you could probably hook yourself into a driver routine. Thinking out aloud, verging on hacking. google how to write root kits.
Yeah dude, you can totally do that, you can also write a program to tell my bank to give you all my money and send you a hot Russian.

Is there any way of throttling CPU/Memory of a process?

Problem: I have a developers machine (read: fast, lots of memory), but the user has a users machine (read: slow, not very much memory).
I can simulate a slow network using Fiddler (
I can look at how CPU is used over time for a process using Process Explorer (
Is there any way I can restrict the amount of CPU a process can have, or the amount of memory a process can have in order to simulate a users machine more effectively? (In order to isolate performance problems for instance)
I suppose I could use a VM, but I'm looking for something a bit lighter.
I'm using Windows XP, but a solution for any Windows machine would be welcome. Thanks.
The platform SDK used to come with stress tools for doing just this back in the good old days (STRESS.EXE, CPUSTRESS.EXE in the SDK), but they might still be there (check your platform SDK and/or Visual Studio installation for these two files -- unfortunately I have niether the PSDK nor VS installed on the machine I'm typing from.)
Other tools:
memory: performance & reliability (e.g. handling failed memory allocation): can use EatMem
CPU: performance & reliability (e.g. race conditions): can use CPU Burn, Prime95, etc
handles (GDI, User): reliability (e.g. handling failed GDI resource allocation): ??? may have to write your own, but running out of GDI handles (buggy GTK apps would usually eat them all away until all other apps on the system would start falling dead like flies) is a real test for any Windows app
disk: performance & reliability (e.g. handling disk full): DiskFiller, etc.
AppVerifier has a low-resource simulation feature.
You could also try setting the priority of your process to be very low.
You can run MemAlloc to chew up RAM, possibly a few copies at once.
I found a related question:
Set Windows process (or user) memory limit
The accepted answer for the question has a link to the Windows API's SetProcessWorkingSetSize, so it's not exactly a tool that can limit the amount of memory that a process can use.
In terms of changing the amount of CPU resources a process can use, if you don't mind the granularity of per-core limiting of resources, Task Manager can change the processor affinity of a process.
In Task Manager, right-click a process and select "Set Affinity...", then select the processor cores that the process can be assigned to.
If the development machine has many cores but the user machine only has one, then, rather than allowing the process to run on all the available cores, set the process' processor affinity to only one core.
It has nothing to do with SetProcessWorkingSetSize
Just use internal Win32 kernel apis to restrict CPU Usage
