Put and get in Visual Studio? - visual-studio-2010

How to get or put files from local to ftp server in Microsoft Visual 2010, equivalent options from Dreamweaver put/get ?
And is there in VS option to upload and download (in DW ctrl + shift U/D) ?

Right click on the web project and select Publish. There are several different options.
See How to: Deploy a Web Site Project by Using the Publish Web Site Tool for details.
The target location can be a local or shared folder, an FTP site, or a Web site that you access with a URL. You must have permissions to create and write files in the target location.
(emphasis mine)


How to deploy a Web API to my web host?

I'm building a RESTful Web API on my local machine and it works nicely. I want to put it on my GoDaddy web host account now. I did this once by copy and paste file by file to the FTP site they gave me. That worked, but it is slow and painful to do and to update when I make changes. Is there a quicker way to publish (in Visual Studio) from my local copy to my FTP site? If not, can you tell me which files I need to deploy for the Web API to work? I don't think it needs all the .cs files, but I'm not sure what files it must have.
OK, I found this link about publishing a website in Visual Studio:
It didn't really solve everything for me, but I started playing around with the controls in Visual Studio. I was able to publish my local website to FTP by right-clicking on the project node in Server Explorer and click Publish... or click Build -> Publish in the Visual Studio menu. Fill in your FTP connection information, enter the target folder under Site Path and leave Destination URL blank (don't know, don't care). I also unchecked "Include all databases..." in the Project Properties Page for Package/Publish Web because I didn't want to rebuild my destination database. It worked.

Deploying to FTP/Web Deploy In Visual Studio 2015

I cannot figure out a way to publish a web project in Visual Studio 2015 CTP using web deploy or FTP. In the Publish wizard, there are only options for Azure, Import and File System. In Visual Studio 2013, there is a Custom option where you can specify the connection settings and choose between Web Deploy, Web Deploy Package, FTP and Filesystem.
I tried moving over the publish profile from my Visual Studio 2013 project by putting it in the Properties-->PublishProfiles folder, and then it behaved like Visual Studio 2013, but would not publish (failed to connect to remote host) with the same settings that publish fine in 2013.
Any ideas?
It sounds like Web Deploy 3.6 beta supports the new content models in ASP.NET 5 (ASP.NET vNext) and I guess that the VS 2015 Web-Deploy client doesn't support it yet. (28 April 2015)
This blog post gives some command-line options for using a publish profile. I'm in a new environment that isn't set up for web-deploy yet, so I haven't tried it myself. (I did a file-system publish to test against my local IIS.)
I also experienced the same issue. It seems that, at the time of writing, the FTP publish target isn’t available yet: I guess that’s most likely because the Web Development Tools are still in release candidate / preview phase, so the GUI still has some missing features.
Luckily enough the issue can be easily solved with the following workaround.
If you don't see the FTP option, choose File System instead and go ahead. When prompted for a Target Location, insert the FTP Server URL and go ahead.
The remaining steps won’t change, so you can complete the wizard that will be saved into a ProfileName.pubxml file.
Once done, open that file and apply the following changes:
Locate the <WebPublishMethod> element and change its value from FileSystem to FTP.
Locate the <UsePowerShell> element and entirely remove it.
Right after doing that, right-click to the project’s root node, select Publish and re-open your Publish Profile via the Publish Profile Wizard in edit mode: all the FTP options (Server, Site Path, Passive Mode, Username, Password) will now be available.

Can't add web service project to solution in Visual Studios 2010

I have a web service that Visual Studio just won't let me add to my solution.
If I right click on the solution, click Add, then Existing Project, then I navigate to my project, select the Visual C# Project file, I get "The local IIS URL specified for web project has not been configured.
It asks if I would like to create the virtual directory now.
If I choose no, nothing happens
If I choose yes, creation failed error, could not find the server on the local machine.
Creating a virtual directory is only supported on the local IIS server.
Does anybody know how to fix this? I've been struggling with it for a while. Thanks

VS2008 How to deploy a WebSite Application Project

So I have created a Web Site Application project in VS2008 and is fine on my local machine. Just wondering how to I deploy this to a dev server i.e via FTP i.e. do I need just copy over all files i.e.
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution
Visual Basic Project File
Visual Studio Project User options File
and the rest of my customer folder and files & web.config ?
And then when I have those moved and i.e I want to change the config file on the dev server, can I just change the web.config directly on that server or do I need to then open it visual studio on that server and recompile again ?
You can use the Publish Web Site options under Build Menu.
This option can deploy directly on the remote site whit FTP or can publish the file needed on a foolder on your local computer, so you only have to upload on the remote site.
After you deploy the web site if you have only to change the web.config you can use Notepd for it and don't need to recompile nothing... only if you change CodeBehind you have to recompile and upload only the DLL.
This link can Help you understan all the process

Visual Studio: testing on different a server than developing on

In dreamweaver, it's really simple to set up a site so when you test a page that you are developing that it deploys it to a different test server that you are developing on and then browses to that page at that location also.
Question: Can you set up Visual Studio so that when you "run" or "View in Browser" that it automatically pushes the pages out to the test server and then browses to that location as well?
You've got two options as far as I can see:
1) Create a local project and set it up to run from your own local IIS, (this is not exactly what you're asking, but it should be more of an apples to apples test, as opposed to the built-in visual studio web server).
2) Use Remote Debugging to attach your Visual Studio instance to a remote server, links here and here
With option two, you'll still likely need to publish/deploy your solution to the server each time, but you will be able to step through and debug your code running on the remote server.
I think you can use an FTP project (File>Open Web Site and then select FTP) - as far as I'm aware, when you save a file it's automatically uploaded to the specified server. Then you could just point your browser at that web server.
I don't think this is possible,but you can always set up a shared folder where you put your code, and that shared folder is in fact the folder where your web server expect the code to be.
